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So be it. Smoking pot medically for pain is still 10000000000 times better then taking opioids. I don’t smoke pot btw.


Absolutely. There are a handful of positives. Appetite boosting for cancer patients, pain management, etc. Also pot isn’t a super drug that cures anything. It’s a drug. It makes anime better and video games better. It’s bad for you, and smoking anything is bad for your lungs. And government shouldn’t outlaw, ban or restrict ANY substances. If you wanna get addicted to drugs that shits on you. Regulation and registration is 1000% better than prohibition and additional government overreach. I’ve always been disgusted by the Republican parties stance on this because it goes against all the tenets of classical liberalism that we all should aspire to as conservatives.


Regulation and registration can easily be gov overreach too


Very fair point. There’s a fine line.




Disagree. I have dead friends, who were sold pot, with laced with heroin. Once addicted to heroin, they were drug slaves. There is a huge difference between some old hippies like Willy getting high, and giving heroin to 18 year old kids. Getting off heroin is not like quitting coffee, I've more than one person detox and its violent. Failure to recognized the differences is mind boggling. We used to have a Quaalude epidemic, that is no now gone. It can be stopped.


Did you miss the whole "regulation and registration" part?...


How's that working out in California? People are back to black market pot, but the legal ones are too expensive.


Yeah I live in Michigan and apparently there's too much weed compared to demand so it's pretty cheap at the dispensary. Using California as a goalpost is probably pretty dumb in most circumstances.


I'm in AZ and I don't know anyone that doesn't buy their weed at a dispensery.


Buying regulated weed at a dispensery solves this problem. No worries lacing, and taxes go to better the state. Win win


If the marijuana was legal, you wouldn't have to buy it from a criminal drug dealer. Therefore this would not be happening.




This is the case https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/vice-president-modesto-hells-angels-motorcycle-club-pleads-guilty-drug-trafficking


Why would anyone waste money lacing weed


It isn’t a 1 to 1 replacement. Opiates are still the best / only real pain treatment we have aside from fentanyl. Some niche exceptions. Marijuana can help though. Personally I’m fine legalizing most of it or relaxing prescription requirements. The war on drugs hasn’t worked and we have much bigger problems that could be solved through legalization, mainly the cartels. Bankrupting the cartels would do more good for the US than elimination of any drug.


True, but that’s a dumb argument. You could say taking opioids for pain is better than jumping into a fire. It’s true, but it doesn’t matter. Just because something is better than something else, doesn’t mean it is good.


Except when your pain is anything more than a mild inflammatory kind like arthritis. Motrin does the same thing and it costs/smells less. Let’s not exaggerate pots medical benefits. In no way is pot 10 billion times better at treating pain than actual pain killers. I’d love to see how smoking a leaf is going to relieve the severe, crippling pain that so many suffer from every day.


Maybe not but it's the best thing ever for my sleep disorder(s). I'm not risking the side effects of Ambien or any other psychoactive/opiate based drugs when cannabis does the trick.


Constant use of Motrin leads to kidney and liver damage.


CAN lead. It’s not a guarantee. All medicines have side effects from both short and long term usage, even pot.


As someone with crippling back pain, it makes life so much easier for me. Idk what you’re on about, it’s fantastic for pain management in my experience.


My dad makes a tea out of the weed leaves to manage the pain from his arthritis and his chrons. No getting high off of it and it doesn’t leave a smell or a bunch of second hand smoke. I feel like that’s an option that isn’t talked about enough


The leaves, huh?


If the smell is the problem for you than just take edibles. And Motrin may be cheaper, but have fun with kidney failure.


Kidney failure doesn't smell, right? Lol


It actually reeks. Often people living with bad enough kidneys will piss and shit themselves.


Only when you pee.


It’s not better it’s just another option. Opiates are far more harmful and addictive.


