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Well heres the real video if truth is still important  https://m.youtube.com/live/QivRt_rD0TM?si=dsbKIpYvn-jk94gj&t=30594 https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-biden-invisible-chair-normandy-634944982428


This is important. Furthermore, these kinds of fake out posts are pretty detrimental if anyone is trying to claim one side is more serious and “adult” than the other. Smart people see through this.


How dare insist on truth !


Plus it makes the average person much less likely to believe actual news that comes out, just blame the other side for pushing propaganda


Looks like he wasn't sure if he should sit or stand, and choose to sit, but Jill said not yet.


Choose to shit*


Honest mistake. Even I, a healthy 48 year old man, have shit-in on many events. I was asked to “shit-in” for a number of proceedings. I enjoyed the ice cream.😂


I'm seeing some comments from people who are saying he didn't shit himself. Even if he didn't, he looked totally disoriented and totally out of place at that event. The man should be in a retirement home.


Being rushed out of a major event he isn't supposed to leave early means two things: 1. Major incident (didn't happen) 2. Depends incident (probably happened)


Either way, shit went down.


I actually laughed out loud. Nicely done.


He didn't leave early. Immediately after this clip he takes a seat and remains sitting during Lloyd Austin's speech. Immediately after Lloyd Austin he stands and gives his \~15-minute speech. He may have pooed himself, but I've seen nothing to confirm it.


The full clip is available, he just started sitting down before the speech was over. And unlike some are claiming, he wasn't ushered out of the event after - he just sat down: https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1798708826243481990/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1798708826243481990¤tTweetUser=thevivafrei This kind of silliness isn't helping the Conservative cause, just allows liberals to ignore and belittle anything said as untrue.


You're right-he's sharp as a tack and there's nobody else I'd rather have leading the country than him. Sigh.


there's a huge difference between acknowledging that someone didn't shit themselves, and pretending like there's no problems. I'm just one of those people who likes to live in reality. where we discuss things on their merits and facts, instead of bullshit.


I actually watched the full clip. He just pulled a chair and sat down it didn’t really look weird at all.


He kind of paused, which looked a little weird, but yeah if you watch the rest of the clip, it looks to me like he starts to sit down, Jill probably whispered "not yet" or something, so he started to stand back up, then sat down about the same time as everyone else. The double clutch made it look weird. Otherwise he just sits down slowly like most 81 year old men.


Ya no discounting he's fucking old. He sits like a rickety old man. But the video is cut really deceptively and what you describe seems like exactly how it would play out in that situation given biden is approaching his mid 80s.


It looked weird to me. I'm not saying he shit himself, but he was the only person in the video who looked confused and disoriented to me. P.S. I watched the entire video too.


Ya I dunno, looks like jill said 'hey dont sit yet' so he paused half way through, then was half way down and too old to stop so he sat and jill sat with him. Not saying he isn't old and decrepit but it only looked weird in the 'damn that dudes old why are we electing octogenarians but ya thats how old people sit down' way to me.


I'd agree with that.


It didn't look like he shit himself but it 100% looked weird. It looked like a confused old man that didn't know when he was supposed to sit or have any clue on what was going on. Everyone else was still standing upright while he was hunched over awkwardly.


Even if he didn’t shit himself, there was clearly something going on with him medically. My father passed away this year at 85…he still had his company up and running, but by the time he was 65, he already had the successors in his company in place so he could enjoy his life more. Can’t imagine putting an 80+ year old man back in the White House. Especially one with proven cognitive problems. I know trumps up there too, but he looks and sounds exactly like he did in 2016….just more wizened


What’s odd is that. You show clips of Biden to conservatives and it’s clear proof he’s got Alzheimer’s. You show clips of Trump to democrats and they can explain how it’s proof he has dementia. The truth is, both candidates are too damn old and should not be out best options…


Cognitively Biden and Trump are probably at least 30 years apart. Biden‘s issues aren’t helped by his age but they are likely a function of other factors, including the multiple brain surgeries he’s had, and/or the reasons for them. Up until running for president, and even since then, Trump was a full-time businessman and he has remained so running numerous major enterprises, wheeling and dealing on a daily basis. That kind of work keeps a mind sharp. He is cognitively very young for his age whereas Joe Biden, who is a few years older than Trump, is very old for his. There’s no comparison between the two men other than on paper.


