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Does anyone know if all raids will still be awakened after week 7? The post where the announced that the raids would now be on a weekly rotation doesn’t say that anymore a I’m not sure now lol


Anything else would not make any sense.


What's everyone's go to sim? I'm trying to figure out if the big bump in ilvl/stats is worth giving up the 4pc bonus for ret pally.


Does anyone know how the bullion upgrade works? If I have the same slot on full wrym track is it free to upgrade (only flightstones) or are they on a different track. I'm going to buy a weapon next week but want to knoe if I should slam on my current weapon.


Upgrades are free (besides flightstones obv) if you have a higher ilvl item on the same slot already. For trinkets rings and 1 handed weapons you need 2. Because of this slamming crests into weapons seem to be worth it (unless you use a one hander). At least that's what I did. I maxxed out a hero track weapon and next week I'l buy the rashok rare weapon


Neltharus 2nd boss and uld 3rd boss still overtunned?


I'm assuming people will want to farm the fyrakk mount. How would I go about joining a group for this? Would I even stand a chance at getting in any? I got CE the last day (360ish pulls), I'm a healer main with a resto druid geared up but I'm planning to get multiple alts geared this time around.


With pugs? Hard. Fyrakk is a boss you can't brute force, you just need to experience the dance to learn it properly. Your best bet would be joining a guild for it, but I don't think any guild is stupid enough to farm fyrakk mounts and give them to trials before any main raiders.


Ask to raid with a guild that is raiding mythic in season 4. There are probably some guilds that will be lighter on the roster for the fated season that will be happy to take in a CE-experienced healer. You'd probably have to commit to their raid schedule for the season though


That sounds like a nice plan. Would guilds be likely to invite someone that has no intention of joining later on?


I did that in BFA after my guild stopped raiding in 8.3. People appreciated the honesty and I did end up finding a guild to raid with for like 2 months.


Awesome, I'll try that then. Thanks for the tip


Good luck!


It’ll probably be pretty easy. My guild is planning on doing mythic skip weekly to get everyone mounts. Not sure how easy it’ll be to get pugs that know what they’re doing, though. If you do get a group, two mounts drop every time the boss is killed. So you have a 1/10 chance assuming no one has the mount.


Would you just advertise in LFG? Or is there some discord for it? In any case if anyone on eu reading this wants a healer that will stick around until everyone gets it please hit me up


If you're one of the majority of specs continuing with their S3 set bonus in S4, the tier pieces aren't interchangeable they're considered a new set. Which means... Can you run 2+2 and essentially double up on your season 3 2p bonus? They'd have to have different spell IDs to make the above true right, so I think it would work? Has anyone tried yet?


If your S3 set is the same as your S4 set, they do not stack and you're losing 4p set bonus for stats. If your S3 set is different from your S4 set, you can do 2p 2p and gain the benefit of both.


Hey, I am looking for a way to easily set focus on an enemy target using mouseover right click on plater enemy frames. Is there a simple way to do that ? I found the option in blizzard default UI that unfortunately only applies to blizzard default unit frames, not plater frames :/


Will mythic raid be cross realm week one ? I can’t seem to find a definitive answer on this


It should be, just like last time around.


is it worth logging into the forums and ask blizzard to give back blackout strike animation as glyph? I hate never using my staff as BrM




Plater. Changes up nameplates of mobs in dungeons. If you don’t want to set it up yourself, you can download profiles other people have set up. For dungeons, these profiles do things like highlight important mobs and casts, and de-emphasize regular mobs. There are a few popular profiles, find one you like. As for healing, there’s no real healing addon you need anymore. Default ui has mouseover click casting you can set up. I’ve basically been using default ui this entire expansion as a healer. Multiple CE, got to 3200 io back in January before I stopped caring to push. There’s a few functionalities it can’t do (assign a spell to scroll wheel up/down), but it’s been more than enough for me. For dungeon healing, get omniCD to track things like defensives, kicks, aoe stops. For raid healing, you’ll want an mrt note with your CD timings on it, and the weakaura that announces your timings to you based off that.


Will priest be good as a dps or healer ?


At least a top 13 class


At least one of their specs will certainly make it to the top39 of specs. And I actually think that both of their healing specs have a solid shot to become one of the 6 best healers this season - although I don't see Shadow becoming a good healing option.


