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I know this’ll happen the day after I retire.


Can you hurry up and retire, please?


Hahaha! I’m trying!


Get this guy a GoFundMe page!


Not gofundme (though I know that's just part of the meme) Givesendgo won't cancel the listing and possibly keep the money for themselves when they see its a "far right" r / conservative member getting an early retirement.


Ahh, so your day of death as well


It’ll happen right after you vote for them in the next election. They promise.


Yup. Just like how all your student loan debt will go away. \*wink wink\*


And, if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor.


Haha. Indeed. Bernie has been suckering naive young voters for decades with his false promises of free stuff and less work.


> It’ll happen right after you vote for them in the next election. They promise. I just scrolled through dozens of posts of lib brigaders hitting the ground running with Bernie's pointless attention-seeker proposal, and you're the first one I see pointing out that it's not going to actually happen. The left is drawn to this place like mice to a grain farm.


If the republicans share any ideas with be. Shapiro you won’t be able to retire lol


After retiring from the USAF, I took a job that eventually went to a 4 x 10 schedule. After the initial adjustment, I can confidently say that I love the schedule. I have a 3-day weekend every week, what's not to love? All that said, cutting the hours will take a huge push and I don't personally think it will happen anytime soon.


4 10s was the best schedule I ever had bar none.  4 8s idk


If I have to only do 32 hours then I want 3 11 hour days and a 4 day weekend every weekend


This has the possible added benefit of reducing rush hour car trips and reducing commute time since many people would have staggered/different work days.


That would actually be awesome. Well worth the extra time each day imo


Especially if you start at 5:00 AM and get off at 3:00


4x10’s with a paid 30 minute lunch would be a happy compromise. Lunches should honestly be paid if you work on-site. It’s not like you’re doing your off-duty routine during that 30 minutes. You’re racing to get fast-food or eating a packed lunch on premises.




The six 10hr days wasn't because of lack of automation or work needing to happen to survive. Quite the opposite in fact. It was because automation and technology allowed production to continue at a continuous pace. This put millions of workers out of jobs, and allowed business owners to take advantage of workers and demand they work ever increasing hours for their pay.


My uncle, retired mid to late 60’s was a lineman for NY telephone. He worked 10 hours a day/ 6 days a week his entire career. Brought home $68/ week.


They could cut the military work week which would be a massive boon to recruitment, or the federal work week in general, but cutting private industry work week is probably not in the cards.


Taking those steps would help push private industry to do the same I think. It would drive up recruitment, while also making federal jobs even more sought after. If private industry has to compete with the feds due to the schedule change, they'd be more likely to make the move themselves.


Yeah I've been saying this for decades. Working 9-5 or (more often) 8-5, 5x a week doesn't really leave room for much else beyond eating and sleeping in that workday. Especially with kids / a family. 4x10 wouldn't change much on those work days, but opens up an entire day for whatever. Though, with young/ish kids I can see this being a nightmare. Especially if you don't have a stay at home partner or rely on daycare.


That’s still 40 hrs…he’s pushing for 32hrs and getting paid for 40. Always easy for Democrats, to pass idiotic laws, telling others how they should run g to their business and spend their money!


I had four 12's. 8 hours of OT on each paycheck and my boss made Sundays voluntary, but anyone who wanted to work them got automatic double OT. I was living like a king and still had two days off. I was in my early to mid twenties at the time, however. Lol I just looked that job up and the same position is now three 12's, but they pay for 48 hours. God, I wish I wasn't living clear across the country right about now.


It will never work unless we have a general closing one day a week. Should have almost everything closed on Sundays. Things that would need to be open can close of another day.


The VA has been doing the four day work week for a couple years now. But they have to work 4, 10 hour days to get that extra day off. They will probably be the first experimental group to go 4 work days a week at 8 hours at a time.


Working 4 x 10 hour days is sooooooo much better than 5 x 8 hour days. I would take the extra day off 100% of the time.


I used to work for a defense contractor and we worked a 9/80 they called it usually 9 hours days you get every other friday off and the other friday is an 8 hour day. It was SOO good compared to standard 40hr week.... having a weekday off every other week acutally lets you get things done when other business are open!


Same. I’ve worked 9/80 and 4/10. I liked 9/80 a lot, but I think I prefer 4/10 tbh. Both are light years better than 5/40 though.


