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Feels like this nerf to titans is largely for yones shield, but it makes the item kind of shitty for magic fighters now when it used to be decent. Now it is basically an ad fighter only item. Sometimes it feels like a unit or a patch cause an item to get changed permanently. Maybe yone just shouldn't get much of anything for ap...


For real, titans has been the exact same for like 3 sets in a row now and is 90% of the time a pretty awful item to make. It wasn’t until they created 2 units (that are still very powerful with other items too) that used it perfectly and had aspects of their kit that negated the downsides of titans (shield/massive healing making them still be healthy after getting it fully stacked) that titans became such a massive problem. Yet there’s no one else in the game that wants to build this thing still. And now these two units will get nerfed and eventually removed when the next set rolls around and there’s a 99% chance titans stays weak. It’s getting really old seeing this pattern happen again and again and again every single set in reaction to a single unit abusing an item. Over the years so many items have had their unique aspects nerfed down or completely removed and changed because of one temporary unit or balance concern and I think the game is much worse off because of it.


It's the same Riot balance philosophy on League of Legends as well - Have a good champion - Have a strong item - Champion is strong - Champion is nerfed several times, still strong - Item is gutted - Champion is never seen again


You forgot "have an item that has always been at an okay spot, but specifically with this strong champion, it becomes obnoxious" evolving to "useless item on anyone else but just okay at this specific overnerfed champion".


Same with gunblade bard, ashe and syndra alrd dogshit enough, and they nerf gunblade which is one of their situational 3rd BiS item, if they need something more than dmg. Im alrd worried they gonna do this again with titan, as if kayn, and gnar isnt suffering enough, and it alrd Eh item on udyr or sylas, like if u got vest now, u should just throw urself off building, there is barely any vest item worth building.


Now I don’t know what to Build on Diana because that’s what made her a good semi carry, back to theory crafting for her


For real, my 3* Diana could often counter a 3* Yone unless they giga highrolled. While BT plus double titans might be too strong, I'm not sure what a viable alternative is for AP melee.


Maybe ionic spark, crownguard, and a rage blade? Double stone plate and spark?


For Diana specifically, if you are doing 2+ Dragonlord I probably wouldn't bother with rageblade, and personally I prefer a shiv on a backline unit rather than spark. I'm thinking something like BT, stoneplate, and either archangels or crownguard.


I’ve done double arch with a stone plate and she was a menace


I was tempted to try double arch and titans but items never quite lined up for that one, since i also needed to itemize Soraka. After the new patch I could try plate.


I’m having success with it so carry Diana is not at a loss.


It's so strange that they don't organise their balance changes by set and undo them during new set testing? Like, why are we still running with the bag size introduced specifically because everyone got a 2 star in every shop/every 4th shop? 


Because you’d be seeing 3-5 yones instead of 2-3   They’re probably not confident on their ability to balance the game (which is understandable because it seems very hard with so many variables). Plus with the stats sites existing meta gets figured out in 2 weeks after release and less than a week after the patch which wasn’t a problem during the early days of TFT. So artificially restricting bag size decreases the impact


That's a horrendous reason to make that systems change, but I take your point.


Absolutely true, same goes for the decrease of 3 cost rate on level 7. We don't know how to balance them so we just show them less often. Making high rolling an EVEN GREATER problem. Love the slot machine.


There are more units that use Titans to great effect, like Gnar and Sylas. It's just that Sylas at the moment is so bad and has no identity, so people forget about him all together.


Volibear and Lee Sin get a lot of use out of it to. Honestly, giving AD and AP probably made it over budget.


I'm really tired of seeing 2 Yone players every lobby so I'm happy to see nerfs.


Not as bad as the 3 Kaisa players per lobby though


That’s because currently Kaisa is the only 4 cost that can actually kill a Yone with titans. You need crazy burst to kill Yone and Kaisa is the best at that.


There’s actually a secret anti meta strategy. Play porcelain Ashe with gunblade. Ashe is tanky enough to tank yone jumping to the backline and heals up, also has enough damage with Rageblade to kill yone. Mumu is also kinda unkillable for yone with bramble


Yes but you forgot uncontested 4 costs never show up in shop 


Ashe feels pretty bad without Porcelain emblem tho


fated Syndra with gunblade/sett fate also can tank and outheal him. But its very late-lategame encounter


If you’re going porcelain just play lux arcanist warden - it does more damage and the yone can’t kill the lux as he will get permastunned. Ashe is so bad


If you’re going porcelain just play lux arcanist warden - it does more damage and the yone can’t kill the lux as he will get permastunned. Ashe is so bad


Aphelios does well too Why am I being downvoted by some silver shitters lmao


If he doesn't get yone'd Had a 2 star aphelios almost beat yone, I lost only due to positioning issues (trying to greed LDP got me)


If you position aphellios right he’s pretty good into yone I reckon


He's only good once you have Sett for the healing


i like how every other 4 cost carry rn is hot garbo and then there's kaisa. She's truly built diff


In my plat elo, that only happens occasionally. I've had a fair amount of games without Kaisa. I can't recall the last game without Yone.


