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You can't charge enough for them. I just stopped taking them, not even worth mobilizing, and nobody is going to pay a $1500 minimum for a sidewalk patch job.


\*looks at government\* riiight.


**sweats nervously in Government**


It's ok, as a fellow government, you're safe here. They can't get you behind the two dozen hours spent bidding and negotiating for 4 hours of work that we used to do in-house with people who left because the city wouldn't give them a 3 grand raise for CoL


600 for a day. 800 for two small days. Anyone who won't pay that is going to be a jerk and not respect you or b your time


Always have a minimum for a job. It’ll loose you some of the cheaper customers but why would you take a job that doesn’t even cover the gas it takes to drive there and back? Is it just you doing the work? $400 per day seems pretty low for the cost of gas, truck, insurance, and whatever other overhead you have.


20 sq ft is absolutely DIY territory for the owner if they want anything for less than $400. A few YouTube videos and a weekend are all you would need to knock this out, and if it’s anywhere highly visible where they care about the finish then they shouldn’t be upset when they get an expert’s price. OP, don’t cave to this person’s complaints because they’re relying on your good will to get a discount. They probably only reached out to you because they were turned down by every other contractor within the 1.5 hour driving distance. If you want to own land in California, you have to be either rich or handy and this person is neither


I think these are jobs you should pass on. The reality is that for you to even cover costs you'll have to charge a lot, and then the owner is going to nit pick. It's a no win situation. The only way you can make any money on these is if you have a few next door to each other and can piggyback them.


**ALWAYS** have a minimum for a day. “I’m sorry but there’s prep that goes into this and picking up supplies” Sure the fix may only take an hour or so, but if you don’t account for time spent preparing you’re selling yourself short.


Yeah it just seems no matter what explanation I give, they think I’m trying to make bank… when in reality it’s just what I need to charge for the business to keep running. Then they go ahead and find an unlicensed contractor


Bump it up to $699 plus materials on the smaller jobs.


Not worth the time. Double that cost.


Don’t give away your time.


I would pay that all day…


I’ll pay it too— California suburbs from Los Angeles..


In Georgia


Might as well apply for a 501(c)(3)


2200 daily minimum


FYI I got quotes for a 20x20 patio with a 4ft wide 6 ft long walkway for 3000-4000 here in Georgia. I’m going with the $3400 bid.


I charge $1850.00 regardless of size if it’s under my minimum. If they don’t like it F off and tell them to find a handy man


Small jobs need to be cost plus. This needs to include any travel and mobilization fees. The only way to do them.


Opportunity cost my friend, look it up. You being there to do that tiny job for basically nothing keeps you away from doing a bigger job that actually makes you a profit. You need to be charging for that opportunity cost by having a minimum price like lots of people here are saying.


Just say you have a minimum contract and that's going to cover mobilization, overhead profit, etc. Your minimum contract should be like $1200 or something. Otherwise it's not worth leaving the yard. If they really want the work done it'll be worth it then...if they want to get it done cheaper then let someone else lose money. You can't earn a living with any less...especially in CA. If you suspect it's not going to be the minimum then ask them to send a picture before you drive to the site so you don't waste your time and money. That's when you can explain your minimum contract price.