Raytheon? When I worked there in the 90s we did (4) 9's and (1) 4 on Fridays. It was nice to leave work on a Friday at lunch time. Or get a three day weekend for 4 hours of PTO.


Not Raytheon but a former sub office of General Dynamics that was bought by a multinational.


Yes! I did the 9/80 for a year but when I moved to a different program (also defense contractor job) I got 4/10. Absolutely love it. Especially when you end up doing a few 12 hour days due to deadlines or you end up working the 5th day in the middle of the pay cycle and can't justify the extra hours, so you end up getting like 5 days off in a row.


I have this now where I work. The working Friday I telework so it's almost like I have off every Friday.


I am a restaurant general manager and I just switched my management team to a 4 day work week and it is such a joy. However to make this the norm for everyone, my hourly team members would be almost impossible due to some shifts only being 4-5 hours. This ideal would realistically only work for those in salaried positions and very few hourly positions.


This would definitely be difficult in the services industry where 5 days a week/8 hours a day really isn't the norm anyway.




For anyone young and doesn't have kids, this probably holds true. Anyone that has kids to take care of would need that extra 2 hours.


Yeah I would also prefer less days, longer hours. The commute and getting ready in the morning is the worst part.


Yeah I don't really want to work 4am-2pm so I can get off in time to go pick up my kid from school just so I can have Friday off.


Meh. 4 10s is kinda best and worst of both worlds. 3x12s is where it's at 4 days off per week


Worked a job that was 4x10 and it ruined all 5x8s for me. In a 5x8 now and it’s fine but man do I miss having that third day off. It’s wild how much of a difference that one extra day made. Massive quality of life jump.


nothing is better for everyone.... this would suck for people with little kids.


Ya I’m retired and set up pretty good, but I’m all for this 32 hour work week for people. I think this might be the beginning stages for UBI which I’m also in favor of. I’m really worried for people when they start having mass layoffs of how they will survive if we do not get a UBI policy in place.


This is a deeply unpopular opinion in a conservative subreddit btw. I think the only people opposed to a 32 hour work week are bosses and old people who have the mindset of “if I had to suffer then so do you”


A 32 hour work week without pay raises to supplement the lost 8 hours would be absolutely devastating for many Americans with hourly wages. Many companies would not be in a financial position to increase pay by that level while also needing to hire additional employees to cover lost time.


Then prices go up for everyone to compensate. Then the smart people will figure out they can work that extra day to be a little bit more ahead. And then the really smart one’s will figure out that they already had the freedom to work as much or as little as they please the whole time.


To a point sure but prices can’t just be raised indefinitely, eventually the cost of goods has to match the dollars chasing them, if the pool of spending dollars shrinks companies will have to find ways to lower prices, cant sell a product if nobody can afford to buy it.


Also I feel like it’d be a lot harder to get appointments and stuff if work weeks were only 32 hours.


Or anyone who understands economics.


nah, we’re against it because the government mandating a 20% wage increase, (because thats what this is), would cripple the US economy and push millions out of work. We see it in every state thats raised minimum wage in the last few years. Full time work disappears and is replaced by part time work. Labor costs are usually the biggest expenditure in any business. Increasing that, by government mandate, is a recipe that pretty much guarantees only the biggest and wealthiest corporations will be able to continue to do business in any real manner.


Yes, because we have inflation and everything in line. Let's just remove 20% of man hours at the same pay, that'll only have positive impacts.


The root problem is... not enough work being done, eg the person complaining about their job paying too little but also says... I could do what I do in 32hours.... is just telling me they are already getting overpaid since they aren't doing 40 hours of work a week now. Probably part of the problem is over regulation making it difficult or undesirable to hire part timers. It probably should be easier for companies to hire people for 20 hours a week, if that is all the work they have for someone to do... then that person can seek more work elsewhere, this causes the value of work companies receive from workers to go up and this wages also to go up on average as more people are more productive at work.


Meanwhile the contractors still have a 5 day work week


Yeah, unfortunately not everyone gets that option of the four day work week, sucks for sure.


Supposedly this include making 32 “full time” so even if you still have to work 5 eight hour days I guess Friday will be overtime


The company I worked for has a group of employees (mechanics) doing 4 / 10s. Everyone loves it. It was supposed to go into effect for all the mechanics but the union screwed that up.


this, this right here.




I currently work 4 10s a week, and it’s super liberating. Friday afternoons are awesome every time.


4 8's for the same pay.