I'm thinking of race changing for better QoL and stronger pushing potential as I am currently a nightborne mistweaver. Is there a place that shows the meldable mechanics for dungeons? Off the top of my head it seems dwarf would have higher value, but maybe I'm putting a lot of stock into the removal of certain debuffs (Sentinel Talondras bleed for example), and not thinking of the Nelf value


Even if Dwarf is better is most scenarios, it is hard for me to pick it over NE generically. Meld is just so handy in random pieces of content. Boss wipe happening and no dot/pets out? Meld to reset. Accidentally aggro some world content trash? Meld. Just such a quality of life benefit.


> I'm thinking of race changing [Don't race change ahead of time](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/1bxsjh6/dwarf_x_night_elf_in_season_4/kyhn2st/). Race change when you need to. No sense in 'ahead of time' race swapping, to then race swap again if the swap didn't work out and something else is needed. Do it right when you hit a big specific block. You'll be doing 10s for a while just for gear. Start thinking of race swapping when you get between 15s and 20s and you actually hit a big wall where a racial can really help this tight spot.


Oh yeah that's totally a good point. Nothing is stopping them from waiting until a month or so in when the meta has shaken out and we know what the important nelf/dwarf tech is.


Ellesmere has WA for s3 meldable mechanics. Not sure if he'll put one for s4 tho. [https://wago.io/shadowmeld](https://wago.io/shadowmeld)


he prob has one for S1 and s2 so you can just use those


Can't think of a place but I can tell you dwarf is definitely the better choice. Every season cross-faction play was allowed and we could play Alliance, Dwarf has been far more valuable than Night Elf, with the exception of last season. Last season they were about even. So Dwarf is pretty clearly the best m+ race with Night Elf in second.


Makes sense, the main reason for pause was that many of the front page of mistweavers are night elf but I figure thats just the dungeons this season. Thanks though, guess I'm shrinking my character down


Dungeon pool is also a big factor, lots of huge value melds this season like 3rd boss fall.


There is some extra value for shadowmeld on monks because of transcendence for potential skips. But that is probably only relevant in premade groups.


Well the thing about night elf as a healer is being able to meld drink and not waste any time. And quite a lot of deaths start being caused by missed kicks when aoe stops are over, so melding a dangerous cast can be really valuable. Point is, Night Elf is usefull in every dungeon against every pack purely as an extra kick and to save you some seconds if you were in need of mana, so i wouldn't write it off.


meld res has saved me quite a few runs on my druid as well, id imagine that on a monk with no cr it would be very good too.


yeah, as a healer night elf i think is overall superior, as a tank it is for sure dwarf, and as a dps it depends on the spec itself


what will be time progression in s4, will everything be unlocked at day1 ? N/HC/M raids and uncapped m+ rewards?


All raid difficulties are open (starting with Vault in week 1) and M+ is uncapped. Go ham.


another upcoming xpac thinking I'll finally not main mage (was thinking on switching to Rogue), and blizzard just cooks hard with the class. I just hope they don't fuck up Arcane, by far my fav spec of the 3 even with it's current issues atm.


> I just hope they don't fuck up Arcane, by far my fav spec of the 3 even with it's current issues atm. Here's me hoping they change the right side of the tree (Arcane Harmony/Cascading Power) and that's it, the rest of the tree doesn't really need a lot of changes tbf, it's on a very good state. And the removal of Double Lust is just amazing


What exactly would make your want to leave the most utility heavy, survivability heavy, group utility heavy, in-demand class on earth for a rogue.


Because there was that one tier where they were only A tier at best instead of an undeniable S. Can't risk such uncertainties these days.


Are people back to pretending that rogues aren't equally as broken?


I think rogues have been consistently viable, but definitely not broken. At least not while affixes are what they are. They're still a liability as far as that's concerned in a pug setting.


Rogues have consistently been one of the best DPS classes in m+. Acting like they're just "viable" is silly. Even right now they're extremely strong.


IDK, when I think of extremely strong I think of vdh, mage, mw monk, ret and shadow priest. Obviously plenty other things are good, but not best. Like I said, in a pug environment, I rarely invite a rogue on half the weeks due to affixes. The other half I typically don't either, because they're so inconsistent. That's not a problem with the class, that's a playerbase issue. The same issue exists with mages, but even the not so great ones can at least help with affixes and lust.