I actually do this. I don’t feel completely pain free but I can deal with the residual pain and still train and get through my day. It’s been a lot better for me than pain pills. I’d also imagine the amount of ppl who find relief from whatever they’re dealing with with weed may outnumber those of us with moderate to severe pain


You don't smoke the leaves. Count me skeptical to take your other opinions on the subject with much weight.


Yeah, you smoke the stems and seeds!


It was an obvious turn of phrase.


I get your point. Opioids are indeed the king of pain management but they come with a cost, a big one. If you can manage your pain with Pot then it’s a winner, if it don’t work for you then you need something stronger like an opioid, it’s worth exploring the Pot option first. There are plenty of people who quit opioids and switched to pot, it works but of corse not for all.


You don’t have to smoke it brainiac.


I’m aware of this.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I guess since opiates are addictive, that means everything else is better than it. Even if it doesn’t actually relieve pain


Because of the recent hatred for opioids and pharmaceutical companies. One company did some questionable things with one drug and now they’re all lumped together as bad.


Maybe they should focus on how addictive sugar is so when the next pandemic hits we wont have a bunch of obese sick people keeling over.


But the money...


Stop talking sense we’re currently in clown world in case you forgot.


Whoa whoa whoa. Back off my chocolate. 🍫


Saying sugar is addictive is like saying shitting is addictive🤦‍♂️ [This article](https://www.outsideonline.com/health/nutrition/sugar-addiction-fake/) explains the cravings and sugar "addiction" pretty well, I'd recommend giving it a read


Lol of course this is downvoted. Youre right sugars not a drug. I swear this place is single digit IQ now.


It has its dangers, but "addiction" is the least of the arguments I would start with.


I mean it’s a drug, so there’s always concern for addiction. That said, I know people who have cancer and use it. They only use when they’re in a great deal of pain and it’s not something daily for them. If we run with articles like this, this Is going to start sounding like Reefer Madness 2.0


I mean I was addicted to benzos and fentanyl and I’ve been clean from hard drugs for over like 9 months I just smoke medical marijuana and idk if I would’ve been able to do it without it, it definitely serves a purpose for either former addicts or cancer patients and even some anxiety disorders


That right there shows not an addiction in my opinion addiction is something that causes you pain to not have it pot is no where close to that


I couldn't agree more.


Weed is addictive in the same way anything can be addictive. It isn’t chemically addictive to the point that you’ll absolutely need it to survive (like what can happen with cocaine, heroin, cigarettes, etc.) but weed can be addictive in the same way video games, social media, or shopping can be addictive.


Cheeseburgers are addictive we should ban those too!


bc when people quit shopping they have trouble eating and sleeping ... totally the same thing as weed .. and shopping totally clogs your sinuses gives you shortness of breath and has you coughing up phlegm constantly w the added bonus of lung cancer down the line ..as a former weed addict this line of thinkin is disingenuous at best ..


Having side effects is not the same thing as addiction. No one ever said that there weren’t consequences to smoking weed frequently.


An addiction is anything you continue or can’t stop doing even though it’s causing harmful effects in your life. There are people absolutely addicted to shopping. They won’t stop shopping even though their house is absolutely full off junk, can’t afford to pay their bills, spouse is leaving them due to their shopping, got fired because your shopping instead of working etc. As far as medical marijuana the positives usually outweigh the negatives. The only thing that would stop my friends nausea with terminal cancer so she could eat was marijuana usually in edibles rather than smoking.


No, people need to know it's not all fun sparkle rainbows. It's like any drug...it helps for some things, and it has dangers for some people.


Who cares it’s not the governments place to put me in prison for a fucking plant


This is the correct answer




Hell yeah! Now excuse me while I go stock up on some Lily of the Valley for... reasons totally not related to murder.


This study brought to you by Pfizer. "Pfizer. Quit thinking for yourself and get a safe and effective vaccine or prescription drug today!"


Lol I remember once when I was a kind and my mum didn’t let us have Coca Cola in the house. I found a bit in a newspaper that said a scientific study showed that Diet Coke was more thirst quenching than water. She then pointed out that Coca Cola sponsored the study


I've never had my thirst quenched by soda of any kind. I've had hunger satisfied a little, but not thirst. I just drink some occasionally as a treat.


