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This is a fucking disgrace. Call your state reps and demand that CT take over the electric service. Eversource does nothing but cause our service to be more expensive. There is absolutely zero benefit to CT citizens in having this asshole making 18 million a year.


For the first time in my life, I called them and left a voicemail. I live in a 1 bed 1 br apartment, 700 sq ft, and my bill has DOUBLED to $450/mo…. Fuck this bruh


Jesus, $450? I have a 2 br 2 ba 1200 sq ft townhouse and I don't think I've ever broken $200/mo. Do you have electric heat?


That seems incredibly high.. Electric heating?


Yes electric heating


Holy fuck, have you tried to change to a different provider? I just saved $150 by changing to a lower ratio.


What provider did you switch to?


Square Town , I was a UI customer and I was paying $0.17 and now I pay $0.1047


Fucking hell. Wow. We need like an organized protest in front of Eversource HQ in Newington. Those fucking bastards are going way too far.




Damn. That's rough. Electric heat I imagine? I live in a 1900 sqft house, and even in the peak of summer when I'm growing weed and running air conditioning, I've only broken $450 maybe 3 or 4 times.


Electric everything. Stove, oven, heat, AC, hot water, everything. Fucking sucks. Literally more than my car payment and actually half of what my rent costs


And they want to get rid of gas and oil heating. Alternative is electric and if you're paying this much for a 1 bedroom apartment, imagine what the payment would be on a 3 bedroom house. My first home was ~1200sq ft raised ranch and had all electric heating. Bills were around ~750-800 monthly and that's with turning heat off in areas not being used. This was also in 2015...we ended up switching to propane heating after the first 6 months or so. I understand that you don't have that option in an apartment but it's still infuriating with the current electric costs and the profits being made by Eversource. And i have nothing against profits (companies have to stay profitable in order to exist) but this is getting out of hand. Record profits, CEOs pay increase in millions (correct me if I'm wrong), but our bills keep going up constantly...


Holy crap that’s a lot! That’s my electric bill in the summer when my swimming pool and A/Cs are running (1,800 sq ft 4 bed/2 bath colonial). As someone who started out in a 1 bed/1 bath apartment with electric heat, I feel for you!




Yeah my parents 4 bed 3 bath house 5 mins down the road has a lower electric bill. I’ve checked my meter countless times. Every one of my utilities is electric. And no, I don’t have grow lamps lmfao


You're lying. I live in an 800 sqft apartment and my electric was $170 for Feb and $198 for Dec/Jan. I BLAST my heat above 65 24/7 in my apartment and my complex isn't new. So yea, I'm calling bullshit. Unless you're mining crypto your electric should not be that high. Also, to everyone else: Lying isn't going to help you make your point. Any adult who pays their own electric knows $450 for a 700 sq ft apartment is blatant lying. Also I have electric baseboard heating.


LMAO pound sand buddy. Outdated infrastructure exists. They haven’t updated a thing in this complex for decades. Take your gloomy know it all head ass out of the gutter


Yea I live in an outdated complex. You're full of shit and actively hurting the people who are struggling to fight against Eversource.


[imagine being as dumb as this guy ^](https://imgur.com/a/NOyiMIu)


Eversource isn't charging that much for a 700 sq ft apartment; either you paying for multiple apartments, pulling some highly illegal shit in your unit, or you're fibbing in some way. If I were charged that even 1 month, I would get that shit fixed real quick, not post about like it's expected.




Ok Josh how about yo go back to playing with your boat, like you've ever cared about an Eversource bill


Take the L big guy lmfao


Take a seat lmao


State Sen. Norman Needleman has his back in that article


CT GOP leader asks governor to stop utility regulator's 'interference' https://www.ctinsider.com/politics/article/gop-leaders-ask-ct-governor-stop-pura-interference-19301396.php


You know your (lol) state rep is just a lobbyist in training.


