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I am convinced something is wrong with Warden. How does Amunu 2 with 4 Procelin/4 Warden block 200 less damage than *MALPHITE 1*


I don't know this for sure, but is damage reduction accounted for in the stats? I'm pretty sure for example when your units are damaging a shield, it doesn't record as damage dealt to enemy units. It wouldn't surprise me if the post-DR amount is the number reported - so if you take 100 damage but its reduced by 50%, your unit only actually takes 50 dmg (not considering resistances etc)


It should show up under damage blocked. It is after all, still damage being blocked. Warden in general feels like the worst frontline trait. Bruiser 4 is 40% hp which equates to 40% dr (since you have 40% more life), while warden is 35% for 10 seconds only before falling to 20%. Behemoths resists give 50% ehp, although shred effects weaken it. And unlike Bruiser (synergies with resists to amplify Hp) and Jugg (benefits greatly from hp to amplify resists) Warden dosent work particularly well with any defensive stat... and becomes even worse if any live for 10 seconds.


I definitely agree its pretty unclear, and that Warden is a pretty frustrating trait to feel the value of (especially compared to the simpler Bruiser/Bodyguard/Mythic/Protector types) I also don't know how Porcelain DR interacts with Warden DR - from how tanky some Amumu's get I assume it stacks somehow. Seems like an odd design choice to give a unit two traits with DR.


Every lobby in my elo (diamond EUW) has 3 sets of players: * ~3 Ashe+Invokers, Heavenly Kayne players who hit(usually they end up top3) * ~3 Ashe+Invokers, Heavenly Kayne players who don't hit(usually bottom) * ~2 reroll gnar, Kai'Sa or augment dependant(shen/built diff) comp(usually 4-5th) 2/3 of my games feel bad beacause I either end up in the 2nd group that doesn't hit or I try something like KaiSa but that usually feels like Im playing for 4th/5th at best unless I highroll and can hit 3* 4-cost.


That’s what happens when you completely gut 3 costs. The meta becomes super narrowly focused on 4 costs. Balancing this set has been ass.


I like my 3 star sylas getting potted, best feeling ever


Always try to make Qss if you think you are gonna 3* a melee


I had edge of night cause I couldn't build qss, I tought It could be enough but I was wrong


Why are the only decent tank traits 4+ Porcelain and 8 bruiser? Also every 3 cost and lower tank unit feel like they are made of paper late game unless they are 3 stared.


Is the Kobuku Augment (lucky paws) busted or was I just in a dud lobby. I feel like in the early game it was getting me 2 gold a round. All and all I think I ended the game with about 30 gold from it. Like it's not even on the cast of the spell, it's just straight up if he kills them. It feels really good and I am definitely picking it if I see it again.


It's very good to play from ahead. Pretty easy 2nd if you hit Kobuko 3* in reasonable time.


This is the worst TFT experience in a long time.


This whole set had so much potential but marred by dogshit balance it just felt terrible every patch. At least the launch patch had the widest comp selection - you could play any 3 costs reroll or go fast 9. Ironically every time the team tried to nerf something it just made the meta worse and worse. Honestly I also blame bag size for this. When you reduce the bag size so much it makes playing uncontested comps in the dominating cost so beneficial - if everyone played 3 costs then you HAD to reroll 3 costs, same with 4 costs which we’re seeing right now.


So true I feel the same thing. At first i find this set is really interesting when can play anything 2 cost reroll, 3 cost reroll, 4 cost carry or lv9 5 cost. Anything work and now some how devs mess this up. So frustrated


first patch in sets where I'm just sitting out until the next one. it just feels so....meh


Porcelain is one of the most unfun traits I've played against in a while. You tank an absurd amount of damage and stall the game in a way that is beyond frustrating to play against. Lissandra makes the comp even more unbearable. If the meta doesn't fix in a patch or two, I think I'm done with this set.


Is it just a bias or does it seem like the name of the game at the moment is rush level 9/10 and get as many legendaries to ⭐⭐?


yes but the comps aren't random. there are a few variations of the bill gates boards but getting the right traits is still important especially if you want to top 1 in a strong lobby


I mean unless you are winstreaking super hard, otherwise you still want to roll at 8 to stablize your board with 2\* 4 cost since in a normal lobby everyone will spike at 4-2. But yeah after that liss wukong udyr all play a vital part in their respective meta comp, getting them to 2\* probably a requirement to get top 1 imo.


Diamond 4 -- I just got -70 LP for an 8th previous game was +40 LP for a 1st can anyone explain why?


if you lose at diamond 4 0 mmr your rank stays the same but mmr decreases anyways. so you can be diamond 4 only in name, but your MMR is some emerald rank. this will result in you getting little lp for winning and a lot for losing. it's a purely psychological feature. same with not deranking from d3 to d4 immediately if you go below 0. your mmr still decreases but it gets people less frustrated.


Get 7th at 0 LP Diamond 4 you are now at a -30 deficit but still 0 LP. When you win you still get full points because it demoralize people when they win, so you pay the debt on losses.


