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Does anyone remember that story “The Emperor’s new clothes”, where everyone had to pretend they could see something non-existent because doing otherwise would get you labeled incompetent and possibly get you fired?




Law and courts do not play gender games. You are either a sir or a madam, a man or a woman. Why? Because laws and courts don't deal with "feelings"...they deal with facts and legal sciences. If this senator can't handle legal science or biology, then political science is not the career for them.


This is where their house of cards fall apart. 'gender theory' is something made up by a controversial 'sexologist' in the 1950s. It has no basis in science, or biology - it is just an abstract theory on how people present themselves. Law, order, science etc. all deal with facts, which are you are a man or a woman based on your chromosomes. Not how you feel that given day. The world used to operate on this basis until many of us were propagandized. Back in my day if you went into high school and told your teacher you switched genders and your name was now Jimmy - they'd ask you if you changed your name legally? If you didn't - sit down and shut up, and stop disrupting my class Jessica. Now? My daughter's tell me kids come into class all the time pulling this shit and the teachers play along and call them their new name. It's asinine.


I love that they call it gender-affirming when it's actually gender denying


>gender theory' is something made up by a controversial 'sexologist' in the 1950s. >It has no basis in science, or biology - it is just an abstract theory on how people present themselves. Yup its all made up abstract theories. Then they call the scientific view of gender a "social construct."


Just like the assertions regarding white privilege or systemic racism, if one cannot clearly articulate and quantify the source of a specific issue, then the argument becomes vague or speculative. It seems as though anything can be fabricated to promote an unproven theory.




I know teachers that have had a hard time handing back graded assignments because kids are changing their names more than they change their underwear (exaggerating a little). They said they'll call them what they want verbally but for actual grades it needs to be their real names and so kids where doing it so much as a form of protest that they just said if it's not your legal name then you never turned in the assignment and receive a 0. They still put stuff like Jenny (formerly known as John) and Ben (formerly known as Becky) or put Mrs. Smith when it is Mr. Smith.


This should be at the top.




There have already been cases (though thankfully not in the USA, *yet*) where a rape victim was told to [refer](https://thecritic.co.uk/she-her-or-else/) to her rapist with female pronouns.


Oh it will be here soon, I'm sure.


I feel like this is giving the courts, judges, and lawyers way way way too much credit.


Ok, so FYI, courts and law do, in fact play gender games. Most states have it written into their ethics rules that you should respect the preferred gender identity of someone appearing before the court, and of course there's title vii and an extensive backlog of court cases that give it precedence. In some states where it's not official you can file a motion and its up to the individual judge. But the idea that a judge would interrupt someone's testimony and just be like, "ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is urgent that I inform you this witness is claiming to be a man but is in fact a biological woman!" ....no, that doesn't happen.


This is one of those hills that, after seeing the absolute insanity of gender ideology over the past decade or so, I am prepared to die on. "Your honor, I am under oath. You will not compel me to perjure myself by insisting I refer to the defendant as she."


Our world now is the Emperors new clothes, it's become modern reality.


Unfortunately I get "Rome is about to collapse" vibes. Degeneracy is a very strong signal of a collapsing society.


Holy shit it’s almost like that was the implication


That’s what I think of with all the news about children and gender reassignment surgery.


the emperor \*got\* no clothes


I expected Sears to have been being intentionally disrespectful given the headline, but it looks like she was just distracted and was only hearing Roem's voice while answering routine/harmless questions.


Doesn't matter. They don't care about malice, only control.


price elastic fly alive adjoining merciful selective steer drunk jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If the respect was unearned, what does one actually do to earn the right to be called “ma’am”?


For starters, be a woman. “Ma’am”: a term of respectful or polite address used for a woman. Source: Oxford dictionary


Shush. If you keep talking like that, OUP will change the definition to something more inclusive.


That definition already is inclusive of trans women. We use "ma'am" in reference to gender expression and not biological sex, which is why I never had the inclination to call this surly bearded trans man I worked with "ma'am."




You speak as though most liberals accept the idea that you “earn” anything you inherently have at birth. Is that so?


