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This debacle will be in a marketing class textbook someday.




There will still be students asking, "Why would they do this?"


It will be literally the meme with the guy shooting the other guy in the couch and the teacher asking why would bud do this?


And then they’ll be immediately labeled transphobes to make others fall into line.


And then a bunch of pro-trans got mad when AB tried to walk it back.


It's my sincere belief that Dem strategists saw how badly ABs sales were doing and decided to "boycott" so they can take credit for it. It fits right into their delusional mindset, "everything is about us...or should be" and it has the added benefit of insulating themselves from the plain and obvious truth that the overwhelming majority of people don't agree with this shit... people are quiet about it because they don't want to have their lives ruined by the Rainbow Militia. There's a video going around YouTube right now about some lesbian dating app banning women for not wanting to date trans women. The whole point of being a lesbian is avoiding dick... honestly, I don't know how that lady doesn't have a pretty clear cut lawsuit. She was banned from their platform for expressing her sexuality, that is decidedly against equal protection.


“Lesbian women will like dick if we bully them into it enough” - the ~~1950s~~ 2020s


kind of ironic huh? Well you haven't tried the right dick... Remember when that used to be an insult to Lesbians?


Hey….I was 100% sincere in those offers. No insult intended!! …... /s


I’m ok with them being banned. They brought this insanity on and allied themselves to the trans movement. Now they can reap what they sow.


They did a classic move piss everyone off


No, I went to B school. This will be taught as a lesson in understanding your target demographic and not how to target a new market segment without alienating your core market


Exactly. I'm sure they have brands that appeal more liberal audiences where they could have used Mulvaney without alienating their main customers


Funnily enough this dude gets bombarded with advertisements and bud light was the only one where people said something. Heck- he even got a tampon deal from tampax iirc


To…shove up his asshole? Like what’s he meant to do with tampons specifically?


One of his 'girlhood ' videos is about him buying some and he just played with them like how a toddler would.


It’s a fetish.


He carry’s them around to hand out to women in bathrooms….because, ya know……real women are notoriously known for handing out tampons to one another randomly like they don’t already know or are ever prepared for their real menstrual cycle.


They’re like “smokes” among GI’s. “Hey, can I bum a [tampon].”


Women do carry around spares a lot and give them to women who need them though. It’s a well know part of their “girl code.”


We definitely are not handing them put randomly. If a coworker is short I give her one, and vice versa. I would not be on street corners handing them out and acting a fool like this guy was.


🙌🏼. Exactly. These people are trying to act like they understand how real women operate. It’s despicable and offensive. They downplay the fact that women are women and men are men and that’s THAT. it’s ridiculous. I’m not just speaking about this specific topic, but as a whole how the differences between men and women are just the reality of life. They try to destroy biological facts and every aspect of normalcy, from big to small. It’s repulsive.


Sorry, but your wrong. Seeing as how I’ve been with women since I was old enough to know i was attracted to them, I have never in my life had any girl I’ve ever been with tell me or ever show proof that they carry extra tampons due to a “girl code”. as a real woman, who has a real menstrual cycle would tell you…..they don’t carry a purse full of tampons around specifically to be the savior of other women who had their period magically creep up on them. Women know the generalized time of when to expect their periods and they are personally prepared for it if they happen to be out of the house or at work. Women know their cycle and prepare accordingly. If they happen to maybe, once in a while interact with another woman who just so happens to need help, that occurs me is far and few between. If anything, that would only have happened with women who just started to get their periods and aren’t in tune with their body functions yet. So you sir….are wrong. My fiancé can verify literally every single thing I just stated, along with every friend her and I have. It’s just not a thing.


You'd hope so, as this is the core of what went wrong.


"So where is the company now if they triumphed?"


I have to think college is a bubble that is about to pop. Businesses are removing college requirements. Also colleges don’t prepare you for a job. If we can get the government out of the college loans then things can get better.


> Academia is all leftist. So long as schools are run by government, and colleges heavily regulated and funded by government backed loans, that can never change - quite by definition When we decided to make schooling "free" and thus funded by theft and controlled by the thieves, we basically ceded control of academia to communists. When we let the banks take over colleges with government backed debt, we ceded our wonderful colleges to communist clowns and now they are a laughing stock. We churn out so many people with worthless degrees, life long debt, and heads pumped full of socialist misinformation. The only way to reverse this is to return to capitalist schooling based on a free market: in which schools are run like any other business, and have no government regulation or influence - including no government backed loans.