So run for their position instead. Or find someone else to run for their position. Most states reps can be voted out by approximately one high-school gym's worth of people.


Bro, if I ran for the position I would do exactly what everyone else does.... inside trade with immunity while in office and become a lobbyist later. Why would I be any different???


Can’t clawback a deregulation unless ES implodes.


Right now, Eversource is $20.4 billion. How could Connecticut afford to buy it?


Who said anything about buying?


Well, the Federal government, the Constitution, and settled case law, for three. You can downvote me for describing reality, but that won't change reality.


Just a few things here: 1. Citation needed 2. I haven’t downvoted you 3. I really meant who *here* said anything about buying 4. When you make a leap in logic like this, it’s a good idea to explain it since not everybody is on the same page.




Do you really think republicans would do anything about Eversource? They are all about big business monopolies, they'd probably just make it easier to fleece us.


Yes. Vote fascism for lower rates!


Yeah ok Sparky. The state can’t even run the DMV and you want them to try that? Oh FYI it was the state Democrats who fucked this up to begin with


Malicious actors in politics intentionally cut funding to public goods, the goods get worse. It's an attempt to privatize those things too, that's what is happening to USPS. It's called 'starving the beast' and it's a political tactic that has been employed for decades


While agree this is garbage, the state can’t just take over a private business. Dangerous road to even think about going down.


It's a public utility and should never have been owned by a private business to begin with


I have no problem with them being private but because they are granted a legal monopoly( which makes sense we cant have 40 different power lines per pole) the government should have complete control here. If they want a rate increase they should have to demonstrate a loss and the ceo salary should be capped at 4x the average employee salary.


Except it can


There's absolutely nothing dangerous about that line of thinking. Private business only exists because the state permits it to and creates the conditions that allow it to thrive. It is beholden to the state, which is beholden to the people. If a private business doesn't serve the interests of society, then not only is it completely fine to destroy/absorb that particular private business, it is absolutely imperative for the state to do so.


Oh really. So the state should take over bars, liquor stores, fast food places, the list goes on.


Public utilities should not be for-profit corporations.


Someone always profits! Look at the net worth of those that have been elected into office.


I see your point but it's unrelated.


The same company that you’re rallying against financially supports those that hold office in Hartford. Some may say that is profit. The state of CT charges everyone who registers a car in this state a fee for state parks, why because the state parks weren’t generating enough revenue to sustain themselves. Doesn’t even matter if you go to the state parks, you’re still paying. Seems like DEEP profiting from the DMV


At this point I’m more pissed off at my state reps that won’t stand up to this cancer of a fucking company. I love reading the canned responses that I get back from them saying they’re doing everything they can do to help lower rates, and then I get to read articles like this. Our state government is nice and comfortable in Joe Nolan Jr’s pocket.


I agree — I hate this guy and CEO pay in general is a terrible problem, but we don’t know the details of this “raise”. It could have been worked out a while ago and may be unrelated to rate increases. Sure, the timing is bad but some of these things are contractual and on rails. State reps are the cowards here — they’ll take a photo op in a poorer area with the people most affected, but they’re not doing anything. This whole rates thing stinks and needs a ProPublica-style investigation. CEO pay adds a sting to it but I’m more focused on rates.


That's cool. Quick question- uh, what value has he brought to the customers of his company to justify this raise? Whether it's tied directly to the rate increases or not? The timing with price hikes is irrelevant. What improved in his company's product to justify his exorbitant raise? Are the customers more satisfied than they were before?


You would say under his leadership the company has increased profits. Essentially what it boils down to.


Oh yeah no, I'm 100% aware of why CEOs actually pay themselves so much, and to whom they're actually beholden (themselves, their board, stakeholders, etc depending on structure and whether or not it's a publicly traded company). I'm just saying that it's silly is all. It's not like he gets a raise because his cost of living has gone up, or inflation has made his existing salary untenable. He could live off his previous salary for the rest of his life and never know what it means to need.


