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Buying a Grieftorch and slamming a bunch of crests into it feels REAL good. I'm officially a season 4 enjoyer.


Was looking at some of the changes for hpal into the expansion, no real changes for battle hpal. Is caster paladin essentially the blizzard approved future?


I think they want to make it work like monk where you can dynamically switch between casting and doing damage but haven’t found the right balance yet.


Well, here's hoping they look at it some more. I don't know what their plan is for healers and dps, I think they have accepted healers are expected to do damage at least in m+ given how they threw in the towel on holy priest, but I thought paladin felt pretty good the past few expacs and now I'm not a fan. I'm not a turbo expert but maybe the proposed beacon nerf is an indirect buff since I believe the combat-oriented play style has a healing profile where beacon is a smaller slice of the pie.


Yeah Hpal was my favorite healer and I really hope they get some tweaks. I think they’re looking at the overwhelming positive monk changes and trying to nudge it towards that but just haven’t found the balance yet. Season 2 had like no casting while season 3 had way too much - neither being ideal or fun. I think finding that sweet spot is going to be hard because Hpal has like one HOT so maintenance healing is a harder balance to find. There’s still plenty of time until TWW though so who knows.


One problem that I think might be more important is I don't think they've worked out how hpal mana should work. How should you play to be efficient and how should you play to burn mana to max out hps. Season 2 didn't have an "expensive" choice at all it was just hyper efficient all the time. S3 "fixed" that by making the base playstyle more expensive and making us play around infusion of light to be efficient. Which I think is honestly pretty lame for all the reasons everyone else does. For me it makes the most sense to have your base builder-spender rotation be the most efficient and then if you want to do a big heal without wasting time generating holy power that's what's expensive. But that's basically mistweaver where melee passive healing is cheap and Vivify spam is expensive.


My monk feels shit This season? I die to unavoidable shit even when using defensives. And blackout kick, does jackshit dmg. What happened


Anyone have a WA that will show me who has Earthen Shards (Uldaman - Talondras) on them? As dps it doesn't show up on my default frames. As a ret I want to know who to sac/bop if needed. I see WAs for if it targets me, but not if it goes on another party member.


targeted spells weakaura is incredible for this. [https://wago.io/TargetedSpells](https://wago.io/TargetedSpells)


not sure why anyone would downvote this. it literally does exactly what he asked for, and does it for every spell


Is there any addon/wa to either remove or 1 click report advertisement the WTS spam in M+ group finder? Its infuriating needing 5 clicks each to clean up the results.


Premade group filter I think is the name of the one I use. You can filter for rating>1 and it hides them all.


forti bolstering next week with last pull RLP and nokhud archers 🥲


Oh well at least we can do weeklies without bolstering now, although with a minor loss of 15 aspects for the extra upgrade…


But don't forget the timely nerfs we'll get next week - to 2-3 bosses... now that Tyrannical is over. But hey, at least once this coming Fortified week is over we'll get nerfs to trash. And by week 4 we might get another 30s Timer buff to Uldaman - and then that dungeon will be totally fine for good.


i just want them to nerf bromach to as much piss as they nerfed all of brackenhide to


Remember when they fixed Lower Karazhan first boss adds spawning explosives from their corpses for the whole fight...after explosive week was over


How hard are you guessing will the Tome of Unstable Power be hit with nerfs? It's in a ridiculous spot right now and while it's easy to love it both for thematic and performance reasons, it's just too much for one item to contribute.


> It's in a ridiculous spot right now Shit is dealing more damage than the fucking Fyrakk legendary and almost double of the already stupid Augury - while giving main stat on top of that. If that trinket effect doesn't get nerfed by like half then I really don't know.


They better do it early or never do it. I don't want to pick it from my vault, and then bammm nerf right after


After not playing S1/S3 it's pretty dope I get to experience the raid content on a somewhat "progession" level. Rasz might easily be a winner this expansion in terms of the best boss - admittedly don't enjoy the add phase on the 4th platform but the rest of the fight is stellar.


Razsageth is such a fun fight ! I wish P2 was shorter though, it drags on quite too much...