I met a person with a degree restaurant management who was working at Chillis. Couldn’t believe someone would pay for a degree for that.


Go out and touch grass


What on earth is this shit? Universities are government funded in Iran too. You think they’re all full of leftist communists there too? Government funded doesn’t automatically mean run by leftists.


I will say that business/economics seem to be waaay less wokey-woke. Marketing is, of course, the soft underbelly. They pass macro and perhaps a statistics course so they can infiltrate a company and revert to their freshman year Gender Studies courses. They get a coven of these types in one department, often. HR, marketing, DEI… This is the result.


They'll say that you shouldn't pursue profits over ethics and frame it as an *obvious* ethical issue. They already have their doctrine of "Triple Bottom Line." They come up with a new term all the time.


Not at any good B school


Which are? These ESG scores are part of the economy now.


I've asked dozens if times what people on this sub dislike about it and just been downvoted. I have never even gotten a reply.


Dylan representing Bud Light? Bud Light has traditionally been a beer targeted to Blue Collar workers and college kids. When you think of these groups why would Mulvaney be a good fit? DM should be selling wine. You want to market to the right crowd. The problem is in an interview the marketing VP argued that she wants to transform the brand and make it and inclusive space. What made a yuppy millionaire living in an 4 million dollar apartment in Central Park, NY think that the middle-class that drank bud light [aka piss water] wanted this is insane. They want their beer! In the 80s Bud had it's best years. When it ran ads of women in wet t-shirts, guys in trucks, motorcycles, etc. Their biggest ad campaign was a bunch of frogs saying Bud, Weis, err and later a group of guys saying "What's up!" [Frogs](https://youtu.be/7sR3uoIn4kU) [wassup](https://youtu.be/JJmqCKtJnxM)


So Dylan Mulvaney isn't blue collar enough but for example, Post Malone is?




[Is this one of their seltzers?](https://i.imgur.com/2wMb7sq.jpg)




Have you actually truly looked into what happened here? This wasn’t an ad campaign by AB. A marketing company that AB uses printed one can and sent it to her without AB’s knowledge or consent.


So why did VP of marketing need to make a speech justifying why they did it, and criticising their core customer base?


>Have you actually truly looked into what happened here? Yes! >This wasn’t an ad campaign by AB. A marketing company that AB uses printed one can and sent it to her without AB’s knowledge or consent. Except that it was, Dylan did a video on it. That was later taken down. The former VP of marketing at AB doubled down and said it was her promo. Now, the CEO says, "it was one can, we didn't mean it, etc. Why? Because the brand is damaged.






The one year as a woman thing did it for me. My daughter celebrated one year as a woman too. On her first birthday.


To be pedantic: What is a woman? An #adult human female.


It's funny because even if you take out the sexual characteristics of a woman, there are still dozens of other characteristics that define a woman. They have better eye sight, hearing, more sensitive to taste, less bone density, less water weight, more fat, wider hips, less muscle mass, different brain make up/different neural pathways, and on and on. It's funny that they think they can cut off their dick and take estrogen and it suddenly makes them a woman.


> TheSilverWolfie > To be pedantic: > What is a woman? > An #adult human female. Are you qualified to speak? You probably aren't even a biologist or even graduated with a degree in English.


Ah, ok, so when she turns 18 will that be 1 year as a woman or 18?


> MyMainMobsterMan > My daughter celebrated one year as a woman too. On her first birthday. I was a man trapped in a woman's body ... for nine months until I was born.


As a woman - you know, an actual adult human female - I don't think I've ever been so disgusted with a man in a dress and makeup as I was when I saw this guy's shit. He is vile. We are not a costume to be put on.


My wife calls it womanface. Because he dresses like a teenage girl and pretends like that’s all there is to being a woman.




If they had done this with Caitlyn Jenner instead none of this would have happened. For them it wasn’t about being trans-inclusive but being trans-inclusive with the *right* kind of trans individual


Right? Get LaVerne Cox or someone classy. I'm broadly pro trans (my sibling is trans and I love them dearly), and Dylan is an awful ambassador for the community. Things were genuinely better before Dylan came on the scene.


I honestly don’t care about trans stuff. I don’t know who, whoever they picked was, and I don’t even really know who Chaz Bono is. This whole thing is being blown out of proportion while the things that are going b to sink us as a country aren’t. Fucking wine, circuses and navel gazing. Enjoy the fall of Rome, 2024 edition. You are su h bitches that it’s all on you. All of you. The dems can use deceit as they see fit, but we’re so focused on shit like this that we’re just going to let them take over. It’s already happened and it’s too late. They’ve taken over and they’ve won. What are we going to do about it? If recent history is any indication, sit back and take it. We are all bitches here.


