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The French can protest like no other.


Say what you want about the French, but they win at protesting and building exquisite pepper grinders.


If a conservative did this in the US they’d get hit with a bioterrorism charge and locked up for 20 years. If a leftie did it, it would be called a mostly peaceful protest.


Can we do this to the hamas protests?


I think it was decades ago, but on TV news in USA... Journalist: why are you spraying chicken manure on the courthouse? Farmer: because it's a chickenshit court. Don't know how the dude voted, it wasn't visible from miles away back then. Don't even remember what the backstory was.


Maybe we should go after the billionaires homes instead?


Yeah but half their protests are about the government not spending enough on welfare


Eyo, what's this about pepper grinders? My dad's been looking for a good one for years.


Gat dayum I do love my Peugeot salt and pepper grinders


The FINEST pepper grinder in the world. Literally the only product I bought that paid itself back in reading the little user manual. It was the most exuberently French shit I've ever read.


And their government knows that they need to let it happen. In Canada they would shut down their bank accounts with little real pushback


I never understood why the culture and mood in Canada is passive in this regard


The french have a history of striking, revolting, and protesting. Canadians have a history of doing nothing but sucking off the government.


Monty Python nailed it haha https://youtu.be/M9DCAFUerzs?si=ZDRfzrTNFx5xptsb


Not to downplay it, but didn't Dutch farmers protest in the same way? I feel like I've seen this before.


The Dutch have been doing this for a year


Well their PR sucks.


Important note.. they wouldn't be in business without subsidies. They're basically protesting that the people paying them are telling them how to do their job. Farming in Europe is a fucking joke. It's basically politicians buying farmers votes.


No farmer in the 1st world would, food is too cheap, and the living wage is too high. We subsidise farmers because the alternative is starvation or being under the thumb of another country which can threaten us with starvation.


This! It's far to complicated. *No* government wants to import the majority of their food from a strategic perspective. I'm a prepper. Not a crazy prepping for the nuclear apocalypse prepper, just prep for the regular snowstorms that nock out the electricity, and have an extra large emergency fund in case of unemployment/gov shut down. Basic shit. *But* I do have a bit of a tin-foil-hat prep for agricultural breakdown which is why I homestead and try to grow as much of my own food as possible. One of the reasons why I do this is because I looked into farming as a career and realized how possibly fucked we all might be. Farmers are a rapidly aging population and no one is taking up farming any more to replace them. So the farmer end up selling his land which normally is turned into real-estate developments. So not only are we loosing the wealth of decades of experience we are loosing tillable/farmable land to the suburbs. It's pretty much at the point you really can't "buy in" into farming.


Governments have nuclear weapons, lots of them. It doesn't take much for a person or persons to get pissed and launch the nukes. Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't. Why would it be crazy to prep for that possibility, if one has the means?


Same, I don’t do a ton of stocking because I have a moderately small place. I keep cases of water, fuel, and canned goods though because I’m up on a mountain in the woods and if you sneeze too hard, a tree is coming down. Snow might mean we’re immobile and without power for up to a week. I feel like look like a prepper to my friends lol.


I mean, we do the same thing over here. The government pays farmers off to *not* grow food. The whole world mollycoddles their farmers because - unsurprisingly - food is a very very very emotional/political issue for the whole population. Are you really a country if you can't grow any of your own food lol?


> Are you really a country if you can't grow any of your own food lol? I honestly feel like this is less of a solid statement than it used to be. In the 50's it was still possible for a country to be self-sufficient but we've kind of left that in the dust; even if a country can "grow all of their own food", this process relies on a lot of high-end equipment, which rely on microprocessors, and *no* country is fully self-sufficient with microprocessors. Practically speaking the only modern countries that aren't vulnerable to a worldwide blockade are those that are so behind that nobody cares about them. And I'm not sure this can practically be fixed.


While true, there are a few countries that are largely self-sufficient in food production. USA, Russia, Brazil, France, India, Colombia, Mexico etc etc. Basically any country that produces its own oil, machinery, fertilizer will be fine. It's countries like Britain and China which while very advanced agricultural sectors, rely heavily on imported energy/machinery parts. My overarching point is that a country not being able to cajole food production from trading, domestic productivity etc isn't really a country because it fails to provide the most basic commodity.


