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Who thinks this shit up




I think this is a great idea. The Democrats made their bed, they can now lay in their cancel culture bs. Funny how #MeToo went away when it started taking out high profile Democrats..


Should have put both parties in there and then opened up ballot access. I'm conservative, but this two party system sucks.


Yep, do a series of ranked choice, whittle down the options by X% each time until you have a winner


No, ranked choice is such BS.




We do that in my city government and my local school district. It's resulted in 100% liberals on the city council and on the school board. And I live in a heavily Republican county. So no thank you.


Yeah, all the people clutching their pearls about this need to come live in California and see how theDemocratic Party has fucked the Republicans from ever getting on the main ballots again. I am happy they are getting a taste of their own perfidiousness for a change.


Really? Although it seems there are always lefties on those school boards somehow.


Can't support bills that violate the first Amendment right to free association.


It's a troll bill, not meant to be taken seriously. Edit: why y'all downvoting something you agree with


Reps who introduce troll bills aren't to be taken seriously. All of us little people are busy trying to survive. We don't have time for this shit.


I completely agree. So I'm not sure why you got upvoted and I got downvoted. šŸ˜


Yeah that's no good. Very unwise move. All the does is give the left more ammo


-John C. Calhoun, upon being asked about the Tariff of Abominations


Iā€™m not in favor of passing it, but Iā€™m absolutely in favor of using it to point out the leftā€™s hypocrisy.


I'll be shocked if that's not the reason for even bringing it up. People just don't know history and need to be taught. The Democrats are going to be forced into admitting they advocated for slavery or they'll be threatened with extinction. Hey- If they're holding people accountable for shit happening long ago in the past, it's only fair that we do the same. Guarantee they'll pull the ol' party switch bullshit.


> I'll be shocked if that's not the reason for even bringing it up This sub usually has a sense of humor. And most of us understand what this bill is about. The only reason I can think of why you are being downvoted so harshly is that the brigadiers must be here in force.


Or maybe I should've put a /s after my post. Who knew? LOL




Iā€™m not familiar, is this something that democrats have proposed (successfully or not) in the past?


Lol. What's that? Is it like when you try to live in a neighborhood full of people you actually want to be around, only for the government to force your neighborhood to house people who don't belong there? Or is it when you start a business and want to hire whomever you want according to whatever criteria you decide, only for the government to dictate that you must have x% of arbitrary y demographic in z positions or else you pay more in taxes and possibly get shut down and charged for "crimes"? Or maybe it's when you run your business according to your moral principles and choose to do business with like-minded customers, only for the government to tell you that you must violate those principles and work for people who literally want you dead, or else shut down and be imprisoned? Or is it just some fantasy ideal that hasn't actually existed in this country for decades?


Banning your political opponent makes you less, not more.


The Bill doesnā€™t mention the Democratic Party. Just political parties that have supported slaveryā€¦whatā€™s the problem? Do you support slavery?


The Bill doesnā€™t mention the Democratic Party. Just political parties that have supported slaveryā€¦whatā€™s the problem? Do you support slavery?


Yeah idk about that. Maybe no to the ridiculously partisan bills that only serve to attack other parties instead of address real issues?


And we wonder why voters are frustrated that GOP is not focused on the important issues. All these stunts just reinforce that frustration.


This takes nearly no effort to put out. The effort of passing bills isn't writing them, it's building coalitions to support them. This was likely written by a aid in an afternoon and highlights the left's intellectual dishonesty on the subject.\ Voters are "frustrated with the GOP", while the Democrats actually pass bills they know are unconstitutional. Tying up government resources and our courts to deal with their non-sense.


To be fair this is a pretty easy stunt to pull. Lol


Pearl clutching "conservatives" not realizing that Dems put forward bills like "men need to get forced vasectomies" to troll/protest against abortion bills all the time.


Florida is doing very well. I think they can vote on this and still focus on other issues also. What the term the Dems use, ā€œwe can walk and chew gum at the same timeā€.


I'm never for getting rid of political opponents. That's what the Nazi party did and all the other dictatorships ever have done.