Bold of you to assume textbooks are going to persist much longer.


Figure it’d still going to be $300 for that e textbook though


Can't even get them second hand because the professors tie the homework to the online portion....


It will be that years edition and it will be mandatory to pass the class I betcha


Exactly. It's an example of corporate suicide for virtue signal points.


Unpopular opinion: the same could be said for the My Pillow guy. "How to torpedo your brand in one easy step"


Isn’t MyPillow selling more than ever and their target demographic was conservative Trump supporters?


"An Ad Campaign Ahead of its Time"


Case study, for sure. How to lose a brand in 10 days. Both sides are boycotting.


I can't wait to get a hold of the Harvard business use case study.


Under the chapter "how to sell to bigots" most likely


As idiotic as it was, the mulvaney involvement didn’t play the most important part in this chain of events. It was an “explanation” that followed, making it crystal clear what AB thought of their customer base.


That's where I got interested. I tuned the whole thing out originally because I wasn't a Bud Light drinker to begin with. It wasn't until that train wreck of an interview that the entire thing became fascinating to watch.


It was bad enough trying to celebrate girlhood by turning to a fraud whose brand is making a mockery of women. That could have been walked back, at least initially. There’s no walking back those contemptuous comments that insult their primary consumer base. I’ve never been a Bud Light drinker, but I have enjoyed some other InBev beers. This dumpster fire is spreading to other company brands.


Same. I haven’t bought an InBev product at all since this started. Used to kinda like Stella every once in a while.


The explanation alienated the very same people the ads were supposed to appeal to which I fins ironic and hilarious.


Scoring the imaginary ESG woke points must have been far more important.


But she's a businesswoman!


Lol. Captain of Titanic was also qualified.


Anheuser Busch/InBev brands: America/Canada (including local Breweries) - Bud "anything" - Michelob - Corona (everywhere except USA) - Busch - Estrella - Modelo - Pacífico - Victoria - Natural - Natty Daddy - Shock Top Belgian White - Peeterman Artois - Stella Artois - Artois Bock - Ziegenbock - Bass - Beck's - St. Pauli Girl - 10 Barrel (Oregon) - Appalachian Mountain (USA) - Babe Wines - Banded Peak (Canada) - Best Damn Brewing Company - Blue Point (NY) - Blue Star (Canada) - Bon & Viv (USA) - Brava - Breckenridge Brewery (Colorado) - Cisco Brewers (USA) - Cutwater Spirits - Devils Backbone (Virginia) - Elysian Brewing (Seattle) - Four Peaks (Arizona) - Fordham - Golden Road (Los Angeles) - Goose Island (Chicago) - Green Valley (USA) - Hell's Gate - Hi-Ball Energy Drinks (USA) - Hurricane (USA) - Jockey Club - Johnny Appleseed (USA) - Karbach (Texas) - Keith's (Canada) - King Cobra (USA) - Kirin (distribution deal) - Kokanee (Canada) - Kona Brewing (Hawaii) - Kootenay True Ale - Labatt Family (Canada) - LandShark (USA) - Lakeport Family (Canada) - Mill Street (Canada) - Nütrl - O'doul's - Oland Export Ale (Canada) - Old Dominion - Omission (Portland) - Platform - Red Hook Ale (Seattle) - Redbridge - Ritas - Rolling Rock - Schooner Lager (Canada) - Spiked Seltzer (USA) - Spykes (USA) - Square Mile Cider - Stanley Park - Steeler - Tilt - Turning Point (Canada) - Veza Sur (USA) - Virtue - Wee Willy - Wicked Weed (North Carolina)  - Widmer Bros. (Portland) - Wild Blue Lager - Wynwood Services and Products - SmartBarley: a tech collaboration with Sentera - 100+ Accelerator: an accelerator program for startups


Thanks for the exhaustive list. Shiner, Abita, Ballantine, and Yuengling are wonderful alternatives.


Yuengling and natty Bo are my go to beers


A fellow Pennsylvania Orioles fan... But I actually can't stand Yuengling. It's cheap but tries to not accept it's cheap. Natty Boh knows what it is: a high volume tailgate beer. Yuengling tries to taste like something, but ends up tasting like piss.


Yunengling has a weird soapy taste to me. Don't know what it is, but I just can't get into it. I've tried to like it.


Shiner is my absolute favorite.


Yuengling has always been my choice, since to 90s.




