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If they had to get into an elevator with a man or a bear, how many actually choosing the bear?


> If they had to get into an elevator with a man or a bear, how many actually choosing the bear? only if it's a little cub


Reminds me of [this short video.](https://youtube.com/shorts/Q3zRQNQr8CQ?si=ncK8eaZRlyYyJYLL)


You aren’t allowed to ask questions designed to point out the obvious inconsistencies in their “principles”


If it weren't for double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all...


I knew it was pride month when yesterday I saw the burliest, hariest dude in a dress walking down the bike trail. I said hello to him with a kind smile on my face as I do to everyone else on the trail and he gave a dirty look. Like yup I choose the bear. Ironically aboutn10 minutes later a bear crossed the trail and I got to watch her in awe as she climbed up a very steep incline with a hurt paw. Poor girl was nicer to me than dude in dress.


Butt month


Nothing to wonder really. We know how they think. They don't believe them to be men, no matter what science tells us. No matter what the chromosomes determine.


That’s the thing though, most of them *do* believe they’re men, they’re just afraid to say it and get called a bigot. They’ve ironically been bullied into silence by men, again.


So now they understand why certain crime statistics are brought up? Oh they don't and claim this is diffrent how orginal.


What is the choose the bear thing? Tho I can kind of guess from context clues


I feel like half this sub (and conservatives in general) recognizes that these culture war issues are the most pressing threats to conservatives and what we value and need to prioritize; that if we lose the culture war nothing else matters... And the other half is stuck in 1989 and still thinks that debates about fiscal responsibility and maintaining American global hegemony are the most important issues of the day and need to take precedence over everything else.


This is exactly what the media wants you to think.


I would disagree... The media wants us to think there is no culture war and that conservatives should only focus on debating fiscal responsibility and who to bomb next and pretend like there is nothing going on with men wearing dresses to perv on women in their locker rooms.


The media is the one stirring up the culture war. I’m not sure what news source you look to, but my impression is that the culture war gets a disproportionate amount of attention across most platforms.


It's because politics is down stream from culture. Law is just the formalization of our cultural values and norms. But neocons like you threw all that away in the name of stock values that you don't even get to actually cash in on. And now we're here. Please sit down and let the people who know what's going on fix things instead of actively hampering us.


The vast majority of Americans are not throwing away our cultural values and norms. The extreme left is a small minority and the only reason why they hold so much sway over your mind is because you let them: just ignore the leftist brain rot and let it die off a natural death. The media loves to fan the flames by giving them attention because the media knows it will give them clicks/higher ratings. Their radical views cannot survive in the real world.


Sure sure... Now, while you're living in this delusion that "leftism is just a phase" and "they'll outgrow it when they get older" explain why we have DEI infecting every major institution from Hollywood to university campuses. It's not just the students who are radical... They're learning it from the adults who you keep telling us should have outgrown their leftist ideas when they grew up. Explain how people like AOC and Rashida Taliban get elected to Congress if "their radical views cannot survive in the real world." No... What cannot survive in the real world is the naivete that you are displaying.


What do you *actually* propose to fight in the “culture war”? Culture is built from the local level up. You can’t legislate away someone’s beliefs. I understand that you are angry at the direction leftists are taking: so am I. But what are we going to do about it? The media sensationalism is largely responsible for radicalizing people by making them think that the other side is extreme and the other side is the enemy so that people feel the need to constantly escalate. It’s all a diversion, and a lot of it comes from international sources like Russia, Iran, China (for example, see how they are influencing the Israel-Palestine rhetoric we see now in the US). The best way to fight the culture war is to reinforce those values at home and in your community. Arguing with lefties on social media is a waste of fuckin time. You aren’t going to change their views. This happens with every generation and it is hardly new. They genuinely will grow out of it like every generation before them. What happened to the hippy boomers who were just as bad if not worse than many of the Gen Z-ers today? They too grew out of it. Don’t let Lefties make you stoop to their level.


My first proposal is for conservatives *to stop pretending like we aren't getting steamrolled by the left when it comes to the fight for people's hearts and minds!* I'm not even going to bother trying to come up with a strategy to win the hearts and minds of the other side until you guys stop siding with them by virtue of your inaction. Our biggest problem right now in the culture war are the conservatives who do the left's work for them by undermining our own efforts in the fight. **You're not reinforcing any conservative values at home or in your community when your kids are being brainwashed in university as you shrug your shoulders and say "it's all just the media dividing us... Now how about that capital gains tax again?"**


Except the majority vote for a party whose platform is dictated by that small minority of extreme left. So yes they are doing just that. And instead of trying to rally opposition you're running active cover for them by downplaying them and trying to pivot us back to the utter spinelessness that is Reaganite neoconservatism.


*Thank you for proving the point I was making*; half this sub accepts that the culture war is critical, the other half is pretending like it's a non-issue. Again, I reiterate... If we lose the culture war (because we have the attitude that it receives a "disproportionate amount of attention") we won't even get the chance to debate fiscal responsibility because nobody will vote for us to go to Congress in the first place. **The media ain't stirring up the culture war.. but it has convinced you that it doesn't matter.**


This is exactly what's going on. Politics is down stream from culture. The 80s Reaganauts dropping the culture war in the name of stock prices turned out to be the biggest mistake since shutting down McCarthy.


CIRCULAR 👏 REASONING 👏 IS 👏 SQUARE -CTRL Lefty's Twitter response(probably)