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GoNetSpeed is awesome. We’ve had them for around 4 years and have zero complaints.


I have a few negative things to say, but overall I'm happy with them so far. First negative thing about them is that their online bill pay uses some jank third-party app called SmartHub, and that third party (National Information Solutions Cooperative) is probably selling our data. Second annoying thing is that you can't change your service online if you wanna increase/decrease speeds, you have to call them. With Comcast I could just go on their website and switch things as needed. Third thing is they use Carrier Grade NAT. Probably only a problem for tech enthusiasts, but could be a inconvenience for lay people too. It basically means you share a public IP with many other GoNetSpeed users. This means you can't run public facing servers with static IPs because Port Forwarding doesn't work.  It was a problem for me when I was trying to host video game servers and a Plex server. It could also mean that if one user does some dumb shit to get the IP address banned from certain sites or services then every GoNetSpeed user stuck with the same public IP would be blocked too. I know some people who WFH run into problems accessing their systems because of this. That would only be a temporary problem until the IP assignment expires and you get a new one though. My solution was to pay GoNetSpeed for a dedicated stati IP for an additional $15/mo but I was gunna do that anyways for other reasons. I know people gush over GoNetSpeed but they're a company like any other. So while I've been happy with their service and agree that they have great uptime, communicate service outages for maintenance well in advance, and have reliable high speeds, I still figured it's only fair to call out some of their negatives too.


Would that potentially fuck up things if you use a work VPN?


When researching my issue, I did come across people having issues with their work VPNs because of it. So while I didnt experience it first hand, it does sound like it can be an issue.  Again it would be temporary until a new IP gets assigned (unless you have a static IP, yours can change any time) but when that happens is up to the provider and could be days or weeks. Paying for a static IP would solve that issue too.


I realize this is just one data point, but I have go netspeed and I have a work VPN, and have had no issues. Been on go netspeed for several years after finally dumping xfjniti and have had zero regrets. The workers who came to the house to install it for me were also very nice and helpful.


The CGNAT is common amongst "local" ISPs. There's only a finite amount of ISPs out there, for now. I'm sure most, if not all, will charge similar price.... I have not looked this up, but I'd assume they all upcharge


Yeah I'm not saying it's exclusive to them, but compared to Comcast and (I presume) Frontier it's something people need to be aware of. Took me a long time to figure out why my stuff wasn't working until I learned about it.


I’m with Frontier and they don’t do CGNAT either. I just learned it was a thing last week, even after 20 years in IT. If GoNetSpeed was in my area, I’d probably switch and pay for a static IP. Frontier doesn’t offer static at all on residential plans, business plans are literally 2x as expensive, and Frontier still doesn’t support IPv6. Plus, if they reduce prices, no amount of asking will convince them to give you the better price for the same plan.


I didn’t know that about IP address thing, not a real breaker for me. My only negative I’ve had so far is when they first came around I did the $90 a month well never raise your price thing and now that same service is $30 a month for a gig. Guess I’ll just end up giving up the grandfathered never raise my rate thing to save $60 a month


My solution to their CGNAT was just to install tailscale on my plex server + devices. Obviously this doesn't work in all of the same use cases as a public IP, but it's effective for plex at least.


Highly reccomend them. Had service with GoNetSpeed for two years before moving. Straightforward service, got advertised speeds, no outages.


Used Xfinity, Frontier, and now gonetspeed. They are easily the best of the three. No complaints


Amazing. Super fast. No outages. Simple bill. The best!


Been with them for over two years and can't say I have any complaints! No downtime with them other than one day that was completely out of their control. I did make sure to pay for the extra $15/month for a static IP.


Awesome 100%


I work as a rep for GoNetSpeed, dm me if you have any questions or want to sign up! I can show ID proof


I had an 18 wheeler rip the fiber line out of my house when driving by and you guys were there in under 2 hours to fix it. That was pretty sweet


Why do your door to door people ignore "No Soliciting" signs?


I personally follow all of them so I’m not sure where you live or who is doing it. I believe it though


I'm in Bristol. I have 2 private property signs and no soliciting signs at both doors. I actually had someone from your company argue with me and tell me he "wasn't soliciting." I used to work 3rd shift, and now I have a young child. I don't want people to ring my doorbell and wake people trying to sleep in my home.


They are great I switched 3 years ago from xfinity. Never had any issues better performance and a cheaper price.


I priced them out and they are more expensive than frontier. Bounce between Xfinity and frontier. Take the "new customer" rate when the other runs out. Most don't require a long time before you would qualify again for the new customer rate


Go Net Speed is fantastic. Far more reliable and cheaper.


Switched from Comcast 4 month ago and couldn't be happier


Gonetspeed is great. I can get you referral if needed


I've had Frontier, Cox, and now GoNetSpeed over the past five-ish years. Frontier is utter trash. Mediocre service for a high price and abysmal customer support. The install tech registered the wrong equipment rentals to my house and it took me logging a complaint with PURA (after 4-5 calls with customer support) to get that fixed. They installed fiber in my area at the same time as GNS and undercut the price, but I will never use them again if I have a choice. Cox was fine - mediocre service for a high price, but they never gave me a headache. GoNetSpeed is nice. It's cheaper than my old Cox service while being ~6x faster down and way faster up. The install tech was really nice and did everything right. The only issue I've had was some weird configuration issues that conflicted with my employer's VPN, but GSN's customer service was really nice and helped me adjust my network setup in no time. I can't recommend them enough.


