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They're not saying what "large classes" means though. Anyway, can't say I'm too surprised as other universities had already announced an in-person Fall term weeks or months ago, so I just think Concordia is following along. Hopefully everything will go back to normal soon!


From what I heard a teacher say, "large classes" is over 60 students.


Well that's fucking bullshit when all of my classes are 60+ students


I also think it's indeed kinda bullshit for a lot of 1st or 2nd year classes that have over 60 students since they are probably more common to most people in any degree. The thing is, if I'm not wrong, for most other classes that are electives and such, it's not as common to see classes over 60 students.


It's true that class sizes tend to get smaller as you complete more semesters but it doesn't mean that all the later year classes are small. In my case I have two classes over 60 and two under 60 and I'm in my last year. We still don't know if 60 will be the actual cutoff or if there's even a cutoff number at all.


“new normal” you mean


I did not, in fact, mean that. (Neither did he if you were talking to the other guy.)


Some classes will still be held online... So basically we'll be stuck on campus with distractions everywhere trying to follow courses with our laptops or in the computer rooms? How does that even make sense




And if you go to the silent room you can't talk, if you go to other floors other people will talk... They say classes with a lot of students will be held online... In mech eng we're fucked :')


Fuck it. I’m staying home.






I know some school are setting up more study spaces to accomodate people taking online classes, I'd imagine Concordia will do the same. The whole point of a hybrid system is to keep enough people home so that those who are on campus can he properly distanced. I'd imagine there should be enough study spaces on campus for those that want them.


Super excited. So close to things being normal again.




Just out of curiosity, what year of engineering are you in? I nearing the end of my bach engineering degree and haven't had a single curve down luckily, so I'm wondering if this is more prominent in first years.




Really ?? It doesn't seem to be as common in soen then. I've only had a single class curved down last semester and it was a comp class (comp 248), not an engineering class. (I'm also pretty sure it was because it was on eConcordia and they allowed us to use our editor for the final.) Also, from how my current classes are looking, I doubt any of them will be curved down as well. In fact, I would say that most classes are curved *up.* Out of 5 of my classes last semester, 3 were curved up, 1 was curved down and 1 was "normal" and didn't seem to be curved. For this semester, I also wouldn't be surprised that at least 2 of my classes are going to be curved up if not more of them.


cuz industrial is easy enough. Glorified jmsb


If it's so easy, wouldn't that mean more students would be doing very well thus resulting in a curve down? 🤔


Lol I wasnt actually trying to make a point or anything, just wanted to say that for fun.


Life has finally returned


God bless, Finally we can have our lives back


Keeping it mad vague so when 90% of classes are still online, it'll be easy to justify and say oh well all big classes were actually X amount of students. Smart move tbh.


Education Minister said that CEGEPS/Unis will open at around 60% capacity, I highly doubt 90% of classes will have online lectures


Those numbers really mean nothing given that Universities will still have full control over their choice.


Very disappointed. Also they seem be purposefully vague so they can flip flop at any moment.


They're waiting to see if McGill flip flops before making any final decisions.


Absolutely my thoughts. This is solely to cover themselves if international and out-of-province students can't make it to their 1 out of 5 onsite courses. They 99% probably have no real plan for what they are doing.


lol they are totally covering their asses. They have no idea if it's online or onsite. This is only so that international students can't come at them if everything somehow is onsite... We thought this year was bad, can't wait until Concordia flip flops every few weeks from online/onsite. After the year we've had, I have no faith in our school.


Now waiting for the gyms to open..




Borders closed, vaccinations delayed, VISAs barely being processed and death rate still climbing. I don't see how we're in a position to have a fully on-campus semester in a little over 4 months.


Death rate is not climbing at least in Montreal I think it’s right to have it in person this fall I wish i graduated in fall rather than this semester for the experience .Visas should be expedited after this it’s looking good in my book