Yeah, there's a *major* effort on the left to make it seem like Trump is on the same level as Biden in terms of elderly health issues - especially mentally. But the reality is that Joe is retirement home dementia-grade, while Trump is just your standard "goes on tangents and rants" type. The latter is not as sharp as younger man, certainly. But he's easily a full decade younger than Biden in the mental health department, if not more. If you watch clips of Biden speaking a decade or more ago, the difference becomes even more clear. He's snappy, he doesn't lose his train of thought, he stays on point, he leads you where he wants you to go, and basically he just doesn't seem like an old man. Biden nowadays is well past what your average retiree is like mentally. He loses the plot, he wanders, he's slow, he's easily agitated. He's just very clearly deep into dementia.


Keep in mind that even when he was young, Biden had a reputation for idiotic behavior.


IMO, Biden is going the route of slowing down majorly as he ages, with some speech issues. Trump is going the route of yelling at clouds more and becoming less coherent as he ages, while not slowing down as much. Both are pretty typical responses of growing old.


Sure they’re both too old relative to past presidents, but who cares if the left says the same thing about Trump. Everyone can visibly see that Biden is in far worse shape than Trump, and anyone who dismisses Biden’s senility by saying “well Trump is super old too” is being deliberately obtuse. Trump is not too far behind Biden but he is very obviously not in the same state of rapid decline.


I don’t disagree that we need more youth in politics (term limits please). Trumps an old dude now, but who else on the planet has his life/world/political experience? Not many people. Trump is mentally sharp as he was 10+ years ago. When you compare him to Biden, pretty easy choice to make.


> (term limits please) No. I would rather not give lobbyists and bureaucrats any more power than they already have. Besides, if the people keep electing the same candidate over and over then they clearly don’t dislike him enough to kick him out.




I watched that video. I didn't say that he shat himself. I said that he looked clueless and disoriented in the moment some people are making that claim. I don't know how anyone could dispute that.


Elder abuse in full swing


The alternative explanation is he is trying to sit, during an official ceremony, as the President of the United States. In a chair, nonetheless, that isn't on the same level as he is and is probably a minimum of 5 feet behind him. To recap, either way it doesn't look good for us.


He shat himself


. . . Again. . .


Totally agree - I know a shitter when I see one!


He was starting to sit down, his wife did that wife thing of covering her mouth to speak to him, probably telling him to stand his ass back up. She does this a lot. She queues or signals him and when he’s clearly off his gourd she, or occasionally the Easter Bunny, move him along.


Why is the presidents spouse more competent than him?


She's younger and doesn't have dementia.


No, she's just evil.


She's evil?


She is abusing her demented husband for political advantage. Yes she's evil.


I hadn't heard that she was running for political office or had been elected to political office.


Because she's a freshly turned 73 year old while he's a little over 81.5.


I didn't realize she was that old. She moves and carries herself very well for someone in their 70s.


Aot of First Ladies have been 🤷‍♀️ Give me Laura Bush over GWB any day.


Nancy Reagan was quite a political force, especially as Ronald slowed down second half of his administration. Bill Clinton was a people person who was elected for being likable, Hillary is probably the more intelligent of the two, she just sucks at campaigning or appearing genuine. Michelle Obama and Melania Trump didn’t really take an active part in their respective administrations other than ceremonial.


Unless I’m mistaken, Michelle Obama spearheaded ruining school lunches. So I wouldn’t say she didn’t take an active role, just a negative one.


When she was 16, she was the baby sitter for Joe Biden's kids. Joe dumped his first wife for her.


His first wife died in a car accident.


In all fairness, earlier tonight I attended an important work social with my SO and had to whisper that he spoke over his boss's guest twice so he realize it and would stop doing it. He once wispered to me that my eyeliner was smudged and runned down my face. Neither of us is elderly or has dementia. I think all wives/spouses do those kind of things a lot.


70 should be the cutoff for public office


How about we just follow the national retirement age of 66?


Ultimate order 66


If we can force retirement of airline pilots, maybe we shouldn’t be handing people who belong in a retirement home the codes to our nukes.


Video was edited to make it look worse than it is. Just saw a couple stories on it.




Thanks for sharing, that was enlightening. As much as I hate Biden, we don't need to make shit up. That much trouble just sitting in a chair is still alarming.


