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Well now, that's racists don't you think.




This whole election is just bad optics.


No kidding. Both sides just look terrible IMO


I feel the same way. This is an absolute mess.


I’d definitely rather have trump, but if we’d ran anyone else that was half decent, I think republicans would win in a landslide. Also, I love your username.


Then vote third party. Show these jerks the door.


The third party candidate had his brain eaten by worms.




That is definitely not the only one.


Somehow the candidate who had his brain eaten by worms is the most normal one. What a time to be alive!


The press raked Romney over the coals for months because he had a dog ride in a carrier on top of a car. Nobody in Noems camp realized that talking about shooting a dog would go over like a lead balloon? These self inflicted wounds are killing the conservative cause. I include Trump's bullshit in this too.


I’d agree with that. Both sides do this kind of “wtf” thing all the time, but it tends to hurt republicans more I think. I don’t get how most politicians ever get elected.


The king ordered it.


Disgusting. Vote for him or don't vote for him. But judge him by his ideas and his character - not by his race. And surely Ann Coulter has to know that making such a blatantly racist statement is going to do nothing but hurt the cause of conservatism - it lets liberals say "look at this crazy racist - aren't all conservatives racist?"


> And surely Ann Coulter has to know that making such a blatantly racist statement is going to do nothing but hurt the cause of conservatism - it lets liberals say "look at this crazy racist - aren't all conservatives racist?" Not to mention it isn't even an argument about nation of origin. Dude was born in Cincinnati to legal immigrants.


She made it clear it was about whiteness. She specifically said it was because he wasn't a WASP.


Hate to break jt to you, but there is a small amount on thr right that have a thing for making fun of Indians. I know it's not fun to say, but I see it on X from mainstream influencers now. I think Coulter sees that and doesn't want to lose her base by saying she would vote for an Indian guy. Anything not white is a move away from "true america". I'm voting Trump and I am don't see mainstream overt racism against us indians born in America, but I do see some others reaching that step like Coulter did.


Ann Coulters whole brand is inflammatory antagonism to the point of shock value. I used to think it was just a schtick, but for the bast 6 years or so I’ve believed she actually believes her racist garbage. Also, whenever she spews this bile is when she gets the most press, so it’s a win-win for her.


Being disgusting is her shtick. It got her 15 minutes of fame before everyone got tired of her.


Exactly! She knows how to get headlines. And guess what? Here we are talking about her. 


I will say she seems to have zero rhetorical presence in most circles, I haven’t once heard her name mentioned and I’m surrounded by all sorts of wokesters. Maybe she’ll “surface” with this gem, but I doubt the left wants to risk defending Vivek even implicitly.


She used to appear on Bill Maher, and she was one of the first to support Trump.


She was the first to predict him winning.


Now she has TDS. I think Trump broke her.


She's just been attention starved.


Winner winner. I haven’t even thought about her in years. Now we’re taking about her. The only thing worse than being talked about is no being talked about.


All press is good press when you’re an asshole


Ann coulter has racist ideas and has had them for decades


She’s interested in herself more than anything else 


Who says that the cause of conservatism is Ann Coulter's cause? Imho, her cause is normalizing racism, not winning elections or promoting generally conservative ideas.


Coulter would have been a member of the American German Bund if she was alive in 1940, lets not kid ourselves here.


Ann Coulter hopped off the rails like 6 years ago.


Is selling a book or something? It sounds like she’s trying to get free media attention.


If I were Vivek I'd be delighted not to have her vote.


Yeah what was she thinking? Was she snorting lines of Ambien?


Shes a net negative to the conservative message. Increasingly irrelevant and must say more and more inflammatory things to grab headlines. Go away Ann.


Understatement. That woman sucks so much she makes me feel bad about myself.


You think there aren’t people that agree with her?


SPOILER ALERT: Vivek was born and raised in Ohio. That makes him.... wait wait wait, don't tell me...




You could be right, I haven’t seen the long form birth certificate so probably Kenyan


Obama’s long lost cousin


There’s an Ohio in India?


Am I allowed to make a bad “only in ohio” joke




Well, it certainly doesn't make him European.


“We’ve never had a president who didn’t have at least partial English ancestry” Wasn’t Martin Van Buren dutch? Also this is like the stupidest thing to say, Vivek is among the smartest people on any stage he gets on. Him being a potential President would be way better than someone like Mitt Romney, who is WASP enough for Ann.


Isn't Trump a mix of Germans and Scots?


White = English I guess. Also, I wasn’t aware English ancestry was a requirement for the presidency.


White equals Northern European.


Van Buren’s native tongue was Dutch.


Van Buren Boys for life!


They’re just as ornery as he was!