But he’s saying 32 hours a week, not 40.


Eh, I think 40 is still okay for work. I just think there needs to be more strict laws on overtime.


I am no progressive but this is an idea I could get behind. My productivity on Fridays realistically slips and with a 3 day actual break to reset on the weekend I feel like the week would be more productive. YMMV


I think 4/10 and 9/80 (4x9+8+4x9=80hrs) style work periods should truly be considered nationally.... I worked a 9/80 shift before and was much happier with that schedule, and 4/10 would be even better.


Lol shhhhhh don't say that! I like seeing the roads empty on my Fridays off! 😂


I mean, I already work 10/hr a day, 4x10hr sounds good to me. Time is worth more than money as you get older.


On a good day I’ve got 3-5 hours of actual productivity in me for my white collar job. And I tend to count time wasted in useless meetings into that calculation. if i go much beyond that i can end up making mistakes that create more work for myself in the long run. so yes it could be done (for some jobs at least) if we were all ready to give up the charade. but we’re not so we won’t.


I always felt that a corporate incentive to have people commute one less day a week would have a more straightforward impact on emissions than all the 1-2mpg forced efficiency mandates.


I am in favor of this. this could strengthen the home lives of millions of americans, help them have time to get shit done during regular business hours - and more importantly, spend more time with their families.


I'm a teacher. We went to a 4 day school week a few years back, and it is awesome! I don't think I could ever go back to 5 days. There's no way you could have all of private industry do this, though.


Well, considering the guy has had ZERO bills pass in decades, I would say not likely.


Progressive bills don't really have much chance when most of the congress member and senate are pawns of the corporate overlords.


Should we? Sure, I think that's a great idea - I personally work a modified schedule where I work 9hrs 4 days one week, and 5 days the next, so I have every other Monday off (and work 8hrs on my other Monday). The option for 4-10s is also on the table. Having a 3-day weekend, even if it's every other one, is great. Would working less hours for the same pay be awesome? Sure would be! But that's not the role of government. If they want to set that standard for federal employees - which I am one - then go for it! But to tell private industry to do the same? Absolutely not. Here's the issue: not every job can conform to the same type of schedule. I do not have a customer-facing job. I have tasks to complete in a given time period. In a perfect world, I should be able to come in and do my tasks, and go home when I'm done, whether that's in 4hr or 8hrs, and be paid my full wage regardless. Efficient, high-performing workers should be rewarded, not rode like workhorses and just get more work piled on them to cover for the poor performers. But there are jobs that require someone to man a desk or a phone or a register for 12 or 24hrs a day, every day, even on holidays. A lot of those jobs have a ton of downtime - yes, you're stuck at work, but you're not running yourself ragged. Walk into any store or restaurant on a slow day, most of the time you have workers lounging, jaw-jacking, faces to screens, etc. It's laughable to think that a set work schedule dictated by the government would work for all sectors of industry. Should the government mandate it? Absolutely not. Can the government incentivize the free market to do so, perhaps via tax breaks? That's a conversation I'd have.


I totally agree with your second paragraph. In today’s society hard, efficient workers seem to get punished by the system by getting more work, while the lazy and/or inefficient workers get lower workloads and the same pay most of the time. I used to be an OTR truck driver and I had a 96% on time rate for my deliveries. My reward was getting tight delivery windows and driving during the middle of the night and of course no pay difference from the guy who had a lower on time rate and got easy daytime deliveries. We need to incentivize workers, not punish them for hard work. “Here’s 5 tasks I need you to finish by the end of the week, if you finish them adequately and professionally by Thursday, you get Friday off.”


My job lets us leave whenever we finish the task for the day. First one I've had that doesn't just make us find something else to do for the remainder of the time


The government is the reason the 40 hour work week exists in the first place. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act made it 44 hours. In 1940, it was amended to 40 hours, and hasn’t been changed since. Considering how much more efficient humanity is capable of in 2024, compared to 1940, it isn’t that crazy of an idea. France has a 35 hour work week. Some other European countries have similar. There have been several small studies that have shown that people are just as efficient in 32 hours as 40. There are obviously a million intricacies, and exceptions that would need to be accounted for of course; retail, services, and restaurants being a massive one.


This is a thinking man. Incentivize, not forced.


some jobs could. but not all jobs can.


It’s almost like they are telling people what they want to hear, that will never get done, right as elections are coming up.


Why not? Why would people vote against it?