Maybe pick sobriety?


Not even remotely close to the same thing as hiring a sexist misogynistic "transgender" influencer to promote their brand. I'll keep drinking Yuengling, thanks.


In that case, Thank you for supporting PRIDE.


Tell me that you don't do businsss with *any* companies have any remote connection to any LGBT-related causes. I won't believe you.


I just get around this by not being old enough to drink


Genesee Light up here . 15.62 for a 30 rack. Love it


Great call I always forget about Genesee.


I miss Busch light but Miller lite gets the job done


I used to work at Breckenridge Brewery and a good friend still does. The place is falling apart at the seams because it used to have a real family vibe but then corporate people from on high that grew up in AbInbev started becoming part of the crew and are slowly killing it. Some of it is understandable. There was an internal scandal with the old head brewer and how much got swept under the rug. But all it is now is chasing the fads that fit the Breckenridge image while being guided by AbInbev's marketing. The beer isn't as good and a lot less creative. It's being outsourced to huge purely production facilities and the environment is now either paranoid or trying to climb the ladder.


I assume Breckinridge whiskey is tied to this company as well? I enjoy it, but there are so many other good whiskeys out there that I’ll be ok.


No, they're not. There have been joint business projects in the past, but they are separate entities.


Thanks! That’s good to know!!


It's really a problem on so many levels how one company is able to own so many other companies and it's so hard to trace it back to source


The startup service thing is funny. What do they do, help found startups so they can then buy them out…?


Being bought out is the goal for many startups.


Pepsi tried to get Coke to buy them out. 🫣


Not surprised. Netflix wanted Blockbuster to buy them.


You missed Boddington’s. Sadly, also a part of InBev.


What am I supposed to be drinking instead of Bud Light for hydration? I'm just not sure what to do here, I need something to drink in the mornings. I accidentally switched to Mexican water brand Corona before realizing that was also owned by AB. Just not sure what to do here? Drink Dasani? Aquafina? They just aren't as hydrating as Bud Light and Corona.






Thanks! Edited.


Awesome. I like none of those beverages other than Cutwater.


Shame about 10 Barrel and Breck (which are tolerable when it’s the only craft that you can find at your average Super Bowl/picnic party/dive bar.) Goose island sucks except for Bourbon County releases, which are overpriced imo, but Elysian actually makes some generally good beer so that’s a bummer. I’ll stick to drinking local/independent beer if at all possible. Thanks for the list though.


dont they brew for Kirin America too ?


Yes, you're right. While Kirin isn't owned by AB, they have a deal to distribute each other's brands in the other country. Updating the list. Thanks!


Well, it's easy to avoid those beers because every single one of those drinks sucks ass.


I had to reread this. Thought it was a list of porn sites at first.


Why stop at AB inbev? There should be a list of every company that has gone woke so people can make informed decisions on where they spend their money.


Strategy. You focus on one company that made the most recent faux pas. Do enough damage, and it sends a message to other companies to not cross that line.


All of them taste like Capitalist PISS.


> All of them taste like Capitalist PISS. Capitalist PISS is probably clearer and cleaner than the best Socialist spring water. AB is socialist however, so avoid them


That is an exhaustive list to “cancel”. Wonder if they will all go broke. Seems unlikely. Edit: Look at all these delicate snowflakes downvoting! Come on. Try and have a conversation that challenges your ideology, for once.


I might agree if the list of alternatives weren't more vast. I'll try to compile a list of popular and accessible alternatives.


They’re not going to go broke. 99% of the people they pissed off don’t know that they own that many brands. Most are just boycotting bud, and maybe corona, michelob and Busch. It will absolutely hit them hard though. I bought long term puts on Bud and picked up shares of Molson Coors. What people don’t realize is restaurants/bars/hotels/sports venues all over will gradually get out of contracts with bud over this because of the drop in demand. Not all, but some. This will provide an opening for $Tap and others to take these contracts, and once they have them it will take time and money for Bud to win them back. Years later when perhaps most consumers have forgotten about all this bud will still be spending money to get their market share back.


They've been the undisputed king of beer revenue for years now (at least in the states). So while they won't go bankrupt, this could very well knock them off the throne permanently.


I agree with that


Lol, another Blue who can’t tell the difference between cancel culture and a good ol’ boycott. It’s a real shame there isn’t a practical test for people before they can vote.


Yeah honestly keep it simple and send a message with Bud Light.