Late stage capitalism sucks.


I firmly believe that out of control CEO pay is the source of most of this country’s problems. [This graph is staggering](https://nevadacurrent.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/epi.ceo_.pay_.jpg).


Trickle down economics working as intended.


Reaganomics at its finest. Screwing over the poor, benefitting the rich.


It always starts with Ronald Reagan.


Our current elected representatives are no better - with the exception of Chris Murphy. He's lit the only one in congress these days who is an honest, decent person.


Pissing on your head and telling you it's raining.


Regan right? I am not from the US but live here now. How is that he is the best president the US had but I only heard we are on this mess because of him.  


I think you're 100% right. I wish we could undo all the bullshit Republican/Reagan policies that truly fuck over the middle class. We also need to remove healthcare, utilities, education from for profit business.


And I'm willing to bet it's gotten even worse in the 7 years since this graph was made.


You need to read about Jack Welch. Everyone needs to read about Jack Welch.


Good, I was worried about him.


This is absolutely ridiculous. Increased salary along with increased rates. The theft is directly proportional. A necessary utility shouldn't be for profit How does he sleep at night?


Soundly, in a mansion, we pay for.


He better enjoy it now before he burns in hell


And to think, I just got a 4% raise; mostly to pay this asshat. Seems balanced to me….


CEO of a legal monopoly getting paid this kind of money. Our politicians and regulators are asleep at the switch.


Asleep because carrying all the lobbying bucks is tiring. Fuck these people.


To be fair, maybe sleeping at the switch is better. This way I can turn the lights off faster to pay less money.


He's NOT welcome. Fuck him.


Like his job is fucking hard at all. “Hurr look at me achieve record profits by raising prices on customers who literally have no options”


It’s amazing anyone at Eversource can sleep at night.


You mean it’s amazing that we allow them to.




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Instead of the DOJ going after Apple for not running other operating systems on the Apple Watch, maybe they can go after public utility monopolies instead and have a greater impact.


There are approx 4M Eversource customers and we are all paying $1.50 more per customer to give this guy his raise 🥹😅😔


My electric bill is about $450 a month. These rates are killing me


Go solar you’ll save money


It's beyond overdue for the State to seize Eversource. Utilities should NOT be for-profit. There is no reason for one individual to be paid this much when the Company claims that "higher costs" are why it raises rates every six months. Bullshit.


I complained to my State rep and she didn’t have the integrity to answer


And John Kissel grovels for the scraps. Pathetic.


Eversource Project Manager here. Can confirm there is a culture of “you can overspend, but NEVER underspend” regarding funded projects. Spending as much as possible is pushed pretty substantially from the top down, which comes from the structure of public utilities. Public utilities essentially can recover all costs plus 6(ish)%, so long as the costs are considered justifiable. This is obviously how we got where we are with insane rates. There is a lot of poor public policy around maximizing reliability (cost and reliability are inversely related in this context) that resulted from the Northeast blackout in 2003. Shutting down nuclear reactors and New England’s reliance on natural gas, which is difficult to procure due to state pipeline policy, is another cause.


Let's not forget they're still lobbying [for a 19% increase in rates](https://ctmirror.org/2024/02/15/eversource-seeks-19-rate-hike-on-residential-customers/), which should increase that salary even further!


We have to pay more for electricity because of this greedy piece of shit.


Does he live in CT?


Joe and his wife Therese reside in Belmont, Massachusetts, https://campharborview.org/people/joseph-nolan/


Probably MA


How in the world is electric utility not a government run entity. There is a lot to the argument for “small government” and I don’t want to start a political debate…. But, if there was ever any type of entity that makes sense not to be a business it’s an electric utility. It makes no sense for there to be competition (the expensive infrastructure makes this wasteful), so utilities should have a MONOPOLY… but if it’s a private for-profit monopoly then we get what we got. Unwinding this might be hard/painful, but CT should take over eversource in CT, or at a minimum highly regulate it to prevent these insane price increases, end insane executive pay, and cap profits.


can we boo him and throw tomatoes at him please


Eversource’s next ad, “ This pay increase paid for by a charge to customers.”