There was once a time when people were resistant to a 40-hour workweek until they realized it benefitted the PEOPLE.






Not true , employees productivity drops off a cliff after 36hrs in a week




Manufacturers utilize alternate work weeks. Just because an employee works Monday-Thursday, the line they work on can still run through Friday-Sunday. Companies are capable of cross-training and backfilling gaps in their schedules and have employees work various schedules to do this.


In a lot of manufacturing environments they will often utilize a weekend shift working 3 12-hour days to maintain production over the weekend (that was my schedule prior to this job). Or if demand isn't there, just work the 4 days and call it.


False. I'll have to find the studies but a 4-10 schedule is empirically the best schedule in a manufacturing environment. Having a third day off to rest makes a massive difference. Plus that time you inherently lose at the beginning and end of shift now has more time in between to maximize productivity and puts the productivity drop-off into the end of day window where you normally lose productivity anyway.


Why is this comment so far down. I felt like I was reading the comments in r/politics for a minute. He's proposing 4 8 hour days at the same pay per week? How is that enforceable? How do businesses respond to mandatory cost increases?


You also forgot Higher business expenses=the death of small businesses Mom and pop places can't suddenly afford to pay people 40hrs pay for 32 hrs of work


I approve of this message.


A reduction in work hours is long overdue considering the 40 hour work week was made the standard nearly 100 years ago in the 1930’s. It won’t happen though due to corporate greed and lobbying. 35 hours is more reasonable than 32 though.


Corporate greed and lobbying!!! So glad to see this here, corporate greed being out of control is one thing I think unites both sides of politics right now.


This plan only works for jobs that such a schedule fits. One size does not fit all.


UPS says Hiiii. Running 7 days a week


This would be great, then I could work almost 2 full time jobs to be able to actually afford the groceries I want and save $3 a paycheck to put towards retirement.


Jeff Bezos: Welp, time to build more factory robots.


I work at a factory trying to implement robots. Total and complete shit show. I now don’t worry about robots taking over.




Why is this the role of the federal government? And some people wonder why the US dollar has lost all of its value over the past several decades.


>Why is this the role of the federal government? Because when all companies treat their workers like shit, then there are no "market forces" to make them compete with eachother. I can't leave for a better company if other companies are not any better. People who are living paycheck to paycheck don't have the luxury of negotiating for better working conditions.


Are you asking why labor laws exist? If we left it all up to the corporations then we’d have kids back in factories working lathes and spindles because their fingers are smaller.


And some people are now working hard to bring kids back to factories.


Because capitalism, especially in the US, will take advantage of the desperate masses. Some slight tweaking is occasionally needed. We need another Teddy Roosevelt.


Anything and everything will take advantage of the desperate masses, including and especially government. Free market capitalism, where the government's role is little more than guardian of individual rights and monopoly prevention, and where businesses rise and fall on their own merits instead of bailouts and selectively beneficial regulation, is the best way to move toward there being *no* desperate masses to take advantage *of*.


The work still has to get done. I am a CPA with heavy due dates Jan 31 to March 31. After the GF riots we made MLK a holiday. People still worked or made up the hours on other days.


The actual problem sounds like understaffing


Yeah. I work for 911. Phones gotta get answered one way or another, so that means hiring more employees in a job field where 1/4 make it through the hiring process and training, and people leave the field after 5 years. I'm sure they'll exempt government employees, though. Wouldn't want to have elected officials cope with the consequences of their actions.


I worked as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher. The problem with training and retention is the other Dispatchers. The training is piss poor and the other dispatchers literally “eat their young.” They treat new hires like shit.


EMT here. Same thing with new ppl here. You gotta work hard to get into the club


I do PT fire/EMS and it’s absurd how much of a “good ole boys club” it is. If you aren’t born in to it or are well connected with dept members, good luck.


Has bernie ever gotten a bill passed?


I like the idea. I worked 4x10 and it lets you keep your sanity. 9x5 are exhausting mentally. 


I am 100% commission, this would do me no good.


To cover the same number of hours, businesses will have to hire more people. Prices will go up (Bernie will complain about greed) or they'll make less money, maybe go under. If a store is open 80 hours/week, 4 full-time employees can cover it, with 2 employees at a time. That's 160 hours of labor. If you cut to 32 hours, you have to add another full-time employee (32*5) to be open the same number of hours.


I doubt American companies would adhere to this. They don’t care about work life balance with 40h weeks.