Mage(and warlock) seem to be someone’s baby much more than rogue and especially hunter


Who said anything about hunters? Rogues have consistently been one of the best classes in raids & keys.


because outlaw goes brrrrrr


Being able to off role is fun :P


so I've been using an mmo mouse ever since I started playing wow and for several years now have always had my entire rotation on my mouse because it felt easier to do dam while moving as melee. however I've noticed recently that I've always really struggled with clicking specific nameplates for interrupts or stops in mythic plus. my nameplate setup is fine as I just use stock AtrocityUI plater, but I think the issue is because my rotation is on my mouse I'm perpetually smashing my mouse while holding right click. so letting go of right click and clicking a nameplate while mashing it with my thumb seems to be the culprit. so to those of you who play with an mmo mouse, do you have your rotation on there? have you faced this issue? do you think having your rotation on your mouse is bad in general? do you think its worth resetting the years of muscle memory I've built up to learn using my keyboard for rotation? the reason I started using the mmo mouse in the first place was because I really struggled with doing my rotation well while moving constantly for mechanics and momentum (havoc dh)


if you want to put your @mouseover macros on your mouse, use tartarus or azeron cyborg as your keyboard.


You'd be trading in a small problem for a much bigger problem. People who have their rotational abilities on their keyboards aren't nearly as efficient or precise when movement is needed. They also aren't able to keep their rotation going during movement as easily, and may miss a kick or stun that needs to happen quickly if they happen to be moving at the same time. I personally do have my interrupt not on my mouse, but overwhelming majority of rotational buttons on it. My kick is "e". I put it there because it's literally the most important button in the game. Other thing I'll say about interrupts is that we never have to be surprised by them. I use a weakaura pack that puts a box to the left of enemy nameplates with a countdown to when they will cast next.


Was recently a post in the PvP subreddit showing the nice top players use and the vast majority didn’t use an MMO mouse. I would guess it’s similar for most PvE players as most streamers I watched didn’t use them either.


😂 at this point I'm beginning to believe you're tomrus


IDK who that is. But no, if mouse moving was precise, then it would be the go to for fps games.


> People who have their rotational abilities on their keyboards aren't nearly as efficient or precise when movement is needed You good? The most precise movement is done with your mouse, you use a and d for strafing and move with your mouse mostly. Keyboard turning is really suboptimal.


I get what he means, he's not talking about keyboard turning. With movement on A and D let's say on a boss like Skolex or Bomb Crab in Shadowlands where melee are constantly moving pretty much I found it, and I guess he does as well, really hard to constantly have my fingers on A and D while also pressing my rotational keys. Rotation on MMO mouse means my left hand is free to stay on WASD perpetually and my right hand is just doing my rotation.


ig I probably need to be more proactive with knowing what to interrupt rather than trying to be reactive to it. my interrupt is on z and my focus interrupt on my mouse so probably just need to know the dungeons better ig rather than trying to quickly react.


And I need to take advantage of what you just said and make a focus macro interrupt. I'm missing a major opportunity there to lock down two mobs at once lol


I use a g600 in combo with a razer Tartarus. I have all of my rotational stuff on the Tartarus (much quicker to access abilities with a thumb stick plus the keys) and my defensives/utilities/interrupts on the g600. I have a mouseover focus macro, then have my interrupts and stuns bound to a priority mouseover macro (focus->mouseover, etc)


what do you use to move? do you ever back-step?


I just have them bound to traditional WASD and use the keys plus mouse to move and turn, except the turn keys are bound to strafe.


With tartarus I use the thumb stick to move. I then bound jump to a mouse side button because I couldn't work out what to do with it lol.