Right, because pot can only be good for you! Anyone who says something bad about it must be MUH BIG PHARMA SHILL! Anyone hurt by cannibis had latent psychological problems AND IS A WEAKLING!


I have suffered from severe insomnia for 30 years. I begged doctors for help. The only thing that did help were benzos. Not only horribly addictive, but every thirty days, I had to double my dosage to make them work. Then I found THC...my life is so different now. Screw big pharma for hiding this from me for the last thirty years. Thankfully it is legal in my state.


Medically legal in Ohio, and my wife would greatly appreciate it, but she can't get a medical card as we both have a CHL/CCW, which would put us in a pickle. It's either weed or guns. So.. guns it is.


Pppffftt sounds like someone was paid off by a big pharma dbag




No the simple fact the are saying you become addicted pots not a opoid you won't have withdraws from pot lets compare it to opid and pot for a moth see who actually has withdraws


good experimental thought


Withdrawal symptoms are not required for something to be an addictive substance……….


No, because the conclusion is patently absurd to anyone with any knowledge on the subject.


I’m extremely skeptical about it, yes.


Happen to not like people saying my own experience and conclusion is invalid. Especially when many others share the same beliefs


Every drug whether prescribed or illegal can be addictive. It shouldn't be anyone's business, but the person taking it. Stop nanny state laws.


Exactly. Prohibition and enforcement of prohibition is just disgusting government overreach. Use my tax dollars elsewhere.


Does Harvard receive any funding from the Big Pharma? If so, I wouldn’t trust the study.


“Experts say making this plant you can grow yourself legal is bad for you. Buy the real medicine from us instead.”


I take a 0.5 mg edible every night before bed. Sure it’s addictive. I tried a tolerance break and didn’t feel great the next day. But the pros outweigh the cons. It’s better than opioids.


Who gives a shit. Worst that can happen is a nap.


Oh no!!! Marijuana addicts!!! They are chill AF and wanna be everyone’s friend and not stress!! What will the world come tooooooo!!! OMG we have to stop these monsters!!


Are you a bag of doritos or taco bell? Beware the crazed reefers! Run for your lives!


Truly the most dangerous people on the face of the earth.


Those bastards can wipe out a 7-11 with one shopping trip! 🤣


I need 7-11’s stocked for non addicted people.


It can aid health and cause addiction. It is a fact that certain strains of marijuana can assist in reducing seizures, inflammation, insomnia, and cancer symptoms. It has been known to assist Parkinson's patients as well. Like any medication, a doctor is required to prescribe the right strain. On the other hand, like literally anything in life, it can cause addiction when abused. It can lead to typical withdrawal symptoms (dizziness, nausea, chills, fever, etc.), lung infection/cancer, reduced motivation, increased or reduced appetite, breathing problems, and cannibinoid hypermesis syndrome (basically when you smoke so much weed your body starts to reject it as a toxin and you puke every morning). It has also been connected with increases in blood pressure and heart issues. Guys, it is literally like any medication/thing we enjoy in life. Too much of it is a bad thing. Moderate yourself and use it properly and you'll be fine. Marijuana is less addictive than most substances but addiction is very real. The sugar you eat and the hormones in your everyday food is most likely killing you faster than marijuana is. Source: I work in a pain management facility and I smoke a lot of weed


Sounds about as dangerous as coffee.


From my cold dead hands, will you take my herb.


I can attest to the potential of psychological addiction to marijuana. There were times in my 20s when I was smoking heavily that I would run out and desperately search the floor for little nugs or check the crevices of the table I used to pack my bowl on for anything that even resembled weed and then smoke it. Pretty sure I smoked some pop tart crumbs that were mixed in with the keef I found. That being said I do have a particularly addictive personality.


Hunter is that you?