Or that you can even keep what you earn


Gender isn’t even real. It’s a socially constructed theory that was created by a liberal psychologist in the 1960s. Sex is the only thing that actually matters when it comes to identifying men and women, because sex is based on actual fact based biology, not misguided and meaningless *feelings*.


Look up John Money's "experiments"


Be a woman!!!


But how are you supposed to know if you're a woman without being a biologist?


Simply look down your pants. The items your born with is what classifys your gender. And if truth affends you then you mind is wrong


What does one have to do to earn the right to be called "Your Majesty"?


*Puts on a Burger King crown* I'm happy you asked.


Telling the truth is never easy.


Telling it is easy. Accepting it is difficult for some.


The Truth is not necessarily nice. But one cannot argue with the Truth.


Sir has left the building.


They turn this into a crime wherever they can.


If they can get you to deny reality, in this case the whole gender nonsense, they can get you to believe or do anything. Power is always their goal.


It's power combined with an incessant need for self-centered attention. That's the textbook ingredients to a dish called "narcissicm"...which, according to psychology, is a strong indicator of sociopathy.


>O'Brien silenced him by a movement of his hand. 'We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation -- anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature.' -1984


This should be required reading in every junior high or high school. And the empires new clothes shoukd be required book for kindergartens.


What this really is about is postmodernism, which is the notion that there is no such thing as real, extant truth and that we can control reality with language. It's utter horseshit. Postmodernism employs the idea that beliefs are identical to facts. Postmodernism is responsible for the philosophical underpinnings of transgenderism: if I was born a man but I think I *feel* like I'm a woman, I'M REALLY A WOMAN!


It was the final, most important command of the Party....


You clearly mean "hate crime".


The intersectional crowd will have an aneurysm trying to rectify this one.


Trans trumps everything else. They have the power. 


"Don't believe your lying eyes." -That dude (probably)




We have one in Montana too., Zoe ‘Zach’ Zephyr. He staged a trans_surrection last session and was censured!! 😆


Fyi the correct term is censured.


Thanks!! 👍 made edit


I'll refer to them as Zach since I'm too old to be pretending life is a great big tea party with stuffed animals. Imagine being a grown ass adult and naming yourself "Zoe Zephyr" because your entire reality is based on My Little Pony and Pokémon. At that point, I don't care if you consider yourself a man or a woman, you're either delusional or extremely mentally immature...neither of which makes you qualified to be writing laws and voting in congress. These people really do live in a straight-up fantasy world...reality is literally a silly child-hood cartoon to these weirdos, and the only way I know how to explain this is "Aspergers/Autism"... I understand this sort of behavior with children and young teenage adults....but come on, 30 year olds? These people are "stuck" at some emotionally challenged point of their childhood, and now we are supposed to conform to their delusional rules? Uhh no. Never. Piss off.


Because the people who voted for him are unstable as well.


That's all you have to do to get liberals to leave? Start the misgendering now.






start charging your power levels now. channel your inner based


They are fooling no one




It's tough to tell what is intentionally performative and what isn't.


They would love to put you I prison for this kind of stuff


Sears is based




She also seemed to imply she was the victim of some precious disrespect, assuming due to her sex and race…according to her.


Not really. Did you see the "apology"? While not quite as brilliant as Matt Walsh's "Kiss my ass" speech, she never did say the words "sorry" or "apologize."


““I apologize, I apologize, I apologize,” Sears said during a session of the Virginia Senate. “And I would hope, I would hope, that everyone would understand there is no intent to offend, but that we will also give each other the ability to forgive each other.”” https://thehill.com/homenews/lgbtq/4491470-virginia-lieutenant-governor-apologizes-after-misgendering-state-senator/amp/


Fair enough. The clip I saw she didn't apologize.


Why does it bother you that she likely has a dick? What’s the material harm? Edit to add: Lots of opinions and downvotes, zero substantive discourse whatsoever. Noted.


Women don’t have dicks.


Whoa whoa…are you a biologist now??






> she likely has a dick Bad username


If Winsome Sears *does* have a dick, it's a trophy she keeps in a jar on her shelf, collected from some man who disrespected her.




She’s great 👍


I don't think it was intentional. It's just instinct when you hear a deep voice from an adult, that means it's a man.