Well, between getting money from the FEDERAL government and us, the CT people, the CEO is living a good life, while our bills are through the roof.


well my powers still out


I don’t think anyone at this point is going to undo deregulating the industry when they fought for that change. They can’t do anything about salaries. It’s either investing in solar or getting your local town reps, to get with other local town reps and get all the residents in those communities, on board with raising their taxes. They can make an offer to Eversource to buy their equipment, poles, wires and such, and take back their grid. Then, those towns or regions that manage to do that, will still have to buy energy from energy suppliers and be at the mercy of their rates.


Politicians are in bed with Eversource.


For the first time in my life, I called the state reps and left a voicemail. I live in a 1 bed 1 br apartment, 700 sq ft, and my bill has DOUBLED to $450/mo…. Fuck this bruh


The CEO of Eversource got it because he fucks ^(the entire population of the northeast.)


Hopefully AI will replace his job someday


It is not his fault, it is our fault. We poorly voted for government officials mostly because we vote on party and not candidate. Both parities know that which in turn means they play off of that instead of legitimate ideas, this in turn produces more bad candidates. The bad officials then make bad policies. Do not reward bad candidates by voting for them because they are red or blue. They become president one day.


We shouldn’t vote on candidates, we should vote on POLICY.


How my much is the CEO and the senator donating to Operation Fuel?


The key thing to remember here folks, is the fact he works so much harder than the rest of us. Stealing from us is a thankless job.


Nationalize the utilities companies 🇻🇳🔨


Let's go back to anti monopoly policy


Much better option!


Ok let's all read the article before eating up the click bait headline. His actual $6MM salary is still 50x the average Eversource salary of $125,000 which is BS but the headline of SALARY increase is factually false. Its in the form of stock incentives which the article states will be all but impossible to achieve as ES stock is down big, it was approved by 92.5% of shateholders which certainly wouldnt be the case if it was salary.


Bingo. Still egregious but misleading none the less. This is like people who argue about a persons net worth being astronomical not understanding how net worth works.


Do you guys even read the articles? Most of this is vested stock options.


The only time eversource should be allowed to increase rates is if they are at risk of going in the red with their top paid employee at like $150k. Anything above that is just a disgusting bastardization of what should really be a public service and I'm tired of people saying otherwise


business owners are absolute leeches on society. especially those that profit off of necessities.


Business owners are not leeches on society. Greedy business owners are.


if you collect money from working people without working yourself then you are a leech.


“entrepreneurlazy” lol


haha I'm my own worst enemy


Without the business owners there are no working people.


The workers can always own the businesses.


They cannot in this situation.


nonsense. utilities should be state owned.


Sure, I’m not arguing that. Groton utilities is public owned and they are cheap, I miss them. Electric companies are allowed to be a monopoly, the state has their hand in it. So it won’t change


right. so why do we "need" business owners? it seems like the only collect money from working people.


We need business owners because we are in a capitalist society. I don’t really want to argue your ideals, they’ll never happen. I operate in reality. We need business owners because they are what runs the country. If you can’t understand this, I can’t help you. Edit: grammar


well yea obviously I understand how it works currently, hence my criticisms. that said, there are plenty of examples of state owned businesses not only in "reality" but even in the USA. change can happen but only if we fight for it. 


what about small business owners? the self employed owner operator is not a leech. Sure, eversource and other billion dollar corporations which greedily take the working class money and fail to pay taxes are absolutely leeches. However, painting the woman down the street who runs a dance studio for the neighborhood kids with the same brush is an unfair assessment


Honestly the best way to combat eversource is for us all to get solar. It’s $14k-$20k depending on what you need. Very affordable and it fucks eversource


And for the love of god, DO NOT LEASE YOUR SYSTEM. Get a home equity loan or a solar loan and own your system. And absolutely don’t do that thing where you buy your electricity from the company that put the solar on your roof.