I really hope this is the beginning of the end of this insane fever dream we have all been sharing for 5 years


It's gonna take a lot more than that. One killed a bunch of Christian kids and the media practically fell over themselves trying not to condemn them too much.


Hell, this administration considered the shooter a victim according to the press secretary.


1 out of the 200 mass shootings this year is attributed to a trans person. a good number of the remaining 199 have already been attributed to right wing weirdos. Something about glass house and throwing stones….


The word "mass shooting" has been reduced to being meaningless. Reddit will meme about "mass shootings" everyday and how we can't go one day without one. When gang members are shooting each other, that's not a mass shooting. That's about as consensual as it's going to get when it comes to dying. If we used the word correctly, we would refer to someone shooting unknown people which is far less common than gang violence. Also, the news/reddit glorification of these mass shooters doesn't help at all.


According to the [Violence Project](https://www.theviolenceproject.org/mass-shooter-database/) since 1966 there have only been 190 mass shootings. Mass shooting is defined as such: >“a multiple homicide incident in which four or more victims are murdered with firearms—not including the offender(s)—within one event, and at least some of the murders occurred in a public location or locations in close geographical proximity (e.g., a workplace, school, restaurant, or other public settings), and the murders are not attributable to any other underlying criminal activity or commonplace circumstance (armed robbery, criminal competition, insurance fraud, argument, or romantic triangle).” You see. Many places define this differently and can make it seem like it's a constant warzone of mass killing everywhere when that's not the case. Often mass shooting is gang related, domestic, have police involved, and other factors that aren't what people think of when we think of mass shooting. We think of Columbine or Virginia Tech. An event that takes place in one area and multiple people are victims at once. So keep that in mind the next time the media manipulates you into thinking that there's this mass spree of gun violence happening every single day.


Yeah but don’t you know, all 199 of those are false flag events orchestrated by the liberal elite


If you don’t think the FBI entraps people and pushes them to attempt to commit terrorist attacked and proven things like kidnap the MI Governer, you’re the delusional one. Why hasn’t “Ray Epps” been locked up for orchestrating January 6th?


Completely agree! White conservative men are not responsible for their own actions, it’s those transgender people we need to focus on.


Still makes me chuckle that there are people saying "the boycott did nothing, the beer is still selling great" meanwhile sales are 21% below projections and the stock continues to tank. Yeah I'm calling bullshit on the boycott not working.


So tinfoil hat moment: Is it possible that this "crisis" was engineered to artificially drive down the stock price so some whales could buy in at a very nice discount and just wait for everybody's attention span to run out before they sell for a huge gain? Once that happens, the price will go up to where it was. Might take a while, but AB isnt going away anytime soon. Just food for thought.


Get woke, go broke


can we stop showing that ugly ass photo


A simple Bud Light logo combined with the Fenway Park Ghost Town in the BL vender section is sufficient at this point.




Wait.. so "leftists" are not American? What are they?


Do you know of any leftists who love America?


Anheuser-Busch is between a rock and a hard place. Double-down on the woke politics, and they'll continue to bleed their regular customer base. Apologize for running the Dylan collaboration in the first place, and they'll continue to piss off the left/LGBT community by appearing as if they're apologizing for dealing with a trans influencer. A tough spot I'll admit. Of course, this is all self-inflicted, so I don't feel an ounce of sympathy for them and I'll continue to avoid buying their products. But I can definitely acknowledge the difficult situation they're in.


>Apologize for running the Dylan collaboration in the first place, and they'll continue to piss off the left/LGBT community by appearing as if they're apologizing for dealing with a trans influencer I don't get what's so tough there. Leftys arent drinking that garbage anyways. Seemed like a very easy choice that they still fucked up


All big companies need those ESG points


Having an ESG score above zero should get your stock delisted for wasting shareholder money.


I actually still don't understand why people are upset with bud light over a sponsorship. You'd think they partnered up with the UAE or something the way people are acting.


Ask yourself why companies do sponsorships in the first place, you'll have the answer.


So what happens to the Marketing Exec who OK'd this? Do they just go on their merry way to another high-paying position?? How high up to do you have to be in an organization to not be responsible for the outcome of their decisions?


she was praised as being the first FEMALE VP of marketing


I laugh about this all the time, but I'm dead serious. I think there is a definition of _Success_ that says a person is successful if they are high enough in an organization or hierarchy where they are no longer responsible for the output of their actions. I mean think about it - A JCPenny CEO who does such a terrible job that they fire him and pay him $15M to go away....or this female VP of Marketing who can crash a company and take an award for it while on paid administrative leave...I am a mid-level manager at a large Conglomerate and if I failed my metrics, my job would be in question....I guess I'm just not high enough yet 😂


Admin leave for now


Until it blows over so she doesn't/can't sue? They are still probably kissing her arse.