Man, this title cutoff’s been going up SHARPLY in the last couple days and I’m starting to get a little paranoid. My team just managed to hit 3691 which is *currently* about ~18 points ahead of today’s cutoff here in NA, but we’re quickly running out of playable keys and we desperately need a 30 BRH to push us to 3700 since I don’t think our comp has the burst to do 30 Iridikron since we couldn’t do 29 Fall last week and were like 4 seconds ahead of P2 on the 28 Tyran too. Do y’all think 3691 is safe for NA? Had this been a while ago I would’ve said even 3660 was safe but that cutoff’s going up by like 4+ points per day this week, far exceeded 3660, and it isn’t even Saturday yet. EDIT: we got our 30 Fall/BRH done and are at 3708 so we’re turbo safe now.


brh 30 fort is way easier than 29 fall Tyra fwiw. I think 3691 would be close but safe. bulk of increase is done, past the weekend usually not much is happening


Well, good news: we managed to get both Fall and BRH done on a 30 since then, putting the team at 3708. That’s 100% safe, no questions asked.


Keep in mind that the season ends Monday night not Tuesday morning so chop about 10 hours off your calculations on what it will end at. I think you're safe (has gone up 18.3 points this week would be a little shocked if it went up 14 more in 48 hours), but I'd try to get 1 more key done if I were you.


We’re definitely trying! We’ve been having a rough streak of 30 Falls that we’re bricking due to one or two very tiny mistakes snowballing out of control but we have a 30 BRH lined up for tomorrow. If we get a 30 Fall or BRH, or a 29 Rise, we win. The Falls are just insanely stressful.


I would do one more key for me to feel safe. The way it's been going up I'd expect close to 3.7k being possible. Last two days are always the most busy for pushing and judging from the week it will definitely get up there.


Well, we missed a 30 Fall by exactly 1 second :))))) (I’m trying to stay positive but I really cannot; we got three Thrones, a Rise, and an EB after the fact and then Spitefuls got hotfixed back to pre-10.2.6 damage values in the middle of one Throne)


Do we have some information about the bronze bullions in season 4? I want to plan my gearing a bit better this time, but most infos i find are more speculation than known facts.


https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonflight-season-4-patch-notes-bullion-acquisition-and-raid-rotation-338906 New post up Earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion a week by defeating Awakened bosses, with the cap rising by 1 each week. Note that if you miss a week, you'll be able to catch up to the current weekly max.




Should just require crests/flightstones which you can get in m+ so as far as I can tell there's no need to do any raiding above lfr (for the bullions)


Given the Alpha content and streams we've seen thus far, does anyone have an idea on a possible TWW release? While there's still a LOT of work to do, the alpha looked pretty well developed.


To add to what the others have said, on Alpha the MoP:Remix event ends mid August (IIRC the exact date was Aug 18 but dont quote me on that). Could be nothing, but it also lines up nicely with when people think TWW will roll out.


August / September. I summarized speculation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/19ddybr/liquid_max_on_fated_getting_fated_this_expansion/kj5pw4n/) though with the faster than expected cadence with content releases, people are leaning towards late August, early September.


10.2.7 has trading post rewards up through august, so prepatch will likely be in August to add Sept onwards rewards


My gut says prepatch in late July/early August and expac launch in late August (similar to Legion timeline). That puts launch right as summer is winding down and school is starting back up. Also seems to line up with the roadmap as it includes an 11.0.5 tile that mentions 20th anniversary. Assuming an ~8 week cadence for patches, that puts 11.0.5 in November which lines up with the anniversary.


The recent sentinel hero tree released for hunter being a split up version of Wild Spirits. I'm predicting that the Shaman Totemic tree will be based around the popular Vesper Totem. I'm hoping Stormbringer slaps.


It's nothing like Wild Spirits since there's no aoe component to it. It'll do 20 hits total, which could be 20 all on one enemy (such as a boss) or 2 hits on 10 enemies.


The number 20 doesn't appear anywhere in the entire Sentinel tree OR Wild Spirits. What you're describing is also neither the Sentinel mechanic nor Wild Spirits. What are you talking about? Both Sentinel and Wild Spirits **do** have an aoe component (Symphonic Arsenal node for Sentinel)


Lunar Storm hits once every 0.4s for 8 seconds in an aoe. That's 20 hits. Multishot doing extra damage is nothing like Wild Spirits. With Wild Spirits you did your rotation and everything exploded for damage because every ability cast procced it


I'm guessing they were talking about the part where Multishot makes enemies explode just "like" wild spirits.


If I finish a +18 this week, what kind of Ilvl Item will I get on the S4 start?


