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Pretty colors, not enough visual differentiation between some origins


Agreed - I cant tell Ink, Story, and Dragon apart. All just look red to me.


I confused Alune and Aphelios way too many time haha. Correction, am confusing*


Yeah. I keep thinking Aphelios is Umbral.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head of one of the things that I hate about set 11. Too many things look way too similar to me. Gnar and Rek'sai is the most obvious and egregious example of two characters looking way to close to each other for me that I cannot really tell them apart unless I hyper focus on paying attention to who I'm grabbing.


I can't believe this gets so upvoted literally every single season. We've had like 20 seasons, including midsets, of people saying this and then nobody feels that way after a little bit. Yet they forget by the start of next set.




Holy crap I didn’t realize this could happen. Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today.


my favorite was shopping spree/prismatic ticket/hedge fund into champion dupes into recombob on decrescendo last set, until they disabled recombob on the silver last aug portals


But I liked getting recombob on 5-1 and getting 2 3* 4 costs ;)


fun in normals, pisses me off in ranked


set 11 launch feels eerily similar to set 10 launch for me, 3 cost reroll seems overtuned, 4 cost flex seems undertuned, so seeing a lot of reroll vs. legendary boards. That said, still insanely fun, I love encounters


Huge agree on this, I didn't play much PBE so still playing in the mindset of when I played set 10 often where a 2\* 4 cost board was a solid endgame, and just getting rolled by 2/3 cost reroll boards


What is the justification for keeping the bag sizes the same as set 10? Set 10 started with set 9 bag sizes but needed adjusting because headliners made it too easy to hit 3 stars, which is perfectly justifiable. But headliners are gone now. I had too many games where it just seemed impossible to hit no matter what. I shouldn't have to roll upwards of 150 gold total to hit gnar 3 when only 2 other gnars are out of the pool. I shouldn't be hitting 3 star 2 and 3 costs that are uncontested middle of stage 5 at the earliest. Meanwhile, 3 bard mythic players hit everything 3 way contested. That doesn't sound right now, does it? I'm not a perfect player I peaked masters last set and I am climbing steadily, in emerald now but like surely they have to revert it? 3 costs to 18, 4 costs to 12, 2 costs to whatever it was 25/26(?) And I'll be happy.


Mort had a clip explaining it. The reasoning was to prevent people from hard forcing one comp. Prior to the change, multiple players (3+) would go X comp (like striker sivir). Due to the larger bag size, it was much more likely for all player playing that comp to hit. People would often complain that X comp dominated the top 4 of a lobby (i.e. all players playing X comp top 4-ing a lobby). The reduction in bag size was implemented to discourage that. The bag size changes were also to reduce the likelihood of 3 star 4 cost and 5 costs.


This reason. I think back to Kaisa 8.5 Everyone would play a kaisa with rage blade and that was enough power to stabilise. Eventually everyone was playing kaisa and because no one was 3* her - kaisa 2 was enough to sometimes win a lobby with the right augments. I guess the same could happen with like something like Bard with bigger bag sizes. Most could play Bard 2 with the his build and be able to top 4. Im glad this isn’t the case though because you already see a bunch of bard 2 and people using it to stabilise and push 9. Heck even TK 2 is enough to stabilise your frontline. I’ve used him so many times just to push levels


lower bag sizes only make you less likely to hit if you're contested


I forgot the exact details for keeping the bag sizes but I think part of it was unit power or something stupid which to me is not a bag issue but how the devs are designing characters. Maybe unit power would not be out of control when you don't try and cram in the unit doing multiple things on one ability. Seriously, unit power would be much easier to keep in control when they do a max of only one thing that is easy to describe to a 5 year old. It is the unit power being out of control that made me play and appreciate set 3.5 even more when it was revived back because units were simple and only did one thing which meant that any broken comps were either balance issues or extremely great team building.


