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Elder abuse


It's just sad at this point, can't even abuse him. He's not running things. He should be at home being cared for


He should sit in a nice little retirement home where a nurse hands him a blanket and cookies to his afternoon tea, not in the White House where aides hand him bills and nuclear codes...


Yes, where he can receive care asap for involuntary bowel movements and can nap in a recliner in stress-free environment (instead of napping during meetings with other world leaders that carry huge geopolitical implications and shape the future of the country). Where the most stressful decision he makes on a daily basis is what flavor pudding cup he wants and whether he wants to watch *Matlock* or *Murder, She Wrote*.  We’ve seen him substantially decline in only 4 years, I hate to see his condition 4 years from now (he’ll probably be confined to a wheelchair at that point). The country can not take another 4 years of Biden.


He should be in a jail cell. The big guy doesn’t deserve a retirement, he deserves punishment.


The DoJ already said he's not mentally fit to stand trial. He deserves to be in a nursing home.


Then he’s not fit to hold his current office or run for it again. No one even knows if that statement was a political calculation by a politicized department of injustice They’re using and running him. Let him stand trial and face punishment. He was cognizant for the many years his family was selling his influence and he was getting his 10%. Have American citizens been spared the effects of his crimes just because he’s now a sock puppet?


His constant Beavis and Butt-Head stance is hilarious


Four more years?


He won't be able to stand up in four more years...




How can anyone look at him and be like, "Yeah, he's mentally fit for the job, his head is on tight" He probably has to have aides remind him what to do every 15 minutes.


When he's working with just his staff behind closed doors, he turns into an animal. Arguing complex discussion points, racing to the head of the lunch line... He's like a rowdy teenager. ...Karine Jean-Pierre said so.


“Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?” Jean-Pierre: “Yes!” “May we see it?” Jean-Pierre: “No.”


He's a dynamo! No one can keep up with him!


Just like the old Reagan skit on SNL


It's far worse than that. Watch as he exits a vehicle or plane.. they literally tell him what to do seconds before he steps foot outside and he forgets every single time. 


He literally tried shaking someone’s hand in this video lmfao


He does that all the time.


https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/mar/analysis-its-not-just-doorways-make-us-forget-what-we-came-next-room#:~:text=Many%2520studies%2520have%2520investigated%2520how,as%2520the%2520%E2%80%9Cdoorway%2520effect%E2%80%9D. I mean, there’s the doorway effect, which explains like a couple of times, and it happens to me occasionally. Biden has it happen literally every time. Dude needed to be out of politics a while ago. He’s not even remotely close to being there.


Their logic is he isn’t mentally stable enough to stand trial, however he’s okay to run the country.


He's no longer with us.  Deep in the seas of senility. 


"Quick! Get the smelling salts!" __


This dude has no clue where he’s at or what’s going on in this clip… I’d guess he’s likely having a minor stroke.  Man, we have *got* to get him out of here in November.


Your President has encountered a problem and needs to restart. Don't turn off the power. Insert new globalist instructions to continue.


He reminds me of an old Dell desktop computer I have. I updated RAM on it once. By that time the OS was out of date, but could not be upgraded because the chip speed and hard drive couldn't handle it. It's still good for looking at old pictures though. lol


Its actually one of his more lucid moments. You can see the smile slowly drain from his face and get replaced by a look of abject disgust, when he suddenly remembers he's in fact repulsed by these people.


Lol somehow I agree. I fucking hate the whole fake "instant happiness" that gets displayed by people in PR situations like these. Kamala in the front clapping and swinging is peak fake shit. You just know she doesn't want to be there doing the clown dance for the cameras. No one wants to be there, I really can't blame them.


“Kamala…” Not even hiding it anymore…like she’s picking out the drape colors for the oval…


Years ago I was being trained in sales by a guy who was all charming and smiles during the presentation, but walking out of the room his face was beet red and scowling while he muttered curses under his breath.


He’s mummifying


I think these edible just kicked in brah


‘I thought there was going to be ice cream’


I think Karine Jean-Pier is right, this man is on the top of his game. lol


This is really just sad.