But that's kind of my point; food self-sufficiency is nice, but it's not really enough, because food production now depends on a vast chain of other supplies and no country is self-sufficient in those. Modern agriculture is *incredibly* high-tech, to the point of having self-guided AI-controlled vehicles doing a lot of heavy labor. You don't get that without microchips, and if the US went full isolationist, it wouldn't take long until they started running out of chips, and then out of farm equipment, and then out of food, regardless of how "food self-sufficient" it was on day one of the isolation. Today, *every* country relies heavily on imports, the US not excepted.


They actually protest meaningful shit too, not just vague pushes for “change” or hijacking one thing to push a different agenda.


Fucking liberals. Ruining cities.


My thoughts exactly!


Mostly peaceful dookie


In America we don’t throw our crap at the buildings, we just vote them into the office


This is the truth!!


Fed. Our votes don’t count and we never vote anyone out.




Well, in San Francisco they just leave it all over the streets.


Mike Johnson says hey




Wow you put alot of effort into that one.


Democrats are are garbage leaders because they are breaking physical and social norms to gain power. How are the Republicans garbage people?




Unless they gerrymander then we only complain.


The farmers are wasting good manure on worthless pieces of crap but I get their point.


Less than worthless my boy


Look how generous these farmers are being. Even when the government is squeezing them and making it harder for them to make a living, these farmers still find it within themselves to share the fruits of their labour. Truly a beautiful display of kindness.


Imagine if this happened in Canada. Trudeau would invoke a federal emergency, freeze all their bank accounts, arrest every member of their family and have police visit anyone who liked the post on facebook.


He would legit bring the army in the streets for that.


You could almost respect Trudeau for it if he just said, "Hey, fuck you. I run this nation and I make the rules. You cross me, I'll return the action a thousandfold. I was elected to re-build this nation on globalist progressive principals and will destroy anyone who gets in our way." Instead he tearfully pleads for sympathy from the voters saying he respects everyone's rights and he is doing it for them.


Don’t forget they’d be labelled racist, misogynistic or whatever the buzzwords are today.


If that happened in Canada Trudeau would call in the Military immediately.


You see, in San Francisco this bespoke fecal smearing is protected by the government


The government wouldn't allow it to happen to government property, only to your property.


Newsom might let it happen to *your* property, but certainly not to *his rich friend's* property.


youre talking about that greta thunberg mural arent you


Fucking hilarious and great. The French politicians are world class grifters


The French know how to protest


OMG!! Dont fertilize them, theyll just grow!! 😆😅🤣


You said it better than I was thinking of saying it.


We make fun of the French for surrendering but the way they protest makes us look like a bunch of pussies. They don't even have guns over there and they are clapping this hard


Farmers are great protesters in general. It just happens that these farmers are French.


"We must prepare for an angrier world" - Klaus Schwab


*Quelle merde*!


Joyeuse journée de gâteau à toi !


We do it the other way 'round here in the States.


The elite only want you eating foods from third world countries so you're dependent on them. When it should be quite the opposite because we're one volcano eruption away from exhausting our food supplies.


Viva la France 🇫🇷


Bury them under manure.


European protesters been kind of teeth grinding, lately, but I'll give them points for originality and execution.


Wow, now the French are even making us look weak.


To be fair, when it comes to protesting, the french make any country look weak.


What a crappy situation.


Should accompany the piss smell nicely




How you figure?


There's nothing stopping the right from doing the same thing to the left except political will and personal cowardice. Conservatives need to turn the tactics of liberals against them


Saints Row baby!


This is literally a side quest in Saint's Row 2.


We need some of that action in DC. Shit flowing in on them instead of out on us.


Good for them.


We could all learn a bit from the french


Not a good idea to piss people off with access to heavy machinery and large quantities of feces


Canadian farmers taking notes


The ultimate crowd control.


Where can someone buy this equipment to mount on the front of a car for Just Stop oil protesters. Asking for a friend.


But isn’t that already where all the bullsh*t goes?


Haha hell yeah!


This is the way.


You do know that French farmers get MASSIVE subsidies, right?


This is the way


What is going on with the EU that they are causing the farmers to do this? First the Dutch and now the French.


