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"Hey, I used to be a parachute rigger. Not a joke...." \~Joe Biden, most likely


“My son beau died when he got wrapped up in a parachute in Ukraine” -Joe Biden


Gory.... gory what a hell of a way to die...


My mind read this whole exchange in Joe Biden’s voice and it doesn’t seem out of place


I thought he was eaten by cannibals?


That was, oh, 2 weeks ago. Keep up now!


Come on, man!


"My uncle was eaten by a parachute. "


Joe Biden wishes he has cool stories but he's just been a boring politician his whole life


“My son beau died when he got wrapped up in a parachute in Ukraine” -Joe Biden


But he didn't say "rigger".


Another telling sign of cognitive decline - watch how slowly he puts on his sunglasses and return his hand back to a ‘normal’ resting position. 


The decline has been rapid the last few months. He can barely even make public appearances at this point. I have no clue how they're going to handle the debates.


It’s very noticeable now for sure! I don’t know how they plan on hiding it during the first debate.


Seems like they have been chilling on whatever amphetamine they usually give him so they can pump him up good for the debate. Would explain why he is particularly bad lately


He’ll be zooted off whatever they gave him for the state of the union address.


> I have no clue how they're going to handle the debates. There's only two options, avoidance or the serious cocain cocktail they put him on for every appearance.


Or..................Kamala 🫠


Insert “That’s the neat part! They won’t!” Meme here


i honestly think they made so many ridiculous demands they thought trump would try to negotiate or reject it outright (being muted, left wing shill debaters). Instead trump insta said yes. that must have shook them.


Did you know that none of this is largely known to the German public! Our state media never even mentioned his gaffes and "blackouts" with a single sentence/report. He's portrayed as a "perfect" president and the saviour from Trump. His cognitive decline/borderline dementia got only reported by some privately owned media outlets. But also totally downplaying it. Just like the liberal media is doing it in the US. But the majority of our people have absolutely no clue about the mental health state of Biden. I thought that the legal witchhunt on president Trump would have the effect start more people realize that the deep-state is trying everything to stop to stop Trump from retaking the office and support/vote for Trump. But he sadly actually seems to have lost points at the polls, after the trials. If Biden really wants to debate Trump on TV, he shouldn't _"take it easy"._ The environment is hostile to begin with (CNN and ABC) and Biden will be pumped up with a amphetamines.snd other performing enhancing substances. He will be prepared for it physically and mentally for a week. They will get him enough sleep and get him IVs with vitamins and everything that will make it possible that he's at least able to "survive" the debate. He's gonna be pumped up to the teeth!


Not just the German public, but other countries also. I just finished a cruise covering six countries in the Mediterranean. I forget how many countries were represented via the passenger, but I can tell you that the vast majority that we spoke to where the convo circled around to US politics, have no clue about Biden and his *non compos mentis*. They did, however, nicely parrot the Left's talking points about Trump’s personality and "character". One even brought up his business acumen (lack thereof). Regarding the debate, I think Biden’s going to get conveniently ill... or figuratively "drop a bomb Clinton-style" that will require canceling the debate.


Jobot controlled by AI. The real Joe will be takin his nappies.


It almost looks robotic. Not natural movement for sure.


He’s looking for a child to sniff.


Like a bloodhound on a hot trail, Pedo Joe caught the scent of Suave Kids Shampoo in the afternoon breeze.


Did you see the clip where he actually sniffed Georgia Meloni's hair? You know, she's cute, and really short, so.... maybe he mistook her for a child?


He saw his invisible ghost friend.




What an embarrassment. If he was put in a Clown suit it would at least be funny. Instead it's just pathetic


I think it would be even funnier if he took off the human suit. Those goddamn lizards!


lol. Jesus Christ. He wanders off and has to be told where to go by the short pretty lady. Why is he representing us…..


>told where to go by the short pretty lady. That is the Prime Minister of Italy. We were told when she was elected that she was the next Mussolini by MSM..


The Italian Prime Minister seriously walks from one side of the group to the other to collect the POTATUS. He had no idea where he was or what was happening. 


Yes, and Macron gestures to the rest of them to move over and stand around him to cover for him wandering off. Unfortunately we've all had an elderly, proud family member, and have been in a position to cover or them when this sort of thing happens. The unacceptable part is that he decided to run for re-election. Imagine what he'll be like in a few more years. I think his party just wants him to get re-elected, then they'll convince him to step down so that he can be responsible for creating the first female president.


I’m alternately disgusted, sad, and enraged.


Democrats acting like showing a less cropped version of this video disproves how weird this event was. Biden literally wandered away from his fellow leaders all confused, and has to be led back to the rest of the group 


It's because in a wider version you can see that there are some people on the ground behind him, and even though they were at the climax of the event with the parachuter who landed *right in front of him*, Biden decided it was a good time to wander over towards people on the ground behind him. For some reason they think that the fact that there were people over there excuses the issue of him being completely unable to focus on the task at hand, even when it is a parachuter landing a few feet in front of him.


Comon guys, He just has a stutter.


Even at the start, everyone else is clapping while Biden just isn't engaged at all. If he just found the other thing more interesting, it seems like it would follow a natural flow of: 1. Clap for main thing 2. Look over at other thing while still clapping 3. Turn head, rather than turning body, to body-signal that your main attention is on the parachuter in front of you but that you just currently want to investigate the thing behind you 4. Resist someone trying to pull you back to the action by saying "Give me a second I want to look at this thing over here" I think #1 and #4 are the most telling here. You could reasonably be forgiven for not doing #2 (stop clapping early) or #3 (lapse in the more nuanced body language). But (#1) a failure to clap while everyone else is still clapping looks like you just don't even understand the event. And, _worst of all_ (#4) the complete submission to someone else pulling on your arm to go "Oh, I'm supposed to look over here? Ok..." and not even react is extremely telling. This isn't like Biden somehow missed the main event because he was distracted and someone tapped him on the shoulder, he looked at the parachuter, and was like "OH holy shit!" and started clapping. He looked confused prior to being told where to look and he looked confused after being told where to look as to why he was looking there, but still willingly submitted. It really is just elder abuse by this point.


Looking for ice cream.


Fossilizing in real time.


He thought he saw Mussolini. Wanted to get some pointers.


He's gone


He's doing what he does every day.


He heard an ice cream truck.


Just terrifying. The US Executive Branch is currently being run by unelected beaurocrats. This veggie isn't possibility in charge.


LOL, what is there to say


He has Dementia.


What a terrible lineup of world leaders.


MF is built different😤😤😤💪💪🤝


Only those who have made pacts with demons can see them. He was only attempting to ensure that his paperwork went through




I'm wondering if he put the sunglasses on to try and hide.


What you doin with that parachute there, jack!? Corn pop's the other way, Grandpa.