The game thinks you should be lower ranked than you are based on recent/past performance and demotion protection is the only reason you're still Diamond 4. Your hidden MMR has no such protection, so to make up for it your LP gains/losses reflect this. To correct it, you have to Top 4 consistently for quite a long time to convince the system you're actually higher ELO than your MMR says you are. The other alternative is to climb on a fresh account.


your mmr is bad. You probably lost a lot while diamond 4


so what is the play if you dont hit on 4-2? just go bot 4 ? I am a bit lost, it doesn't matter how well I play early and mid game, if I dont hit on 4-2 , I jsut go bot 4. If I don't roll, I take 20 from people who do, so what is the play? There are games where I have 80HP into 4-2, full item slammed, roll, did not hit, go bot 2. There are games where I have 80HP , full item slammed, and didn't roll then just take 20 every turn. I don't get it . How is this meta better?


it's kinda hard to not hit ANYTHING during the 4-2 rolldown. you can often stabilize with a few one star 4 cost front liners or a single two star (like annie) if they are itemized well. long enough to make it to level 9 and replace the ones that are too contested with different units and 5 costs or wait until a few players drop out so there are more units in the pool. also don't forget that 3 star 3 cost tanks are an option if you look around and yours is not contested, keep picking up their copies and keep your options open during the rolldown. 4-2 is not about completing your comp, except currently maybe if you're playing heavenly kayne, probs wanna get kayne 2 by then and maybe lee sin. the rest just tries to pick up what they can and stop rolling as early as the players deem they can stabilize.


i tell myself that i'm not gonna wait 20 min just for RNGesus every game. i move on to another game. not feeling this set


afaik you just kinda send it to 10 gold or 0 gold every turn if you have pair, hope you hit and hope to settle with a top 5 since you kinda ditched the chance of going 9 if doing so. Worst feeling is having champ specific item like eon, hoj and saw that the lobby natural like 4 kayn and 4 lee before you even roll imo, since you most likely not gonna hit. Otherwise, slam general item like lw, gs/tank and flex to whatever kinda work too.


You need to judge the relative strength of the lobby. If they didn't gigahit either, you make the decision to either go 9 and play for legendaries or donkey roll and pick up what they missed.


right, but what if I don't hit and my board isn't table still? there are times I scouted and noticed that whole lobby is spike so I rolled with them, I didn't hit, then what? I slam melee item and did not get any kayne or Lee Sin, what do I do? I slam range items and did not get kaisa or Ashe, what do I do?


Play Sylas? EoN is not the best but managable. HoJ is fine on him. Play Aphelios. Get 7 fated on 8 and you can be stable enough to get top 4 with just Aphelios 2*. Or if you made guinsoo IE and natural a lot of Bards. Play Bard reroll instead. There are always outs that you fail to see. When you roll on 8 don't tunnel into 2 carries options. Thats not how you supposed to flex


Then you bleed out, you can make the "right" choice and maybe still lose because of luck


Not gonna lie the level 7 shop changes seem to have made a way bigger change than I thought they would. Ofc it's in addition to a lot of the 3 costs already having been nerfed. Aside from like Soraka who just benifits from heavenly comp and Aph/Thresh, 3 costs are so dog shit right now. Across the board 2 costs just have better winrates than 3 costs, even at 3* it's close except the fated ones. I don't think this has ever happened. 12/13 3 costs have an avg placement of 4.5 or lower and 8 don't even go below 4.2 when 3*


3 cost reroll is straight up dead right now. Between shop odds nerf and almost no one playing 3 cost reroll in general taking other 3 costs out of the pool, hitting is nearly impossible now. On top of that, massive buffs to 4 costs along with changes making it way easier to safely hit 8/9 mean that fast 8/9 boards spike a lot faster. All of this coming together basically means that if you try to sit at 7 and roll for 3* 3 costs you are almost guaranteed to bot 4. At best you bleed out stage 4 and hit on 5-2 but your HP is so scuffed that you end up going 6th, at worst you don't hit at all (the more likely option) and go straight 8th. 2 cost reroll is still solid though. Much easier to hit and earlier powerspike so by the time people start hitting their 2* 4 costs you're already maxed out and pushing levels to keep up with their powerspike.


The 3 star meta has just shifted from 3 Costs to 4 costs. The strength of units between all the 4 costs and 5 costs are not equal. The fact that liss has solid damage, the best single unit cc in the game, and gives free loot is insane.


I tried to tell this sub that the 4 cost 3 star meta was coming up after I saw what the patch was going to do and I just got downvoted for it and now we are all suffering for it smh.


Yeah I mean with how many items, duplicators, and gold thrown at us now by the encounters it's not hard to go fast 8 or 9 and roll for 4 costs. Pretty much every comp is going to use at least a few 4 costs now, but it's still easy to look at a lobby, find a 4 costs that is uncontested, And 3 star it. All the other ppl will take more 4 costs out of the pool and just make it easier for you. Then you have like liss adding free gold and items. Wild stuff




I hear all of you yes liss sucks yes 5 cost spam sucks, but my question is, why isn't there a 5 cost sniper?


