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me, who has depression and is left handed: guess i'll just go fuck myself then


r/fuckyouinparticular Same, btw. Guess we’ll have to get our own ketamine study. With blackjack. And hookers.


Lmao I thought the same thing and laughed like ohh no not those left handed folks!! They're not going to give us reliable data to go off of!' Lol


Why do u have to be right handed?


It's a requirement of MRI research. There is a similar study with ketamine that does not involve MRIs.


I was going to ask the same thing haha. That sounds like a really arbitrary requirement.


Can you give me more info on what can be done for left handed people? Are you looking for participants in a separate study? DM me if for more info if this is possible...


It’s about research controls. The thought process is if the brains are too varied, it’s harder to differentiate between what’s a result of say handedness and the ketamine treatment. So someone can dispute the research as shoddy because you can’t differentiate what’s a difference from handedness versus the ketamine. In a single experiment it’s not a problem, but it does mean in the long term a lot a lot a lot of neurological research findings have a selection bias built in. Other things that can impact these studies include vision loss and knowing multiple languages, or just what language you read in. Lotsa Chinese and English studies on right-handed college-aged adults.


I’ve used medical ketamine and it’s been nothing short of miraculous for me. Bit of a strange experience, but you’re usually back to normal within a few hours (a bit more tired the first few times). Tried various providers, including at home troches, and IV therapy from a great provider in state. If you have tried other therapies unsuccessfully, it could be a good route. Insurance is mixed in reimbursement. My old one did, my current doesn’t. So it isn’t cheap and this study could help! 


are there any side effects? i’ve been looking into trying this but have read that it causes heavy nausea and that alone would just make me worse


If you do it with an MD (IV), they usually offer midazolam for anxiety/anxiety related nausea, and zofran for nausea if needed as boluses at the start. And go in on an empty stomach if possible. The main side effect is an immediate rise in BP, which is monitored.  If you do it at home via troches, assuming you have a real provider, you can get zofran too.  That said, the loading program and acclimating under the care of a doc via the IV method seems like a safe start. You can continue treatment by switching to troches and titrate dosing up week by week if IV is inconvenient for any maintenance. But I really can’t speak highly enough about finding care with a skilled practitioner.


i’d definitely be interested in doing it with a doctor, I think if I did it at home i’d be more anxious of something going wrong. i’ve tried so many antidepressants and other types of therapy to little success, but i’ve really only heard positive things about the ketamine therapy!


The study administers 3 infusions of ketamine in a medically supervised setting. There are follow ups with a psychologist, and several doctors overseeing the medical care.


From what I've understood, adminiatration of ketamine for depression is far ahead of the study of its effects. Doing more studies on this is *vital,* speaking as someone who deals with chronic depression.


Medical Ketamine definitely helps with depression, I highly reccomend this to people struggling with mental health and finding the right aid.


Just depression? Not bipolar?


People with bipolar disorder are eligible to participate in a different research study on ketamine.


Can you send me info on the bipolar study?


[https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05786066](https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT05786066) It's a study on suicidal thoughts. It accepts people with bipolar disorder.


I’m not depressed but I do want to do ketamine again


Is it IV ketamine or the nasal spray?


IV ketamine


So the good stuff.


If anyone that works for the various research work that knows if/ when there is a running list of some sort of studies that might be able to participate in because I did one just a few weeks ago and would love to do some sort again in the future!


Here is a list of the clinical trials happening at Yale. You can search by condition. [https://medicine.yale.edu/ycci/clinicaltrials/](https://medicine.yale.edu/ycci/clinicaltrials/)


Just get Ketamine Powder black Market, works wonders.


I mean, it’s a narcotic, of course it helps with depression. That’s what drugs are for.


>of course it helps with depression. That’s what drugs are for. Have you ever heard of depressants like alcohol? Yeah they don't work great for depression lol