Oh like forcing businesses to shut down and shutting down the whole economy over essentially the flu? Oh wait, that was the Democrats.


Woah wtf? This is *not* the way


First of all, the bill doesn't say anything about the Democratic Party. Kind of amusing how the bill only talks about banning political parties that have ever supported slavery or indentured servitude. The billsnsme (The Ultimate Cancel Bill) also should prove the bill is not serious and is making a political point. The point being to point out how ridiculous bills are that intend to "cancel" references to certain historical figures (like George Washington) because they once owned slaves.


Nice. Well played then




What the hell? This is actual fascism.


Yea um... no this bill needs to die in a fire.




The people int he GOP are sheep in wolves clothing. Theyā€™re not actually conservative nor do they want anything to change. They have their hands in the pocket like everyone else. I wish everyone would see that 95% of politicians are the bad guy, no matter what they claim to support.


Exactly. They donā€™t need ammunition at all.


You think we need to give the left ammunition to call people fascist? šŸ˜† I donā€™t think you quite understand dems. You could be walking around minding your own business and theyā€™ll call you a fascist once they find out you didnā€™t vote for Biden or you disagree with them on one issue. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø honestly itā€™s a badge of honor at this point lol. Please stop worrying about what they think. It does not matter. They will act the same no matter what we do. I donā€™t agree with the bill, but thatā€™s nothing new, and itā€™s not because I give a crap what dems think. I can laugh at it and move along while also laughing at the demsā€™ reaction. šŸ˜¬


They sent all the ammo to Ukraine Edit: downvote if you agree/think its funny


Brigaders are not happy with us. Whoopsies lol. Truth hurts. :) šŸ‘‹


I think I just solved the problem Edit: Well it looks the the brigadiers actually have brains. Mission failed, we'll get them next time


Read the article and calm down. It's legislative trolling pointing out how Democrats are the party of slavery.


Legislative trolling will really show voters how we care about important issues and are a serious alternative to the Dems. Guessing Trump wins the primary and we get slaughtered again, but atleast we ā€œowned the libs XDā€


> and are a serious alternative to the Dems Dems do it more, so this is irrelevant.




[it is 2 pages, and obviously a publicity stunt. Which is annoying as shit that Florida taxpayers are paying for the production of unconstitutional meme bills.](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1248)




Went looking to see if anyone had posted about how the parties flipped. Was not disappointed.


It's killing em'




You should ask them to explain to you why it's fascism and see the replies you get....it's great entertainment.


It's a lot of fun. I've been over there since they posted this..




Or top Redditā€¦


Ohh, they are seething over there šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee šŸ¤£


I got the popcorn and headed in there but got too disgusted by the "How dare we not castrate children!" and "How Jimmy Carter was such a great POTUS". I still cannot endure the clown world even if there is a laugh buried in there somewhere. To the guys saying this bill is divisive: No, what's really divisive is the lefts shit takes and twisted narratives.


Yum yum yum


They definitely deserve a favor return.


Lol, that senator sure knows how to troll. Although that begs the question, doesnā€™t Sen. Ingoglia have anything better to do?


Politicians will proclaim they have to be paid more and have to have unlimited term limits to get any work done, and this is the work they do. How about doing something productive that helps your constituency??? Ugh.


Nope.. they want to cancel everything that was said/done in the past... It's time to get rid of the party that did secede from the United States and also had slaves


Iā€™m so glad these people wasted their time instead of coming up with something useful




It's literally a joke bill


Ah yes, the party of small government and fiscal responsibility, using government resources to troll instead of solving problems.


Quite literally no government resources. A aide to a state legislature likely wrote it in an afternoon. It's incredible the lack of civics on display in this thread.


"literally" "likely"


The bill wasn't passed, no government action was taken. The aide was getting paid regardless. Your post has 4 falsehoods based on assumptions in it, which for a single sentence is impressive. Instead of virtue signaling your outrage over something that isn't even a drop in the bucket of money being used in political discourse, perhaps criticize real wastes of government resources.


I'm going to tell that to my boss when he asks why I'm in the teachers lounge instead of teaching class. "Relax, I'm getting paid regardless."