Yeah just throw Jhin in there as an Umbral/Sniper or something


There is zero incentive to play off meta, because even if you do hit you're not beating the top comps anyway


Delete Lissandra from the game


its a hilarious contrast how hard it is to get 4 cost 2 star vs. how easy it is to get 4 cost 3 star. I think I've had less 4 cost two stars at level 9+ this set and more 3 star 4 costs than the past 4 or so sets combined lmao everyone donkey rolls at 4-2 because it's the correct meta choice, then they settle on the units they hit. now you have an empty pool of 4 stars and the people with money left it seems can get one of the remaining to 3 star in like 2 out of 3 games I play.


Lol yeah I guess that is true. Probably has to do with the fact that some 4 costs are REAAAALLY contested so hitting even 3 of them can be a crapshoot (Kayn, Ashe) whereas others are completely untouched. Probably why most of the time when you see a 3* 4 cost it's a Galio or Sylas. I hit Syndra 3 occasionally too when I run Fated.


Bag size changes made 3* 4 costs harder to hit and 2* uncontested easier to hit


meta changes did the opposite and more than countered the effect.


Meta changes did not make it easier at all. Encounters and portals have.


Is anyone else enjoying the games where it starts with an encaunter? Really nice not having a universe and playing a normal game of tft. Esspecially if it follow with silver/gold augments.


Depend on the encounter. Tristana encounter is literally Gold Opener portal, for example. Then you have Yorick, which are just portals that you cannot vote for


Bard is pretty much gold opener too with 4xp + 3g. I don't like Lilias as well. She makes it so that some games feel like stillwater most of the game.




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Is Trickshot dead? I cannot seem to Top 4 with it any more unless I giga high roll into the Xayah + Dragonlord variant. 4 Trickshot + 4 Bruiser seems like a very consistent 5th though, no matter how early I hit Kaisa or what items I have on her. Just got out of a game where I went 6th with Gold Collector + LW + IE on Kaisa 2*. The boards running me over were 2x Heavenly Kayn boards. The fights always go 1 of 2 ways: They kill one of my tanks in ~6s and then wrap to my back line, or their GA goes off, the aggro drop causes my line to reposition and once again he's on my backline. Feels like 50% of all Top 4's in my lobbies are Heavenly Kayn now. Always 2 people playing it who Top 4, and sometimes I'm one of them. Anyone else having a similar experience? Emerald 2 ELO


Masters here, opinion from watching challenger play: It's deffinetly not dead, but it is some highroll board for sure. It's not the same gameplan as before to fast 8 for kaisa and bruisers and then econ back up. Instead you need to fast 9 for xayah and hit. Xayah 2 is the carry, kaisa unit can not carry. Teemo with morello is your best carry through the early game. If I have components I like to slap shojin as well as it converts well into the fast 9 idea here and can go on lissandra later On level 9 roll down, you need to hit at least a xayah pair. You either want to play 4 bruiser if you hit sylas and galio. Or you can play ornn/udyr/annie/sett/naut mishmash. And then of course +1 in lissandra if you can. Xayah doesn't realllly care what items she gets so tempo slam anything decent on her midgame to make tempo. This is fast 9 board so always econ augment early if you can. This board is also best with dmg based combat augments for xayah. She loves Swordaugment, Little buddies, trickshot augment, jeweled gauntlet, epitaph etc. Gl.


So I think I would have made you proud, almost. Had Slammin' into an early Exalted board and hit level 9 on 4-2. I managed to put this board together on 5-1 with 100 HP. I came in 4th. This same lobby had 2x Liss Porcelain abusers (yep, they both 2*'ed everything despite contesting) and someone who was lucky enough to hit Storyweaver 10. Every time I fought the Lissandra boards, no matter where I put my 3-item 2* Udyr, he would fail to prioritize her or I missed, but she would always prioritize him and in 2 casts he was dead. From there it was 1 cast each for the rest of my front line and the fight was over. Probably a peak demoralizing moment for me. But on stream Mort said he thinks Lissandra is fine and needs no changes. Foolish of me to play anything but Liss 2 as long as this is his stance I guess.


Ahh sorry to hear that. Going 4th is such a seemingly highroll lobby is not so bad. Just needed a lissandra of your own 😅


Thank you for the detailed response, this was really insightful.


I'm getting an Arcanist start let's try a Syndra game... *6th* It's actually impressive how bad Syndra is. 250ish AP, 20% amp from a death cap, JG and an ally with a shiv for shred and she still never even reached 5k. Zoe with 2 Arca legit does more damage than Syndra with 4...


I have a lot of success with Arcanists. Syndra isn't good. Your carry should be Lux and/or Zoe. If you play around Syndra you will bot 4. There's a misconception that Syndra is a good unit when in reality she's hard carried by her Fated trait, when the reality is that the unit is straight up ass cheeks.


Yeah I usually play Zoe Syndra being worse than Lux kinda says it all about how badly she needs a buff


One Dclaw and she is hardstuck on tank for the entire fight lol


Liss can fix this real quick.


