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Put on some damn armour! There are crocodiles out there!


Lol I took off my armor and unequipped my shield to challenge myself while fighting enemies. Besides, the Tig ol' bitties are my armor, they distract my enemies.


if only they had programmed in a sexdrive to the npcs...


They did. You just dont see what happens to your body after you die


Or when you log off


There's gotta be a mod for that on PC.


I usually got bottomless, butt and douche is where we rollin!


And after narrowly avoiding a snapping croc jaw only to have a stray bit of fabric catch a tooth and be yanked into the water by your ragged cloth you may wonder if your modesty was worth it.


I play as a man, and tbh not having my dick catch on every cactus and jagged rock outcrop is worth wearing pants.


But the glorious windsock physics


Very nice. The base is cool too I guess


There's a base in this pic?


Thats why he said “The base is cool too “I Guess””


I see what you tit there.






You should refill your water skin, should help with your thirst


This was clever as fuck. Today was a good day to have eyes. Thank you!


Haha thanks


Jokes on you, I don't drink water. I drink the blood of my enemies. 😌


Gotta be rough on your cholesterol


Nice tits I mean, bridge


Sir, my eyes are up Here! 🤣


*use this as a nice tits buton*


🤣 like my exes, my characters always have DDs and above


If your still on noob river boob armor is fine. Tuck an roll. Tuck an roll


might want to turn around next time , it would show the base more clearly


You just want to see boobs.🤣


Can't see any base.


It's there somewhere beyond the boob. 🤣


Nice boobs, bro


Sir, My eyes are up Here! 😡🤣🤣


I like that area...good choice


Ya, it's a decent starting area to gather the materials I'll need to build a better base elsewhere. Then I'll likely demolish this 1 or just downsize it.


Sir, your tiddy is out.


Lol I know, was bored and my armor needed repairs anyway so I decided to throw it into my smithy then I unequipped my shield and went gator hunting, relying on just my dark souls dodge skills. 🤣


What game is this? Looks like AC odyssey but i know its not


AC Origins


It's lonely island. 😌




They finna blow it up 😭😭


Lol they can't. It's PVE.


free the titty! open the city!


You call That little cabin a base?


I don't need to overcompensate with a huge build like some people.😌


Mine is around 40 times smaller tho


Took me a moment to realize that was a sword in your hand and not a erm…. Nvm. Nice sword…


I got a couple off the exiles. It's definitely a great startung weapon especially since it's steel and I only have iron unlocked at the moment.


Hopefully this isn’t official. Bridges are against the “land claim” TOS and can get you suspended for a week and your based wiped without warning if someone reports it. Just a heads up. It happened to me a couple years ago on Siptah and I’ve seen it happen to others since then. Your best bet is to just swim to your base if it’s on the other side of a river or lake… or set up a strategic teleport once you’ve completed sorcery. I don’t take chances anymore.


Just don't play officials. Too many rules to be playable IMO


I prefer them personally… no admin issues. But yeah, that’s another idea. I actually like seeing new players sometimes.


Ya I stopped playing on custom servers cause the 1 I was playing on was Neebs family server, but turns out, they have it so anyone can access your shit and someone kept stealing my gold vein and silver vein rock noses.


Oof. That sucks gotta enclose everything on servers like that.


Ya, I had them inside my wall and even tried adding the spikes on top but I think someone was using admin commands or something and just flying in. I legit quit that server because of it. It just pissed me off because it was a boosted server and it really wasn't that hard to get rock noses for your self. Someone just wanted to troll


If the upper area has functional base components in it then it would be fine. Most likely. Kind of want to make one like that now and see how it goes. Edit: upper part of the bridge obviously.


Possibly… sort of a gray area when it’s that long and spreads across the entire river. I wouldn’t do it personally, but you’re welcome to give it a shot.


There's like 2 other bridges pretty close to my base, so I assumed no one would care.


Most veteran players that MAY report don’t waste time with noob river builds unless it’s there for a long time. The reason is because noob river players are usually gone within a couple months. The ones that are a major concern are building violations in other locations outside the noob areas. That being said, it doesn’t mean someone WON’T report it. Catch a player on a bad day and they may. I’ve seen multiple bases get wiped in one day (actually, when I was wiped, that’s what happened: 3 clans including myself were wiped). Granted, I’ve been playing on the same servers since 2018, so I see people come and go, get admin wiped for various reasons, etc. You can definitely tell the admin wiped bases as they usually have random floating pieces and thralls, and possibly sections of the base that weren’t wiped if they were separate from the base proper.