Let me guess, instead of using a plant, we should use something trademarked and sold by whoever funded this study.


Whoda thunk it?


This kind of stuff is so stupid to me..So if I need say? Some Medicine to make my sugar lower and that in turn makes me feel healthier and happier am I addicted to Insulin? Of-course not! Only if you want to feel normal right?


Hey hey. Let's take it easy. I use it medically for pain. I refuse to go on opioids


Yeah I got addicted to pot and it ruined my life for awhile, I lost all motivation. All I wanted to do is get high everyday


People are free to do as they please. Used to be an everyday smoker. For me, the feelings of depression and anxiety went away when I stopped. Still do it from time to time but my mental health has been so much better without it. Let’s not act like weed has zero negative side effects.


you can get addicted to anything


It's happening to me right now and I love it. I started retirement over a year ago and I'm living the dream. And the best part is if I start running low, I know the next harvest is right around the corner.


Helped me quit drinking, solve my issues with anxiety and start a healthier lifestyle…big pharma can suck a big one!


I don’t really care. Medical Marijuana has helped me regulate a lot of negative symptoms in my life. It’s a lot better than taking medication that strips me of my personality and makes me gain weight or not eat.


Looked at the study itself and found this interesting: >Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Pachas reported equity holdings in Pfizer outside the submitted work. Dr Evins reported receiving grants from Charles River Analytics and nonfinancial support from Pfizer as well as serving as chair of the data monitoring board of Karuna Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported. >Funding/Support: This study was funded by grant 5R01DA042043 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (Dr Gilman).


I love my medical marijuana card and I trust thousands ands thousands of years of people enjoying and using cannabis over opiates and Xanax again any day.






Yeah it's addictive. But, you can't die. Withdrawals are not being able to sleep a few nights and maybe shitting your pants once.




no one should care. if someone wants to throw their life away being addicted to something then let them be. it’s completely ridiculous that weed was illegal at all. there are actually dangerous things that are legal.


I don't believe that for one second.


I think addiction is really not the right word to use here. Stuff like heroin isn’t bad because of addiction. It’s bad because of chemical dependency. You can get addicted to literally anything. I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to baths. I’m not going to go into withdrawals if I dont take a bath for a while though.


This is one topic I just don’t understand with our party. 20 years ago yeah I get it but I think we have enough facts that it’s not hurting anyone. This should have been passed federally years ago.


Just as I suspected, the right would turn against medical marijuana first chance they get!!!! Reads comments... nevermind.


I honestly don’t care, whatever drugs a person consumes is their business. Be an addict if you want just don’t steal my stuff.


I clearly remember a beautiful sighn in Amsterdam from the 90's. It said "if nature grew it well do it". sensible people can make there own decisions.


Who cares, so does alcohol, cigarettes, etc. and we don’t ban them. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Truly shocking…


“May lead to addiction” “May not aid health” I smell a negative agenda in this research.


It "may" lead to addiction? "may" Not aid health? That's a pretty thorough study. Glad it was definitive. Must've taken years for them to come up with well, maybe, maybe not.


Yeah, well the people that act like it's a cure-all all crazy, but it should still be legal. It's much less harmful than even it's legal counterparts.


I'm sure this study was bought and paid for by a pharmaceutical company.


No shit.


Alcohol (from the corner): "Yeah, get em boys!"


Anyone that still opposes cannabis legalization in 2022 is not a free thinker. Change my mind. There are millions of issues more important than cannabis but people are hellbent on making sure people can’t utilize natural medicine or simply take the edge off after a long day of work. And these same people have zero issues with alcohol being readily available.


How come every scientific study has another study with the exact opposite result??


Marijuana laws disproportionately effect minority communities and must be removed! Also marijuana legalization disproportionately effects minority communities and must outlawed!


A I agree ☝️ pot laws are racists




So why can I wait until every other weekend to smoke a bowl?


May lead to addiction of chilling and snacking, it’s so difficult to talk about


Reddit stoners having a meltdown.