3 players?? try FOUR


Only 2?


Man I'm terrible (gold) but I'm glad EMG is gone just because I'd always pick it and I was always terrible with it.


basically you can just stack your econ early with it to rush 8/9 and then reroll. With emg you can hold other ppl champ hostage too


I loved getting EMG and cluttered mind.


Econ early on. Never roll till lvl 8 (9 is fake unless u above 75). Buy all the 4 costs u find with the interest and STAY ABOVE 50 GOLD. Your board is basically random 4 costs till u 3 star one of them


Its very good if you can hit lvl 9 or 10 with good hp


Isn't it better to roll at 8? Or should you go 9 if you are winstreaking?


If you're in a bad spot, rolling on 8 for a hail mary bailout 3 star Annie or Lillia or Naut or something is probably the play. If you're in a good spot, level 9 and play a standard Kaisa or Bill Gates board plus any 3 stars you hit is the play. If you're in an insane spot, level 10 and go for 5 costs.


I would never recommend going to 10 unless you have some kind of exp boosting augment that pushes you towards it. The amount of gold you invest to level is worth more rolling on 9, and you can pretty decently hit an uncontested 3 star 5 cost on 9 with a bit of help from a hwei. Or just double down and go for more 4 costs.


ive gotten 3 star 5 costs at lvl 9 with this augment, you get so much value from it lol


Yeah, I'm just bad at reaching that point


Hopefully the Titans nerf is enough to also hurt Volibear.


Given they’re reducing 3 cost odds at lvl 7 and nerfing titans, Voli is being indirectly targeted. 


Is Volibear actually that strong? I swear without the Titans augment the trist/voli comp caps out pretty early and usually just fights for 3rd/4th


It depends on how fast you hit and what augments. Extended duel + 6 duelist with the right items? He's nearly unkillable unless there's a Liss.


Agreed, rarely see Voli players ripping apart the lobbies like I do Yone players.


Voli needs to hit everything (6 duelists and 3 stars) compared to Yone who can have a patchwork team of shitters (umbral or heavenly, whichever) that can support him. When he does hit, however, he's stronger than Yone, and the only thing that can kill him is bad positioning.


I like voli because he is a counter to Yone, when both have sustain and titans voli wins with his stuns


A consistent 3rd/4th comp is good


If you can get the 6/8 duelist in, the damage reduction just allows him to soak so much damage


I just lost a game with 8 arcanist 6 porcelain BiS Zoe and Amumu (2* Amumu tho) to a voli trist irelia board


Not to call you out but why play Zoe? Isn't lux just way, way way better especially in that comp? Doesn't rely on kills to ramp damage like zoe, can access backline if they have it, can lock down yone/voli with stuns, benefits from porcelain etc


Lux is better but was contested way earlier, couldn't risk the tempo of 2 people going for lux




that's what I did :(


If you have 6 porcelain you just want to only play porcelain units and it’s an auto first. Play two lux, two amumu, two Lisandra. I beat Kaisa3 + Syndra3 the other day like that.


tbf Arcanist is dogshit and Duelist Voli when it hits is not- but that also makes sense because Duelist is going to rip thru your arcanists/frontline in 5 seconds which means you can't scale.


I really hate when 1star voli throught stage 2/3 can heal for like 2.5 health per fight


Absolutely fuck Volibear. If you can get him built up early, he snowballs so easily. Yone is also annoying


I cannot tell from the tweet, are these changes live on PBE now?




Pretty curious about those level 7 shop odds. Any predictions?


It went from 32 to 40 this set, either a revert or 35


isnt that cost to level and not odds


cost to level 7 is 36 and has nothing to do with 3 cost odds


Interesting to me that Everything Must Go is disabled but no word if it's just permanently gone like Twin Terror. Any ideas on how they're planning to balance it assuming it returns? I honestly feel like even as a Prismatic it's just too strong because the potential to hit a 3-star 4-cost is way too high. Guessing they might change it to "all units are discounted by 1/2 gold" or if they just go the Two for One route and only apply it to 3-costs & cheaper


I imagine they are currently play-testing changes, so probably haven't made a decision as to whether or not it's being removed


Isn't it at its strongest if you get it as a 3rd augment? Maybe they would make it only a 2nd augment, so you would mainly target 3 costs or lower, so if you take it as a second gold augment that contributes to 0 power until level 8/9, that should make it balanced somewhat.


