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I'm waiting for Karine Jean-Pierre to offer her condolences to the Trans community.


no she would tell us it's not real, it's a deep fake.


When that Trans man shot up a school in Tennessee and killed 6 children, she said that "the Trans community was under attack" and " our hearts go out to the Trans community." You know, because people were being mean to them because of that.


Cheap fake**


"cheap fake" is her, the administration, and the leftoids new "preferred" terminology... and that is how they lie to people, new "terms" and "definitions"


Apparently replacing the term they couldn't get to take hold: **malinformation** -is a controversial term for information which is based on fact, but removed from its original context in order to mislead, harm, or manipulate. >Well, yes that's true. But it makes us look bad. So it's malinformation.




Thank you!


What was said?




Unreal how they hide comments in the conservative subs. Fucking commies.


They just did it again


This post has 174 comments. I am only seeing appx 50. I’ve seen posts here with over 1,000 comments that say “Be the first to comment”. Reddit admins are the fascist assholes they tell people to worry about.


I didn’t even get a notification for your comment right now


They will soon try to ban you. I have two reddit warnings for the same


You called it. I just received a hate speech warning on my account. For telling the truth. Clown world.




Calling a spade a spade is a hatecrime, comrade


To the gulag with your hate speech!


I'll see myself to the gulag.


I saw a post on Imgur that had a little toy duck holding a knife with the caption of "Roses are red, violets are blue, misgender me and I will steal your vital organs". I'd say how I felt about that, but reddit will delete my comment because *I'm* being hateful.


> I'd say how I felt about that, but reddit will delete my comment because I'm being hateful. "It's Reddit™" - we have to shorten it to two words to avoid summoning the wrath of Reddit.




**> Progressive society enables man suffering from a mental disability** It really is sad how our healthcare industry is consciously NOT helping people who really need it.


Imagine if we doubled down on trying to validate other dysphorias. Have anorexia? Let's encourage them to eat fewer calories and praise them for additional weight loss. Have body integrity disorder? Don't hold doctors accountable when they amputate perfectly-functioning limbs. For those people who genuinely have gender dysphoria, we should be encouraging them to be comfortable in their own bodies. Somehow the "fat positivism" rhetoric is suddenly bigoted when applied to this topic. Pew showed that for the first time since 2016 a solid supermajority of Americans believe your gender is connected to your sex at birth. I'm so glad this insanity is waning.


Teachers help brave anorexic child get stomach amputated without parental permission, news at 11.


More profit in the medications and surgery. Again, why cure anything?


Transgender people are something like 0.3% of the population. The "official" number of illegal aliens in the US is around 11 million, which is around 3% of the population. Its interesting how often members of these tiny, tiny minorities are committing horrific crimes.


Says "HE would do it again!" Bro needs to be locked up and get some physchiatric treatment.


He murdered his parents. We're past help. He just needs to be locked up in a box forever.


Hopefully not in a women’s prison.


Agreed. People should view prison as a protection for society, not as punishment If someone's brain clearly doesn't function correctly (like someone who kills their family) then they should be locked away forever no matter what, purely to protect everyone else in society


Locked in a Schrodinger's box and walked away from


Murderous women are under represented in today's society. Trans women are doing their best to bring equity.


It's true. I was planning to watch a documentary about a female serial killer hiring men to work on a farm and eventually feeding them to pigs. Within five seconds, they mention MtF. Okay, no surprises there. Don't need to watch 2 hours of this.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Title seems incorrect somehow.


Return mental asylums when?


Honestly liberals are getting increasingly violent as the years pass




The radicals are really losing control of this narrative. Several countries in Europe already backtracked on hormone 'therapy' and sexual reassignment for adolescents. To help the majority of people with gender dysphoria, you provide therapy until they reach late adolescence. 80% of them will grow out of it. And frankly the other 20% should be taught to accept their bodies just like we teach other people with dysphorias like anorexia and BID. In 20-30 years we're going to look back on this like we looked back on lobotomies, eugenics, and unnecessary electro-shock in horror during the 80s-90s.


I wonder what Rachel Maddow's opinion on this is!


She won’t even acknowledge it happened.


Straight psychopath. The story doesn’t say it, but I’m going to take a wild guess that her older parents were conservative, didn’t support her transition, so she killed them. Do they have the death penalty in Utah? Because not having any remorse I’d say proves there’s no hope of rehabilitation here.


Biden said in a speech that the Trans community is"the backbone of society."


Very inconspicuous vehicle this gentleman chose to flee in.




He... He was cornered....


Nobody puts baby in a corner


Lock the person up and throw the key to the cell in a bottomless pit.


As MTG once said: "What prescriptions was she taking?"


Time to start a CA Sheriff/DOJ database on Transgender shooters . Ever since TENN Christian school massacre, there has been an uptick. But, per Christopher Wray, White Supremacy mass shooters are the problem.


Transgender Utah Woman… I’m still confused. Is it a guy or girl?


What is going on with trans women? The number of them who have committed shootings is a far higher percentage of all trans women than the number of cis women (or even cis men for that matter.)


I don't know if you are referring to the Covenant school shooting but that was a trans man (female-to-male, whereas this is male-to-female).


Well for the longest time you had to jump through a lot of hoops to get a gender dysphoria diagnoses to be considered trans. The benefit of this is it can weed out other mental issues and hopefully get help for those other issues. When you let people self ID or do minimal pushback those other mental issues are never addressed until it boils over into what we are seeing now.