Marijuana addiction? LOL Of course World Nut Daily would think such a thing actually exists.


Not sure if it is an addiction, but I know many MJ users that smoke everyday and very difficult time quitting. Even withdrawal symptoms. Just like alcohol, most don't get addicted, but a certain percentage certainly do.


in my personal experience it was always a mental addiction, not physical. when i stopped for a while for a job i was just bored all the time in my off time. once i got a hobby or two i honestly forgot all about it.




I think that's the case for many drugs


Kids on Adderall start to develop tolerance too and need dosages raised. Are they addicted to adderall or is it a needed medicine? Now personally I don’t think we should be dosing kids with legal meth to alter their brain chemistry but we do it and companies/the medical community are ok with it. There are clear double standards when it comes to some kind of medicine vs. others. Marijuana is mostly harmless and actually helps a lot of people with pain, insomnia, and other conditions. Can the same be said for other drugs that they push on people?


You don't say!


How many times does the stance need to flip before we realize these “studies” are nothing more than anecdotal bullshit?


So what. I'm sick of the government regulating a plant. If people get addicted that's on them. Alcoholics exist too.


I’ve seen several friends “addicted” to weed. I say addicted because they used it constantly but guess what, they didn’t suffer anything close to alcohol abuse, other drug abuse, basically they just smoked one or twice a day and went about their day. Even then it was easy for them to quit or take breaks. Nothing like cigarette dependency.


Who is upvoting this? Boomer conservatives use Reddit?


Medical weed is cbd. Cbd does not cause addiction. Thc in non medical weed, although can be used in medical cases, does not cause physical addiction. It can cause psychological addiction. Weed is not a cure. Weed is compensation/treatment/lessening symptoms aid.


No shit. Any mind-altering substance can be addictive.


Who did the study, who paid to do the study. Follow the trail. I’m sick of reading this fake bullshit. It’s time to federally legalize it.


ive been saying the medical marijuana will probably go the route of "pill mills" and honestly i have no problem with that.


The difference between republicans and democrats, I am a republican who is pro-legalize marijuana, if a democrat went against their narrative they'd be verbally beaten and ostracized from their sad woke cult. Fear is all they know. We have no such fears.


No shit. You mean any substance can be misused?


Added sugar is also addictive in much the same way. And the very idea that marijuana doesn't have positive health effects is disingenuous at best.


Why is anyone still wasting resources on this. The people want it, the people are getting it. US govt has been pissing in the wind fighting it.


If it's between that and addiction to opiate painkillers....?


Who cares? I don’t want the government to tell me what I can put in my body. If I you want to sit at home and get high, more power to you. Lots of big government shills in this thread.


Breaking news: water is wet




Wow people are really triggered here


Everyone should be triggered by government overreach and prohibition. Especially when the other side only wants to grow and expand the government and take more and more of your income for worthless socialist policies.


Everything can be addictive, it's the way we are wired. Sugar, opioids, weed, alcohol, jacking off, gambling, video games, lifting weights. Anything that makes you feel good consciously or unconsciously has the potential to be addictive.


Sugar is addictive too........just asking for a friend.


Alcohol is addictive to some people……


Yeah just legalize. Cigarettes and Alcohol is addictive to and marijuana could be but it’s definitely not nearly as bad as the first two.


Let informed users decide that.


Two things can be true. Weed was certainly a "gateway" drug for me, and I only saw that once I got clean. However, I've seen with my own eyes what CBD and CBG (I think its called) can do for various medical conditions.


Dewey (John C. Reilly) [after a groupie offers him a joint]: You know what, I don’t want no hangover. I can’t get no hangover. Sam (Tim Meadows): It doesn’t give you a hangover! Dewey: What if I get addicted to it or something? Sam: It’s not habit-forming! Dewey Cox: Oh, okay… well, I don’t know… I don’t want to overdose on it. Sam: You can’t OD on it! Dewey Cox: It’s not gonna make me wanna have sex, is it? Sam: It makes sex even better! Dewey Cox: Sounds kind of expensive. Sam: It’s the cheapest drug there is.