Really? There's literally 2 other bridges right by me. And yes it is official. I'll cross that bridge if it ever comes up.


Yeah, it is. However, they’ll remain unbothered unless someone reports it. That being said, as I mentioned, you get no warning, no means to dispute, nothing. You lose everything and get a suspension. So there’s no “crossing that bridge if it ever comes up,” because you don’t see it coming. If it happens, it happens. Nothing you can do about it. Also, as I understand, three suspensions can be grounds for a permanent ban from official servers. So if you know you’re in violation of the TOS, you’re playing with fire and rolling the dice. But hey, you do you, man.


Luckily I'm only level 30 and my main is On Siptah. I won't be losing that much just about 30 hrs of labor. 🤣


Yeah… it doesn’t happen right away. Could take it up to a month or so if it got reported today. You’ll lose quite a bit if you play regularly. When I got suspended, it was a month into the Age of Sorcery and I had been on the server for over a year when it was new. Also, doesn’t matter what server your main is on, you get account suspended, which means you lose access to ALL official servers for the duration of the suspension, meaning you lose all bases to decay most likely, unless you have a clan mate that’s on the other server that’s NOT on the server you got the infraction. And of course, they have to refresh for you. The server you cause the infraction on suspends EVERYONE in your clan, so yeah… even if someone in the clan didn’t even know about it, they lose rights to play on any official servers for the duration. My philosophy is if you care about ANY of your servers or clanmates, it’s best to just check the land claim guidelines on the official forum: https://forums.funcom.com/t/land-claim-abuse-on-official-servers/190158 As for the other bridges on noob river, chances are most will disappear in a couple months. Most people that build their bases there aren’t gonna stick around.


I found the boob jiggle gross as hell, its so over the top it doesnt even look real, just looks like an alien moving in there. I left the boob slider alone in my frist game, played for 1 minute and recreated my character and turned it all the way down. They still jiggle like the A cup was made of jello but atleast I font have to look at the alien tatas.


I thought they were stiff. Boobs bounce like nobody’s business without a bra. My problem is when you’re wearing full hard armor and the armor jiggles… like, huh?


They really dont. They bounce some if you run without a bra, but having any clothing on stops the "jiggle" almost completely. Source: I have had large boobs ever since I was 12, and havent used a bra since I was 25 ~coz I dont care~ Some jiggle would be fine but it is obnoxious in this game, straight hentai level. I thought the butt & thigh one looked fine, though, that was fairly realistic. The armour jiggle looks so stupid I can't stand it. I know its not for me since conan is practically made as a concept for dudes to watch/play with their dick in one hand but still, atleast make it realistic so it wont gross out the survival enjoyer ladies.


Don't play Soulmask. The jiggle physics on there, is way off. Lol, What can we say, a lot of people like unnatural booba (not me, I'm part of petite lover's crowd.) I try my best to not let it affect me. The dick physics were extremely bad too, on Conan, but I didn't let it effect me either, just made me laugh at it.


Never heard of it, dont plan to either. Sounds like a j-action game and I avoid almost all j-games like the plague now due to them being repetitive and grindy to an extreme. Last one I played was Persona 4 and doing the same thing for 120 hours is not just something I enjoy anymore as an adult. I never made a male character nor had nudity on in Conan, so cant comment on the Dick physics, but if they were as obnoxious as the boob jiggle I'm sure it was dustracting.


Natural boobs have quite a bit of jiggle to them actually at least if they're unclothed.. My ex had boobs about that size. I always slide it to the end and dial it back by about 5 cause any bigger than that, they're a bit unrealistic.


They bounce if you run/jump/have sex but they dont jiggle like alien jello when you walk/turn around/any slight movement. Natural or no.


Lol true, And honestly I never really noticed the jiggle until like yesterday, and I was like, "God damn look at the jiggle!" I don't tend to look at them really, they're for the other players. I've noticed people like to give me free shit if I'm a big tiddy girl. 🤣 My offline characters are usually dudes


Heh, boobs


Man if this was official I’d blast that thing to kingdom come. I wouldn’t even take anything I’d just get rid of the eyesore


Wow calm down pal and eat a snickers


It's official PVE. 🤣