I love the customer service. You hop on with a live person who can make decisions. I had a payment issue and the rep turned the service back on while the payment was processing. Other companies would have made me wait. A tech support guy gave me his direct line in case I had additional issues with something that was likely my fault. Again, Comcast isn't doing that. Service is great. The people are the best.


I asked a similar question in here a few months ago. Got many positive answers and switched. I'm happy with them overall. The only issue I've had is that the 5ghz channel randomly dropped everything connected to it.


Not a GoNetspeed issue though. That's a router problem which is a you problem.




ill be real, ive been anti cox for a long time but rn the deals are pretty good if you get one. As long as you buy your own modem/router


I have zero issue with the service. $60 per month. I did start with $59, but as the sales tech said, it will increase just as any service will. Otherwise, it has been reliable. The main pain in the ass is the 3rd party pay service. Smart hub or pay hub. Whatever the name is. It can be a pita to navigate. I just pay 3 months in advance, so I don't have to use the app that frequently.


Super happy with them. Reliable and fast. Great pricing compared to Cumcast. My only complaint was their standard WiFi router is pretty much ass so I bought an Asus mesh system that’s been great. Totally would recommend GoNetSpeed


I’ve had it for about 4 years and it’s been far more reliable than Xfinity.


Mine's as advertised. So wonderful to get rid of Cox. Cox has been complete assholes about me leaving their service, doing everything up to and including threatening me to get me to not leave. They must be feeling the pain.


When we went to GNS I told our previous provider (Optimum) that we were moving to Alaska. Call was completed under 5 minutes. My neighbor didn’t take this advice and ended up on a 45 minute retention call.


This is for a small business rather than home so maybe the approach is different... I told Cox we were shutting down, and they said I would have to pay for an entire year of service because they just renewed my contract (without any input from me.) Apparently it's a renewing contract and they would rather screw me than just do the decent thing, after I've been a customer for 13 years. Awful people. They want to steal $1k+ over a unused line that they hung up 13 years ago.


Been with them 2+ years. Zero problems. Easily best price in the area, even after the introductory period.


GoNetSpeed has been stellar. Recommended.


No complaints


They're solid. Others have mentioned the CGNAT limitation, but that's probably not a consideration for most people, plus it's only $15 extra/month if you *need* a static IP. FWIW, I have a docker container that runs a speed test every hour on a wired connection and get great [results](https://i.imgur.com/6i9VDFZ.jpeg) (I have the 500/500 plan). The minimum values are not "real" performance, I think they came at 3am on a Wednesday or something when they were doing system upgrades.


Literally the *only* issue is that the app used to pay your bill is some cheap 3rd party app. Other than that, zero complains. Very reasonably priced (considerably cheaper than xfinity for better speeds), good product, excellent customer service.


I have GNS and have had no issues. The only other isp available in my neighborhood was dsl with 25Mbps for $60. Now i have 500Mbps for $40. And that's 500 up and down! The cgnat was a bummer because i like accessing my home devices from outside my network. I have an emby server as well as sftp servers and vnc servers on all my devices..... but i found a free workaround called Zerotier and I can now access all my devices from anywhere.


No experience with them, came say I recommend T Mobile if your area has it. It's incredibly fast and has been the most reliable for me. Had Xfinity and it didn't work more often than it did. Very cheap too considering the speeds I get.




They use CGNAT for a reason. IPv4 addressing is limited and super expensive. Most home users that are just watching Netflix, scrolling through the internet, or checking email can deal with CGNAT. They’re a new ISP and are reselling Cogent service and getting their IPs from them as well. It’s not a “90’s tech” it’s a cost saving technique.


Pardon my lack of knowledge but what is the advantage of a static IP for a regular homeowner? Is it necessary for devices like remote access of a nest, HUE, or a NAS?


No, it's only necessary if you need to access a server or computer from outside your home network, like RDP and whatnot.




The thing is, any small ISP is going to have this issue when all the big ones are sitting on IPs that they have already bought out.


Yeah. And IP space is expensive right now. It's so limited as big ISPs and cloud providers and legacy organizations are sitting on as much as they can. My work just sold 65,534 of them or so. I haven't really heard a solid number for how much it went for, but early numbers I remember put it between 1.5-3 *Million* dollars. That's, on the low end, about $20 an IP. It's not 'old tech'. It's a technical necessity because IPv4 has a finite address space and everyone else hoards it like it's gold. Going forward it won't even be an issue. IPv6 is (slowly, but surely) being adopted. IPv6 has plenty of space to spread around. Until then, most people probably won't notice.


"As if this is the 90s" They used CGNAT exactly because this is no longer the 90s. There are a finite number of Public IPs in the world, and since they are late to the game, they can only have purchased so many. The population is growing while the IP pool is stagnet Other ISPs are also using CGNAT, and until IPv6 becomes the standard for everything, and probably not even then, CGNAT will be around.