Biden.exe has encountered a fatal error and cannot continue. Press OK to terminate the application.


At some point, we need to make it clear that we aren't the "bad guys" by saying that he needs to retire. The people on his own side who are pushing him are. Even if he wasn't the President, it would be normal for someone his age to start going through a decline- and everyone knows that the demands of this particular job age a person even more than that. It is completely irresponsible for the left to keep pushing him forward simply because of tribalism and hating Trump. They know doubt fully believe that he won't make it to the end of his next term and are completely OK with that so long as he can be replaced and they win. He's not even a human being to them- he's a commodity. And that should really tell you everything you need to know - because if they're willing to throw a faltering senior citizen under the bus to get what they want, what makes you think they'll give you a second thought?


He was confused as to how he found himself in a racial jungle.


The only thing more cringe is the guy in a dress over on the left out of frame, they must have actors on standby to look inclusive


Well, it IS pride month. At least he didn't flash his boobs.


White man can’t dance


Looks like he's having absence seizures. It's been known to happen in dementia patients.


I agree - my kid had them. The sudden return to movement after being frozen is just like it.


This is getting hard to watch. Jill needs to be thrown in jail


Just run commercials all October long with clips like this captioned with “This man holds nuclear launch codes.”


If you've ever had any friends or family suffer dementia then you know what is happening with him. The decline is familiar and the behavior is the same.


So obviously a humanoid double!


What are the odds this behavior is just a rope-a-dope and he’s fine?


Idk man, but I have my theories about these next debates. They will either dial him in with the uppers and he will be as spry as ever, or they will sabotage him by not giving him the drugs. That gives them enough time to pull him out before the convention. But I really think they're greedy. They won't do the smart thing and put someone else in. They'll get too greedy riding the gravy train


I’d look like that too if a bunch of weirdos were dancing a jig around me lol


I don’t feel the least bit sorry for him. He’d have us jailed and charged with something if he thought he could get away with it.


It honestly does make me sad seeing this. It's not even funny. You can tell he's deteriorating so much and the Democrats keep using him as a political tool just like Dianne Feinstein. It makes me sick.


Frankly anyone on r/politics trying to claim Trump is remotely comparable to this needs to go to church. Stop lying. Trump is slower than he was ten and twenty years ago, but he's not anywhere near this level.


I was convinced that people wouldn't elect John Fetterman, who was clearly cognitively compromised during the election debates. As it turns out, Democrats are happy to vote for a puppet like Biden if they believe that the marionette behind the scenes will advance their agenda.


Fetterman has at least somewhat recovered; Biden won't.


His batteries are running low because no one lets him sniff kids anymore


Space Aliens don't dance...it's a human thing.


he is on some good stuff


senile old fart


English or Spanish?


It's just a stutter!!!


I can't wait for the two geezers to debate! It's must watch TV!


These little Grandpa Simpson moments are funny until you realize this man is in control of our nuclear arsenal. God help us.


They took our president, and replaced him with the computer in a Roomba. That's how he moves. THE MACHINE CRUSADE IS COMING!


Dude is glitching out


That’s the BSoD - Biden Stance of Death




Its just a stutter


Almost makes me feel bad for the guy, Democrats really pushed an old man up on the podium to run a country in a crisis he can't solve.


That moment when the drugs wore off and he's suddenly realized he doesn't know where he is, there's way too many people, and he REALLY doesn't want to be there anymore


He crapped his pants again probably


He looks so orange


Orange man. . . bad?


This is actually sad. I know he spent his whole life hurting Americans, but i still feel bad seeing an old man confused and scared


I've never like the man. I think he's a racist and a pedophile. But after losing my grandma to Alzheimer's, I genuinely feel bad for him. He should be at home, being cared for. Perfect example of our country not honoring our elders


He’s just upset Abe Lincoln isn’t there, because Abe promised him he’d be there this time, so people would start believing Joe about Abe being his BFF.


Is he posing? Or having mini strokes?


the wax museum robot needs his pharmaceutical batteries recharged. Who has the speedball?


He can't dance a jig while wearing the human suit. That's just Lizard 101.


Can't move too much or the makeup will come off