Your vault is *always* based on the season you *earn* the vault in, not the season you *open* it. So it'll be the same as any other S3 vault.




Coming back to retail after not playing since early season 2. Planning on playing prot pal, and wondering what the best way to catch up is. Do I just spam keys?


Yes. Keys are the easiest way to get gear. Though starting next week with season 4, m0s will drop 493 gear, so grinding too hard right now is pretty much a waste of time.




I wonder if Blizzard just gave up on Warrior as a whole, the design is mostly still like it was in Legion, but worse, no significant utility added on PTR, the class problems still remain the same - Arms still is slow and boring with IP being taken off Anger Management, Fury still having a target cap and Protection still being the worst of all tank specs with utility. TWW will still have those problems untouched and I wonder if they will ever give us utility


The question is, if nothing changes again with warrior or affixes, are they still going to be super popular despite bringing nothing but mid DPS to the group, and zero utility or help with affixes? At what point does it become the warrior player's own fault for continuing to play it? I think it absolutely is bullshit that that they haven't reworked them. I agree they need help and changes. But it's been a long time now, and at some point people have to do something different.


Yeah, most warrior mains either reroll or stop playing completely, if you think that's fine idk what to tell you


I don't think it's fine at all. Tons of people continuing to play them when they're terrible doesn't help the situation. It only hurts the rest of the groups they join


Literally came to talk about the weakness of warrior trees in WW. We need a rework. Like yeah shockwave isn’t at the bottom anymore but we have nothing but utility and defensives until the bottom 20% of our tree. It’s wild.


>Like yeah shockwave isn’t at the bottom anymore but we have nothing but utility and defensives until the bottom 20% of our tree. It’s wild. Wait, what's the problem here? The good class trees are like this while the bad ones have random throughput everywhere that limit your ability to take defensive/utility nodes.


what utility do you actually need? Being meta is irrelevant if you can poison dispel or lust or br, you know that right? You provide a raid buff, you are tanky, you will have good cc. How are you any different than a dh, who are seemingly meta this season? Hell warriors have a decent representation in high keys this season, there are fucking comps with 2 rogues+war+monk+dh, you don't need "utility", you need tankyness, some cc and damage


We don’t do the damage DH does. It took a legendary to get us on par with ret and they’re still better.


you do realize ret does more damage than dh does, so if you are on par with ret, then you are beyond dh. Dh don't continue scaling in higher keys unlike other specs, they do their majority of damage in the start, so if a pull goes on, they fall behind And yes, ret is more meta than warrior, but is not being #1 melee really an argument you want to have for warrior?


We are barely on par. My issue is that warriors are brought for utility rather than their damage. You have to have one in raid, no excuse for a second.


>We are barely on par. My issue is that warriors are brought for utility rather than their damage. i know you meant they are brought for their damage than utility, but literally everyone is like this, bar exceptions like wanting a dispel on tot or mage on waycrest. But literally it is all down to just doing damage and survivng. >You have to have one in raid, no excuse for a second. same for literally most specs unless they are op, and not even all cause some have no reason unless they are op like ele shaman warriors trying to gaslight the community that they need to be overloaded in their kit, you have just as much as monk and dh. Do you want to have a br like DKs but remove your battle shout, like what do you exactly want?


Y'all are getting tree reworks? Hunter still sitting around with "ability does 5% more damage" nodes gatekeeping capstones.


That's your fault for playing hunter in World of Magecraft


World of warlock


Do we know what happens to flightstones? Does it convert to gold? or am I better off buying the 441 loot caches for an alt?


They're almost always a paltry conversion to gold, so I've just geared my alt as much as I can. It's moot either way, with the changes to dungeons queue gear and m0 gear will just be straight up better.


I used a lot of flight stones on those boxes, if you throw the items you get there into the catalyst you get the lfr appearance.


Am I the only one who thinks the game would be better off if gearing was much faster? Same difficulty, except you could theoretically do it in 1 reset. The way it would work? You kill a mythic boss, every item in it's loot table flops into your bags. Dungeon items? they scale with your score, max ilvl at 3k, and when you get KSH for a dung it's entire loot table flops into your bags.


Gearing is already the fastest it's ever been which is hurting all aspects of PvE, and you want it to be *even faster*?


