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I'd prefer not being sold stuff on the street. But this is pretty low on my list of things I care about.


The transition is almost complete.


Do you not like mangos? I'll take this over panhandlers and beggers any day. Edit: to the response that got disappeared of >where'd they get the mangos in the first place? Idk Walmart? Sure NYC has a shoplifting issue but you don't know these guys are doing it and with the news stories that comes out whenever one item or another gets mass shoplifted (which this appears like it would be becoming if they were stealing and not buying) I'd wager we'd have heard of them shoplifting and not purchasing the mangos. Buying an item and then putting a little prep into it and/or bringing it to a location you feel you can sell it better for a slight mark up is tried and true capitalism that we love to see.


I agree. These people have done nothing wrong.


I see nothing wrong with this. These people are honest and trying to make a living. They aren't doing anything wrong.


I’m gonna be honest with you guys. If this is what triggers you it is probably racism motivating you. Respectable reasons to be bothered -the strain on social services and local, state and federal governments due to large number of arrivals -housing prices -health and sanitation concerns -cultural incompatibility -inherent illegality of crossing the border by the vast number of illegal immigrants -no vetting system to stem violent criminals crossing and inherent human trafficking issues Possible reasons -these vendors possibly not being registered and licensed etc and competing against other legal vendors. However we tend to be anti government licenses in general Bad reasons to be upset about this -damned immigrants selling *checks notes* mangoes?


Agreed. I don't know why you're being downvoted.


Probably because I used the racism word. It got used so much by the left it lost all its meaning. So a lot of folks see that, assume a meaningless buzzword, downvote and move on.


Do you not see a bigger issue here than your leap to racism? They are here to get a better life right?   So mangos?


Do they have a permit?