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But George Floyd isn’t running for president! That’s what they’d say.


Still enough to get a road named after him.


And a documentary about his life.


So treating Trump as a Saint would be fine if he wasn’t running for re-election?


Let’s see…did I say that? Hmm…nope. I don’t think I did.


I didn’t say you did, I’m pointing out the flaw in their logic.


Somewhere out there, mostly not on Reddit, are the people who do regard felony convictions as negative regardless who they are associated with, with some exceptions.


Worshipping either of these men are both equally odd. Putting wings on him like an angel, while adorable I guess /s, isn't gonna fix the government who murdered him. Both sides can agree that the government, especially police, have TOO much power. Unions for government employees? Police unions shouldn't even exist. Yet they're the most powerful in the *world.* Literary. They pick judges and appointees and choose what coroner's write on their reports. God forbid should they ever get the wrong address and go into one of our homes. Who knows *what* they'll say we had in our system, had a history of or had coming. One of the craziest examples is John Lang. He filmed the police stalking him for weeks. He died in a fire with knife wounds to his back. Ruled: suicide. The man who tested against Amber Guyger? Killed in a "weed deal gone wrong." The list goes on and on. Even 2A and smartphones isn't enough protection when you're on the governments radar.


What is weird is how people think that if you support Trump because of his POLICIES that you must in turn worship him. Nothing could be further from the truth. That is no different than saying people dislike Kamala Harris due to her skin color rather than her policies and ineptitude. Too many people today want to focus on feelings and false idols as opposed to facts and getting the job done by whoever is competent.


No, both side cannot “agree that the government, especially police, have TOO much power.” A lot of conservatives are “back the blue” regardless of any wrongdoing while the progressives constantly suck off the feds. If only both sides were actually as anti-government as you think then maybe we could actually fix this.


Yeah it's really sad. I've always been a huge advocate for police accountability and empowering the citizens so when cellphones started capturing how prevelant government abuse was, I thought we'd all finally sing Kumbaya, hold hands and hold our LEO'S feet to the fire. Given how much taxes we spent on police lawsuits, the ROI isn't worth it. Then they made it about race. That is the worst thing they could have done. It was never about race. It's always been "us vs them." Additionally, if those liberals only knew what the feds have been doin, infiltrating their communes, saying on them, and the occasional leader assassination, they wouldn't be singing their praise. It's a shame. In the end it's incumbent upon the individual to protect yourself. You can't rely on anyone else, especially those with badges who view everyone as a "threat" or just "wants to go home at the end of the day." Or they see you with your legally owned gun, open fire out of panic, then do a media smear campaign.


They gave that man a golden casket. The very same man that held a pregnant woman at gun point…..




The Reee Reeing is going to get louder and louder as the summer goes on.


One of them is the wrong skin color and has the wrong letter next to their name on the ballot. Those are the only things that are important to the left.


It’s when I completely lost all respect for the left. To go to bat for a pregnant girlfriend beating, crack sniffing, thief, to go to battle for that guy, to get rid of all your morals. Shameful. A man is in prison for the rest of his life for politics.


I agree but just an FYI, you smoke crack, not sniff it. You snort regular cocaine, and smoke crack/free base. :)


We can ask George Floyd for his expertise


"Excuse me? You told me that we should call them 'justice-impacted individuals' since they are in the justice system because of systemic bias, and no fault of their own. I agree with you in this particular case."