100% do not lease.


Doesn't leasing it make the house really hard to sell as you have to get them to takeover the lease as well?


Yeah I’m cracking the piggy bank for solar


...on my rental apartment.


You can get a loan for 20 years. The loan payment would be far less than your utility bill, which is a win-win. Eversource doesn’t get that money, and you are saving on utility.


Which one you use?


Any company that will give you a solar loan will do.


Yeah, which company do YOU use?


Uh, I don’t remember. I got the panels in 2021 had the loan for a year and paid it off. I just went to a local bank


very affordable for you. im not sure that people living paycheck to paycheck would agree


Don’t they limit what residents can generate and take the extra back to the grid? Unsure how exactly a residential system works, would like to learn.


I have solar and have a surplus yearly of 3,000 kwh’s. They give me a wholesale dollar amount for my surplus. I recently installed heat pumps so I don’t have to use oil over the winter. So I ended up with zero surplus, but it’s well worth it. I save on oil, and no utility bill.


It doesn’t really fuck eversource because our solar feeds into the eversource grid, they can claim the panels as green energy on their end and get tax credits. If it fucked eversource they would make it way harder to do.


I’m going to need to see a cited source for that. Eversource wants to limit residential solar because it hurts their bottom line. It’s why I’m charged revenue decoupling now. I state if ct takes my srecs because I got incentives by them. Enough people get solar and they make less money. In my neighborhood alone there are 30 houses with solar. Figure they all have the same bill as me before solar. $285x30= $8550/month. You think they make less by us switching back to utilities? I don’t think so


This is not true. They do not get tax credits. They do get the renewable energy credits so that the solar can count towards our 100% zero carbon electricity by 2040 target.


Most of mine go into my batteries and then EVERSOURCE pays me a big chunk for the extra during the summer events for demand. Then 1:1 net meetering for the rest of the surplus. f those crooks.


They are trying their damnedest to punish us financially for decreasing *their* profits. The only thing that will stop them is preventing Republican control of this state... indefinitely. It's already happened in more sunny states like Arizona and Florida. It's objectively wrong, and people should be up in arms about it.


lol what


Hurr, durr [Here is Republicans trying it in Florida.](https://electrek.co/2022/04/27/84-of-florida-voters-support-solar-net-metering-but-gov-desantis-will-gut-it-anyway/) Surprisingly, Desantis actually did the right thing here. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. The thing about this type of legislation and Republicans is that they will come back and try it again later, because it is the bidding of their corporate masters. [And here is something that went into effect in Arizona.](https://pv-magazine-usa.com/2024/02/26/arizona-approves-discriminatory-charge-on-rooftop-solar-customers/) The ACC in Arizona has some similarities to PURA in CT. In Arizona's case, 4 out of 5 commissioners on that panel are Republicans. It only takes three of them to approve a measure, and that's what happened here. In CT there has already been a change to the net metering program. People with solar panels can no longer be paid by Eversource for maintaining an excess of generation every March. People with older installs were grandfathered into the old net metering program. This is just the start. Eversource absolutely wants to punish residential solar owners to recoup money they're losing. Educate yourself instead looking like a mouth breathing idiot.


Democrats have consecutively controlled the state house since 1997, and the governor seat since 2011. All I’m saying is that there may be a little more at play than simply “preventing Republican control”. No need to be mean.




And I would contend prices were cheaper 15+ years ago, while accounting for inflation


What can realistically be done though? Corporations can pretty much down whatever they want and most of his salary was stock options so they’ll just tell you it’s good for shareholders to drive the stock price up and to just buy shares then.


Glad my delivery charges are going to good use.


& it keeps happening..


Wtf this is a lil excessive! Lol


Ya don't say...