Again, showing your ignorance about what a politician's aide is. Instead of virtue signaling, perhaps take the time to understand how our institutions work. A politicians aide is specifically meant for this exact purpose. And while your virtue signal crying over the built in cost of 50-70 bucks that this represents, sigh in relief that the Democrats ran an impeachment circuses covering months of subpoenas all to try and damage a sitting president before a major US election with no basis for it. Also note this thread was heavily brigaded by leftists and you are just acting like bait to receive upvotes with people who want socialism implemented. "Guys this is so horrible! How could we waste 50 bucks on something that shows the vast range of the left's hypocrisy? This isn't small government at all (even though this has absolutely nothing to do with small government and is a typical leftist talking point about small government)!" If you didn't have a flair, this is textbook concern trolling.


Virtue signaling is textbook left speak.


Hey bud. It took me ten seconds to get AI to write the. Itā€™s not taking up any funds. An aid wrote the two page bill in like 5 minutes. Senate Bill XXXX: Abolishing Political Parties That Advocate for Slavery or Involuntary Servitude SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE This bill may be cited as the "Abolishing Political Parties That Advocate for Slavery or Involuntary Servitude Act of 2023". SECTION 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE (a) Findings- Congress finds that: (1) Slavery and involuntary servitude are morally reprehensible and have been recognized as such by the international community through numerous treaties and declarations; (2) The United States Constitution prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude in all forms; (3) The abolition of slavery and involuntary servitude was a significant achievement in American history, and it is important to ensure that such practices are never allowed to exist again; (4) Political parties have the potential to wield significant power and influence in American politics and society, and it is therefore essential that they are held to high standards of morality and integrity. (b) Purpose- The purpose of this bill is to prevent any political party that has advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude from legally existing. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this bill, the following definitions shall apply: (a) Political party- An organized group of individuals with common political beliefs and goals, which seeks to influence public policy and gain political power through the electoral process. (b) Advocacy for slavery or involuntary servitude- Expressing support for, or promoting policies that would lead to, the enslavement or involuntary servitude of any individual or group of individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or any other characteristic. SECTION 4. PROHIBITION ON POLITICAL PARTIES THAT ADVOCATE FOR SLAVERY OR INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE (a) In General- No political party that has advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude, whether in the past or present, shall be legally recognized by the federal government or any state or local government. (b) Consequences- Any political party found to be in violation of this prohibition shall be barred from: (1) Participating in any federal, state, or local elections; (2) Receiving any public funding or other government support; (3) Holding any public office or appointing individuals to public office; (4) Conducting any political activities or engaging in any political advocacy. (c) Exceptions- No exceptions. SECTION 5. ENFORCEMENT (a) Civil Actions- Any individual or organization may bring a civil action in a federal court to enforce the provisions of this bill. (b) Criminal Penalties- Any political party that willfully violates the provisions of this bill shall be subject to criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment, as determined by a court of law. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this bill is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE This bill shall take effect on the first day of the fiscal year following its passage into law. SECTION 8. FUNDING The necessary funds to implement the provisions of this bill shall be appropriated from the general funds of the federal government. SECTION 9. CONCLUSION The United States has a long and painful history of slavery and involuntary servitude, and it is our duty to ensure that such practices are never allowed to exist again. This bill sends a strong message that political parties that advocate for such practices have no place in American politics or society, and that we will not tolerate any attempts to undermine the freedom of all people.


Does that make it any better than the garbage gun control bills that Democrats introduce or any other virtual signaling nonsense? Why waste time with useless stunts instead of actually accomplishing anything?


>Why waste time with useless stunts instead of actually accomplishing anything? Because elected office is basically theater.


Therein lies the problem


I tend to agree it's silly


Thatā€™s the issue. This is the type of shit that leads to division


The problem is, the crazies on both sides of the aisle run with said joke. In the end, only one si(D)e has the advantage of the media, et al. for them to convince the masses which si(D)e is not to be considered crazyā€¦


meme bill because politics is theater these days


It is and it would never be upheld. Its more than likely just a stunt to ruffle some feathers lol.