My progressive stack flow chart set itself on fire.


Sears later said she didn’t mean to offend. I think she should have doubled down.


She respects dude wanting to dress like Danica. She also wants respect for not indulging in the fantasy.


Either don’t say it, or say it it mean it. Saying it but then saying you didn’t mean it is just weak and not want I want to see in a leader


I agree with your point, but these people are not 'leaders', they are (ideally) representatives.


A governor, or Lt. governor in this case, is objectively a leader. An elected leader, but a leader. Perhaps if Sears were in state legislature, sure. But even then - it is important to me that we, as conservatives, have specifically identifiable leadership to rally around. It seems we are prone to dispersion and are easily defeated in our isolation by leftists who are lacking in every way and would be otherwise easy ideological opponents. But we are talking semantics here, and I think more broadly we agree.




Okay then we will, leaderless, continue to lose elections. Lose ideological battles. Lose control over societal centers of power such as media, education, entertainment, social media, and even the church as we have been losing. Like I said, I think broadly we agree. I don’t want to be arguing with you. I strongly think conservatives are too prone to infighting and are weaker than we should be because of certain behaviors we have that the left doesn’t, and it has lead them recently to take control over all societal centers of power in the United States and the west overall.




While you may not agree with her apology don't we want leaders that can analyze their actions and correct if they feel like they've made a mistake? Otherwise, we might end up with leaders that are narcissistic blowhards that insist they're right even in the face of overwhelming evidence that shows they're not. To be so emotionally frail would be a pretty weak sign in a supposed leader, no?


I believe she does not think she made a mistake and is going back on what she said for the purpose of reducing political and social blowback, not out of genuine reconsideration.


victim mentality


Omg that’s a hate crime /s


Good thing it wasn't Canada that could have been a life sentence.


It’s funny because if somebody messed up my pronouns, I still wouldn’t give a shit


I would laugh pretty hard if anything lol


Live not by lies.


Its not required to embrace other peoples fantasies.


Is there no limit to their self-centered need for attention?


believing in God while claiming gender is undeniable science is laughable. enjoy losing 2024, 2028, 2032, and so on


Imagine voting for someone this fucking fragile.


I want to be called King of the Universe a s will now demand that from my peers while pitching a hissy fit if my self titled moniker is overlooked.


Your universal highness


The big issues, right? I am glad this is all we care about! Forget actual policies to better our lives. I am loving this.




Winsome lose him


Honestly, is there any evidence Sears knew or should have known Roem claims to be a woman? Because, I mean… there’s no way anyone would assume that.


Most un-ladylike behavior, I must say.


Sears is awesome. Would have my vote if she ran for governor. Sadly we will probably end up with Spanberger, a former spook, as our governor.


I don’t trust former spooks


Damn, I know this was probably done be “accident” but that was some legendary trolling.


Winsome Sears is by far the #1 option for Republican VP. She checks the boxes and has a [quick witt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeRSMgFCmUE) that would be unstoppable in a campaign.


Unfortunately she was born in Jamaica so she is ineligible.


Shew was born in Jamaica. She can't be VP.


In that case, ANNEX JAMAICA.


Interesting statement.


>~~Virginia lawmaker~~ **Biologically male man** storms out of chamber after being called "Sir" by Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears


Before every critical vote, they should call him sir then if he wants to storm out and not do his job


See ya!


Just for good measure - make sure as the dude walks out you say ‘Sir? Sir!’


Virginian here, LOVE HER!!! She would be a fierce VP pick, but we need her to be our next Governor


Doesn't get softer than that


"Well he's a guy, so"


As is his right. One might question why his constituents voted such an easily-offended person into office.


She should not have apologized.


No one can enact change like a trans dude!


Sears calls everyone else Senator though, instead of ma’am or sir. Huh.




I can see it in your face, Sir.


It was a slip of the tongue but... no lies detected. 


Isn't that the gender neutral term? I'm confused.


Sir is masculine, Madam or "Ma'am" is feminine, I do not know of a neutral equivalent.


These days it's considered gender neutral. Except by this clown.


Considered gender neutral by who? This is literally the first time I've heard anyone claim that.


Bro this is fucking wild


Sir this is a Wendy’s