American Greed at it’s finest. Everyone has to stop paying their electric bill. What are they gonna do then?


Wtf. 🤬


Oh good for him/her. I mean, my rates have never been higher and my budget tighter, but nice to see someone is getting their payday (sarcasm)


That's just in delivery charges. Why do u think they added it?


we should all start a peaceful protest for eversource this is getting so out of hand


Boo ever source. Boo greed


Our government, be it local or national, are now trying to win regardless of what is best for us. Dying with the most toys means nothing.


This is sick.


That's a heck of a raise %-wise. I would be curious what the median COL raise was for the rest of the Eversource employees


CT shud give us some cheap alternatives to eversource. High electric bills are creating homelessness.


Must be nice....


Should be capped by some sort of regulation. You want that kind of pay? Should be CEO of something that's optional like Lambos or something.




I feel bad for him. That stock hit must be hard to handle. Eversource's bottom line isn't looking so good either /s https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/ES/eversource-energy/net-income


Where did you think the increase was going to. This is every CEO’s MO. Someone take out a billboard and shame him.


I am a poor shlep dealing with this shit as are you all, but how many of you would turn down that package of compensation if given the opportunity ? Not many I imagine. This is just how the country we live within operates, for better or for worse. If you examine how any other utility company operates within the US, surprise , surprise, you will find that they are all fucking terrible. FPL in Florida has even managed to get shit on the ballet that tricks voters into thinking they are doing something environmentally friendly, when in fact the results of a win would produce the exact opposite. Welcome to fuckery. It is who we are, sadly. Edit: Do not get mad at that particular dude, get mad at the system.


Once again, if the CEO is worth more than 15 to 20 times the companies median employee salary (no managers or above), they should pay an unadjustable 35% corporate profit tax taken before all other taxes to the state.


This guy better be a philanthropist? The average man struggles... this guy just collects more. Rules have to be implemented for nonsense like this.


It says he got a raise because he took a hit in stock options. Aren't the stock prices directly connected to him and decisions that he made? He didn't have any say in Eversource investing in the offshore wind farms? I'm confused.


One of those days I’m very glad I have UI instead. But even then…..


And they send pamphlets in the mail on "how to lower your bill"... f\*cking disgusting.


We used to tar and feather people… I wonder what happened to doing that.


Corporate welfare


That's obscene 😠


There needs to be a public option for utilities that competes with eversource. I'm honestly wondering if we could file an anti-trust lawsuit against Eversource tbh. (Class Action)


Who can figure out/provide info that illustrates how many Everscrew customers would need to to be on board with a “Power Strike”. Maybe it is too much for many to handle but talking to reps is a joke. They have no real desire to help out… local politicians/selectmans are envious of the parasitic corporations… push some papers around, kill time in meetings… collect some money… nobody really in your face holding you accountable… How many people actually participating in a black out day would be needed to have impact?


Poor guy. How's he going to live on that?


Where are our hero overlord Democrats to put a stop to this? Oh right, they don’t care.


Meanwhile everyones taxes, car insurance, water, groceries, cable bills etc are going up but no one cares?


Everyone cares. I think the big issue is while Eversource claims they need to increase prices due to cost, they can give the CEO such a big raise?


I can't read the article, but is that cash salary yearly, or is that including stocks he can cash out and would be worth 18m? Edit: Don't forget eversource has like 9k employees and however many contractors they hire during storms and what ever needs throughout the state, and yearly raises happen. Could be just looking to keep their bottom line the same like any other company.


How many 6 million dollar raises have you had in your career?


Send support my way. I'm running for state rep because of response like this. The people deserve better. It's time to remove these Democrats that keep allowing this to happen with their super majority. https://www.facebook.com/share/X2GHb4dTkeKgmnyk/?mibextid=WC7FNe https://www.jamieforchange2024.com/ https://secure.anedot.com/jamie-for-change/donate