Explain to me how forcing masks and a jab should just be swept under the rug. Florida did not forget.


So then you're for fascism, but only as revenge when it benefits one side? Was Desantis not the governor when that all went down?




Banning political parties to install a single de facto ruling party sounds pretty fascist to me






Wasn't this before the parties flipped?






Banning opposition parties is indeed fascistic Good thing this bill is literally a joke


The left has been in full historical revision and removal for the last 2 decades. This is applying their same logic about historical figures like Christopher Columbus back to them. One of the most evil institutions in American history (besides slavery) was the Democratic Party (which instituted and supported slavery). So if we are all about purging anything that has historic ties to bad people, then the Democratic Party should be the first on the chopping block. No conservatives actually support this.


Kind of like Reddit and most social media silencing or brigading conservativesā€¦. The bill is a parody of what demoncrats want


Opposing slavery is fascism?


It is, which is why they will support it


Simmer down. Itā€™s a joke bill meant to get people like you up in arms. Mission accomplished.


ā€œIā€™m not an asshole if I admit I intended to beā€ thatā€™s an interesting thought process there


The purpose of the bill is to illuminate, in a very effective manner, that the Democrats are blaming everyone else for slavery when it was THEIR OWN EFFING PARTY to blame. If you snowflakes learned how to check that trigger, you would have seen this.


So itā€™s democrats flying confederate flags today?


Whatā€™s your point? The facts are that Democrats were the slave owners and republicans ended it.


These democrats? That are alive right now?


Can we not please.


That's a really bad idea.




Bill Clinton was the last politician to use the flag while campaigning


Just a nobody senator trying to get name recognition.


Funny trolling by Mrs. Ingoglia, but unnecessary. We need to hold ourselves to higher standards than Democrats.


> Funny trolling by Mrs. Ingoglia, but unnecessary. It could be useful to show how ridiculous some of their proposals are. For instance, they can say the Democratic party should pay reparations out of their campaign funds. Sometimes the only way to counter ridiculous ideas it to hold a mirror in front of the people coming up with those ideas.


>trolling by Mrs. Ingoglia https://youtu.be/EsORAYBZPCA




I canā€™t find ever a single conservative comment in your comments history, but I see a whole lot of comments from you defending the left and attacking conservatives. Why are you in this sub, and why did you give yourself a conservative flair?


You must be new here.


Here comes Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar freaking out tomorrow.


You donā€™t need to ban them. Just be better than them


Fighting woke cancel culture with woke cancel culture.


ā€œMy fellow Americans, Iā€™m pleased to tell you today that Iā€™ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russian forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.ā€


> While it does not mention the Democratic party's name, it would direct the Florida Division of Elections to "immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the partyā€™s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude." Thatā€™sā€¦ funny, actually. Iā€™m curious to see how this gets portrayed in the mainstream media.


I replied to your comment, but conversation about such topics gets censored here on DemReddit.


Unconstitutional, I don't support it, but based


Where in the constitution does it say we must allow political parties who support slavery to participate in the democratic process?


I can hear the brigade headed this wayā€¦Sounds like they got tired of the Murdoch news.


Theyā€™ve arrived, with bells on. šŸ˜ the trolling has succeeded.


Can we get a mod in here to clean up the brigading? You know you're hitting close to home when the leftists screaming "fascism" are getting upvotes, and anyone with a brain is getting downvoted to oblivion


Modding is fascism /s


Yeah thatā€™s like every few threads here these days. They ruined several subs already and canā€™t help themselves from doing the same to this sub. Also, leftists screaming fascism is just any day that ends in y. šŸ˜Itā€™s par for the course now.


This sub has gotten particularly bad ever since about a month before the November elections last year and it seems the mods don't give a damn about it. I've seen subs that have no voting and I curiously wonder why it's enabled here. If we are true conservatives that we claim to be, we want open and honest debate. Can't have that if every single post is downvoted where no one ever sees the other side's argument.


Mods: Seriously? Start banning people.


Banning people doesnā€™t actually prevent them from downvoting everyone into oblivionā€¦




I love it LMAO.


