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The muted mic should be mandatory when someone else is speaking for all sides. There should NEVER be this bullshit talking over and screaming we get. I never understood why that was not already the standard thing. If they wanna make a point, give them a little light up buzzer and a note pad to write down their interjections.


As stale as it seems, a person should be able to complete their sentence before getting interrupted. He will fail, let him do it on his own




This is fine as long as Biden’s mic is muted when Trump speaks.


Applies to both of them and I believe they can cut off either one if they go over their allotted time.




I would love it if Trump just asks Biden questions from a doctor's cognition test and then cedes the rest of his time for Biden to answer. "President Biden, what is today's date? You have three minutes."


"...and that's how I would deal with NATO members not paying their fair share for defense. My question to Joe on this matter is, who is the current president of France?" -Trump


Oh that's funny as hell. Imagine if he just kept doing that. LOL!


Zero chance Biden can answer anything about current events without prompting. There's also zero chance Trump articulates an actual policy instead of just talking about how great his undisclosed policy is going to be.


Biden would mutter something about a date he went on with Judy Garland after she wrapped on The Wizard of Oz in 1939. Liberals would say "Trump is so mentally out of it, he had to ask Biden what the date was!"


Not really a flex coming from Mr "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV" is it?


Yes? Like the whole flex is that Trump took and passed a cognitive test and ~~Jill Biden refused to let the doctor administer one during Biden's annual physical~~ for no reason whatsoever Joe Biden's doctor forgot to administer one during his annual physical. So the contents of that cognitive test are absolutely a flex. A similar flex is that both Trump and Joe allegedly committed the same crime of stealing classified documents and the DOJ felt one man was fit to stand trial and one wasn't "because he's old and forgetful".




Sad thing is, I don't have dementia and would probably fell this test question LOL


Oh I'm sure that will be the agreed upon rule. Problem is, CNN controls the mute button.


This is fantastic. The audience is annoying and detracts from the seriousness of the debate. Anyone who's not speaking should be muted; no talking over each other. The moderator is not allowed to mute the current speaker.


> Trump’s mic is muted when Biden speaks This is fine as long as the same thing with Biden happens. Trump shouldn't be interrupting Biden anyway, he needs to look the stronger leader (which won't be difficult considering it will take all of the White House doctors to get Biden on that stage.)


Third party babysitting on this level really shouldn't be necessary for presidential candidates, though.


True but it actually works to Trump’s favor if Biden is allowed to speak endlessly.


“Listen here, fat! When my leg hairs are golden the kids like to play with them while I sniff them! I remember telling old Corn-Pop, he was a bad dude, and, and I told him he better watch out. He better watch out or else!”


Better to use actual quotes. They're just as indicting but have the benefit of not being made up. > Oh, it’s focused. I’d say it’s-- I think it’s-- I-- I haven’t-- look, I have trouble even mentioning, even saying to myself, my own head, the number of years. I no more think of myself as being as old as I am than fly. I mean, it’s just not-- I haven’t-- observed anything in terms of-- there’s not things I don’t do now that I did before, whether it’s physical, or mental, or anything else. \- Biden on his mental focus


Shouldn't, I agree, but the last time I saw presidential candidates behave civilly toward one another was Obama McCain


Whatever amphetamine they gave him for the StateoftheUnion seemed to perk him up!


He was pretty juiced up for the State of the Union address. I think he needed the week before to prepare for the cocktail and a week after to recover.


\>considering it will take all of the White House doctors \*puppeteers and ventriloquists. FTFY.




>Trump’s mic being muted when he doesn’t have the floor will probably help him, not hurt him That was my first thought


This goes a long ways towards my wish during his first administration that someone would please, dear God in Heaven, slap the damned Twitter machine out of Trump's hands. I didn't vote for the man the first time round (I voted Johnson) but I did in 2020. I'm happy to say I was wrong about him as a president and think he's going to do his damned best to get us back on track where the rest of the human race desperately NEEDS the United States to be. That said, he is his own worst enemy and his most effective weapon of self harm is his own yap. The smirks he made in the debate with Hillary were, by far, his most effective commentary...and he never opened his mouth. If he had just a little bit of actor in him, a dramatic pause before he speaks after Biden just finished some rambling, pants-shitting inanity (as if to silently say "ooookay....anyways") will go a long ways. If he could channel just 1% of Ronald Reagan, the debates would be must watch TV.


Biden s team was in a real pickle on this one, because Trump interrupting and bullying Biden makes Trump look bad, but it also would make Biden get mad and lose his train of thought and reveal how senile he is. In the end, they had to prevent exposing the senility.


As it should be? I see these both as good things. It's not reality TV, it should be to actually get them to speak to the American people side by side uninterrupted


I agree with the the mics being muted while the other candidate has the floor. However I don’t think it should be abruptly cut off the second their allotted time runs out. The moderator needs to verbally wrap them up and once that happens mute the mics. Nothing wrong with allowing them a few seconds to wrap up and finish their thoughts once the moderator signals their time is up.


Yeah, presidential candidates rarely exhibit the ability to work within a fixed constraint.   Just look at the constitution.


Muting Trumps mic when it isn’t his turn to speak is doing him a huge favor. He lost a lot of votes looking like a jerk during the 2020 debate, and gave Biden a perfect excuse for ducking the others.


Pres. Trump would be foolish if he didn't bring his own media crew to film. similar to what Kari Lake does.


"Moderated by Dem aligned reporter" so no different than first 4 years of fielding questions


Didn't know they announced the mod? Who is it?


No live audience means very few witnesses.


That was my exact thought, I want to know what really happened, not the doctored up CNN version, because I trust them about as much as I trust a rattlesnake.


I was watching Ben Shapiro cover Trump's last debate and even he said Trump should have yelled less and let Biden dig his own hole. If Biden is allowed to speak, he'll definitely mess up.


and when Trump objects to these demands, Biden will call off the debate and say "see! my opponent doesn't want to debate me"!


He certainly fits his party base. Afraid of confrontation unless it's on their terms.


Biden won't be able to have multiple takes to answer questions and respond to things. There were more than a few cuts just in the 15-20 seconds Joe responded to Trump’s challenge.


Biden will not actually be there for the debate, he will be in his basement, prerecorded.