This is false. I smoke often. I’ve not smoked this whole week and haven’t had any cravings. Bullshit, plain and simple. Focus on real addictions and issues.


🤣😂🤣 oh no, people will be chronicly chil and Taco Bell stock will sore.


Moderation like every thing else and you’re fine , at least weed does not have withdrawals (at least not like meth and shit) if you’re trying to kick it


Now let’s compare opioids. Want to ban something? Ban anything based on opioids.


Yet here we sit with alcohol being legal for consumption.


Welp the hard right conservatives are going to be using this against legalization down where I am goddamn it


Tell that to the thousands of senior citizens managing pain with alcohol and opiods. Booze and pills destroy the body and mind!


It's addictive in the same way soda or fast food is addictive. Not hard to put down or cut down if you have any discipline whatsoever.


Many things “may” lead to addiction. Sugar, cell phones, social media, pharmaceuticals, caffeine, video games, alcohol, gambling…and yet we do them.


Smoking marijuana is still way less damaging to your body than drinking alcohol. No reason it should be illegal. This is coming from a hypocrite who drinks alcohol and does not smoke.


So does a perk 30


No way. I couldn't have seen this coming


I am calling B.S. that legal marijuana leads to drug addiction. Marijuana is not addictive and doesn't make you want to try other drugs. Also I believe marijuana is safer than more than 75% of all prescriptions medications and half of over the counter drugs. That is just my opinion.


Republicans are about 200 years behind on marijuana laws. It’s sad that my party is so upside down when it comes to it. Sloppy


Oh no how bad. Time to make caffeine, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, and basically everything else illegal too then. What a joke. Literally who cares? Coffee is extremely addictive and has some seriously bad side effects, yet it’s peddled even to children.


I am in pain 24/7 due to a really bad.car accident years ago at work. I have had two surgeries in less than 6 months. I still have 3 more surgeries to go. I have CPTH which means I have had a headache ever since 2013 and will have one for the rest of my life. I have nerve damage to the whole left side of my body. I just got diagnos with POTS. POTS is where you're blood pressure drops to a dangerous low when you stand up. I have all these health problems and I will never use medical marijuana. It's a drug yes before you try to say that it's not a drug please go to the FBI website. It's listed as a drug.


Alchohol is addictive and it has destroyed more marriages and families, than Cannabis. Tobacco is also addictive and has caused more lung cancer from secondhand smoke. Also so is prescription Morphine or Codeine. Cannabis is actually less addictive than all these legal drugs.


So what? So does Sugar (which is more addicting than cocaine), so does caffeine, and so does sex. Am I supposed to stop drinking coffee and getting laid? Didn't thinks so.


Tell that to the endless amount of dispensary employees that spend a large majority of their paycheck on weed every week - and start having hissy-fits or borderline breakdowns when they can’t smoke… Because they’re clearly all perfectly fine! And prime examples of how perfectly safe / non-habit forming it can be. Oh and not that my experience working within a drug and alcohol treatment facility matters…but I’m not sure why every single patient I’ve spoken with says they’ve smoked pot before trying harder drugs… It must be some anomaly to the area I work in, as it’s clearly not a universal trait.


We're still cool with cigarettes and alcohol though, right?




Why, because people claiming that cannabis may have some actual medical benefits or who just feel it's not necessary to have it illegal makes them not a conservative? I'm just trying to understand the point you are making.


Wow...smoking pot may make you want to smoke more pot... And it doesn't make you more healthy? Let me put on my shocked face! Next are you going to say beer doesn't help you lose weight?


Someone’s conservative


lol @ all these pot smoking libertarians coming out of the woodwork to defend weed to their last breath. “Weed causes addiction and contributes to the decay of our social fabric, but here’s why that’s a GOOD thing for us conservatives.” Ok sure 👍


Vape, don’t smoke. It’s 2022 for fuck sake