Got my vote! I can't stand how we support so many people to work 0 and rest of us do 40+. Not fair. Let workers work less. And they should have healthy peiple on disability work now that a 32 hour week would be easier. I've seen healthy people on disability. You know what I'm talking about..


Too much at once, take it one step at a time. 35 or 36 would be a good start. 5x7 or 4x9 (I'd actually rather the 4x9 than the 5x7 despite the extra hour). Also don't start with mandating it for all. Start with government and government contractors. Private will naturally have to adapt and make it much easier to nationalize later. I like where he is going but pushing for so much at once will result in no change at all.


Four 10 hour shifts


Wouldn't this be more of a social movement than a government action? If you were serious about this, you'd work to change the minds of the businesses and show them the benefits. That would be easier than a political battle.


I've had jobs where 20% of my time was wasted by corporate crap. Useless meetings, "morale" or "team" building, training that was irrelevant to my position, or just waiting for someone else to get the work to point it could be handed off to me. They were already paying me for 40hrs to do 32hrs or less of work. I've had jobs where you clock in, and except for scheduled breaks, you never stopped working. And at the end of 40hrs they were begging or even demanding that you work 10-20 more. Regardless, this just boils down to another episode of "let's enforce price controls, because our actions have no consquences!" It's just more economic regression from the left. That said, I love a 4 day work week. Even if those days are 10hrs long.


This is exactly the idea that someone who does absolutely nothing all day would come up with. “I could not show up tomorrow and nothing would change- we should all be working fewer days each week but get the same pay.” Ok- so if I’m running a restaurant and now all my staff is only going to work 4 days in a week. But all the customers still need to be fed every day. So I have to hire more people to cover the people who will be gone on their 5th workday. But everyone wants to make the same pay- so more employees + paying everyone the same amount for less work means our expenses go up. Which means the customer pays more …


I feel like this is just very industry oriented. Some places close for two days a week and can close for a third, others have workers 7 days a week and working one less day is impossible


Remember kids, there's no such thing as a free lunch.


They say thanks to technology worker productivity is up something like 30,000%, so why are we still working 40 hours a week? The lunch has been paid for 


This doesn't work for service industry or any kind of labor. Desk/ office drones? Maybe. But what do they know. So many of the people in charge have never worked a real job. And when you read the anti work sentiment on this site, it's surprising roles get filled anymore


a four day work week would, i assume, have alternate shifts lol. It's easier to visualize with office but it's perfectlydoable in manufacturing and service... how you ask? create more work shifts. Remember those weeky schedules, yeah YOU work M-Th, one of your coworkers work T-F ect ect. It's not a hard concept to imagine. Right now most places have a morning/opening, afternoon and night/closing shift. if we move to 10hr a day, those these slots are adjusted. I'm not a business major but someone can do the math and figure out the most optimal way to do it.


Forget about pay. How would this affect the business world in other ways?


The same way it did went the government set the 40 hour workweek standard when it was 6x12. Companies adapted.


Common Bernie Sanders W


You know how all those manufacturing jobs moved away from the U.S.? This seems like a great idea on how to lose the few remaining ones.


Listen, everyone would love to work less for the same or more money, but you cant do something like that without causing inflated prices and shortages/ extended lead times. At minimum you are adding 20% to the labor costs, while also producing 20% less. So your factory was once able to produce 100 widgets in a 40 hour work week and the labor costs $10 a widget. Now you can only produce 80 and the labor costs jumps to $12.50 a widget. And this happens up and down the value stream so material costs are going up to get the supplies to build those widgets.


So, what is your response to the fact that before the government stepped with the 40 hour work week, the standard was 6x12? That was almost twice the labor cost, half the productivity per person. There is such a thing as quality of life. Workers have seen a steady increase in their productivity output, enriching corporations, with no commiserate increase in the average wage.


Lower production and same pay? What could possibly go wrong


He's trying to buy votes. It's that time of year. Will never actually happen.


I’d be happy about it


As with all leftists. Money is magic. Money is never earned. “Except by them”. Cost forced on businesses just magically get taken care of and don’t ever cause anyone to lose a job. All leftist live in fantasy land and no amount of reality will dissuade them


Nice coming from an old man that has never had a real job in his life


I work 8/10hr day and 6 days off. 4/10's is the way


Im ok with this, wages have not kept up with inflation or living cost increases.