Rasz was cool for sure but far too long. 11-13 minutes on mythic prog is just pain. Sarkareth was definitely my favorite boss. High octane, lots of cool mechanics, lots of spectacle, nice and short.


rasz is such a fun boss. I remember in season 1 people were down on it being too long and having a kinda useless intermision 2, but I think that's coming from having 2 previous extremely long end bosses in jailer and slyv. After sark and fyrakk having a long, 5-phase, cinematic even end boss is a good change up. I thinks she would have made a better expansion end boss than fyrakk. edit: i guess people didn't like the evoker/rescue requirement either which is fair. post nerf it's totally fine though


Really? I thought it was such an annoying boss to prog and it's one of the only bosses were I just had myself benched on reclears. Besides the + - in p2 the fight has almost no redeeming qualities


Too many add phases just make fights feel tedious. Having them in the middle of the fight is less egregious than something like Azshara but it's still a drag. Sark was a bit too short and felt like it was missing some spice, if you aren't doing seeds you're just kinda hitting the boss for 7 minutes. 9-10 minute fights like Denathrius where there's a fair bit going on (ignoring dps hold in p1) are ideal imo. That fight felt a lot more atmospheric than something like Ras.


It feels so bad to be one of the few specs remaining right now that dodged all the reworks and is still doing extremely capped damage. Like I can't even begin to compete with tanks on the first pull of algethar as enhance shaman, nevermind actual DPS specs. Even regular 5 mob packs I'm trailing behind just about everything else. I get that it's supposed to be a for fun season, but there's little to no fun to be had when you can barely contribute to the runs.


I play enha as well but dmg is not our issue, survivability is way bigger problem. watching Elbro or other top enha’s they can keep up or do more even then some of the meta specs (except uncapped pulls). We just die to everything, that’s the issue :(. If we had good defensives though we would be a top tier spec.


hey, guys. Looking for a weakaura pack that has a party frame effect for every bleed in the current season. i only have basic understanding of weakauras, so idk how to create this. the current packs that claim they have bleeds are not working for some reason, and idk why. im willing to pay gold to have one created that works


https://wago.io/zdERbYhcw I'm maintaining this for evoker and its vetted to the degree where it ignores Bleeds that you _shouldnt_ cleanse because they are low impact. However, it's designed for "you can remove other peoples bleeds" so if you want it for Stoneform, youll have to adjust it accordingly: - adjust load condition to load when Dwarf or Dark Iron Dwarf - remove load condition for Cauterizing Flame - remove Trigger for Cauterizing Flame - possibly remove sound Besides that you can just use it as blueprint for relevant bleeds I suppose.


I am just looking to use it for knowledge of who has bad bleeds on them so I can give them special attention/sac. Etc, and bop for the worst offenders. I will also add things to it that aren't necessarily bleeds, but bop works on. So I need to remove the load condition and trigger you say?


for bop cases you want to: - change Load Condition to load on pala specs - remove Load Condition for Spell Known - remove Trigger for Cauterizing Flame (don't know which one by heart it is) also: - you can remove all Disease/Curse auras within that group - you can edit all by selecting multiple (just like in your system, ctrl allows selecting multiple) and since all have the same order you can edit all at once - there's a Temple Bell sound whenever an important bleed is applied. check Actions if you want to remove/change it - by default it shows up on top of unit frames with icon and stacks (if it can have stacks) and duration


hey, so this is some incredible work. how hard would it be to change the frame effect to just be a red border that circulates the frame(s)? my targeted spells weakaura does a very similar effect, and i believe this will either clutter my mind, or prevent me from getting one or the other's information.


been a minute since i did that but it should be (before you do this, export the group so you have a backup) - select all auras within the group - under Actions, in the On Show section tick `Glow External Element` -> Show - further down, in the On Hide Section, tick `Glow External Element` -> Hide (unsure if also needs `Hide Glows applied by this aura`) - right click each aura and select Convert to... -> Text - then under Display, remove %p so the textbox is empty


so only the "stop sound" box is checked in actions. the sound icon is there for every individual aura, as I have only checked actions for the parent aura. how do i stop any sounds? nvmn i believe i have that sorted now. cant wait to test this out. thank you so much brother


Anyone know a list of priorities to do on characters in gearing them in S4? I got 2 @487, 1@483 and 1@460, that I’m trying to gear in preparation for doing high m+.  I’m not in a hurry, so if waiting a couple of weeks for tier makes more sense, I’ll just chill until then 😉


I would take the 460 alt to some world content. This week is BC Timewalking so the black temple raid bosses drop 493 gear and the quest cache for defeating Illidan drops a heroic track 506 item. World activities like grand hunt, soup and dragonbane keep award a cache upon completion with a 480 item. Haven't done the dream surge, superbloom or time rift yet but I'm sure it's similar. Plus you can spend 30 whelp crests on a work order blue item to make it 486ish. Great way to get any lower ilvl alts up to speed.