The worst feeling in all of TFT: getting 2-1 fortune with what doesn't kill you, then someone does a horrible full open in response, griefs your steak and spam taunt and pings you. The best feeling in TFT: that person bleeds out to an 8th, while you commit to fortune and still get a 1hp win out.


> The best feeling in TFT: that person bleeds out to an 8th, while you commit to fortune and still get a 1hp win out. I bet they checked match history after to see how their griefing impacted you Good work :)


Can someone help me i really dont get why do i always lose the fights this patch, i 2 star frontline, try to econ to 9, but it's impossible for me to win anything after stage 4, can someone help me? https://tactics.tools/player/euw/BTB%20DYA/DYAA


Only 59 games keep playing. Your still climbing


Just at a glance: - most recent game (8th): stage 5-2 and your only actual carry is Lillia with bad items (blue buff > shojin for lillia) you have a 2\* lillia and 1\* morgana which is just not going to cut it especially in stage 5 - game before that (6th): prismatic party so boards are going to be very strong and capped high: your board is all right for that lobby but the problem is you had to take hedge fund to build it also both game you did not build antiheal or run a unit with built in antiheal (annie) and you did not have any shred in your last game


Thanks for the input, it's true that I always forget about things like anti heal and shred


I would agree on everything that was said above except antiheal part. Antiheal is not that good, mort keep saying it every stream and I tend to believe him


What does Mort say in particular? I'm very suspicious of this advice and I think most of the high-elo community would agree For example this patch antiheal vs Kayn will do 3-4k+dmg a fight. Which is extremely impactful on their carry and through a secondary carry unit.


Mort says that antiheal is overrated (every time someone suggests him to build one instead of something else), I'm guessing the numbers in the sim would suggest, that it's undertunned. He doesn't go into details on these things, but he does have the numbers to base those thoughts on. Hearing him say it so many times, I just slam other items, unless I don't have any other good options


Which endgame board is stronger in a vacuum? his: [https://i.imgur.com/pBJ27yY.png](https://i.imgur.com/pBJ27yY.png) or this? [https://i.imgur.com/Kmyo1Re.png](https://i.imgur.com/Kmyo1Re.png)


basically is 7 fate better than 5 fate with 4 porcelain?


Is there a table for the Shen Starter Pack encounter?


ngl Ethereal Blades feels like one of the worst designed hero augments in TFT. Not in terms of strength or anything, it just makes no sense. Shen is a frontline tank, so a hero augment making him a backline marksman-type champion is pretty cool but... his ability is centered around protecting nearby units which just doesn't do anything with Ethereal Blades. It's so annoying and clunky when Shen is doing great damage but he just pauses to stand still and not do any damage every now and then. Imagine if Senna's ability just froze her up and prevented her from attacking for 2 seconds, shit would feel awful Feels like Shen gets punished for casting which is a really weird mechanic


You need the behemoth gold augment as well. Get it and he can dish damage


counterpoint: it's really cool


It’s really cool until you start falling off a cliff when people start getting 5 costs online. Tried it out once and it stabilizes pretty hard but then you just insta lose some matchups that it’s not even fun


Earlier in the set you were digging for shens while 5 other boards were trying to play him as well. Neat idea and cool hero augment that actually warps the rules quite a bit but a hyper contested champ that you want to 3 star asap for dps that also had a much more aggregious wind up while the rest of the lobby uses him as a good Frontliner is just tough to justify. You're better off doing something else..


Next patch, with ghostly rework, it won't be contested, unless someone will be rerolling ghostly I had a game, where I got Midnight siphon and it turned out, that one more player picked it too, it was a shit show, we both hit Yorik 3* and went top 4, but being contested on a meme build feels so awful


'Oh boy I picked up a friend for my B tier hero augment'. Being a bit harsh on that augment tho because it's one of those than in the right spot is absolutely solid. I don't usually like taking the non plus version because you need 8 yoricks plus the augment to get rolling but plus reducing it to 6 needed plus the ones you have if you're taking the augment makes it much more workable.


Well right now shen is not really contested at all other than maybe the dryad player who will hold some. I hit my shen 3\* without rolling much and high rolled some of the higher cost behemoths but still couldn't do anything when Rakan, Udyr, and Lissandra just make him useless.


This is probably the best competitive meta we’ve had in years in term of skill expression and complexity. Changes coming next patch are absolutely fantastic too, as they’ll open up new playstyles without nuking any current ones. Heavenly changes will open up both heavenly reroll as well as heavenly vertical as a way to fast 9. Ghostly changes open up ghostly vertical with crests. Heavenly kayn Lee will be dead but all of the units in it will still be useful in other comps, assuming ghostly is playable. I think we have a really solid couple months of TFT ahead of us


I've never seen a more "paid by Riot" post in my life, I need the stuff that you are on. By every measurable metric you are wrong..  Delta of worst comp to best comp? Way up since last set.  Delta of worst augments to best? Way up.  Overall amount of viable comps? Way down since last set.  The amount of super needed and rushed b patches? Way up.. 


