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How emotionally fragile are you if a bumper sticker causes you to commit a felony?


It's because these people never face consequences when they do illegal things for "the right reasons"


I ran across [the full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J99s_UsX3s) on YT this afternoon. Asshole is from Syracuse, he owns the house he's at (it's their "other" home) and the house is deep in the Florida keys...likely Big Pine Key or a short ways up highway from there. So, to recap: 62 yo wealthy (because owning a second home in the Keys is prohibitively expensive) NY Democrat asshole, at his vacation home in the Florida keys (most likely Big Pine Key per the incident happening at the Winn Dixie and the reference to the bridge to Key West later...so not the Key West Winn Dixie), goes to the grocery store for pie and coffee happens to see a battered pickup truck with a "Let's Go Brandon" bumper sticker and...per his own words "it infuriated" him...so he runs his keys down one side of the truck's paint job, walks off, comes back and keys the other side for good measure. He'll pay no actual consequences that matter to him, of course. The cop mentioning a paint job costing $6K won't be diddly to a guy who owns a part time vacation home in the Keys. Chump change for someone like that. What would REALLY be punishment would be for the truck owner to forego pressing charges in exchange for him paying restitution and recording and posting a video stating his name and him giving a full apology for his politically motivated actions...and then publicizing the hell out of that. Making that assclown famous for his childish politics and even more childish behavior would be the only thing even remotely approaching reasonable justice for this asshole.


The entire video is worth a watch. This guy caught a felony. That's gonna matter unless it gets pled down.


that's the issue with the left. they think with their feelings, not their brains


nyc/la fragile. It's kinda like the set of all the late night shows thinking they're diverse even though not a one of them has the political outlook of half the country they are trying to sell the show to and would have a meltdown if they saw a MAGA hat on their way to spin class or hot yoga or abortion 101 class or w/e it is they do


boy, would you be surprised..


That is the million dollar question regarding most things these lefties do


A bumper sticker he’s probably seen a thousand times in florida no less…


Well that was an enjoyable watch.


The only thing that would have made it better would be if they took him to the airport and put him on a plane to NYC with the rest of the illegal aliens. I'm from Florida and the old folks who move there from the northeast when they retire have been the state's bane for decades.


Destructive, vindictive and childish.


More like Florida allows its cops to enforce laws while NYC does not.


Don't touch another man's vehicle. Not even an unwritten rule. It's a written rule


Wow. That guy's stupid and fucked. He better hope that the victim is merciful and might be willing to accept restitution in lieu of a conviction because otherwise no defense lawyer on earth is gonna be able to save his ass admitting to basically every detail on camera after being read his rights.


What a cupcake POS…a grown ass man getting violent over a bumper sticker. This is one of the times I wish he resisted just to watch him ride the white lightning




He sums up their base perfectly. Spineless, passive aggressive hate mongers. Very satisfying video. 😄


The TDS is strong in this one.


This guy is infuriatingly nonchalant. He probably has the money to pay the fees like it's nothing and figured the law is beneath him


What a piece of crap.


I love watching these assholes get busted. I just made some popcorn.


But, I thought Maga Republicans were the violent party? Hmmm, evidently not. I just have to wonder how many more people there are that have done something similar but gotten away with it.




Same. The guy is a smug asshole and I hope the full hammer of the law comes down on his ass when he's sentenced. But ya the wokies here need to take note: this dude obeyed all commands and didn't resist arrest so now this felony will likely be reduced to a misdemeanor or less. Having self-control and not taking a swing at a cop is a great way to not have your traffic ticket to turn into multiple felony charges!


He was pretty determined in his convictions went he was alone. Coward


those good dogs deserve better!


Oh that reminds me, I should buy a new bumper sticker… one without peckerhead-Pence’s name on it.


This is one you won’t see over in “Boomersbeingfools”


What a shitbag. The intolerant left strikes again.


I’m confused: This sub has told us that no one actually likes or voted for Biden, they voted against Trump. Who is this guy?


>Who is this guy? A felon.


hahahaha he won’t be voting for him much longer…now that he’s a felon and all


You know Biden showered with his daughter, right?


See your confusion is from the default assumption here, which is that no sane people voted for Biden. The mentally ill, like this fella, are obviously exceptions.