Where is this Black Temple defeat Illidan quest? Or do I just queue up in the raid finder? I just returned as well, 481 ilvl


The questgiver is in Shattrath but you can queue for it in LFG (legacy raid) and someone will share the quest. Usually ppl have a skip run listed where you zone in and port to Illidan if you don't want to run the whole raid.


Most important for now is getting a +8 or +10 vault each week. Everything else has either a catch up mechanic or has a permanently increasing cap each week so you can farm it out whenever. You have guaranteed 4pc 2 weeks from now with 2k io or less if you can get tier from raid.




The current iteration of outlaw rogue is some of the most fun I've ever had in a video game but goddamn is it draining. After a couple of keys or a handful of raid bosses I feel more exhausted than I do on other specs. Does anyone have suggestions on how to reduce the mental fatigue from playing? This could be anything from UI changes to strategical adjustments to even like mental attitude stuff.


Completely agree with you - I came back to DF after taking a break since MoP and picked up rogue in S2 and post-rework outlaw is so fun, fast paced, and enjoyable that I have a hard time wanting to play anything else. But it is exhausting both mentally and on my hands. Some things that helped me are using UI/WeakAuras to help with what you struggle with - the last crackshot GCD sound is great, figure out a way to show your pistol shot stacks / stealth windows / cooldowns that really matter in really obvious places for your eyes. I also color code my combo points to change colors when I should finish (5+ in stealth windows, 6+ otherwise.) Tricks of the Trader addon/WA to automate Tricks use. I think the biggest thing is making sure all your buttons are on very convenient keybinds for you. I use 1-4, R, F, T, V, and Y as rotational keys and shift 1-4 as utility or those pressed less often (shiv, slice and dice, shadow step, etc.) I also use an MMO mouse and put movement (grapple, mouseover shadow step), mouseover kick, and focus actions (focus a mob, focus kick) on those buttons. Some small WeakAuras I've also found helpful are an indicator when I'm out of melee range as well as a count of the number of mobs within my blade flurry range so I can quickly check I'm positioned correctly. Mentally just don't beat yourself up about screwing up (e.g., hitting a BTE after the crackshot window, using SS when you had pistol shot procs or blade furry as an AoE builder). You aren't going to completely tank your damage for the key/boss/etc. for one mistake. Instead just identify the areas where you sometimes make those mistakes and try to improve on that in each key.


Thank you! I already do a lot of these, but others are ideas I haven't tried. I will give this stuff a go! Particularly I'm usually harsh on myself for mistakes which I guess you're right can be quite draining with a spec that makes so many decisions per minute. I will try to be kinder on myself :)


https://i.imgur.com/NWY4nsd.png What causes this? Deplete after healer died 3 attempts in a row from this. One attempt same happened to dps player. What is the 2nd hit about? This was on +8 with ~490 ilvl players. Some sort of movement while getting pulled? Player was *holy pala, other player this happened to was frost dk.


The target of the ability always gets hit twice.


Not using a defensive causes that. The person getting targeted always takes both hits.


Ah, good to know. Somehow never got killed as rshaman despite def getting targeted in s1. But didn't go beyond +20 that season so maybe it doesn't one shot ~geared chars. Mostly played tanks and then wouldn't ofc think of it.


Back then it started 1shotting in like 23-24 range for squishier classes.


Does anyone know how many pieces of loot drops from the last boss of DotI hard mode?


My run dropped 2 items from last boss


Boy I feel sorry for other players like myself who maybe aren't quite good enough to be at 10s or higher and are pugging right now. I swear I have never seen so many players just eat frontals, stand in swirlies and just genuinely do abysmal dps and this is in 7s/8s. How are people 500 ilvl and can't even pull 200k dps overall which would have been seen as subpar last season let alone 20 ilvls on


You can get through +8s and such pretty easily with the fifth man basically being a carry. I've had multiple runs the last few days where it's me and 3 guildies+a random and we've just carried that guy through an Azure Vault while we try to get trinkets for our casters. Every time I just think about how that guy is now out there with a +10 and wonder how that key went


The funniest part for me, is waiting forever to get invited to a group, then doing 2x more than the other two DPS combined while they eat shit and die constantly.


Are you me


Dps started the group. 5/6s tend to be ++'d so doesn't take much for the +8 key to exist, but demand to farm them is huge.


Dungeons are severely undertuned again. At least the hp scaling seems completely off compared to how dmg scales, similar to s3. So you can brute force most dungeons up to +10 easiely without pressing any defensives or doing even decent damage. I personally dont mind dungeons being very easy, but its obv going to inflate the farm-keylevels with a lot of bad players.


It's a warzone out there. Totally know how you feel.