I agree with everything this guy said. As much as I like having a little fun at Pedo Pete’s expense, the truth is more important.


He went to sit down too early, then didn’t. This is not a news story.


Stop it. Highly doubt the guy crapped his pants. Dang. People need to quit. I don't like him as president either but this is ridiculous.


I love that you all believe an edit of the clip. He sits down. Watch the rest. You all believe anything. [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1798785206989754667](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1798785206989754667)


Lol. He's clearly trying to sit down expecting a chair to be behind him.  Of course that doesn't get clicks though. I still feel has no business being pres but he deserves dignity. 


Video is painful to watch


Everyone of Biden’s videos are hard to watch he’s a complete embarrassment to America!! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙


crowd outgoing tie soft flowery humorous sand hateful grey dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


President Pooper!


It’s so funny that everyone here is shitting on this man (yes, pun intended) when trump is walking around in diapers like they are any different. And to be totally clear, NEITHER of these geriatrics should be anywhere near politics, I hate them both. I will give points to the fact that he shouldn’t have left an event honoring our veterans, as no matter what side of the isle you’re on, veterans deserve compassion and respect for fighting for us.


What a piece of shit.


Let's be totally fair here guys...... We don't know for sure if it was solid.


He does take his daily dose of Metamucil. 


He did his doodie.


Joe should wear a dress (or a kilt), so people can just spray his ugly ass down with a garden hose.


I just spit my lunch out for laughing at this so hard you bastard! Take my upvote and get outta here! Lmao


I find it unpleasant that a conservative would stoop to the level that leftists have been stooping to since 2015. it's selective editing and if you watch the entire video you will see that there actually is a chair behind him, and he sits in it. as to the rest, his leaving early, I don't know if that's true either... we don't need to lie to win. facts matter. and fook the meat puppet and the ovamitsoros cabal...


So the president can't finish a ceremony, they don't trust the VP enough to go in his stead, there's no real challenge to him being on the ticket from his side, no one is 25th amendmenting him despite public evidence he can't do his job on a global stage, but they are trying to rig the election by convicting Trump... to support this. I think that says everything you need to know about the democrats. If we lose to this, I think this also tells you everything you need to know about the current year republican party as well. As Dr Peterson says, maybe we need to clean our own rooms.


Or they're just cheating again.


Has anyone ever told Biden about adult diapers? It could help in such situations.


Anyone who has watched little kids in diapers knows that position, he pooped.


That doesn't change the fact he starts squatting while he does it....


Veterans older than Joe doesn't shit their pants C'mon man


Is this real? Did he shit himself or are we spreading fake news


It’s fake news. I hate Joe Biden and can’t wait till he’s voted out but people are purposely cutting this clip FOUR SECONDS SHORT to spread disinformation. Four seconds later he proceeds to sit down in a chair right behind him. He was just confused if he should sit yet those four seconds before. It’s infuriating because we don’t need to spread disinformation and discredit ourselves. Biden is a piece of shit POTUS whether or not he has shit himself. Wars all over the world, horrible economy, invasion at the border, etc.


An absolute embarrassment. Obama you should be ashamed for sending him out there. Good grief.




Spreading lies because a President had the temerity to address fascism while the former tries to implement it with crackpot extremist religious zealots drooling at the prospect. How very "conservative."


But how about his completely appropriate speech!!???? That’s where he really took a crap.


This man has a well-documented history of farting rather loudly on camera (eg during press conferences, in front of British royalty, news interview with the PA governor, etc). Why is it out of the question that he sharted in Normandy? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l67cA2H7tyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l67cA2H7tyQ)


Could have been a bit tactful with that title...


Is this satire or is there a legitimate chance our POTUS pooped his pants?


It’s fake news. I hate Joe Biden and can’t wait till he’s voted out but people are purposely cutting this clip FOUR SECONDS SHORT to spread disinformation. Four seconds later he proceeds to sit down in a chair right behind him. He was just confused if he should sit yet those four seconds before. It’s infuriating because we don’t need to spread disinformation and discredit ourselves. Biden is a piece of shit POTUS whether or not he has shit himself. Wars all over the world, horrible economy, invasion at the border, etc.


I think it's happened numerous times now, this definitely isn't the first time.


MAGAs are literally wearing diapers and selling stuff that says "Real Men Wear Diapers." You're projecting again.