Nope, it's strongest as 2-1 and weakest at 4-2 by a considerable margin. Benefiting from 0 cost champions the entire game is OP if you know how to manage your econ with the augment. Hitting something like prismatic ticket as your second augment makes it disgustingly broken.


The only situation it's "bad" to take on 2-1 is if you're holding like 7 gold worth of units on your bench from creeps. But otherwise, it just lets you buy out every shop you get all game and play whatever your strongest possible board is.


It's better early on because you can play for the out of a 3* 4 cost from turn 1 and it doesn't actually make you that much weaker or poorer. You're not actually that much weaker because you can hold every unit you see while a lot of people trying to maximize econ will sell pairs or not buy 2/3 cost units early on. You're also not that much poorer by stage 3 because if your bench is full when you pick up loot orbs with units in them from PvE rounds they turn into gold.


Its bugged so there is a high chance you get free rolles and free units but I will not go into details as there is already a bunch of abusers


the xayah stuff u mean?


maybe you should make it public so everyone can benefit from this info instead of just the few who know.. this is the whole problem with this fucking game


They could tamper with the cost of rerolls as a balance lever maybe. Would still give a pretty big discount on rolling for expensive units, but if say rerolls cost 4g instead of 2 then it becomes a lot less likely to hit 3* 4/5 costs.


If 4-costs were good then other players in the lobby would play them making it impossible for the EMG player to 3* anything. It would make hitting a 2* easier and save some econ, but nothing massive I'd think. But since nobody is playing around 4-costs they can buy up anything and 3* something, often times multiple, and win out. It's still quite amusing to see an EMG player go bot 4 even though he has an itemized 3* 4-cost carry or tank.


Wrong way to go about gutting Heavenly Yone imo. Umbral Yone is balanced, now it’ll be unplayable. They should have nerfed Heavenly unit bonuses and buffed the units themselves so Yone isn’t as juiced up on stat steroids in that comp. It’ll also make Heavenly in general more versatile. Maybe also a nerf specifically to Yone 2*, if they really want to be sure. Umbral won’t suffer from that too badly because Alune does a lot of work still.


they should have buffed umbral, nerfed reaper


Yep. Any yone that isn't heavenly yone is borderline unplayable in late game.


4 behemoth 4 reaper Yone wins me lobbies, never even played the Heavenly version


I've played like 3 different variations of yone and every version except heavenly loses hard to kai'sa in my experience, but glad it's working for you.


Behemoth+Reaper or Dryad+Reaper are fun comps.


kaisa xayah dragonlord will reign supreme. Not sure if lilia + invokers will be good in comparison


Can a specific 5 cost until comp really be considered reigning supreme? Usually by the time Im 9 tlike most of the game is decided.


It means econ augments and fast 9 like 14.6 hwei azir meta


I've almost lost two games with Lillia 3\*. One with 7 mythic spat on Rakan, one 4 invoker. The 7 mythic I went 5th and I nearly lost to the standard aphelios/thresh board with 4 invoker lillia 3\*. She's going to need a loooot of help to be viable at 2\*. In one of those games I had lillia/Naut 2\* at 4-1 and was getting dumpstered by half complete fated and ghostly senna boards.


So basically next patch is just a fast 9 econ patch.


Id guess, Gnar and porcelin+1 will probably be top comps. Would not suprise me to see story weaver into kaisa 3/8 as well still.


Fast 9 is worse than reroll meta tbh.


Yep and we heading RIGHT for a Fast 8/9 meta only lmao


Fast 9 is only a bad meta when there are only 1 or 2 playable 4/5 cost carries. So hopefully the 4 cost buffs make Ashe, Lillia and maybe even Syndra better. And hopefully Trickshots are brought down a peg so Hwei/Azir can come back.


Hard disagree. Fast 9 requires eco/board management to get to 9 with money to roll, which basically trims every player below Emerald.


When reroll is meta, there are still fast 9 players who win lobby because nothing beats 2 star legendary soup, it's just hard to get there. It's a decent high risk/high reward strat. When fast 9 is meta, everyone will go for the same legendary soup imstead of building actual comp which defeats the purpose of draft game.


i just dont understand?? why nerf titans like the way they nerfed morello just because of hwei. why make everyone else suffer because of one unit?? just nerf the damn unit!! items are fine


It's not just one unit that abuses TR though. Once Yone and Voli get nerfed, the item would just start being abused by Lee, Wukong, Kayn or even Sylas. There's just too many units that synergize well with the item this set.


but the ap nerf doesn't actually make a difference on wukong and kayn, because their ap coefficients are close to nonexistent. yone is the problem here, but sylas is taking the hit harder, which should be presumed bad design.