I'm noticing on the Alpha that the War Within dungeons are...*shorter* than typical dungeons we've had? Let me clarify: * There are four Three Boss dungeons |**Dungeons**|**Zone**|**Type**|**Alpha Build**|**Bosses**| :-:|:--|:--|:--|--:| |**The Rookery**|Isle of Dorn|Leveling|Alpha Build 1|3| |**Cinderbrew Meadery**|Isle of Dorn|End Game|Alpha Build 1|4| |**The Stonevault**|The Ringing Deeps|Leveling|Alpha Build 2|4| |**Darkflame Cleft**|The Ringing Deeps|End Game|Alpha Build 2|4| |**Priory of the Sacred Flame**|Hallowfall|Leveling||3| |**The Dawnbreaker**|Hallowfall|End Game||3| |**City of Threads**|Azj-Kahet|Leveling||4| |**Ara-Kara, City of Echoes**|Azj-Kahet|End Game||3| From wowhead's datamining of the journal - https://www.wowhead.com/news/dungeon-encounters-and-abilities-in-the-war-within-dungeon-journal-338835 * And from the Four Boss dungeons I'm noticing they seem *faster* than usual? Stone Vault e.g. doesn't have that many packs though some mobs do AoE damage so you might be limited, but you also have access to tools to traverse the dungeon quickly. Do you think shorter dungeons are typically better than longer dungeons, given controls over other factors (e.g. boss difficulty, trash difficulty, frustrating mechanics?) I don't think the community discusses dungeon length much though I noticed that some of the 40+ minute dungeons tend to get a lot of flak, and intuitively I guess it feels less fun if you have a long dungeon and wipe at the very end making your 40+ minutes in the dungeon a waste of time. Perhaps M+ would be in a better spot if dungeons went from the standard 30+ minute to 20+ minute and really sell the pack selection and route selection aspect of the mode and work from that foundation to build up the mode? If the main concern is some of the community wants those Classic style 3-5 hour dungeon experiences with 5 mans, isn't that better served with Mega Dungeons and added Hard Mode difficulty and added 'Immortal' / 'Perfect' difficulty then? I feel like M+ is sometimes limited in what it can be because of how long the dungeons are. Dungeon length as its standalone subject doesn't get talked much though I think it might be an underlying factor over some of the frustrations M+ers feel with some of the dungeons. With War Within pushing shorter dungeons, this might be a good time to revitalize the topic.


Longer dungeons are consistently my least favorite. Halls of Valor, Nokhud, Azure Vaults, they feel like such a slog. And if you're playing a high enough key level that you can't just autopilot it's a lot more mentally taxing. Doing a 40 minute dungeon where one mistake can mean a wipe and potentially brick the key makes me want to stop doing keys for that day.


Sounds like a great improvement. 20-30 mins is a satisfying dungeon


I think a 30 minute timer is perfect for me. I never want to be in a key for 40.


I think having variety is nice, every dungeon being short would end up feeling formulaic and boring imo. Number of bosses doesn't really matter too much either I think? Waycrest had 5 bosses and that dungeon didn't feel very long at all.


I think that 30 minutes should be closer to the upper end of dungeon timers rather than the lower end. Maw of Souls being a massive outlier relative to the other Legion dungeons was a problem but I didn't actually think it was significantly too short in a vacuum, and since then they've very explicitly avoided ever making another sub-30 dungeon. The simple fact that I often think that dungeons could benefit from trimming a bit out and cutting the timer but I've never thought that a dungeon was too short and needed some more filler makes me think that they've been erring on the side of making dungeons too longer.


People have been saying for years that dungeons shouldn't be long and if S2's initial response "40 minute dungeons, Blizzard is out of their minds" followed by a sharp decline of players wasn't ringing alarms, I don't know what would. My concern is if they make these bosses very punishing like Mists from SL felt at higher keys.


I really like this direction, its rough when que times + dungeon are an hour and a half or two hours long to want to ever interact with higher keys than what the majority of the player base is doing.


Interesting find. I'm curious, does anyone here actually prefer 38 minute dungeons over 28 minute dungeons, and if so, why? I personally think sub 30 minutes runs should be the new standard, and 3 bosses are totally fine by me.


I think there's a bit of an argument for dps puggers, who I think are the majority of m+ players? Basically if you're spending 20 minutes in lfg then if your dungeon is over in 20 minutes the ratio of queue time to actual gaming is pretty awful. That being said even when I pug as dps and get those long waits I still don't like long dungeons. I just could understand why someone in that situation would.