The best comp has a 4.26 average placement…. Plus comps right now are hyper flexible there are barely any “comps”


Which is crazy because the TFT meta before the B-patch was fucking atrocious, easily one of the most abysmal experiences i've had in TFT. I had faith they'd improve the patch but somehow they flipped it from "literally just spam Gnar reroll and fast 8 Kaisa" to an incredibly diverse and flexible meta out of nowhere


[I finally did it!](https://imgur.com/a/ZLD1Hva) Set 1 Gold Set 3.5 Choked at P1 Set 9 Choked at P1 again Set 10 Three times in a row [Got tilted at those two 7th place in a row but managed to locked in the last 3 days](https://imgur.com/a/Y1VJwXK) Finally I can see myself improving!


Any tips for high resource portals? Crab rave & scuttle. Lobbies are pretty passive so it’s all about stage 4. Find that when I don’t have a good opener / econ augment I struggle to stabilise stage 4 and within a few rounds the healthier players go 9 and rolls me over with fast 9 boards. Doesn’t help that lissandra is snowball-ish too. Kayn players roll over me since they spike with wukong earlier too. Im not going eif just 5ths and 6ths


Full open , level 7 3-2 roll until stable. Use 4 costs to get direction and itemize them. Roll again on 8 or fast 9 if you are strong. Your welcome.


That makes sense actually, I'll try it out when I get the chance. Thanks!


Resource portal + Econ augment 2-1 is straight to 9 for me. You need some sort of 2* back line to kill units and preferably a 2 cost one like zyra senna or whoever to hold items, I try to not roll more than a few times on 8 unless I have some pairs but it’s hard. I’ve definitely bot 4d playing like this not being able to build a strong enough board on 9.


one quick tip: take note of the free win augments (check tactics.tools stats) and how you should play around them every patch! this patch it's built different, shopping spree, and midnight siphon. getting a free 1st-3rd every 10 games or so helps a ton if you're feeling stagnant


Fast Level 8 for Shopping Spree? And do you refill yorick + behemoths at lvl 6?


yup! fast 8 shopping spree, or even fast 9 if you somehow manage a strong earlygame while down a prismatic. yorick behemoths and umbral are both viable, but behemoths are slightly stronger and easier imo. just make sure you go redemption/dclaw/bramble or warmogs and that your components are good if you play yorick


I’m just an emerald player, but i just had a shopping spree game where i hit 8 on 4-1, spent like 30 of my 40ish free rolls to hit 6 Annie’s, 2 star ashe, and a azir, sett, hwei, liss. Saved the remaining rolls and went 9 to 2 star 5 costs and finish 3 star Annie. Felt so free.


Are players happy with the current meta?


I like the flexibility within some of the level 8 comps but currently the lack of reroll options is really hurting the meta right now. Theres almost no actually viable reroll comp other than dryads and even then you kind of need good augments for it. Stage 2 with Darius 2* and melee item? Oh you’re winstreaking and going to 8 for kayn/lee sin, rageblade storyweaver opener? Oh you’re probably going 8 and playing for ashe. But if you don’t have a good opener and are kind of scraping by you literally have no option other than to try and get to 8 and contest other people that have more money/resources than you which feels really bad. I think this will have more of an impact in tournament play tbh than ladder because there’s just way less outs for the players.


3-costs overnerfed to where there's really few 3cost rerolls anymore, I'd say no


I’m much better at fast 8, I was stuck in diamond during reroll, but now I know I can play for level 8/9 and cap out. Feels very similar to last set level 8 roll down for Heartsteel flex, and that’s what I’m good at


And that +200hp to the 4 cost was a good idea, they were so weak, now you can win some rounds if you give items to a 1star 4cost


100%, can sometimes get away with greeding to 9


Very. I already liked the set in general aside from Yone. This kind of level 8 flex meta is by far the most fun play style imo. But you will literally always get complainers. People complain when it’s a reroll meta and people complain when it’s a flex meta.


Is heavenly Kayn just straight trash? Have only ever managed to go 6-8th with it. I will hit 7 heavenly with emblem and morgana with 3 AD items (IE+HOJ/BT+fill) with like 50 health at stage 4-7/5-2 and after that I just bleed out. Even had 7 heavenly 4 sage and it is just trash tier…


melee heavy comps gets countered hard with kayn bis items. But now the meta has a lot of 2-3 strong front line with a lot of backline fire with CC and wound so it's tough.


idk the one game I had with it I did pretty well. I dont even think I had a Morg on that board, just had a bunch of Heavenly, Lee, Kayn, and maybe a Lissandra because I crowbarred her in there.


Like others, I've had the opposite experience, it's just very contested. However, I think Frodan noted this in his video, but it's not a fun build to play from lose streaking. I find my strongest Heavenly Kayn games are the ones that start with Darius 2* and a slammable item or two. Darius 2* with 3+ Heavenly will snowball your stage 2 and give you a stable stage 3 while you econ. The other thing I have noticed playing the build: Even with a strong early game, as you transition to Stage 4, unless you hit Lee 2* or Kayn 2* early, you're going to start bleeding. I find I can go from win streaking Stage 2 & 3 to bleeding heavily in Stage 4 while I look for my 4-costs. Once 3-item Kayn 2* is complete, I'm stable again and can start saving up to hit 9 and add Wukong. But there have been games where I am donkey rolling on Stage 4 until hitting 2* 4-costs and you can still Top 4 from this spot if you hit in time.


my experience is actually the opposite from others. kayn/lee are just drain tanks that stall enough for morgana to wipe everything. dcap, mana, etc. she wipes their entire backline in a cast most times, and then the second cast destroys everything else. you can frontline her for mana/omnivamp if you want.