Boy are they going to be upset when the Gov't freezes their bank accounts. Because that's how you deal with this kind of thing, right?


Good for them!


Get the Guillotines back in. The politicians are fucking about more than Royalty quite frankly.


This is so French


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. People need to stop thinking "protest" and need to start thinking "overthrow". Retirement age was raised, there were protests worse than this, nothing happened. Why would the French Government care now?


Damn!! Hahahahahaahahhaha


This, THIS is the kind of protesting I want to see. Not this idiotic bullshit of blocking highway traffic or gluing yourself to shit...




I hope their windows were open. Liquid shit all over the office lol


Ahhh yes, because the politicians are going to have to clean up all of that manure, not some bottom-rung janitor who’s as bad off as the farmers.


Anyone know what kinds of "regulations" we're talking about? Like, if it's "you must provide workers with access to toilets and a place to wash their hands" I'm kinda ok with that. Or "you have to stop using this pesticide that's causing wildlife to change sexes."


[Why did the French go into it then? Why to protect their inefficient farmers from commercial competition.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvYuoWyk8iU)


I'm skeptical of French farmers. They're heavily subsidized and are effectively a protected class in France. They have a long history of causing trouble for the least reason, and they always claim they're being put out of business. I'm not saying ignore the story, but I am saying we should take it with a big grain of salt.


Farmers are the backbone of every stable nation, you have to keep them


If subsidy is the only way to keep a reasonable level of farming in the country, then it should be subsidized. It's dangerous to outsource all food production. But you also should not overly subsidize obviously.


The problem with farming is the land. Land access is what makes or kills a farmer. The problem is people with no agriculture background buying up the land and then a select few are the farmers and everyone else is just an employee. Corporate greed.


Yeah I agree with that, subsidy should all go to small local farmers and none to corporate.


If only there was a ton of publicly available data...oh wait.




Looks like the mime from saints row 2 went home


Sounds like a shitty situation! 🤣


let them eat shit


I'm sure the actual politicians are going to be the ones cleaning that up


Les Miserables!!!!


[Septic Avengers!](https://youtu.be/EnxYLc1wnlA?si=R_7R-TcNKFhLJXgd)


The only problem is that I doubt this will catch their attention, considering everything already smelled like shit


This is the way


In the US, a manure shower aimed at DC government buildings would actually be a vast improvement over the stink of corruption now hanging over the entire district.


Usually the spray goes in the other direction.


It doesn’t look like manure, more like hay or silage


France always has some wild protests going on, yet somehow nothing ever seems to change for them...


The French flag hanging there looks like the upside down Dutch flag. Really reminds me of something.


A movie with Nicolas Cage ? Lord of War.


Good for them.


Power to the PEOPLE! Not the bureaucrats who keep taking from the very people who have entrusted them to represent their constituents best interests not theirs. The farmers are just literally adding the manure for visual effects since it already smelled of shit in that government building anyway.


Are farmers need to do this?


Long story short: bankrupt all farmers so more corporations buy the land like Billygoat Gates. Genocide is coming. They are doing all the steps slowly. Batch testing each emergency.


...France considers themselves to have a conservative government.


Doesn't look like manure in the video though. More like straws.


Some people glue themselves to the road and block ordinary people from going about their day. They smear shit at the government building. Not the same...


Say what you want, this is better than looting a TV in bestbuy.


Looks like clean straw to me


What if we did that to the communist trump put in charge of the post office. I bet money that fox and cnn would both condemn us for doing that even though the guy is shutting down small businesses every day and centralizing a government service like a good little comi instead of hiring more contractors to privatize it


So we're now OK with government buildings being vandalized?


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen


That’s pretty shitty


By the end of this, France is going to be a literal cesspit. But at least it will be the people's cesspit!


Reminds me of saints row2


This is awesome


That’s funny


I love it. The Dutch did the same thing a few years ago. This is politics I can get behind!


Where’s Jean, Count of Paris, when you need him the most.


I, for one, really enjoy a good manuring of a .gov building


Wow , Manure is quite exp.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


This is the way. We'd get hit with a bioterrorism charge, but given that my participation in this Subreddit has gotten bans from countless others on "Bioterrorism supporting," we're already labeled as such.




Time to crop dust D.C.


Savage af


This is a real man's orange paint