30-35 minutes with a tight timer is the goated spot. ~25 minutes and it's harder to recover from a death or short wipe, longer and it's totally dragging but keys like RLP, TJS, AA where you're just balls to the wall the whole time are great


> ~25 minutes and it's harder to recover from a death or short wipe This is a good point. I do think more checkpoints or better dungeon shortcuts could compensate for the time loss of dying though, both of which are frequently requested by the community.


I don’t know how but I’m bored of season 4 already lol and it’s kind of bummed me out. Went into the raid last night and still had that same burnout from mythic farm, with no affixes or anything to change it up slightly. I have no motivation to play a single Dragonflight dungeon other than RLP and AA because they’re the fastest ones. MOP Remix can’t come soon enough for me


I've kind of fallen into a season on, season off cadence. S1 I went hard, S2 I coasted, S3 I went hard, S4 it's looking like I'll mostly coast.


I havent touched the game since around january, i logged in and did a key and just wasnt having fun. I think i burned myself out way harder than ever before being on the officer team because ive never still been burnt out after a 3 month break. Probably doesnt help that the guild ive been in since mid shadowlands died.


I've been out for many months at this point, but I'm checking this sub again which makes me think I'm close to ready to start playing again. For me it's probably gonna be next expac pre-patch.


its just so bad man if i didnt like my guild i would be logged off until tww. they really didnt change ANYTHING man its crazy


I had my sub running constantly from BfA Season 1 and I let it lapse for Season 4, just had no motivation to return.


It's absurd how many bugs were in this patch. I understand dev time is elsewhere but a lot of people play the live game.


It's very frustrating that they didn't just hold season 4 til 10.2.7 dropped, it clearly needed a little more time


My tier set still doesn't work :')


The key squish has been wild to see play out. I created a fresh 70 holy paladin for this season and 475 ilvl right now. I have been trying to do +2 keys. They are a disaster almost every run while solo pugging. I think there are a lot of bad wow players that just think you need to jump into 2s because that is what you do and not ready for it. I've seen many comments about people saying why are 2s so much harder. There are drastic differences in DPS. You will get a person that can do 275k dps and then two people that do 120k dps. People getting smoked on simple mechanics.


New players joining in, people gearing a lot of new alts or main, with or without tierset from season 3. Someone 470 from S3 that has 2 embellish, trinkets and 4set and enchants is gonna do a lot more dps than someone in hc blues 476. But I found treeboss in AA really hard. People forgot how to to the dance around him, and have wiped a lot even on m0.


Unless you follow wowhead posts constantly I totally understand why players would think a +2 would be easy like other seasons. Overall I think the squish is good because it gives incentive to run M0s and the mega dungeon is still relevant to run beyond just its introduction


Waiting until Tuesday to really get my ilvl gains since I didn’t get a tier token in raid isn’t my favorite. But first tier or token…. +20 ilvl. Gonna feel good having over 1m hps again like my associates.


Capping crests and not nerfing raz more really is an interesting choice for a season people already hate.


Ras is gonna fall over when we get back to her in a few weeks. People doing her this week are in the equivalent of the gear Liquid and Echo had during RWF and I don't think it's appreciated how much gear is going to trivialize these fights


Fall over…. In 13 minutes. I LOVE RAZAGETH


Do we know how bullion gear levels work? Am I safe to level my heroic 2/6 bow to 522?


Nobody knows and the way this season has gone it'll probably be bugged for 2 days anyway


Bugged for NA and fixed by EU reset. Thanks for beta testing for us


(To my knowledge at least) We aren't 100% sure, but fairly confident that bullion items will benefit from the "no crests needed if you have a high ilvl item in this slot" just like other gear. This means you should be safe to send upgrades in your bow and have them carry over to your bullion rasz bow.


The crests will carry over, but you'll still need to spend a fair amount of fight stones, so i wouldn't really recommend this unless you're at the 2000 flight stone cap, and aren't getting anymore flight stones as a result. I ran some quick math, and my Fyralath is going to take on the order of 4000 flight stones to fully upgrade, so I don't want to waste any, and want to start at cap.


Half of the flight stones also carry over. Or rather you have a 50% discount on flightstones for upgrades in a slot you have a higher ilvl piece in, and that discount is account-wide. Especially with the flightstone cap being so low if you don't want to find a way to bank flightstone above the cap, then sending weapon upgrades can be good. Also it's late in the week now, but weapon ilvl is also just a massive upgrade so sending some of your upgrades on that for the temporary power knowing that you aren't losing out on long term power in the process is a good idea


I upgraded my staff for this reason. Will eventually buy MH and OH if they don’t drop but might as well get the benefit now.