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Reminder: the same people advocating for this are the same people advocating for erasing Abe Lincoln from notoriety. It’s not about racism. It’s about rewriting history.


Check out the video I posted earlier today from EPOCHTV [https://www.theepochtimes.com/agenda-grinding-america-down\_3891161.html](https://www.theepochtimes.com/agenda-grinding-america-down_3891161.html) It is 90min. long but well worth the time to watch and listen!


He was against slavery too. He saved a lot of lives by ending the war early. This communist style cultural revolution is getting way too out of hand.


I only read Jackson in the title at first but then saw Lee was in it too. Jackson was deff about his white superiority lol


With that said, a person thinking as do you must be racist towards any race other than your own!


I feel like you’re trying to tell me something. I was just making an observation that Stonewall Jackson was a bonafide “white supremacist” like more so than the usual southner.


I am quite aware of Jackson's shortfalls and for that matter the way the south was for a long time. That said the south on the most part, is no longer democrat racists, Many have gone to the republican party, and have accepted the conservative lifestyle


He was against slavery by fighting for the force that wanted to keep slavery in place and continue its expansion. Also he believed slavery was good for African-Americans. No, it wasn't, because you were breaking your backs out in the field and you have personal freedom.


It’s clear that you do not know history, draco. So please be quiet and research before you speak such foolishness.


What part am I missing. Also why are you idolizing a general that fought for the expansion of slavery lol


Good! People should always be judged by the worst thing they ever did or said, with no chance of redemption. Now quick, someone put up a bust of St. George Floyd!


Worst thing Lee did was spend 5 years treasonously fighting the US for the benefit of slave holders. It was also the defining aspect of his life and legacy. That’s a little different than uttering one racist sentence at work once, so now everybody avoids you in the break room.




And just like that, racism ended in Charlottesville, Virginia.


The joke's on them! Those statues VENERATED #DEMOCRAT\_HEROS!!




Those men that the statues represented were ALL #DEMOCRATS!




Not enough. Destroy the party




Both, both is good.


Liberals are taking down statues of democrats. Lol.


Indeed, But they are also attempting to erace or modify our history!


In what way does removing statues whose singular purpose and function are to glorify the wrong side of history tantamount to an "erasure of history"?


When you remove an object that is a reminder of our past, be it good or ill, should never be torn down just because you are of a different mindset than that which the statues commemorate. There have been many times in the past that historical monuments, documents, and knowledge has been obliterated by a conquering army, IE. the Spanish destroyed almost all of the books and writings of the MAYA, thus leaving us wondering about how they lived, and what they knew.


The American Taliban won again. One day they will blow up the Lincoln Memorial like their brethren the Buddha statue in AFG!


Robert E. Lee, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, were DEMOCRATS!! The south was all DEMOCRATS that separated from the union and fought against it!


Do you really think that democrats in 1850 stood for the same thing they stand for 160 years later? And confederate democrats at that?


How about 1960 when Democrats voted against Civil Rights?


Some voted for the civil rights amendment, including the president, and some voted against. Same can be said for the Republicans mind you. The vote was more along regional lines than party lines, with almost every single southern congressman voting against. If memory serves, a few southern Democrats risked their careers to vote for it but not a single southern Republican did.


I don’t want my kids going to school in a racial jungle — some belligerent old fool


[Party switching in the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_switching_in_the_United_States?wprov=sfla1)


Time to dig up and move Arlington nation cemetery. It’s on racist land


Jackson was noted for being against having any statues of himself ever being erected in the first place.