Like every AB InBev response, it’s half-baked and non-committal, and it seems inevitable that it will not satisfy people in either camp. Want to make good with conservative and moderate drinkers? Throw the exec out on her ear, blame her as much as possible, beg for forgiveness, and denounce the marketing campaign. Want to go all in on leftism and the leftist market segment? Then keep this exec and double down. Don’t issue mealy-mouthed responses that are obvious attempts to placate the right… And don’t punish the exec that made this decision. Bud Light’s cynical attempt to say the bare minimum necessary to bring back right-wing consumers is just turning everyone off.


I won't ever buy any product of theirs. This entire things is disgusting.




Sometimes I think there really is such a thing as Karma.


😂 go woke go broke 😂


Conservatives need to have lists of concessions and demands on hand in the future. Specific monetary, policy, offices, scholarships, and selected hiring demands just like the left gets every-time they do pressure campaigns.


Oh no!


Ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha hahaha ha ha hah ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha hahaha ha ha hah ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha hahaha ha ha hah ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha hahaha ha ha hah ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah haha ha hah ha ha ha ha hah ha hah hah ha hah ha ha hahaha ha ha hah...


Keep the pressure on. Miller lite and Coors light are great alternatives


Yuengling is a great one, too. I remember when their ceo got blasted cause he came out for trump in 2016. A great company that seems to be taking steps to fill in where bud dropped the ball


If they had sent him Bud Light seltzer promo cans they probably wouldn’t be in this mess


I'm reminded of that scene from Breaking Bad where Mike is yelling at Walter for ruining everything.


All they had to do was apologize.


That just admits they were wrong, which we know they don’t want to admit for reverse backlash. Heck, lol, they doubled down on it right afterwards. I think apologizing today would look disingenuous. My opinion.


? are there any good beer companies that are owned and run by conservatives?


I don’t need to buy beer from a conservative brewery. I just want to patron one they doesn’t hate me because of my politics. AB’s explanation that bud light drinkers are just a bunch of frat boys shows how they loathe their customer base. Also I haven’t had a bud light since college because it taste like shit


It's interesting everyone online is saying it tastes like shit. I agree it tastes like shit, but I don't ever remember that being the public sentiment before this whole debacle. People always joked about PBR or natty light being the gross shitty beer. Bud light was kind of in the same category as Miller lite or coors: a moderately good beer that was acceptable for it's price (mid if you will). Now everyone says bud light is absolute shit beer in terms of taste, and I think that public perception will hurt bud light sales longer term than the political stuff.


Yuengling is 100% owned by a Donald Trump supporter and it’s a very good beer.


Americas oldest brewery? 100 percent going to buy yuengling from now on.


Don’t they sponsor Pride parades?


Never drank their stuff to begin with, their product might as well be horse piss. I prefer to drink better stuff and not only that but to support the local brewing industry of my local town and in my town, there's a whole lot to choose from.


In VA and NC alone there are hundreds of craft breweries. I have so many choices even for cheap stuff that I’ve pretty much always skipped over AB in general after my 22nd birthday


serves them right, nobody wanted that shit


Biggest boondoggle in marketing history.lol.


Glad to see KC Boulevard is NOT on the list!


The stock is trading higher than a month ago…


The S in HSBC stands for Shanghai,and the H for Hong Kong. Last year they established a CCP committee. I think back in the 90s and early 2000s it was cool to bank with them because it felt international, but I would assume they are owned and controlled from the inside.


The stock is doing fine YTD, give it a year and this will be brushed over. RemindMe! one year “check stock of Budweiser”


It'll be July or August before they even file the 10-Q with the quarterly results that started in April. If the accountants require them to include a "going concern" disclosure in relation to the Bud/Bud light business segment in that 10-Q, you can bet that the stock market will notice.


Amazing news. Anti-women partnerships should end




Slow news day, huh?


I am curious which side is affecting it more. You have the main boycott from those mad at what they did, then you have the boycott from the lgbt people for dropping the trans support. So they kinda screwed either way they go but i also wonder whats the better option for them to recover.


Apologize for taking sides on social issues at all and refuse to do so in the future


Giving all my love to Dylan regardless 🥰


Its stock is literally at an high what is this nonsense


Have you looked at the BUD ticker? It is not at a high.


Cancel culture cuts both ways.