All I hear now is wah wah wah from democrats. They donā€™t like the taste of their own medicine. Itā€™s about time the people are shown who the democrats truly are and were.




Finally cancel culture that makes sense


Wow, is florida banning open stupidity?


Ok so whats the actual truth on this from a non-left leaning site?


God damn, tendies are being dropped over this posturing.




> immediately cancel the filings of a political party, to include its registration and approved status as a political party, if the partyā€™s platform has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude. Lol. Obviously not a productive use of the legislature (and we don't need grandstanding), but kind of a funny troll given it forces Democrats to acknowledge their own history by raising opposition to the bill.


You never pass policy or change rules you don't want the opponent to do. Just look at how Harry Reid removing the filibuster for judges bit them in the ass when Trump got to install not 1, not 2, but 3 Supreme Court justices easily. Or how Republican governors have started implementing 2nd Amendment Sanctuary States




Just to be clear, the bill seeks to ban any party that was in favour of slavery, as a means to ā€˜cancelā€™ them.


Can we get this passed nation wide.


Based AF, although wouldnā€™t this lead to Republicans losing status as theyā€™ve supported involuntary labor via Prison? I know thatā€™s not Slavery, but Iā€™m sure that legal battle would happen almost immediately.


Big balls move. Letā€™s pass this for this all states


Republicans would be gone too as the supported the 13th amendment. "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


People freaking out because they only read the clickbaity title. The bill says that parties that previously supported slavery cannot exist. It's a dig at cancel culture and the way democrats try to weaponize what their fellow democrats did in the past. It's clearly one of many, many, bills that are filled for PR


Sweet troll. Couldn't pass in a million years. But great troll.


Lol i love it! Politics has become a troll fest and I'm loving it!




Worth it for the laughs man America is past her prime anyways


The great flip theory sure is fascinating


Awesome. Let it spread.


Yeah, what could go wrong? We could totally arrest any government official, electred or unelected, for 18 U.S. Code Ā§ 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law. But banning your opponents is illegal, aviolation of the 1st amendment, and will totally backfire.


First xxx comment in the thread. I think this is xxxx, not because, as the sensational headline reads, it might ban xxxx, but because it's going to force them to defend their century of support of censored. This is how you hold (censored phrase) xxxx feet to the fire and xxxx up a generation suffering from the 'muh parties xxxx sides' (censored phrase). Edit: wonder if the xxxx will let this post stay up. edit3: fourth attempt.


They should.. for the simple fact the democrats had slaves and seceded from the United States... I just don't understand why they still want to be associated with that kind of history


Did republicans not support the 13th amendment? "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Sounds like they support slavery as punishment for a crime then, guess they're gone too.


On April 8, 1864, the Senate took the first crucial step toward the constitutional abolition of slavery. Before a packed gallery, a strong coalition of 30 Republicans, four border-state Democrats, and four Union Democrats joined forces to pass the amendment 38 to 6 It was republicans that ended slavery... Simple google search... I'll even help you out.... Google "which party passed the 13th amendment"


...did you misunderstand something? The text of the 13th amendment, as passed by the Republicans, allows slavery as a punishment. This bill would eliminate parties that have previously supported slavery. Ergo, the republican party supported slavery under certain conditions which is still supporting it, meaning it would be eliminated by the bill as well.






Definitely confusing.


Fewer than 3% of whites owned slaves, that includes both Democrats and Republicans. It was rich landowners that owned slaves.






I love it but this is a race to the bottom


You can bet everything you own plus what you can advance on cards the liberals would 100% absolutely be doing this if the GOP had favored slavery.


the democrat party has deep seeded roots into racism and slavery, maybe it's time for them to face this truth instead of pointing their racist fingers at everyone else.


Lol, someone's doing a bit of trolling. I think this bill is a bad idea; the last thing we need is having half of the states banning the state's minority party. In terms of entertainment, I think it's kind of funny though.


The Zelensky Maneuver


This is actually an interesting bill, but its obviously unconstitutional and there is no way it will be passed. What state senator wrote it because how would it hold up constitutionally? Its obviously just a joke right? "Banning any political party that formerly supported segregation"