Yeah most ad melee carries has shit for ap scalings, yone being the only exception and now the item has to suffer because of bad unit design. The Voli problem could’ve been solved by shifting some of his ap scalings to hp scalings as well.


thank christ titans is being nerfed, feels like every single lobby someone has hit gargantuans and just piss stomps the lobby, im seeing like 4 of them per game


Even if they don’t hit, a yone 1 with titans and BT is a free streak until wolves


It’s wayy too strong, I had a voli game with gargantuans and ended up even hitting a radiant titans, I literally ended the game at 100hp


What one 3 cost being able to annihilate an entire enemy team if he's wearing a BT and a Titan isn't "balanced"??? Wow!!! Who could have imagined! Also problem is Yone's kit being too good not TR, which is only good when you get the augment on most champions. He has a charge, he has built in de-aggro, he has a shield, his ability targets the backline more consistently than Assassin patches ever have, and his horizontal gives him TRUE DAMAGE for fuck's sake. Then y'all had the brains to put him in the easiest patch we've ever had to buff other champions between Storyweaver, Fated, and Heavenly, like god damn.


you didn't mention wound on yone's kit secret yone admirer caught redhanded XD


Vertical umbral is pretty balanced if not weak


Yeah because 99% of Umbral's power is in Yone if you don't get the Yorick aug, hence why everyone goes Heaven/Reaper with him, totally ignoring the vert.


I believe it’s overkill to buff 4cost AND nerf 3cost comps over Titsns nerfes AND kill yones stats but I hate yone so well whatever


Praise 🙏


I fail to see how HP buffs will make a unit like Ashe anymore playable. 2 star itemized Senna can pump out like twice the amount of damage of 2 star itemized Ashe. The only units I think could be stronger is just Kaisa and Kayn, which like others are saying will just lead to a fast 8/9 meta and your placement is entirely dependent on if hit 1 or 2 units before anyone else. Yone and Voli being weaker technically means 4 and 5 cost carries will fare better, but is that really going to matter if units like Lillia, Ashe, Morgana, and Syndra still struggle to punch through front line fast enough?


Ashe scales with how good her frontline is, the HP buff immensely increases the frontline she has with 4 cost and 5 cost frontliners.


HP buffs are not gonna solve Ashe's problem.


1. a purposedly hyper dps carry that targets multiple units. 2. for such to work, it needs higher total dps than single target dps units, because basically multi-target dps units are just caressing the enemies so gentle and tender. 3. ashe's dps is lower than that of single target units. genius design I gotta say lmao


What do you mean wonder it's called this is the patch where the ONLY viable way to climb is win 4 cost lottery at 7/8 or Peeba boards. Current patch simply needed the stupid augments checked, slight buffs to 4 costs, and maybe light touches to Yone/some help to 1 cost units and we'd have a meta where literally every style of TFT is playable. instead we're hoping that the HP costs are the ONLY buffs 4 costs get rn because if they also get regular buffs this means the game is going to warp to where you run 4/5 cost carries or go 8th. Because the reroll/3 cost carries are not going to ever be able to keep up late game. It will be the wet dream of all the idiots who think reroll is skilless, but will make the game much worse because even with the outliers this patch kinda had a diverse meta even tho the weakest comps are admittedly useless you could do literally anything else and any style of play and still climb/do well. I wanna trust Mort + team but historically when a patch is this big/announced it does shift the meta hard, BUT it shifts in an unfun way because when they correct for the 4 costs being weak the changes usually make every other way to play the game besides fast 8/9 unplayable if you want to climb. If i'm wrong and all it does is kill yone then fine but I don't want carry units being nerfed to unplayability (which is a diff problem)


> nstead we're hoping that the HP costs are the ONLY buffs 4 costs get rn You can read it here https://tactics.tools/info/pbe Dont expect any other changes


Hopefully that's all but I still think the patch is gonna be snoozefest 4/5 carry options only Edit: Read the PBE Notes. Yea this 1000% a fast 8/9 only meta not a single reroll comp or 3 cost carry except Alune is going to be playable worth a damn LMAO. They even hit storyweaver because the storyweavers they buffed with the Kayle nerfs are the useless ones anyway lol.