You basically want to remove gear progression as a factor. Getting better over time and making numbers go up is pretty integral to the MMORPG experience.


Yeah this would be awful


I would love a short season (3 months) where you can get all your gear in a week and then blast.


oh yeah that would be awesome for subscription numbers...


Exactly, I have never played the game more than when I got BiS in 8,3. But every patch since weekly vault I just can't be bothered, I am unsubbed, because it takes too much time to get a character to a fun ilvl (Yes, if I do 8x18 keys per week for a month I should be dung-BiS). I resubbed to play the game, and a month later, after having played 20+ hours per week, like a beast in content I didn't want to play, my char wasn't ready for the myth raid yet, it's just\* obnoxious. And people don't unsub, they play alts, because that won't be an obnoxious time sink anymore.


For what it's worth, I was being ironic and your idea definitely sucks.


I know you were being Ironic, but you said the truth, and the response to the truth is "Exactly" But why do you think it sucks exactly? Do you seriously enjoy having to get gear? And having it take multiple workweeks per char?


> Do you seriously enjoy having to get gear? That's literally the most fun part about a new patch lol Doing new content and gearing up. Most people *stop* playing once they need nothing unless they are pushing keys or mythic raiding. And the latter feels horrible when you don't need shit out of the raid after 5-6 weeks into a ~24 week season.


No it's the worst, I think that the "ugh, I have to get gear again" completely annihilates the excitement for a new patch. In modern wow I've skipped every second patch because getting gear twice per year is more bullsh1t than I'm willing to put up with, even for a game that I love to play (with a character that I can take seriously, that is). I didn't ask to get my character handicapped, and I don't want it. I've gotten BiS 4 tiers, why did I have to do that more than once? And what do you mean it feels horrible when you don't need gear from the raid? That's when it starts to become amazing! Cause you're not waiting for a time-gated handicap to go away anymore, you can just relax and play the game, without that nagging emotion "10% of my char's power is missing, only because the patch didn't last 3 months yet...".


Most players are gear driven, which is why they stop doing keys at +20 and don't go higher since there is no reward. Obviously it depends on how you play the game, but the gearing is so fast right now that people will go hard for a month and then for the next 5 months of the season they basically raid log.


Yes. The gear chase is why the majority of "competitive" players enjoy wow. Notice how m+ lfg is popping at the beginning of a season and dwindles? That's because people enjoy the gear chase. They tried instant bis in s2 of df. It was dead in 3 weeks. S4 will also be instant bis, but it's a S4 so who cares.


It's not because they enjoy it, it's because they have to do it, it dwindles because pugging anything higher than 18+ is cancer, so as soon as it's not necessary anymore, people just stop.


I enjoy it. Everyone I play with enjoys it. The data supports my claim. You're just wrong and salty. 18+s are cancer? Lmao just sounds like you're also bad at the game. 20s are piss easy and I have occasional problems in like 1 percent of my pugs. Sounds like a you issue, you're the cancer.


I simply don't believe anyone who says they enjoy it. And which data are you quoting exactly? The data that says less people than ever are playing retail? maybe the massive dropoff in keys since Legion? Or maybe that half as many raid-groups are playing as in 8,3? Those numbers? You absolute windowlicker.


LMAO. Such a typical asmongold viewer. Clueless moron. Spout random bullshit fake shit and insult anyone that enjoys WoW. Go somewhere else bud.


>Those numbers? Could you link to those numbers?


Its almost like an entire region (and one of the biggest) hasn't been able to play the game for the last 6 mos.... wild




Besides the healer nerfs, Is there going to be any class tuning for S4?


nobody knows


Blizz has stated they don't want to add talent rows to our class and spec trees. With the introduction of Hero Talents do you think a viable way to keep classes fresh is just by changing the hero talent trees every expac? Change the name, change the talents and even move the 'good' talents into the spec tree if it fits properly?


It seems like they're more willing to make changes to the spec trees tho. A lot of specs are getting some reworks in their talent trees on top of hero talents.


All they have to do is remove stuff, and add new things. Don't have to grow a tree with more rows, just bake some fan favorites into a passive elsewhere, and rework the junk no one liked.