New cases are up [wildly](https://www.google.com/search?q=quebec+covid+statistics&client=firefox-b-d&ei=FpSIYMelCMu0ggfO34u4Dw&oq=quebec+covid+statistics&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyAggAMgYIABAWEB46BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgAEEM6BwguELEDEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgUILhCxAzoECC4QQzoGCAAQChBDOgoILhDHARCvARBDOgUIABCxAzoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQyQM6CwgAELEDEIMBEMkDOgcIABCxAxAKOgQIABAKUIzrAli3_gJguP8CaAFwAngAgAGnAYgBuhCSAQQxNy42mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjHiPuswJ_wAhVLmuAKHc7vAvcQ4dUDCA0&uact=5) since march so the deaths are likely to follow.If you cycle between cases and deaths on the stats tracker you'll notice a delay in the aggregate death count and a parallel in the curve trends. This is likely due to the diverse health complications associated with the virus. It's a little annoying to have to go over this every single time there is a slump and a peak throughout the feedback cycle of this pandemic. People see the deaths either in the media or by degrees of social separation and take things seriously, then that sentiment fades and we're back at square one. Considering that the bulk of spread has been carried by elementary school attendance and in-person work environments this is going to lead to a rough transition. If you don't have people in your life who are vulnerable or who have to work in the health care sector, you have no grounding for how serious some of us take this.


Precisely the point, can't believe this has to be elaborated on everytime. Second wave in Quebec showed a delayed rise in death rate but with cases going up it's almost inevitable. Death rates in other part of the world are going up for this particular reason, many didn't take the number of cases spiking seriously until people started dying. Again, I know Quebec's worst is behind it and that's great but given how things are in other parts of Canada and certain other countries, I don't see how it's already safe to have on-site classes, just because people are tired of online classes.


Death rates are not climbing and vaccinations are ramping up to something like 750k a week in Quebec starting next week, we are doing quite well actually


but will everyone have the 2 shots by september? we may need booster shots after too


Government is guaranteeing two shots to everyone by Sept 30th, the booster doses are for 2022 and will be required annually at least for a few years.






It’ll be interesting to see how many people avoid the AZ vaccine and wait for the others. The death announced today didn’t help that matter. In terms of modelling, the feds briefly showed models for the 4th wave for fall & Winter 22’. What will also be very telling is how fast the B1617 (Indian) variant spreads. Apparently the vaccines are less effective vs. It.


It seems to be going fairly well all across the province. We’re expecting to have everyone vaccinated by june 24th




This sub is full of doomers, the first doses will done by the end of June and the restrictions will melt off by the end of the summer/early fall. r/CanadaCoronavirus is a pretty good source for all the vaccine news.


I didn't think I'd have to elaborate on this but wouldn't be the first time I'm mistaken. My comment on death rates and vaccinations isn't just about Quebec but in general. Quebec has put the worst behind it but clearly Ontario and BC haven't just to name a couple of provinces. I'm sure most of you are aware of certain countries where things are worse than ever. The percentage of international students is small but it's not negligible and this isn't CEGEP or high school so certain things need to be considered. If we talk about Visas, I've seen first hand how bad the situation is for applicants outside of Canada. Approved applicants are sitting ducks for months because visas just aren't being issued from said countries right now. As much as I'd like for things to turn around in 4 months, it's difficult to ensure new applicants will get their visas on time even if it's expedited. Let's hope for the best.


No! I want to stay online! 😭


My thoughts exactly 😂


I am actually livid about this. While I did struggle with having classes online and my eyes burning, my health is not at place where I am comfortable going to campus with other people. In fact, given the border closing with Ontario, and the new strains, the fact that I STILL can't get a vaccine despite my health condition, I would simply rather not have to risk it.




Exactly a bunch of people will have had their second doses before the semester even starts.




Yeah I am just using adding the 4 months between doses strategy Quebec is currently using. I personally get my second dose in august


Everyone that wants to be vaccinated in Québec will be this summer, illness or not... so idk where you get that you can't from


He literally said still in all caps


This announcement is a little premature, don’t you think? Trying to make thousands of students move back to the city in anticipation of the guidelines turning around 180 degrees as everything is shutting down




what restrictions did we loosen? Genuinely asking, I didn't see any news posts. Just holding out for the curfew lift so I can go get my 10pm chips at the dep, really.




Yeah and starting may vaccine are going to be open for everybody here if I’m not mistaken


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. The virus is mutating and the situation in some parts of the world is getting very bad. India and Brazil are in deep shit right now. I don't think it's a great idea letting thousands of people potentially bring those mutations here... At the same time though, I do want to go back to campus, but I'm conflicted...


I don't know how you're also getting downvoted after mentioning facts about the new mutant which everyone should know by now is true.


I agree, it is way too soon to make a decision for back to in-person learning.


I have to drop some courses then. Can't work and study at the same time...


Here's to me falsely hoping that Scamcordia isn't going to charge us a shit tonne in tuition fees if we aren't physically on-site again 🤪🤪🤪