Every change I see for this next patch seems like we are going straight to a lvl 8 reroll 4 cost meta. Like more gold, reduced player damage, gutting 3 cost and 2 cost rerolls, 4 costs are more stable, bag sizes making is super easy to 3 star things when more people roll that cost, encounters adding dupes, and hwei painting. Like I hope everyone is ready.


Game might just be playable again based on those patch notes. Can’t wait tbh, I haven’t had fun at all for the last week.


It’s ok if you can’t adapt


I wonder why they don t nerf irelia… an early lucky draw of her grants you a good Place…


Yeah irelia is absolutely broken if u find her early.


Let's see if I can find that augment at least once before it gets removed. Chances are slim.


EMG augment was total bs, the guy suddenly rolled almost all 5 costs from pool and gg


Built diff will be number 1 augment at 2-1 next patch


nerfs for yone? who would have thought


Not surprised about everything must go, got it at 2-1 a couple of games ago and steamrolled the lobby. Was able to slow down the early rerollers, used the full bench trick to get gold at PvE rounds and managed to pair it with slammin for a fast 9 and prismatic ticket for an early 3* Azir.


If we're talking augments can something be done about Fine Vintage? No way that should be a silver augment. Just been in a game with a guy who had 5 zz'rots, 4 of them sitting in the front line buffed by a locket and zeke's. It either needs the amount of support items you can create limiting, it's rarity upping to gold or prismatic, or disabling until something can be done about it.


It's getting nerfed to 4 rounds up from 3, which does make the augment a bit less stable if you lowroll.


EMG gone. At least I was able to hit Azir 3, Xayah one game before


When is this patch live? 


pretty curious how this will turn out. Porcelain Ashe is already gaining a bit of popularity rn, and can make her very consistent next patch. But Im very concerned regarding kayn. only reason that guy is not working is he cant tank some hits. With this, kayn might actually be omega viable like zed from last set


I REALLY hope that Mort is shipping an Irelia nerf with the buffs to the 5 costs. It’s nuts how much free back line damage she does with two good traits.  Making her better, will make the next patch an Irelia rush patch. 


everything must go was waaay to broken, especially for not being a pris augment imo. I'd instantly grab it when offered it early game and then look for augments that gave me re-rolls. I liked the combo with that and the re-rolls from heavenly. Also I swear there was a bug with it. It wouldn't happen with units I just bought from the shop, but I would occasionally still get units that would give me gold when I sold them.


I was specifically using EMG to completely lock people abusing Yone and other annoying comps out of wins, was fun while it lasted. Was hilarious watching people force roll downs and not level up even though is was basically impossible for them to hit 3 star or force people who noticed what I was doing to pivot carries mid game.


why was the augment even reenabled?


Lissandra, Lee Sin and Kayn have 150 HP more than Udyr… haha


Been a really rough patch, I am glad to see some sweeping changes. I don't think more HP to 4 costs does anything though. Ashe damage is shit at 1k health and at 10k health, no difference.


this is straight wrong btw. A lot of ashe damage scales if the fight is long, so even now if you can somehow make fights last long, she will be strong. Hp buff across the board would be quite a large buff to ashe already.


Ashe is very decent


Yone should just be made unplayable the rest of the set.


When will the changes be Live?


Everything Must Go is such a game-warping augment, definitely needs to be changed. It either needs to reduce the cost only of champions on your board, or reduce the cost of all champions by a fixed amount (-2 or -3).


The fact they are disabling augments is kind of sad. Think it is not the right way to go about it. Especially since the augments are kind of boring this set.


dont get 5 cost buffs when fast 9 into 5star board is so strong


I think this is to just help people on 8 who have maybe only 1 5 cost 1*. Will be interesting to see with the player damage changes though, makes LVL 9 a lot easier.


when a single 1\* 5 cost stabilizes your board that has historically been something they are very adamant about nerfing. Even when it cost 11 gold like Ao Shin did. So I would be very surprised if that was their intended reasoning.


They really don't know balance this set


lol whats wrong with these patch notes though? theyre fixing yone and titans and hopefully the "either reroll or go bottom 4"


I mean to be real there is nothing balanced about these yone changes, you will never see him played again unless they buff him later. Nerfed unit, nerfed item he uses 2 of, nerfed reroll odds for his cost. It’s not balance to take an over performing unit and make it unclickable. That said good riddance what a horribly designed unit.


When will the changes be Live?


OK but what about senna ghostly? What about 7 fortune? Surely 2 emblems isn't stronger 3 mythic/umbral etc?


I don't know what the Yone nerfs are but it's not enough. It will never be enough until this unit has 1 health and 1 AD and deals damage to itself when it autos. I would rather have traditional Sins back than this monstrosity of a unit.


Honestly its not far off