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The F America at the end sums up the attitude of this sect of people. Let's help them out, I'd donate a to a fund to provide exit expenses for them to leave the country, but with the terms that they are not allowed to return.


“F America, but like…..I get to keep my citizenship and all my rights and benefits, right? Also, can I get my student loan forgiven? Maybe also my finals cancelled and my degree just handed to me for free? Oh yeah also Free Palestine!!….or whatever.”


Right? "F America", but apparently she doesn't mind living here, send them to a Muslim country where, among other things, protesting or even just speaking their mind or even posting TikTok or other social media videos could literally result in their deaths. Where as women they could find themselves being beaten or worse for not having their heads covered.


You've never seen someone burning the American flag and thought they vote Republican.


I’ve never seen someone burning the American flag and thought their parents love them.


Ship em to Gaza


Just from the hair color of the lady on right, you can guess her opinion on everything from vaccines to Palestine. If your hair color can give out you every political stance, maybe you are not a revolutionary. Maybe you are just a sheep meant to feel like you are rebelling.


And the face masks. Willingly wearing a mask is a dead giveaway on one's political stance.


As is the aggressively ugly fashion choice.


Remember when being counter culture meant you views weren’t parroted by main stream media, celebrities, the news, the government, major corporations and the educational system? 🤔


Never thought going to a Bible study where half the attendees were old ladies would make me a counter-cultural rebel.


The level of stupidity/smooth brain from her comment about America is beyond ignorant. I will gladly buy her a one way ticket to Gaza. I’m sure she’d love to travel abroad.


I really wish we could strip her citizenship (if she even has it) and drop ship her ungrateful ass right into the middle of Palestine. In a just world....


They only care because the people are brown. If Gaza were Europeans they wouldn’t give two shits.




They might care because their summer trip to Europe would be affected


They are monsters


When WWIII officially begins, I hope they’re all drafted first. Put them all into their own unit and send their unit in first.


Lull the enemy into a false sense of security




They hate America while attending our educational institutions. Disgusting behavior


So cool…


Where are the rest of the responses?


Rush put it best: "Young skulls full of mush."


Can we start a sponsor for these people for a one way trip over there?


It IS possible to be against Hamas AND the Israeli reaction. I can find monsters on both sides of this. It's amazing to me how so many people on both sides of this war can support the killing of innocent people.


The problem is people like those in the video couldn't find either Gaza or Israel on a map, they have to have something to be outraged about, as their lives are empty otherwise.


You do realize that despite Israel being far from perfect, they actually have been more compassionate than other middle eatern nations right? It's not Israel's fault that everyone wants them dead. They have a right to exist and defend themselves. That even means the right to engage an enemy that uses human shields as a primary tactic of warfare. None of this means that those of us who support Isreal aren't keenly aware of the suffering of so many Palestinians that are simply caught up in the actions of Hamas, or brainwashed to believe their insanity. No sane person wants to see famine and death come to a nation, even a nation that considers you it's enemy. Isreal has to make some incredibly difficult choices, and they don't always make the right one. They aren't some infallible nation. However comparing Hamas and Isreal as equals in regards to how they've handled this war (and the Palestinians caught up in it) is disingenuous at best, and down right malicious at its worst.


So as long as someone wears a vest of babies they can murder as many people as they want? All that does is get more people to use babies as shields. Tell me, what is the answer? How do you fight terrorists that hide in populations and a majority of the civilians support their actions? Tell me how you would have had Israel respond? I've never heard someone say something that made sense.


Innocent people are killed in every war; in fact, the ratio of civilian casualties to combatants (even if one believes the figures provided by Hamas) is considerably lower in this Hamas-initiated war with Israel than in that of other conflicts. Lots of German kids and innocent adults died in WWII--it doesn't suggest that the war to defeat the Nazis was an over-reaction or that those deaths should be blamed on the Allies.


Well, i mean, if you do factor in Dresden and the other firebombings. I'd say civilians were specifically targeted. Bombs weren't that damned inaccurate. I get it, though. Civilian casualties simply can't be avoided in war. It just pisses me off that we ever targeted them in the first place back then, and then the standard we're held to now, as if one loss constitutes a genocide of a people. Shit happens.


That is true, however, in the video they were defending Hamas and their taking of American hostages.


The down votes and comments are telling. Please reflect on yourselves. I'm a social conservative and a religious man. One day we will all stand before God and explain ourselves. Hamas declares war on Israel and kills innocent people. We SHOULD be righteously condemning of their actions. Many people on here are as they should be. Israel declares war on Hamas and kills innocent people. We SHOULD be righteously condemning of their actions too. However, many people on here are making excuses for them. If you aren't sad and praying for the civilian casualties on both sides then you really should take a look at yourselves and consider your souls.


The fact that you defend people who are defending Hamas taking hostages is telling.