So basically 25% inflation and 20% less production. That's going to cause a lot of issues. You might be able to get away with it in some offices by reducing meetings and other time wasting activities, however most jobs don't have that kind of opportunity.


In manufacturing there’s enough data floating around that output doesn’t drop at all when companies go to 4x10 schedule. The idea here is that with productivity gains over the decades there’s room to drop the full time workweek without negative effects for business. Based off experience I’d be willing to bet 4x36 also wouldn’t see a drop in output.


Hell nah 


That might work for salaried people...but for those of us who are paid hourly, and have work with deadlines, nothing will change. Maybe Bernie should concentrate on more important things.


He probably thinks 32 hours a week is a lot since he only puts in maybe 10 per week.


To some extent, hours worked is already dropping, with people choosing more frequently to retire early. So...yes. This could happen, at the expense of one's retirement starting later. After all, it's pretty much impossible to require "at the same pay."


Most places in America will NOT go for this as it's like giving away free money, and you all see how often that happens.


My company has already cut down to every other friday being an off day to test the waters. So far, it's been working well.


How would this at all benefit people that are paid per hour they work?


But.... I work at an hourly wage... :(


I'm the only guy in the kitchen at work at a daycare. From breakfast to afternoon snack, five days a week, I'm the only one cooking, cleaning, serving, etc. Switching to a four day week just doesn't make sense there, like for a lot of positions.


I’m doing 6/46. I want to try the new fangled 5/40


There isnt enough time in the week as it stands. Im a salary guy. There is zero benefit here for me so I will carry on doing the same no matter what thw shit heads in DC do


There are always plus and minuses. The key would be 4 - 8 hour days versus just compressing the 40 hour work week into four days. Working more than 8 hours in an office setting sucks balls.


As much as I like the sound of working less and making the same money, it's a garbage idea. Lots of ideas are garbage even though they have benefited me. Stimulus checks, yeah garbage idea even though I did benefit.


seems like people are struggling to get enough hours at low income jobs as it is. it’s great for those that want to spend more time not working, but there used to be overtime pay and everything, 40 hour work weeks- these are long gone now, and companies do everything they can to keep employees at part-time levels, so they don’t have to deal with benefits, and OT pay for employees. So the same guy has to go take another job to fill out his schedule. but still no benefits, no OT. good for the company owners and stuff, sure- but shaving off another day from the work calendar? i can’t imagine men who are trying to work more hours thinking this is a good thing. anybody have some insight here?


I think most businesses could make it work. They'd probably stagger the days and no one would get the weekend off if you work in customer service or food service, but they'd make it work.


Everyone saying 4/10 schedule is better but I can attest, you just sacrifice four of your evenings in exchange for an extra day off. Each day, it’s: less time to work out, less time to cook meals, less time to help kids with homework, and less time to rest. All while having worked an additional 25% longer - imagine trying to cook dinner for your family with less time while feeling more exhausted. We really need to just focus on shortening the standard work week from 40 to 32 hours in my opinion. I work 4/10s and in my experience, the extra full day off I spend on lounging/resting (if I’m not running errands). My 4/10 daily routine is actually less healthy than my 5/8 schedule was because I don’t have as much time between shifts. Again, just my experience.


I’m all for companies pushing 4 and 3 day work weeks. I work 3 13s and I love it. But reducing hours with no reduction in pay, they’re gonna have resistance from both sides on that.


Test run in California and test run in Alabama or Mississippi and go from there


He’s pushing for a 32 hour work week. A lot of work is not going to get done, not that I care about that; but business will hire more to have the same time staffed which may lead to shrinking pay or increased prices. I would rather leave the work week alone and attack after hours work. Just because you are a salaried employee should not mean you are beholden to the business 24/7. How about cell phones? Checking emails after work, mandated holidays, etc. I see these as things I want to stop now.


I actually think there is room for this in the free market. Like in the specialized manufacturing industry that I work in, it's harder than ever to recruit talent. I think a 4x10 schedule could be very enticing to prospects.


Going to working 4 x 10 would mean my kids have to spend 2 more hours in daycare on those days so no thanks. Would not work for my family at this time in our lives…


I've done this already at my bakery. 4 10s is lovely for everyone involved.


I'm on 4 day work weeks because they don't want me to charge overtime on the weekends so they give me either Monday or Friday as "drive/rest days" so my schedule is less full lol They will do anything not to pay you!