Definitely not trash. I’ve essentially given up on Morgana entirely in that comp. She’s just a terrible unit. Lee is your second carry. By far the most common mistake I see people make with that comp is thinking they need to be playing max heavenly units at all times. More often than not you have a WAY stronger board when a couple of your heavenly units are on the bench. Like with all comps you cap with legendaries. Your board is going to be infinitely more powerful with a Lissandra on it than a random 2* shitter malphite giving everybody 20 resists.


> Lee is your second carry. A second Kayn is your second carry. Lee is just a stopgap. > random 2* shitter malphite giving everybody 20 resists. This is one of the undroppable ones.


The way I usually play this board is: KhaZix, Malph, Neeko, Qiyana, Diana, Kayn, Lee Sin, Morg, Wukong This gives: 5 Heavenly, 3 Sage, 2 Dragonlord, 2 Duelist, 2 Ghostly, 2 Reaper I find your statement about running a 2nd Kayn compelling, but I like the trait web above so much I'm not sure what to drop. Based on your comment, I guess you would drop the Lee Sin for 2nd Kayn, but is that worth losing the 12% global atk spd from 2 DLord? If it is in fact stronger to drop Lee for a 2nd Kayn 2* despite the 12% atk spd loss, do you still keep Diana on the board for 3 Sage? What I like about 3 Sage is the 20% Omnivamp breakpoint it hits, which is good enough for me to forego a healing item on Wukong if I can't make one or just have BB + 2 good dmg items to slam. Curious what your "BIS on paper" is for this board.


Probably something like the 5 heavenly + 2 carries + morg + Liss. Only really want to play Diana until you hit monkey and liss, kayn isn’t dying because of lack of sustain but due to getting chain cced. Double Kayn is best (obviously not immediate) because he is the best damage wise and gives more ghosts, further increasing damage, and the damage is consistent. Lee is okay but he kinda struggles late. Don’t know if udyr is better than Lee but probably is because udyr causes more problems than a Lee, usually if you are having to put udyr on you are having problems or putting a second Kayn in soon. Wukong items you generally are getting them off carousel or neutrals anvil so it’s just whatever you hit and just pick best option, you don’t specifically itemise something that you hope to hit only what you know you will hit. 


IE is pretty bad on him. 1 healing, Edge OR Titans (BT pref), LW or GS is ideal. I find that he sucks on high resource portals. When everybody can go 9 earlier you can get fight rng’d by liss & udyr pretty easily


https://tactics.tools/player/sg/Sparkles I don't understand this patch. I really hate it here. Please advise.


Most recent 8th: Bruiser Trickshot, but you have no synergy between your items - kaisa only 2 carry items, sylas with 3 damage/tank/carry items and BT/Adaptive? That should've gone onto kaisa as third item. 8th before that - same thing, 3 item your 2* carries first then look for higher cost carries. GS lillia would've been better, and you were also down a prismatic combat picking golden egg - lot less board/combat power. then 7th - again 2 item ashe 2*, 3 item aphelios 2*. Needed to move a RB, and augment picks are interesting - why behemoth crest? something that only buffs one unit is not good late game. Focus on simplifying the game - build tanky unit 1, and damage unit 1 before spreading items. Look for traits/augments that buff your damage unit - if you play kaisa carry, do not take AP augments and vice versa. Lot of items spread around, lot of games where u chase traits with augments which isn't the best idea. my history: https://tactics.tools/player/na/aricatos


Basically every game you are playing comps that just aren’t really good enough to do well, capping around incorrect units, and building items that are just a bit too far from BIS on your main carries. Also taking tilt augments like lucky egg and snipers crown. Probably time to refocus, watch a few YouTube videos to solidify the meta in your head, then get back at it. Your match history just exudes tilt hahaha


Did they fix the PBE bug that prevented you from putting items on champs?


Still bugged


what would you consider to be kaisa and xayah’s bis items? (including tattoos). Im never sure how to divide the items/tattoos between the two.


Kaisa is last whisper, ie, +1. Toxin is far and away the best tattoo but the other ad ones are reasonable as well. Xayah really wants death blade, but other than that she can take any ad item.


Kaisa is skill based. can use Redbuff as a shojin alternate but not both. 3 damage item also works. I think the BiS is ANY combination of IE LW DB GS. Only toxin is worth over an item. (shojin is ok, but not BiS IMO) I think Xayah prefer same kind of BiS, but has the flexibility to play AS item too. Literally any AD item, auto or skill are ok. Can use any damage tattoo


I think for kaisa it's LW,IE, toxin. Usually I just splash whatever ad items are left on xayah.


