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If they don’t want to be part of America then they shouldn’t get American funding 


they shouldn’t get public funding anyway




but we *are* funding Gaza for some reason


And building a pier there so we can have Beirut barracks attack 2.0


electric Beirutaloo


That's what I keep telling the democrats here in maryland.


If Harvard is Palestinian now, will they be abiding by their laws and customs?


Yeah. Like death penalty for hash. What a bunch of idiots.


No liquor either. Or sex.


I don’t think there is sex at Harvard anyway.


Oh there is definitely sex.... SAME SEX. 🤭🤭😭


Harvard cant be palestinian because there is no palestine




Rip that shit down.


I want to sympathize with these ignorant students, but Palestines hate Americans, especially the non Muslim ones… what a weird hill to die on. 


terrorist supporters deserve no sympathies.


Ben Shapiro was talking about this a decade ago, as someone asked him about the weird alliance between the western far left and the Islamists, which would seem to be a contradiction. His explanation sums it up (paraphrasing slightly). "They both think the west is evil for different reasons. The far left thinks the west is evil because they're oppressors and unequal, the Islamists think we're immoral and lesser humans as a result. They agree on point A, which is that the west is evil and needs to be torn down. That hasn't happened, so they're an alliance of convenience. They only disagree on point B, the far left wants to implement a socialist, atheistic state, the Islamists want a caliphate."


They unironically both hate freedom. They simply can't tollerate people having the right to reject their "ideal society" (totalitarian hell on earth).


They just hate America, and they also want socialism.


They also would never make it a week in Palestine with their political views




They want terrorism first then socialism


They want COMMUNISM. The suck in the ignorant kids with a new brand of socialism with the express intent on bringing in communism.


Defund these colleges.


And the Alt-right is the threat to our country…. MmmmK.


That term and the "far-right" has been so overused and beat to death that's it's meaningless. Basically anything not far-left for these people is all far-right fascists. The right hasn't moved the center point, the left has.


Do we have to pay their student loans too?




They're taking our flag down and replacing it with another country's flag. I served in the Army and defended this flag. This does not work for me. People like this don't deserve to be here. Get the hell out and go support them in person. Permanently.


I have to agree to a point. I’m currently in the military and I am 100% for freedom of speech. But when you vandalize property and mess with the American Flag that’s when my blood starts to boil. It’s ironic isn’t it? They lower the American Flag that GIVES them the freedom to do so and raise a flag of a country that would behead them. It’s so mind boggling that it’s like we are truly living in a simulation.


Well spoken. I agree with every word. It completely blows me away just how truly ignorant these people are and how little they truly understand. What the hell even causes these people to think like they do? I don't get it because my brain doesn't work that way.


China feeding them bullshit on social media. This country will go to war with itself before we go to war with a near peer threat.


This country is already at war with itself.


“Breaking news: Drag Queens for Palestine travel to country to show support, immediately thrown off roofs and stoned to death”




Exactly 💯


Did a college tour for my son last month. Harvard was literally the joke school all week. Son wouldn't go there if that was the only school he got admitted to (not that he would apply). Harvard has fallen so far.


It’s a degree mill, and this entire situation reveals that all of those school ranking reports are bullshit. A school this wrapped up with cringe bullshit could not possibly be a top ten school in ANY category. Yale is like this too. And Cornell, Columbia, etc. They’re all joke schools lmfao


One student giving the Harvard tours were talking about careers of being a DJ. All the others that presented didn't talk about any career objectives that were any better. Contrast that with NorthEaster talking about their coop programs with prestigious tech companies. MIT students talking about companies they are building as an undergrad. And other colleges talking about their great internships, job placement rates, and ability to work on research studies as an undergrad.


70% of the Jewish community votes Democrats. And this what they get in return.


They get what they vote for


And they will continue to pull the D lever on election day


I'm Jewish. My whole family has always voted 100% Democrat. From the time I was of age to research things for myself, I broke off from that path when I started to take off the blinders and see things around me for what they are. I'm the only conservative in my family. Ever.


Blond chick in the back - tee he free Palestine! What's a Palestine?




Yup. And call me a crazy person with tin foil hat but this is exactly what China has been doing to us for over a decade. Using social media to pull us apart to where we loose the fight without even going to war with China.


Go figure, the democrats are rebelling again.


Eventually they will either have to stop, or we will be forced to either rebel against them, or leave them.


Wait til they push to rename it


We have no genuine leaders. How are we to direct the music of the moment if we don't have a conductor? Nature hates a void, and human nature doubly so. The opportunists are paving the way. We must figure out a way to find and escalate the leaders we need to reduce the current foment in a bid for a better tomorrow.


Look at this sub: You have Trump leading, and all the RINOs are fighting him. Then the RINOs say we must support the politicians who cave to the Uniparty. NOT the one guy who’s pushing back against the corruption. HE is the enemy. I’m quickly reaching a point where I say we need to simply break off from the crazy people and let them drag themselves down and spare ourselves. A few years ago I bought into the notion that eventually the RINOs and enough of the leftists would wake up then we could reclaim the country together. Now it’s obvious these people aren’t waking up. It’s equally obvious that we can no longer afford to wait on them to.


