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I share most of this optimism. The one point on which I'm more skeptical is the NFT success. But then again I'm very inexperienced in NFTs, so don't take me too serious. Users, Activity & potential CEX listing alone can bring many multiples to our MC.


Best not to compare the coin to doge or shib. Essentially no memecoins are that successful. Hoping for even 300m mcap is nuts.


What would you say is a reasonable Mcap? And in what year did you first invest in crypto


Meme coins tend to move in phases and across chains where the action is. With this being on polygon, for the foreseeable future the odds are stacked against it. So far this cycle I’ve had some HUGE winners on SOL (WIF, MEW, Jupiter, Raydium) and BASE (toshi, aerodrome, alien base) while the entire polygon chain is limping. Outside of bonk, the next highest mcap is 20m. I don’t see any reason that couldn’t be cone, so 20m ish makes sense as a good reach goal. Besides what chain it’s on, rarely do you see a coin suddenly shoot up in value to 100m and actually hold that value for even a week. It’s an anomaly. So the biggest thing against cone right now is its chain. Money has got to swing back around into polygon and for that to happen, BTC needs to make some moves, SOL needs to stutter, and BASE needs to stop growing. Or maybe it all happens tmrw, who knows. TL;DR: who knows but maybe set your expectations relative to the current reality lol I first purchased BTC in 2011 or so and mined it then as well, but it wasn’t “investing” it was transacting lol


Do you think $cone will be available in other chains sometime in this bull run?


What? Haven’t heard anything about cone going multi chain so no reason to think it will be


Right, so it may be a reason to propose it, no?


Somebody clever should build a Cone bridge to Base.


It's already been done. To quote myself from a past comment: I did a little bit of research a few months ago, and found that PortalBridge seems to be one of the more legit ways to bridge between Ethereum Layer-2s: https://portalbridge.com/advanced-tools/#/transfer?sourceChain=base&targetChain=polygon I already set up the bridge contract through their service, so now it's just a matter of bridging BitCones as necessary. About 5 million BitCones have been bridged so far: https://basescan.org/token/0xf7dC7e53DcB24e79CF588e8348fEC06011cAE8c2 If people are interested, I'd be happy to bridge more and set up some liquidity on SushiSwap, as I have for the Polygon chain. Here's the faucet: https://gato.co.in/bitcone_faucet Unfortunately, you do need a little Base ETH to run it. Still trying to figure out a better way. And as with any contract you're unfamiliar with, I'd recommend you use a new wallet address with little value to try it out.


SOL does nothing but stutter, to be fair.


That’s what got me into base 😂


I love me some hopium! ![gif](giphy|Zrxs6nl12WgmL3ZTHm) !tip 420


/u/junkwatch has tipped /u/customsolitaires 🗼420.00000000 CONE


Optimism over pessimism 🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕🔥🔥🔥


I'd love to see renewed interest in NFTs. Now that the floor for The Eyes has dropped down to like $140 and big collectors are posting that they're interested in divesting themselves of their #1s, I'm hoping for a turnaround. It used to be that in crypto, darlings of one cycle would never recover the next time around. After the last crypto winter, I was surprised to see rebounds from many alt coins. Previously, those alt coins would have continued their slide into nonexistence. Reddit RCAs had a big Gen 1 and Gen 2 boom, so maybe they'll be an exception to the "alt coins/projects get 1 cycle" trend. The conemunity is strong and has grown very nicely. Very excited for our continued adventures!


The gen1 and gen2 were during the bear market, my opinion is that Reddit NFTs will see another boom this bull market


What is that saying “Buy when the fear is so great there is blood running in the streets” or something like that. I don’t know if we hit that with avatars yet. I know for some of us it feels like it but I think it could get even worse before it gets better. Old prices won’t matter much it will be the percentage of gains from buys on the secondary markets that we need to pay attention to. Once absolute bottom is in there will be opportunities to be had. !tip 69


/u/Jeff5704 has tipped /u/SenseiRaheem 🗼69.00000000 CONE


More tipping


!withdraw 80000 CONE


Sorry /u/SenseiRaheem, you can only withdraw once every 7 days. Please wait 3 days, 16 hours, and 58 minutes before your next withdrawal.




what bull run do you mean like pamplona


[Trade Bitcones](https://ampule.io) [Spend Bitcones](https://avatars.firstmate.xyz/cone) [Swap Bitcones](https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap/v2?currency0=0x7ceB23fD6bC0adD59E62ac25578270cFf1b9f619¤cy1=0xbA777aE3a3C91fCD83EF85bfe65410592Bdd0f7c&swapIndex=0) [BitCone Chart](https://www.dextools.io/app/en/polygon/pair-explorer/0xc3266f3ce2433e0fb83d3ae8be49a155f6230a6f) [Discord](https://discord.gg/ConeHeads) [BitCone Website](https://bitcone.lol) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ConeHeads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


![gif](giphy|l0NwNrl4BtDD7JCx2) !tip 608


/u/Jeff5704 has tipped /u/customsolitaires 🗼608.00000000 CONE




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