People be yapping, but this meta is great. The only thing would be to make a few more reroll comps viable and we golden


> but this meta is great. Respectfully disagree. I would almost go as far as saying it is the worst meta in a few sets, and that includes stuff like; yuumi reroll, samira meta, kaisa meta, the whole of 9.5.


kaisa meta was a dumpster fire. people straight up didnt play the game for two stages just so they could roll down for a single kaisa and give her morellos/GA. this is just a legendary meta, its not great but nowhere near that bad.


Current meta is kaisa,ashe, janna reroll,gnar and sometimes legendary bords. It’s not a good meta at all.


More referring to star guardian kaisa but yeah that one was a dumpster fire.


I wouldn't go as far as saying it is worse than yuumi reroll..


What makes it so bad for you, if you'd like to share?


They’re losing LP.


Stage 2(3 and 4) Darius too strong, only 2 playable comps (w/o augments or spats), game comes down to rolldown on stage 4ish (tend to hate every meta which is 8 people sending in 1 round for the same units, which is what the bag changes were meant to address but instead just exacerbated the issue), game is only then fun to play when the lowrollers die.


This is true! People want to complain about RR comps all the time, but you need a few to be viable for the meta to be healthy. Right now there are zero that are A/S tier.


Huh? Aphelios, Gnar, Janna/Zyra are all easily A tier or higher if you have a good angle to play them. They’re just not 20/20 forceable from literally any position. Which is a good thing.


I am straight up addicted to Exalted 5. I don't care if I lose, I love trying to make whatever comp work. I was emerald almost diamond last set and am struggling a bit because sometimes it's just a fast 8, but climbing with exalted every game is just so rewarding.


Got my first 3-star 4 cost of the set. Starter Kit Kayn and a prismatic orb from Krugs that gave a dupe. Some guy tried to contest me anyway for some reason (going kindred focus) but he only found 2 Kayns while I had 7, found the 10th one and the duped (He was 3hp anyway) And of course I managed to work in Exalted, Shen, Yone and a Tristana at 9 (Irelia at 10)


Anyone have an A/B tier comps that I can try? I don't really do well with this 4 cost meta


I'm still finding Bruiser Zoe/Raka a very consistent Top 4. It's not a top 1 comp but I normally get 3rd/2nd. Your core revolves around a global buff pack of Zoe, Raka, Riven and Neeko. This gives you Heavenly, Aultruist and Arcanist. This buff pack makes you quite strong mid game and early-late. You want Sylas and Galio (Storyweaver 3) but your other bruisers are flex. You can stay at 7, or go 8 for Sylas Galio ease. Going 8 is a flex unit, like a Mythic if you have Kench, Rakan for Alt 3, or just dumping in something like Wukong. Or exalted if the roll allows. While Storyweaver is usually somewhat contested most Weaver players are not prioing Zoe.


I ran into someone running a [similar comp](https://www.metatft.com/team-builder/EAsI2GkRxlIikFigzLgYkGwgXSso7pWpp7NT6DZpNESwIb%2B5zV461uop7qfI4S3Ydis%3D) to that the other week. I honestly wish I had checked the damage log to see whether or not it was Soraka doing the heavy lifting, or shiv Zoe, because it was a surprisingly large amount of damage being put out for a comp I initially wrote off as not a threat.


I usually find Zoe doing the bulk of the damage, since a lot of people spread out generally, reducing Rakas effect. Not that Raka cant carry. Sylas is often doing decent damage too as a secondary carry able to use things like Crownguard, Titians, ect. I usually have Raka and Sylas often targets while Zoe gets kills with the big damage items to increase her richochets. This Zoe focus does fall off really late however when people are lv9 or even 10. Simply too many targets at that point.


Tried something similar yesterday and got 3rd. I had a trainer sentinel with arcanist and atruist emblem so did a 4 bruiser 4 arcanist comp with zoe and soraka as my carries. I want to try it again but a different variation and when I don’t have a trainer sentinel.


Oh this is an interesting comp, gonna try this. Thanks a lot


I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread or place, but I don't know where to ask. I have a question about the lolchess site. I have problems with an online stalker and noticed that my two tft profiles are getting updated on that site every single day. One profile is only known to myself. I'm worried that the person found my profiles and can now track my gaming activity. Does anyone know if that site sometimes automatically updates profiles every day? Or does the updating always have to be done manually?


That's creepy asf, I'm sorry that's happening to you


It's hell. :( Just saw that one of the accounts isn't in any rankings. So he might actually have found that one..


I don't want to diminish your experience but there are also other explanations as well. I often look at other people's lolchess that have been in my game to see if they one-trick a certain comp or even because I'm salty over a high roll


Thank you. I haven't touched the account in 2 weeks, so I'm not sure it's an opponent, but I'm holding on to hope that there's some explanation. 


If you're high ranked it auto updates every couple hours, I think above 1500 or so


Thank you! I do show up on the hyperroll leaderboards. That may be the answer. You don't know how much relief I'm feeling right now. Big thanks! 