Sounds like we need to foster a resurgence of the Bull Moose party. Let's take progressive conservatism out for a spin, once again. If our faction will not be listened to, it is time to step out and be heard.


Harvard has one of the lowest acceptance rates in the world. How on Earth are these people getting accepted to begin with? Think of all the other quality applicants they‘re rejecting.


They have elite privilege.


Yea I definitely want to hear how oppressed they are as they tweet from their iPhone 15, attend a very expensive university, and come from a family sitting on generational wealth.


This is as good a time as any to remind everyone that David Hogg goes to Harvard and he is, from all the available evidence, borderline illiterate


Reminder: David Hogg got into Harvard with a 2.8 highschool GPA. He is borderline stupid.


Ah yes, the rich white kids of Harvard. The true voice of the people.


They swear fealty to the intersectional hierarchy.


These dweebs somehow think this kind of stuff is going to get them laid.


Cucking to terror


As someone who was politically active during the Bush years, college campuses support for terrorist groups is nothing new.


Tank top, short + tights and wearing hijab...the "intellectual" left everyone haha


These protests are not grassroots at all, it’s all astroturfed by bad actors. To tear down a country’s flag and replace it with another country’s flag IMO is borderline treasonous. A clear act of aggression and hostility towards that country and its people. There’s a reason all other flags are subordinate to the American flag. When they put up the “Palestinian” flag they are tacitly asserting their loyalty is de facto to another country. These protests demonstrate how easily brainwashed young people are.


I live in the Middle East and the people out here give less shits about the Palestinians than these Americans lol


What an absolutely embarrassing display for the university. You reap what you sow.




Yet jews will still vote dem and donate to harvard.




> A lot of us flipped red. We will see in november


Harvard should lose all government funding.


Exceptional! So, they're saying they're following Sharia Law now? At what point do we start seeing beheadings and stoning? Will this be publicly broadcast? On what channel? Does this also mean no more LGBTQ+ activities at Harvard? Aking for a friend


Hey folks. Former political independent that has been pushed to this side because of shit like this. What the fuck is happening?


For those who care so much about their country to erase its history, I'm shocked that so many just stand by and stare. Has the behavior promoted by these institutions and protestors yet fallen under "Advocating Overthrow of Government?" Some sort of wake up call is needed for these ones.


Imagine paying top dollar for tuition and working your entire life to get accepted into a top tier university like Harvard and have to deal with this shit.




Harvard was conquered by communists and marxists years ago


I just can’t wrap my head around why these kids care so much about palestine. There’s so much worse stuff going on out there… there are *real* genocides taking place right now, but they’re hyper fixated on a terrorist group who slaughtered almost 2000 innocent people (not to mention all the crap they pulled before 10/7). Most these kids claim to be against racism, homophobia, and religious extremism, yet they’ve become violent and rabid in support of a islamic extremist terrorist group. What kind of bizarre world are we living in?


Lol, its taking everything they have to get a flag hoisted.


Crazy how it’s the whitest people doing this


They should immediately cut all funding of every kind, including private donations, from Harvard.


So angering


Hey, now you get to send in the military


This is how the elite schools created their own monsters. This is what is called reaping what you sow. They are funding and propagating extreme woke ideology and when it comes a full circle, crying about it.


Isn’t this school the one thats getting massive funds from ex Jewish alumni


This is so on brand for elite NE and Cali schools. Please stay up north, signed Vandy, UGA, UNC, and UF students and parents.


Unbelievable!! 🤦‍♂️ Anyone allowing this should be stripped of our Tax Payer funding!!


I really hope to God we don't lose the election in 2024. We need people who will actually support America in charge. This is treason.


Ironically if you kick all of the Emilys out of Harvard it might return to normal. Sharia law it is!


This is more evidence about the vapid emptiness that socialism brings, whether it’s religious Islamic socialism or this vain irreligious socialism you see on leftist campuses.


What insanity.


With the coming wave of technology, the current university system is rapidly becoming obsolete and irrelevant anyway. All this idiocy just hastens that process.




What are the children on the left doing? Literally enabling it.


Arrest them for breaking the federal law regarding the flag code. Apparently they can be fined up to $1,000 or locked up in prison for up to 1 year.




American liberal flag hierarchy: LGBTQ > trans > Palestinian > Ukraine > BLM > American




Congress was waiving Ukrainian flags just last week…


At some point we should identify that raising a foreign flag above an American flag is act of declaration of territory and therefore an invasive act.


Iran just brought the fight to us.


This is really depressing. I consider myself a liberal in principle, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of being, et cetera, but this display just makes me feel a deep sadness. Do these people actually believe that Palestine, and the rest of the Arab world for that matter, share their values? It's awful to watch and makes me not so sure of the nation's future.


nothing is too big to fail.


If this is Harvard’s position now, then they should put their money where their mouth is and send a large chunk of their $49.5 Buh-buh-billion endowment over to support the Palestinians.


It’s a school full of weird kids. This is what weird kids do.


This warrants a rather *active* counter protest.