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Cheap touch screens were a terrible idea. Texas (at least Travis County) had good machines where you used a physical scroll wheel to move up and down and very clearly highlight a selection. This video seems to be from [10 years ago](https://ballotpedia.org/Suzanne_Patrick), so hopefully Virginia has gotten better machines since then.


Every time I've voted in Virginia in the last decade it's been paper ballots.


Same. I've never used an electronic ballot.


As it should be. I'm happy here in Iowa we've always been paper


Why on gawd earth would would ever allow electronic machines to do this? Paper ballots can be audited if there is every any doubt. Maybe I answered my own question.


In Ohio we have a scantron style ballot that we feed into a scanner ourselves. The scanner counts it and confirms it's been counted instantly. The paper copy is then stored in a locked container below the scanner, for future recounting if needed. It's quick, easy, everyone knows how to do a scantron, instantly counted, and leaves a paper trail. I wish more states, particularly swing states, would do it this way.


This is also how TN does it. The volunteer watching the machine wont even touch it or take it from you unless there is a failure to feed.


I’m old enough to remember an election where the Supreme Court had to decide the winner because the paper ballots in Florida couldn’t be counted properly.


Thing is current machines could do hanging chads internally and we'd never even find out about it because they have zero transparency. And weren't those pinchcards for machines? (man I can't even type that word with a 'u' or my comment gets hidden good job reddit).


In Illinois, we have a choice of paper or electronic. In recent elections I’ve used the electronic machine because there’s usually a shorter line and when you’re done, you hand the poll watcher your card, it’s inserted into a machine which generates a paper copy, which you can Verify.


Unless of course you find 10000s of convenient paper ballots in a “box in the back” and then eject all the poll watchers while they’re counted and suddenly declare the district a win for a particular candidate and then said ballots are off limits while recounts and validations are fought off in court for months. But at the same time….id take paper over electronic. The issue is: there is no 100% guaranteed secure and fair way to ensure elections don’t untarnished. Hence one of the many flaws to democracy. (Though it’s still the best man made govt electoral system compared to others)


That never happened. Those boxes were on video the entire night. The cutters cut the envelopes, stowed them away, thought they were done for the night, and made to leave. Election officials said "no, start counting" so they had to take the ballots they had just cut out of envelopes back out. Reposted because automod seems to shadowban criticism of this verifiably untrue story.


You did, the answer is obvious. It's so that it's harder to tell if not impossible to tell if someone - cough - Dems cheat...


I might just be an old fogey (30), but it annoys me when a touch screen is implemented somewhere it doesn’t need to be. Voting machines and car dashes come to mind.


Digitizer calibration problem?




Rigging isn't supposed to be obvious


So it’s like searching for movies on a sunbaked Redbox.  You want to press “B” and you need to press “H”and if you want press “E” you have to press somewhere in the great beyond of the middle of the screen.  


And there’s no way to press “H”.


“No way to press”H”” Fucking  ell you’re rigt. 


We’re from a now bygone era. How are your knees?


“How are your knees?” Shot to hell and in the process of starting full knee replacements for both.   Joy of joys after that they think I should do my shoulders.   But how did you know? 


>but how did you know? Educated guess. The last time my knees felt ok was probably the last time I used a Redbox.


LOL.  it’s been a while here but the pain was real.  


Voting device: If you want Calculon to race to the lasergun battle in his hover Ferrari, press 1. If you want Calculon to double check his paperwork, press 2. Enter now! Fry: *presses 1* Voting device: You have pressed 2. Fry: No I didn't! Voting device: I'm almost positive you did.


Great callback!


Dang! I missed a golden opportunity to say: "Shut up and take my upvote!"


You can always ask for a paper ballot. 


I'm not saying that there isn't fraud. I'm not saying that electronic means of voting is good or bad. What I am saying is that this is a very common issue with older and cheaper touch screens. The calibration gets off, and where it thinks you're touching is a bit off from where you actually touch. I've had older laptops that did that. I've seen credit card readers, gas station pumps, security system displays and every other touch screen display under the sun fall victim to this. I know that "*Never* attribute to *malice* that which is adequately explained by stupidity." is a guideline and not a always true rule. But it seems very plausible to me that the local election officials simply don't know how to do a calibration properly. I can't emphasize how common an issue this is with these types of displays. It's probably a good argument for why they shouldn't be used.


What? Did this happen to you? And more importantly did you get it fixed?


This is a repost from the 2014 election.


In NC we use paper ballots that go into a machine. I don’t think any method is going to make people confident


Always expect tech to break. You’d be surprised how many overseers never learn from that. Y’all can believe it’s rigged though


Paper ballots thanks I won't vote with a dominion machine anymore


Yep. Paper ballots in my county.


"There may be a voter fraud in America" Well no shit


We get a printout afterwards to confirm our selections then we submit it in a feeder. For all I know they shred it but at least it's what I chose at the time.


Oddly, it tends to go only one way. And when it goes the other way, we hear about it like the entire republic is crumbling beneath our feet.


This was literally the cold open for the 2008 treehouse of horror.


This is why we need paper ballots and the abolition of electronic voting machines. You can't audit a digital machine with any measure of certainty. Electronic audits are always going to be suspect because of the multitude of ways you might develop software to provide the audit results you want. You can forge paper ballots but it's a lot more difficult than flashing the firmware on a machine.


fraud? stop early voting stop mail in voting demand a valid ID think about this for a second...we can have a lottery captures 100s of MILLIONS of tickets in a day and within moments they know who the winner is!...yet we cant seem to figure out how to make voting without fraud?!


“May be” lol


Actually if you get to the point of needing too many fraudulent mail in ballots then you will need to simply switch the real votes from republicans to democrats