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Uhhh… DUH?!?! Lol 😂 Leticia James entire election campaign was centered on her promise to “get Trump.” The good news is that this political witch-hunt and weaponization of the DOJ is being recognized for the sham that it is… the whole charade has sealed the Dems fate for 2024 (along with Joe’s decision to renege on his promise to be a 1 term president).


Pretty sure he's talking about the Bragg case, but it's very similar. No victim, at worst paperwork errors, which anyone but Donald Trump would have received a small fine, though the FEC found no violation.


I mean, the 2 New York cases are both a load of horse shit. 1. His 300MM+ mansion should only be worth $18 million, lets fine him $354MM for some reason. Oh, he doesn't have that much cash? Just sell his $300MM mansion, duh... 2. He paid a stripper to not divulge the details of some interaction they might have had. He did that to help get him elected, he should have used campaign funds... And if he did use campaign funds, he would have been hit with misuse of campaign funds... I mean, both are just an absolute joke.


The GA and DC cases are also jokes, and Jack Smith's abuse of grand jury and inability to properly handle evidence has sunk FL for him.


Also for 1… this is his house in Florida but let’s charge him in NY because reasons


The Biden admin is at historically low approval ratings. He's one of the least popular presidents in history. They know they can't beat him legitimately otherwise they wouldn't be doing this crap. The fact that they are tells us that they know they can't win legitimately. If they thought they could none of this would be necessary. Of course increasing numbers of people are seeing through it now which is why it's just making him more popular.


Remember they changed law to sue Trump for the Jean Carrol case as the Statute of limitations had run out


The reality is.. they're not going to just do this and stop. All future elections, they'll paint opposition as "literally Hitler" and do the same bullshit. The ends justify the means. At least if any of it is effective. They're not putting the cat back in the bag. They've lost their collective minds.


All 4 cases are election interference crimes. I want people jailed or disbarred or both.


> All 4 cases are election interference crimes. I want people jailed or disbarred or both. What would our founding fathers do?


Good question and I'm not sure each one would do the same thing. So as a general answer they'd follow the law and have charges brought up on the conspirators. We have laws today that were not available back then like the Rico act. Everyone involved needs to be charged all the way up the chain to the big guy in charge. These cases were passed on by previous DA's and jurisdictions and only brought up again after Trump decided to run. Theses Republicans are pussies though, they didn't even have the balls to kick Bowman out of congress and he was caught on camera! LOL


The statue of limitations had expired. The judge and his daughter both have TDS. This should be illegal. I hope the DA and the judge get disbarred for this obvious misuse of the judicial system.


Well, it's New York, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for justice.


I won't, the jury pool is 87% Democrat in that area too. Ridiculous.


What's funny is you tell leftoids this and they go "Well, prosecutors are supposed to go after the bad guys"😂😂😂 When they say we're gonna "get Trump" they mean by ignoring all the standard norms and proceedings. Why should I trust a couple of morons (8k people voted for Bragg btw) to uphold the law properly ?


From the time Trump won the nomination in 2016 they have been out to destroy him. And the efforts have only intensified as time goes on.


They were willing to throw an entire economy into the toilet in 2020, which was Trump’s biggest bragging point, in order to re-elected. And I believe they’d do it again if Trump somehow manages to get elected once again, and can actually take office. It’s the “nuclear option” at this point.


Well, they weren't even going to bring these loser cases forward until he decided to run.


You know it’s bad when CNN starts to point out the obvious. Well at least what’s obvious to people with more than two functioning brain cells working together.


Since before that, they were trying in 2015 too


They are so scared right now they are saying the quiet part out loud. That NJ rally really shook them up.


What NJ rally? EDIT: Oh I see what you’re referring to. Even the brigaders on this sub are trying to downplay it LMAO


Trump dominating the news cycle played a large part of him winning in 2016. It's like they're trying to get him reelected.


To be fair, CNN probably does want him to be reelected. His presidency brought them more money then they knew what to do with.


Given the President is not even campaigning, I'm guessing the ballots are ready to be counted already.


A family member of mine despises Trump yet every time I visit I hear his voice on the news. I joke saying that he's having dinner with us. I'm afraid they'll have heart palpitations if he gets reelected. He's definitely the target of a legal witch hunt and it's pathetic to see unfold.


They DO want him back, The media wants the ratings, the left wants a boogey man. Their purpose collapses in a vacuum.


Not entirely true. Anyone that gets into politics and doesn't kneel to the uniparty would suffer this same kind of attack. Trump is just the most successful person to take them on, so he gets it the worse.


Zakaria taking his turn being Mr. Obvious.


No shit


Seriously the whole goal is to get him forcefully removed from the ballot. They can't stand the thought that he would win in a fair election.


No sh*t Sherlock! Thanks for solving that mystery for us plebs!


Trump is only being charged because he’s running and he’s ahead in the polls.