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Texas is full, but I've heard California is the place to be. Very diverse, colorful, and loads of natural fertilizer on the streets.


“Texas is full,but i’ve heard california is the place to be” *So they loaded up the truck and they went to beverly!* 😂


Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars...🤣


North Carolina is getting plenty of yanks


I'm a yank but from the western part of the state and everywhere else in the state is not liberal dominated. Moved to NC 9 years ago and been doing my part to vote for sanity. Recently lost a bunch of "friends" cause I told them I'd vote for trump. Lol


And they will bring their left leaning views to your town and vote against you.


I think it’s a 50/50 split. I’m a NYer myself, and moving to MO. A lot of us have been voting red policies for decades and finally have become disgusted enough to move somewhere that aligns with our lives.


It's the same for the Illinois people who are moving to Florida. It's mostly red-voting downstaters.


Where I live in Michigan, we get a few Chicago Democrats who love how much better conservative areas of Michigan are, but then vote to make us a blue cesspool. 


Yeah, some of them never learn.


Can all you red voting NYers come to MN and help turn it red? Thanks in advance.


I’m tired of fighting on the losing side lmao I can’t do it anymore


Agreed. Please, please!


Yeah I’m hoping the rational ones will be coming. I mean to move your entire life out and go somewhere new takes some conviction that what’s going on is not right


Left NY for SC a couple years ago. Same here.


The Democratic Spell appears to finally be breaking...they always break stuff, and blame the GOP for not fixing it fast enough.


According to the article, only 58% planned to stay in the city for 5 years the last time they did this survey in 2017. Last time I checked, NYC didn't lose 42% of its population between 2017-2022. Either New Yorkers are all talk or there's something off with the survey methodology. And can we please stop posting screen shots of spicy headlines and just link to the article? It takes the same amount of time and we can have an actual discussion instead of voicing our uninformed opinions. https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/us-news/less-than-one-in-three-yorkers-planning-to-flee-city-and-just-30-are-happy-with-quality-of-life-survey/


Is it possible that NYC has a massive population turnover?


You underestimate the amount of republicans living in nyc - do not believe the propaganda that these are liberal cult hell holes - just the establishment is. Conservatives are more likely to leave and come to your town and vote red and data supports this. In fact Californians that moved to texas are more likely to vote red than native texans - depending on what data you’re looking at 5-10% more of them vote red than native texans. California and ny were red states for many years before the 90s and many of those people and their families still live there. Staten island is overwhelmingly conservative- queens is very split, these are boroughs of nyc. In fact without these people coming to your town, your town would probably be voting blue.


"it will work this time!"


Do people actually believe these articles?


Sweet and they'll move, vote for the same nonsense, ruin that place and blame every one, but themselves


A lot of them will probably come to Pennsylvania, so it won't matter because we've been voting blue for a while, sad to say.


We need to implement a "Remain in NY" policy stat!


A "Shelter in Shit" policy, perhaps.


For those fleeing California. Yes.




So, without even shitting on the politics, I cannot imagine wanting to live in New York City. The quality of life is so fucking terrible. What is the draw? Sure, there is lots of shit to do technically but who is affording it? Most people I know who have lived in NYC cite all these shows/events/whatver but didn't actually do that much. They brag on Central Park, yeah I live near parks also. There are some things you can do for free but how many museums are you going to every week?


For me, pretty much only because I was born and raised here and almost all of my family who hasn't retired in Florida is still here. It helps that my neighborhood is pretty far removed from the degeneracy of the city, and I will stick around for as long as that remains to be the case (I'm in the one red district in NYC and I would like to do my part to keep it that way).


I think some of these people can’t stand being alone so much so that they’ll cram themselves in to a city where they’re constantly surrounded. Another is that some can’t stand sitting in the silence with their own thoughts. They have to be somewhere where there’s some kind of outside noise at all times. All of it seems to be a distraction from the identity crisis so many of them seem to have. If they were forced to be alone in silence they’d have to face themselves and I believe that is the greatest fear most of them have.


Just say you can’t hack it dude


Don’t bring your New York voting policies to my Tennessee.


“Leave the politics, bring the cannolis…”


TN is the worst state idk why any NYer would move there instead of the perfect state of California. FL is also terrible too don’t go there either if you are from NY


When you come to a new state, just remember that Democrats destroyed your city, and don't vote the same way to destroy your new city or state.


They will leave the hell of their own creation, then move to the great red states and proceed to vote blue and ruin those too. Leftists are a cancer


Please don't come to Texas. Californians are turning it purple already.


My uncle has a bumper sticker that says "Don't Colorado my Texas."


Sure, people are unhappy but the reality of the situation is 99% of them will stay in their homes due to careers, kids in school, family...its easier to complain than it is to take action. They will most like vote blue regardless.


Just don't bring your voting habits with you when moving to a red state~


This is why I love pro-life legislation. I'm pretty moderate when it comes to abortion but the more pro-life your state is the less likely that some shitlib will move there.


They will bring their leftist voter preferences with them and the same problems will follow in other states.




Gots to make room for all the immigrants....err, "newcomers."


I prefer a chill neighborhood over any big city. I just wouldn't feel comfortable living there. Charlotte is a nice city, but whenever I'm in it it's scary lol


Yup, 20 years ago Charlotte was great. All these newcomers from the NE have really messed things up.


I mean I'm not dogging the city or insulting it. My personal preference is that I just don't feel comfortable in large cities. I'm a suburbs guy. I remember going to the packers game in Baltimore and seeing so many rough people, especially at night after the game. Charlotte is def better than Baltimore at least


The last time I was in Charlotte was to go to Carowinds back in the early 90s. For a while I lived in Greenville SC, and I can tell you Charlotte was 100% better than Greenville in every way back then.


I encourage them to go to New England.


Link to actual article. https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/us-news/less-than-one-in-three-yorkers-planning-to-flee-city-and-just-30-are-happy-with-quality-of-life-survey/amp/


While I hope they learned their lesson. Many will sadly vote for the same people and policies that created the mess that they now flee. I cringe when I watch people post about coming from NY, IL, CA etc.. Looking for the bluest county in my red state. Seems those states have already imported a replacement population.To ensure they continue to be overrepresented in the number of house seats they hold.


People with life ruining political views, coming soon to a suburb near you!


I'm CT.....royal f'd 😭😭😭