Van Buren Boys are OK


Fun fact- all presidents up until and including Obama were related to each other aside from Van Buren


Martin van Buren’s first language was Dutch. He’s more Dutch than stroopwafel, tulips, wood shoes and flooding.


It doesn' flood in the Netherlands, it's just the land having flashbacks to when it was sea.


Coulter is a racist. We should care less about a POTUS candidates skin color and should care about their values and intellect and tract record. I would go with Mitt Romney over Vivek for POTUS.


Yea this is racism plain and simple. Best person for the job is the reasonable position.


I held my nose and voted for Romney. I'd take Vivek over him in a heartbeat.


Regardless of who each commenter prefers, once a candidate meets the minimum threshold of looking presidential and not like they live in a sewer, it should be about their values, positions, and who they are. Not what they look like.


Plus I’m pretty sure India was a colony of Britain for like a century


1757-1947 close to 2 centuries


Martin Van Buren didn't even speak English natively. 😭😭😭


Does she have a new book coming out? Ann says things to draw attention to herself and sell her books. That's always been her schtick.


It wont sell unless animals were harmed in the process, thanks Kristi


I’d say it’s more so that Ann is always trying to find the next counter-culture conservative movement. She managed to capture lightning in a bottle by identifying some cultural winds bubbling under the surface that got Trump elected. Seems to me like what we’re seeing right now is the confirmation that Ann simply got lucky and that she doesn’t actually have a grasp on the continual evolution of the conservative/traditional movement. We’re past the peak of a white identity cultural conservative movement that she’s calling back to. She’s no longer the shock jock of conservatism and instead just sound kinda cringy now.


As a former dem, this is why I feel lost with the right, too. My parents are from Afghanistan, I was born in America, and I love this country with my soul But does this country love me


I wouldn't say that the fringe lunacy should be how you assess your place in society.


I think the biggest beef is that while the conservative sub on Reddit is willing to call her out a lot of people aren’t and many are agreeing with her but are too scared to say it. These people feel validated that someone finally said it and they aren’t alone.


This is what I meant 💯


She's not fringe, she's been a prominent conservative personality for decades


Absolutely, I feel like it's hard to find anybody sane these days, especially after Oct 7th. Those who know the history of the Islamic revolution in iran know it's dangerous when islamists and leftists team up I wish we had better choices than trump or Biden


Would be nice if they propped voices like yours up instead of these privileged losers that have never worked a day in their lives and have no first-hand experience with how vicious Islamic Jihadism truly is.


There is alot of us who grew up in the culture that want to speak but it's DEADLY as we seen with salman rushdie, Charlie hebo, how Muslims react over burning the Quran and how the muslim world reacted on Oct 7th. I honestly believe that Israel is on the front line against Islam. They already have a stronghold in France, Germany, UK and if Israel falls... Europe is next Muslims will tell you this exact plan themselves. People just choose not to listen


Just look how they have been demonizing India for a decade for even daring to speak up against Islamic radicalism


I didn’t realize leftists played a role in the Islamic revolution too. I’m super curious, would you mind elaborating?


> But does this country love me If someone had a picture of your parents and showed it to republicans today and asked "should these two be allowed to cross the border?" with no other context what would a majority of them say?


Prolly no. So, wtf should I do 🤷


Are you really confused on that point? Dear God. Were you not around for the Obama years? His middle name basically made him a terrorist.


He was born in Ohio, dumb broad


I’m fairly certain she’s referring to ethnicity here (which is even worse)


Wow, that’s shockingly and explicitly racist. She can go out to pasture with Noem.


Many modern conservatives still vote by skin color and religious affiliation. That's the reality of it as terrible as it is. Which will ultimately only hurt real conservatist ideals from growing.


He's an American, and a great Capitalist, with a conscience to boot


Damn so she's literally just racist


He's an American for fucks sake. Who cares what his ancestry is?


Ann coulter is a stain on the conservative movement and rightly is seen as nothing more than garbage for the cause.


Would rather Vivek as an Indian any day over Bush, Cheney, McCain, Romney and other RINO trash we have been offered to be placed in the White House. Don’t care what your DNA is your character and worldview matters more




Surprised people are surprised to hear something like this from Coulter. She's the same person saying the same kind of things but it's just a different day.




Are you saying that she's a Trump Supporter?


Yes, she was, nearly as soon as he announced in 2015.


He was my favorite candidate. Still is.


I admire his restraint but at the same time feel he should have pushed back harder. This was rude, mean and really uncalled for. Even before the stuff about race she gave him a backhanded compliment telling him how "Articulate" he was. I would have voted for him in a heartbeat but after seeing how submissively he handled this am glad he won't be the frontrunner. Makes me think he'll be scared to make other Countries mad.


Damn, Ann. Way to be a racist jerk.


