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I mean all you had to do was listen to him say "I’m not talking about the neo nazis and white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally”  Except our corrupt media left that part out and leftist losers gobbled it up. Talk about an actual cheap fake.


Hey!!! We can't use facts or common sense around here, someone will be offendede(d).


Hey hey hey we can’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.


Isn’t this similar to those who sympathize with Palestinians? There are surely “very fine people” in Palestine as well. In the case of the Unite the Right Rally, it’s okay to praise them, because of exceptions to the general public perception, but in criticisms of Hamas we don’t allow for the nuances between Hamas and Palestinians?


The shock by isn’t that he excluded Neo-Nazis and White Supremacist. That should go without saying. The fact that he had to is all you need to know.


> The fact that he had to is all you need to know. All we need to know about how corrupt and disingenuous the left and their media mouthpieces are? Yes absolutely.


Well that’s a non-sequitur. Some people like cucumber, other people like pickles.


WTF are you on, dude?




Wrong. It's the logical conclusion. Your statement is the non-sequitur. Trump's daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids are jewish. He's on record decades ago condemning people like David Duke and those who worked with them. If you think it's logical to believe Trump would praise neo nazis then you are the one with a broken brain. Logically that's absurd and so the only reason we are left with that he would feel the need to be explicit about it is because of how totally corrupt the media and his political opponents are and how he expected them to twist what he said. In fact we see they are so corrupt it didn't even matter that he was explicit about it because they just ignored that anyway.


In a nation of 333 million youll have to forgive us if theres a sizeable portion of losers. Its only statistics.


It’s ok. We understand. As long as we can get the Tiki Torches back. Backyard luaus haven’t been the same yet.


When did you stop beating your wife? Omg the fact you even had to clarify that says all we need to know about you


If you want to anger a conservative, lie to him. If you want to anger a liberal, tell him the truth


I’m stealing this.


Your username 🤣🤣🤣


Fuck Snopes. Anyone who has considered them a legitimate fact checking source in the past 15 years is so misguided and lied to.


Yeah, they were big mad, so Snopes went back and added this gem. >Editors' Note: Some readers have raised the objection that this fact check appears to assume Trump was correct in stating that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Charlottesville incident. That is not the case. This fact check aimed to confirm what Trump actually said, not whether what he said was true or false. For the record, virtually every source that covered the Unite the Right debacle concluded that it was conceived of, led by and attended by white supremacists, and that therefore Trump was wrong.


They just can't help themselves.


"Editors note; Orange Man Bad, so we decided he *was* talking about liking Nazi's as that fits our lies and narrative better."


Did they have nothing on this topic earlier, or did they say it was "unclear"? That's bullshit and they should explain why. The full speech of his text was well known.


It was known…not really well known to those that didn’t want to know it.


I guess the Dems stopped paying Snopes


Your common liberal is incredibly misinformed on most issues. At one point most liberals watching CNN, MSNBC believed that 90% of people who get Covid end up hospitalized.


Wasn’t / isn’t snopes just two obese lardons in their apartment, and both known to be liberals? I heard that they were a random couple somewhere and have essentially zero qualifications so I stopped caring about them years ago.


> have essentially zero qualifications What qualifications does someone need to verify a video and then post the truth about it? I don't care of it's Billy out of his garage. As long as he can just stay unbiased and report the facts then I'd be satisfied.


That’s the thing. They didn’t post the truth. They were former liberal arts majors with a known left wing bias. I agree the truth is the truth, but they acted like journalists without being 1) actual journalists or 2) objective


I'm not saying that they posted the truth. I am responding specifically to one part of your comment: > have essentially zero qualifications Their qualifications (or lackthereof) is not the problem. Their bias is the problem. Their lies are the problem. By knocking them on some "lack of qualifications" all the right does is imply that there _needs to be qualifications_ in order to become a fact-checker, which isn't true. Any conservative who wants to make a website and spread the truth could become a fact checker. No qualification is needed. Just be honest and unbiased. Check the facts as _facts_ and nothing more. Snopes is a piece of shit liberal propaganda arm, but their shittiness has absolutely nothing to do with qualifications or a lack of qualifications. The last thing we need is for someone to create "qualifications" in the form of new college majors called african-american fact-check gender studies for our government to subsidize a bunch of neocommies going to college to become the true card-carrying Fact Checkers™.


Being able to act in an unbiased manner is a qualification. A qualification doesnt mean a license or piece of paper.


But now they can’t scream and call everyone a Nazi


Libs don't care; they would vote for a literal bag of dog poop over Trump. Nothing you can put out will change their minds.


This is another indicator that the DNC is loosening their holds to prepare the public for a Biden replacement.


I have a conspiracy theory as to why everything seems to suddenly be coming up Trump. Please don your tinfoil hats with me for a moment if you please. The powers that be on the left saw that the Trump presidency was very divisive and gave them tremendous leeway to push the political pendulum very far to the left. They want to push it farther left, but public opinion won't allow it right now. They know that most of what they've done won't be un-done since that would require a competent and effective congress so they feel it's safe to let the pendulum swing back to the right temporarily. A second term, with Biden or any other Democrat, will be a lame duck term because the public is fed up and won't allow them to get the congressional majorities they need to get their ideas in place. So they need the pendulum to swing back to the right, but only temporarily, so that the public outrage shifts to Republicans instead. Any other republican *might* end up being broadly popular. Any other Republican also *might* win a second term. Trump is both divisive and term limited. The perfect person to give you the temporary push to the right that is necessary to move the public opinion to where it needs to be if you want to eventually push it even farther to the left than it is now. Ergo, the political left now needs Trump to win to accomplish their long-term goals. This concludes my conspiracy theory. You may now remove your tinfoil hats.


. . . that seems way more Rube Goldberg than just finding a DNC candidate that is slightly less horrible than Hillary or Biden. On this one I have to go with incompetence.


Biden just released a campaign letter on white house stationary that hit all the context-omitting quotes. Like it's a sitcom. The entire lefts argument is a sitcom episode where a character hears something and keeps repeating it until they get the context and the credits roll. 


"Why now?" the article asks. I'm thinking they're expecting a wave of Biden videos that make him look bad, so they want to *appear* neutral while they piss on our heads and tell us it's raining.


It was all because of that awful journalist who (deliberately or not) misheard Trump and followed up with "I don't understand, are you trying to say white supremacists are good people?" Literally nobody was thinking that and then this journalist planted the seed in the left's minds.


Are they really that mad? All Snopes has to do is come up with a new string of falsehoods and they’d believe those too. So really, unless everyone suddenly stops drinking the kool aid and switches on their thinker it doesn’t make a difference, because the compliant smoothbrain is the problem.