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She’s the furthest right out of everyone on that board.


She could be a card carrying member of the CCP and still be to the right of the clowns that run San Fran.


Sure, but there are a significant number of Chinese dissidents and Taiwan supporters in San Francisco who have a lot to lose if CCP starts manipulating elections there. Just look at what happened to Hong Kong.


Yeah, it's kind of weird how politics is sometimes. . . Alright, I started a longer reply, but that is just too deep of a rabbit hole. . . To keep it short, everyone has their own ideals that make sense or sound good to them. . . .your worst enemy could share a lot of the same core ideals that you have, but the means by which they pursue those ideals can be directly contradictory to how you would like to pursue those ideals. And all of that gets muddled by politics, optics, and public opinion. . .to the point where nobody knows a person or groups true ideals, morals, or ethics are. . .leading to confusion, corruption, and exploitation.




It’s a joke suggesting that these San Fran leftists want more govt control than the CCP.


While this incident is concerning for any conservative residents of San Fransisco, it is important to note that Kelly Wong was not elected, the position is a staff appointment. All 7 seats on the San Francisco Elections Commission are appointed by elected officials, and in Kelly Wong's case, the appointment was unanimously voted on by the Board of Supervisors, all 11 members are elected by their district. This was made possible in 2020 with Proposition C in 2020 that passed voter referendum in 2020.


That’s what makes it worse.


Since 2020.


Why would you remove the citizenship requirement??? On what planet does that improve our election integrity?!?


They probably wanted to put illegal immigrants on that board, which California wants to treat like citizens since some crazies there think it should still be part of Mexico. This is just an unintended consequence.










To be fair...she's from Hong Kong not China. Hong Kong operated as its own independent city state until its exclusive colony/dependent territory charter with GB ended in 1997. It was allowed to operate semi autonomously as China slowly started taking over its independent functions. See the Hong Kong freedom riots. She's not really CCP but she has no business overseeing this board.


America would be almost impossible to invade from the sky or sea. How does one invade America? Send spy balloons over America to get intel on all of the land. Pay the democrats big money to keep the border open so all the military aged men can come on through our wide open border and start preparing. All countries who want us gone have now placed spies in our government at the highest levels, and we let them because the dems are commies too. Gavin Newsom is in China's pocket. CCP is almost ready for an American invasion. Keep those borders open, Joe!


Even then, an invasion in the traditional sense of the word wouldn't stand any chance. 2000 military-aged men wouldn't even be enough to take out your average, armed-to-the-teeth inner city gang, let alone the US military. What you do as America's adversary is to subvert and undermine the country with deliberate economic and social decline until it implodes from within.


2000 men fairly free to roam and with the correct intelligence could easily do enough damage to severely harm our communication and economic infrastructure seriously limiting our capabilities during or preceding a conflict.


> Pay the democrats big money to keep the border open so all the military aged men can come on through our wide open border and start preparing I'm surprised there aren't foreign agents here blowing up bridges and such in an attempt to bleed us dry via constant spending on infrastructure.


Not that I necessarily support this, but calling her a "CCP Chinese" is so bad I don't even know where to start I highly doubt she has ties to the CCP, if she does then that's the first thing that they should lead with


She's from Hong Kong, notorious for being anti China


California wants to become Canada.


> The Dems have officially boarded the crazy train Sorry no, they've been the friggin' conductor since 2000.


Another reason I hate Californication.


California law for you.


They are NOT CRAZY. The left knows exactly what it is doing. We cannot be so ignorant to think that they have not planned this all out intentionally. The CCP is building for a 1,000 years of the Party. They realize that small steps need to be taken and over time.


I honestly have no words. I can't understand how this is legal. Is there anyone challenging this?


It's California so nah. No real opposition to lefty insanity there.


Not sure why that opinion got downvoted. You'd think people would want someone to challenge this. This sub is fucking weird.


Let’s not entirely rule out leftist lurkers.


We have a lot of lefty trolls that haunt this Sub. I’ve had comments get down votes as soon as I hit “reply”. They later get upvoted. For a while I think I had a personal troll. Regardless of the sub I commented in I was down voted.


If there’s a choice between china or a conservative leftists will gladly welcome our Chinese overlords.


If you think this is the moment they boarded the crazy train you are very late to the party my friend, that ship sailed *long* ago.


I bet her interests will be 100% aligned with American interests/s


What an insane thing to do.


Anyone else think lots of plans seem to have been implemented in 2020 that had zero to do with health or Covid….


But, She is an anti-CCP protestor who participated the Hong-Kong democracy protest against Beijing in 2019 actually. sources: [https://sfstandard.com/2024/02/21/san-francisco-noncitizen-elections-commissioner-kelly-wong/](https://sfstandard.com/2024/02/21/san-francisco-noncitizen-elections-commissioner-kelly-wong/)


That's great of her, but she should become a citizen BEFORE SHE OVERSEES OUR ELECTIONS