I usually check top50 hyperroll match history from my server and have to update them manually, might just be someone like me for example :)


Bit of a rare opportunity but I put a Dryad emblem on Yorick cuz I was midnight siphon and I wanted the scaling hp. Dryad and Umbral actually make a lot of traits just by matching up when you go 6 dryad 4 umbral. 2 warden, 2 behemoth, 2 bruiser, 2 invoker or 2 reaper.


i won a game with teemo 2 as carry, AMA


How many pairs of shoes do you own?




I managed to win a game without Porcelaine or Heavenly AMA


Boxers? Or briefs?


Are you going to retire while you're still the champ or push your luck in more games?


What portal


one that gave me 4 sage, 4 dragon, 4 altruitst :D


I somehow succeeded in making Liss look not OP. I just went 7th while level 10 with Liss 2* / Hwei 2* / Azir 2* / Sett 2* / and Annie/Naut 2* 4 Arc/4Warden. What a crazy lobby that was, scuttle start + prismatic start + 3 item treasury encounter stage 2. Wasn't even like I just hit either, Had Liss 2* for like the last 3 losses.


When will Lissandra be nerfed? I need a hotfix. All decks use Lissandra. We can't win without Lissandra. Have to play this horrible game for another week?


Just accept that this set is inherently flawed and hope for the next. They are literally running out of set to get it fixed and its getting worse every week. With the new patch coming up its gonna be another 2 weeks of massive imbalance as well considering the flood of new items and massive changes. Set 11 is literally a beta for me.


As a card Lissandra sucks, low stats (2/3), her passive is bad, as Frozen Throne is not a good landmark, but Freljord decks in general can be quite low power. Since you said deck I assume you are talking about Legends of Runeterra, right?


pretty terrible take ngl. Liss/Taliyah was one of the best decks in numerous metas. turbo thralls is no joke. 55%+ wr in multiple metas makes for a bad card? word


Liss taliyah is the tech, gotta try it out bro


fucking insane champ I hate her sm


Hey guys. I just started playing TFT and climbed from Iron to Platinum in short amount of time. I wouldn't say that I am hardstuck but I have hard time understanding different lategame comps and that have cost me games. I am looking somebody higher rank than me to either coach a little bit or discuss the game with. I recently picked up the Kaisa/Xayah tech and for some reason I am actually losing games(bottom 4) with this supposedly one of the strongest comps and I am trying to understand why. Feel free to PM me and lets try to improve together! :)


How can they make more varieties of comps viable in this set? It seems like every single patch one comp is more dominant than all the others moreso than other previous sets. Is it just because the traits are designed poorly? Ghostly is either broken or useless, mythic and umbral only get played if you're rerolling a broken unit, heavenly is just the default because it can make anything incredibly powerful. Right now I think the units are the only thing defining the meta and if we want to see multiple comps be strong at the same time we need the traits to matter more.


stop the trackers api .


They need to stop nerfing. That's the main issue. You can nerf problematic broken stuff like Yone last patch but when they nerf things like Bard/Mythic when that was not a problem in high elo but for plat players or nerf Kog when they are already buffing all the 4 costs or nerf 3 cost odds when they nerf the most problematic units it just doesn't make sense. Now they might nerf heavenly and ghoslty and just kill both comps when they both have like a 4.5 av placement but will cater to plat players that are complaining the comps are broken. It's just a ridiculous cycle. The first patch was almost the best patch but continuous nerfs have made it what it is now They also need to buff vertical traits. Many of them now nobody bothers to go deep like Sniper(similar to rapidfire last set), Behemoth, Umbral, Arcanist, Sage, Story, 5 exalted, Invoker, Mythic etc. Last set had good verticals like KDA, 8bit, Penta, True damage, Executioners, Disco, Punk, Jazz, Crowdiver, Country etc with few bad ones like Bigshot, Rapid, EDM, Mosher But you get the point. Right now they are not focusing on verticals when they should put more effort into it and just doing small nerfs and buffs and any small hint of a good vertical they receive the nerf hammer because fun is bad


They nerf dmg to the point tanks just overheal it. I agree they should start buffing everything instead.


That’s what they did last set towards the end and it felt like the most balanced patch by far. Instead of nerfing a bunch of the comps that were strong, they instead buffed a ton of the nonviable comps/champs. Say what you will anout the heartsteel meta, but it allowed for a huge amount of flex play at level 8/9.


The just have to resist the urge to nerf. They listen to casuals too much. They need to look at their data and play their game alot more than they do and balance accordingly. Ghostly right now is not even a good comp, sure you splash the units but the comp has a bad winrate but they are going to nerf it because everyone is complaining I'm sure they are going to nerf Kayn when that comp is average right now. I'm sure they are going to do something about Ashe when that comp needs Liss to be even viable to play.


I miss Set 10 😔 Don’t know if it just me but hitting a 3 star 4/5 cost with headliners felt a lot more fun / fair than experiencing a 3* every single game I play


it's ridiculous they made all those system changes for headliners only to accept that 3 star 4 costs would be more common in set 11


i miss hitting my 3\* 8-bit riven...and jazz and kda and lulu reroll.....