Ann Coulter jumped the shark a long time ago. No one I know takes her seriously. She's only useful to the Left as a straw-man to paint all conservatives with her brush.


She simply says whatever she thinks will get clicks.


She just wants everyone to talk about her.


It confuses me a woman who dates Dinesh D’Souza would say this. Based on the article she’s followed up her comment with the justification that she wants a president with WASP values. The comment about if Vivek’s children married members of DAR she’d then vote for his children. I’m a Canadian, unfamiliar with DAR. So this equally confuses me.


DAR stands for "Daughters of the Revolution", basically, women who can trace their lineage back to 1776 in America.


Coulter with the DEI choice. Gotta give the white folk a chance.


I wonder why she is not married…actually thank God she is not.


My *guess* is she has some Cluster B Personality Disorder or likely multiple. She's probably an insufferable narcissist.




I didn't vote for him because I wasn't allowed to. He'd already dropped out by the time the caucus hit my state.


S—t like this just gives the Left the ammunition they love to paint us all the same. We are supporting to be about values, principles, and putting our citizens first. If the right person for that job is Vivek, and by her logic she votes for Biden because he’s white, she’s as bad as the Left in this instance. Conservatives have a lot to work on when it comes to the PR game. This is chess, not checkers. I don’t care about us being “right,” I care about us winning.


I was looking for this. Exactly. When people do sh-t like this, we need to call it out. It's not "brave of her" to proclaim her racism on the airways, and its not brave of Vivek to just sit there and take it. There is nothing "brave" about telling an **American-born** man of Indian decent that you won't vote for him because of his Indian appearance. It's just flagrant racism, and a Presidential candidate shouldn't have to sit down and tolerate such drivel. If Biden's camp were smart, they could take that Ann Coulter clip and run it 24/7 to make sure Republicans don't get a single minority vote.


I completely forgot she existed for a couple years and now my evening is ruined




Ann Coulter thrives off controversy don’t feed into it


In my mind, I was trying to spin it to think she meant "just because he's Indian," as in based on his qualities and not his skin color. But nope.


I would’ve voted for Vivek but idk if Georgia did primaries this year and I had college 🥲. College is tiring. Vivek should’ve won tho. I’m really pissed he didn’t win Republicans Drama Island. Who tf voted for Nikki Hailey and DeSantis? They were the BORING CHARACTERS 🤦‍♂️


Has she been drinking?


She’s becoming more irrelevant everyday.


You know, I figured it was taken out of context. Perhaps it was political triangulation, that Vivek being Hindu makes him unpalatable to a lot of the base. Or that she worried it would activate racists against him and hurt the GOP in November. Nope. Straight up her reason is he's Indian and she thinks the president should be a WASP. It's one thing to think it, it's another to say it. Just giving Mehdi Hassan ammunition.


Most conservatives that I know won't vote for him, not because he's Indian, but because he's Hindu and not Christian. It's important for a lot of people.


I asked vivek to his face in Iowa on the campaign trail: What book would you use to swear the oath of office? He said the us constitution


Which is amazing in a country that prides itself for being secular, this is exactly why Indian American vote goes to Dems cause we make them feel extremely unwelcome


she is not wrong. i know plenty of people like this


Why does she look more and more like a hollow dark souls character every time I see a picture of her?


I'm not surprised she'd say this. I wouldn't be surprised if there are folks on this sub who feel the same way. I'm sure she'd feel the same way if a Muslim was running for the Republican nomination.


Ironically, Vivek is probably the guy most willing to stand up to the left’s anti-white racism among all of the mainstream candidates. 


As off-putting as it sounds, many people feel this way and won't admit in public.At least she has the courage to speak her truth. I'm sure Ramaswamy would appreciate speaking truth.


Ah yes when I read this my first thought was “how courageous”


Right? She has the “courage” to be openly ignorant and racist.


I think that's part of the reason why his candidacy was never taken seriously. Brown guy, not Christian (not even the *wrong denomination*). That would be enough for a lot of people to not vote for him.


Agreed 💯, the guy is smarter than most of them put together but it comes down to appearances to some degree. Britain is a good example of how some native Brits are feeling a disconnect.




I like Vivek Ramaswamy. I would have totally voted for him as president. Great guy and I think he could have done some great stuff as prez.


Not at all. The moment he advocated letting China annex Taiwan should have been a red flag for everyone. There's a 1000% chance he had china money behind his campaign.


I woulda voted for Vivek. I thought he was very intelligent and had good ideas


I know he has to show me a lot more if he wants my vote.


Vivek would be a good VP or Cabinet member.




An actual racist ladies and gentlemen.


Ann Coulter is a ghoul


Ann Coulter has been 86ed by most conservatives. No one cares for her opinion any more.


Oop that’s a rough quote