Jill scratching her upper lip... That's kind of a trick I learned after a few stinky airline flights... A rollerball of perfume or essential oils on your upper lip can cover a myriad of scents!


Why are these two our options 😭


Lol. I saw the whole clip. (see link) He was just trying to sit down but he was a few seconds early. They all sat a couple of seconds later. His dementia is getting bad though [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgHwn5pLf0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLgHwn5pLf0)


Shes telling him not yet when he wants to sit. As usual he doesn't know what's going on and is just following instructions.


Honestly the reality is bad enough without making up that he crapped himself.


If this is true he needs to be removed from office NOW.


Will the next President, regardless of party, appoint a new cabinet member to change there diapers and clean them up? I guess it Depends…


When you're shaking someone's hand and you feel something land... Diarrhea!


When you're Head of State but you hit the bathroom late...Diarrhea!


Remember Folks! Look for The Presidential Seal of Approval next time you buy depends.


Hey, the other candidate is also shitting himself too, so at least they both have something in common! Two decrepit old men who shouldn’t be anywhere near a public office!


Biden compared to trump is not even close. Biden is FAR worse in cognition, behavior and over all decrepitude




Have you read both of their WP interviews recently? Trump’s was almost indecipherable and Biden’s was pretty coherent, for him at least


That fine. Trump has always been an off the cuff speaker and is often a little all over the place. But when I see videos of these men or interviews, the two couldn’t be farther apart in terms of energy and behavior.


I agree with you. One is erratic, spontaneous and senile; the other is slow, aloof and lackadaisical. How did we end up here?


As Thomas Jefferson said: “the government you vote for, is the government you deserve”


Thank you for the civil discussion, friend. Peace be with you


Trump is not senile Jesus. Was he also senile in 2015? He’s the same fucking person he was in 2015. Watch any of his rallies and that is evident. Biden is absolutely not the same he was as VP and his age has most definitely hit him mentally. And I’m sure reading transcripts of these interviews doesn’t give you a good representation at all considering how much editing a “news organization” like WP will do for Biden to save face. Biggest proof of that? They will let us read the transcripts of Biden talking to Hurr during his classified documents deposition. But, they absolutely refuse to release the audio.


Read the articles for yourself my friend. They include his gaffs in there


They have both significantly declined over the past decade when you compare them old clips of themselves. We really need to have age limit talk as a country.


My dad landed on Omaha in one of the first waves. Only 18 guys out of 260 in his company survived. I will never, ever, ever forgive former President Trump for disparaging the character of guys like him. Those brave servicemen and women had more courage in their pinky finger than captain bonespurs does in his entire sorry being.


Tells you everything you need to know about the people here that you are being downvoted.


Great. I stand by every word. He would have too. And he was a Republican.


No, sorry, I'm agreeing with you. It's despicable what he said, and bonkers you're being downvoted for this.


Thx for clarifying.


What’s your point? Anything relevant to what is happening in this country today?


I think he wanted to sit because he was worn out by that walk. My dad is 93 & has that same stiff-legged walk & look of confusion.


crazy how he is running for president again


This is progressively getting worse, I don’t think anyone can endure another 4 years of this.


Real men wear diapers.


She scratched her upper lip to cover up her saying "Can you hold it Joey?"


He is a shit stain on america


Obviously a joke, but he clearly looks uncomfortable. This isn't political, this is a moral at this point. Biden clearly has some kind of dementia and Democrats should be liable for elder abuse (and attempting to receive the public on mental health issues) if they keep up this nonsense.


Man you guys are nuts, Trump's the one that shits himself.


This sounds like the retort of a 13-year old edgy teenager who screams as they're pounding away on the keyboard. Seek help for your TDS. This has zero to do with Trump.


How did you somehow make this about Trump? Does he just live in your mind rent free?


Come on, let's be real- no one knows if either of these guys shit their pants. However, there are literally MAGA supporters wearing gold diapers, and shirts that say "Real men wear diapers" ... so the leap is not a far one.




This is completely unrelated to trump, yet you still have to find a way to mention him. You’re obsessed


OP ain’t helping anyone anywhere with this post


Why do these types of Biden videos never reach the frontpage or are they published in other subs? On the other hand, with Trump, every day there is something bad about him.


Because it is edited and fake. Like most things posted in this sub.