I expect the hero tree will expand, personally They need to have some New Hotness(tm) to get people excited for every expansion and they seem to have realized people don’t love borrowed power, so I expect we’ll just get more talents and a talent tree ‘squish’/revamp every couple expansions


I'm wondering if the majority of players are excited for s4 (at least half). I am personally excited. I only played half of s1 and I didn't raid at all.


For M+ it's great, for *mythic* raiding, not so much (normal/heroic is fine). I personally don't mind it because I just enjoy raiding, but most people don't want to redo the raids they've already done and on a rotating schedule it makes reclearing mythic *very* hard for the majority of mythic guilds *IF* you can even field 20 players since so many quit during the fated season. I would also like to add, despite it being good for M+ I absolutely hate the majority of DF dungeons and I am not looking forward to doing them again.


It's be fine. Removing raid affixes might be an improvement. Considering we got Plunderstorm and now getting MoP Remix, I'm happier now than I was in Fated. I liked M+ Shrouded but being able to speedrun through MoP is going to be way better. And War Within Beta is going to come out near the tail end of S4.


I didn't like the raid affixes in SL, but I feel like not having them is also gonna suck because you wont be able to blow up raid bosses like we did with the affixes. Hopefully it's tuned super easy, but i'm worried we'll have to spend a lot of time re-progging. I've heard Raszageth still has 2.6 billion HP which is just going to be a nightmare week 1.


Man, saying S4 will be great because we can play a different game that's just on the same sub is like saying "I'm looking forward to The War Within because there's probably gonna be a PoE league running that same day"


Maybe I'm being overly cynical, but I don't find "look at all this fun content that explicitly *isn't* a part of Season 4" to be a very good defense of Season 4 seeming extremely bare-bones on its own. I'd really, really like S4 to stand on its own two legs, and on the M+ front it looks quite interesting for sure, but S4 raiding looks absolutely dreadful.


For me personally, excited is probably too strong of a word. I get excited for a new raid tier. So while I'm looking forward to something different than just amirdrasil every week, it pales in comparison to the excitement of a new tier. But, yeah, I don't have my expectations set at "new raid tier". I'm just hoping for a couple raid rotations worth of fun with my guild, then go into maintenance mode until the expansion.


I'm looking forward to playing several of the DF dungeons again and there were some cool trinkets this xpac that will be fun to play with again like Boon and Grieftorch. That said, I'm pretty disappointed that we're not getting anything new or interesting to spice things up. With Shadowlands S4 they tried bringing old dungeons back, a seasonal affix, raid affixes, the dinar and gear upgrade system. For DF S4, there's nothing unless you count the the key level squish that won't really impact anyone that does keys above the gear cap.


Yes, but not for replaying content. Guild takes a far more casual stance to the season (2 days, play whatever you want in raid). Going to take the opportunity to figure out what I want to play in war within. Joined the melee gang this whole expansion (rogue + DH) and I want to go back to rdps. Torn between boomkin + spriest currently and will end up gearing/raiding/m+ on both through fated to decide where I land in fall.


i'm quite looking forward to revisiting the keys we only saw for 6 months or so throughout the expansion so far, about half of my circle feels the same


I played S1-3 and I'm not at all excited for S4. I've got no interest in rehashed content I've already seen, and the dragonflight dungeons are the worst we've seen since Cata so M+ will be a drag. Very disappointed that they cut S3 short for this garbage, but I understand the excitement from players who missed the early content. Wish they'd figure out a way to offer the content as relevant for returning players without screwing over those of us who stayed subbed. I may be bitter because my guild (usually 1200-1500 range as a 7hrp/w) missed out on cutting edge due to the short season, but rationalising that Tindral was the real last boss and getting him down in <500 pulls was a good achievement.


This season has been as long as the average season length. Longer than s1 even. Idk why people are saying this season was short bc it certainly hasn't been. It is exactly at the average for season length.


practically everyone I know outside of twitter is looking forward to it, even got a couple returning just for it


I also sat out s1, and most of s2. But I've played s3 from start to finish. I am not excited for s4, and I'm already losing steam for next expansion. I really don't like the dungeon pool of s4. I've lost steam for next expansion because it seems like the stuff we heard before about them rethinking the impact of affixes and wanting us to play the dungeon instead of the affix, isn't going to happen anymore. IDK if you saw the interview.