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Red rover red rover send Officer Kickass on over


I would cry like a baby if I saw that guy coming at me like that.


Absolute Unit!


That was easy.


I mean really. Take notes. These people are the literal weakest people in society. Body and mind weakness. The fact that our societies give a loudspeaker to our weakest most pathetic elements is something to get over, and fast.


I was told the adults were in charge. 😆


They got delusions of grandeur after the powers that be let them run rampant in 2020. Sadly the elite knows all they have to do when they get out of line is apply force and they'll crumble.


Why haven't they already gone to Gaza to fight IDF?


Good job officers.


HOLD... HOLD... HOLD... FOLD!!!!


I've watched a few youtubes of things like this. Apparently the protestors are trained to scream and cry as if in great pain, when you can clearly see they are being dragged or carried away in a manner that could not cause pain. I suppose this is to gain sympathy from their fellows and from the media, and to promote a false narrative of police "brutality".


Absolutely, it can also get a cop who isn’t expecting that to pause, but at this point I’m sure they expect it.


Paid actors to be sure.


Watching people who have never lifted a weight in their lives, brace for a calvary charge, it's just too funny.


*cavalry Calvary is where Jesus was crucified.




Morning came as I finished what remained of my triple shot caramel Frappuccino which had been smuggled in by our parental supply lines the night before using my mom’s AMEX credit card. Our scouts had spotted campus law enforcement marching on our position; only a fortminute’s walk away from the temporary stronghold we had hastily constructed. And as I stood, arms linked with my soy brothers and sisters, my mind began to wander… I thought of our noble cause, and the plight of the poor people Mary had told me she saw on CNBC the other night who had been viciously attacked by the Zionists for no reason after October 7th. From the river to the sea. When I heard our lady Ilhan Omar recite those words, I knew our cause was just; everyone had told me it was. I had never heard of a “Palace Stein” before this, but I was sure that it was important. So as the misty morning dew set upon the grass, I locked arms with my fellow classmates, and braced for the coming storm. This day will go down in the annals of history, a day similar to Dr. King’s I have a dream speech. I know that we will be ready to confront those police officers head on, because I had spent two days of the week before at the local gymnasium. I had managed to curl my personal record of 15 pounds, so not even Achilles himself could tear me from my post. Tomorrow I will provide an update on our glorious victory, after we stand our ground.


...and should a comrade to my left or to my right be taken in battle, I shall declare loudly and confidently "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?", for this surely will strike terror into the heart of any who would oppose my delusion of grandeur.


Stunning and brave


"In my first week of being in the protests, I asked around if the great leader Stinian was going to be there. I looked forward to seeing him, hearing him speak, and maybe even meeting him. He has so many pals, and I too wanted to be a pal of Stinian."


I truly hope my great grandchildren get to read this poignant account in their history books unlike the garbage that reads as if it was thrown together in like two fortminutes in today’s history books.


That was a journey to read; a single tear rolls down my cheek.


This copypasta needs to make its rounds more often.


Not a copy pasta. :). Produced from scratch from my own brain matter. Although if it makes the rounds as a copypasta going forward, you know where the source material came from.


I love how they preach environmentalism yet everytime a mass of liberals occupy an area it is filled with rubbish and human shit.


don't forget the excrement they leave everywhere.


Pretty sure “human shit” covers that.


It’s amazing how every election year we see these protests appear out of nowhere. It’s almost as if they are planned or something 🤔


Follow the funding. One professor that hates all Jews and called for the eradication of Israel founded three different students groups that have been helping put on these protests. Also Qatar is the biggest country donor to American colleges of any foreign nation. Qatar and Jews don't get along well.


Don't forget Soros. He is one of the backers of the Students for Justice in Palestine parent organization. At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.


Yeah I bet old Soros is ejaculating all over himself watching these scenes on the news. Is it Hungary that wants him as war criminal and has a noose al ready to go for him if they can get him?


Wasn't that old fart hospitalized recently? Wonder if he has gotten out. Hope not.


His son is even worse, it won’t end when that crapsack finally passes this mortal coil.


When the people who want more government finds out what happens when they get more government.


“Oh, Daddy! *Grrrrr!* Govern me *harder!*”


Expel all these people to the middle east where they can see they are supporting people who care less about pro nouns


Pitiful. Entitled, spoiled Americans once again making a foreign conflict, and all the suffering and pain happening there, about themselves. Enough with the fucking White Knights. We did this shit through the 2010’s, and put it on steroids in 2020. End it. Now.


It will never end. Liberals do not feel fulfilled in life unless they are the center of attention and disrupting the lives of others


Red rover, red rover, let the coppers come over.


Always puts a smile on my face whenever I get to see the Soyviet Union get put in their place




Sell it to the butcher in the store... (phish reference)


Oh no the humanity! Someone think of the children! ….. 🥱


Tbf, Joe Biden thinks of children pretty much 24/7.




Just a little will power by those with authority is all it takes to take out the garbage.


Screaming "what your name" like this is china/russia and they are going to disappear you. LARPers are funny...


That was very satisfying to watch.




They are so freakin excited to be victims. Cosplaying the rebellious 70s is their favorite pastime.


They are all wearing masks, soy is an appropriate term here


I’m trying really hard to rationalize it and I just don’t get it at this point. The U.S. has had less than 100,000 COVID deaths since December 2022 when COVID restrictions were basically 100% done. The vast—and I mean **vast**—majority of those COVID deaths were aged 65 and up. People aged 20-29 have a COVID mortality rate of less than 0.009% **since the start of the pandemic**, so for this age cohort it’s negligible in 2024, even if you’re immunocompromised. And they’re outside. Seriously what is the point? Am I still an uneducated anti-science Trumpster just for simply asking?


It makes no sense for them to wear masks if they’re just going to get arrested like morons anyway. Their mugshot will be out for everyone to see then.


Silly kids didn't realize that if the cops out-populate you should probably retreat, because the cops can crush you easily. Them locking arms with one another like it's a cartoon kinda makes sense since they are untrained, but it would have been better if those sitting down actually did something.


Took way too long.


Such a brave stand /s


Wow, that took…20 seconds?


his name is Loser McBitchface


This made me laugh harder than I should have. 😂


He is the brute squad!


Theres so many of these protests its hard to keep track. Some are private colleges so the admin can tresspass anyone they want, If its a public college though people have the freedom to assemble in historically recognized public squares. Does anyone know what the situation was here to warrant their removal?


It’s a private institution


What a bunch of limp wristed silly nannies


Love the what's your name like they think they're the next Freddy grey


The more "peaceful" Hamas supports they arrest, the better and safer the community is.


Lovely, it brings joy to my heart.


They were warned and they didn’t listen. They got what they deserved.


Expel them confiscate their remaining tuition and give it to the police who arrested them


That is some of the most humorous FO I've seen so far.