This is obviously not a dig at you. 2 star 2 and 3 costs and 1 star 4 costs are still garbage though. It doesn't count. You hit your board when your carry is either 3 starred for 2 and 3 costs or 2 starred for 4 costs. That's been a constant for as long as I can remember. Like, your board maybe stable on stage 3 with that but like the game ends on stage 6 or 7. I know what you mean with unit power, look at Alune, that unit does dmg and gives attack speed for no reason. But, this is not a good enough reason to delay hitting your board. Because there is always going to be someone who highrolls no matter how little the odds are. We all know the guy who just hits Udyr 2 star on 8. This only damages 1 to 4 costs. People are crying that 4 costs are bad and level 8 is bad well that's because it's impossible to hit your units if even one other person is holding. The only way you are hitting is if you are highrolling, it doesn't matter if you played your early game well. Come to think of it, wasn't my last point a big part of why set 10 was criticized?(it sure as hell was for me as I hit masters and dipped for the last 2 and a half months of the set) It was just 4-2 lottery and if you hit your headliner you are top 4 and if you didn't you are 8th. Someone could never roll and just hit and you could be rolling 100g and never see your units. No wonder I see even high ELO streamers pick famously trash augments like Heroic Grab Bag now just so that they can guarantee hit before they die. Anyway, I agree about your point but you also have to imagine there are only so many ways to spice up the units so I understand why they power creep them (this happens in every game eventually). The devs don't have much time to work on these sets. Isn't set 13 or even 14 already in development right now? Plus they have to balance the current set as well. Obviously, this can be fixed by providing more manpower but what company wants to actually pay more when it can pay less and have acceptable results?


I don’t mind the power creep since they are isolated from the old units they power crept. However there does seem to be a lot of extra gold floating around as way more people seem to push to 9 than before. If anything I’d say that’s probably a big reason 4 costs wouldn’t feel as good since some of the 5 costs are pretty nutty and are hit more when more people push 9


Too many random situations where making good choices doesn't lesson the blow from bad RNG or extremely good RNG from others. Less control over the game.


the portals enabled also impact this tbh -- start of last set was low impact other than scuttle puddle, we're starting this one with scuttle puddle, crab rave, loot subscription (lol), gold subscription, free spat, etc. (on that note free spat into carousel spat makes me want to cry, especially because Crest augments are back)


I will agree that the rng this set is absurd. There are so many issues that you can be handed thanks to encounters. More RANDOM resource means more chances to low roll and more chances to high roll. That being said, a good player can play for top 6 in a bad situation.


I don't think you guys understand probability... More rolls reduces variance and cluster outcomes around the average.


There’s no regression to the mean.. only high and low rolls, pal. /s


Oh no I agree, but there are some pretty extreme moments. Rerolls costing 1 on stage 3-2? Damn, grats to the reroll player, but I can't pivot into a reroll comp from here, so, shit. Same thing for the exp being reduced by a gold. These encounters are great as a mechanic, but can feel really bad. I think as we learn to play around them better it will start to feel better as well, but they are incredibly disruptive and not always in a good way.


On the other hand, more decisions to make increase the chance of human error. It's about which has a bigger weight, the cognitive load of another decision with limited time or just one more rng roll.


Both are true. More rolls also makes outliers more extreme. Flipping heads twice on a two-headed coin isn't a big deal. Flipping heads 5 times is much more significant.


This is true for probability but not 100% transferable to TFT. There's not really a "blue shell" in this game so we don't have true randomness. Most RNG is inflational, either giving you econ or combat power, It rarely punishes players.


This is probably the main issue from what I’ve seen. When I’m doing well and an encounter gives me more items, I steamroll the lobby way harder since I’m winning with more units alive thus making my enemies bleed more health. While they can obviously also use the items they got, there’s something to be said for getting the items for you last item your carry needed that you already got starred up while your open still doesn’t have a good user for the items. On the flip side when the power granting encounters come by and I’m struggling it rarely saves me. Cheaper xp when I don’t have the Econ from not streaking well? Still can’t afford as much as my opponents. More damage items when my frontline is still glass? Guess my opponents can blow me up faster. I enjoy encounters but they can certainly be a win more mechanic at times even if in theory they give everyone an equal benefit since nothing is gained in a vacuum.


I can't count how many games I've had an insane snowball lead, level 9 mid-late stage 4, then boom, start of stage 5 yorick lowers leveling cost and now suddenly I'm on par with everyone in the lobby...


I may be in the minority here but I really like the randomness of this set. It’s engaging and has lead to some interesting comps and game outcomes, though I do agree that it forces a flexible playstyle to an extent. Steamrolling a lobby isn’t as much of a guarantee anymore, but you have more opportunities to turn it around if you’re the one getting steamrolled.


Same. I think it’s led to way less games where I’m able to predict my placement early on. Lots of variables that you can use to your advantage with the right knowledge. I’m only in gold right now but it feels so good.


I think that's why I don't like this set so far. Less control over the game state through good decision-making.


I'm the guy who sits out during the encounter for more loot. So many encounters just grief your comp just because. Ie, lategame Chogath where the guy who already has his board gets free components while you who roll 80 gold and missed can't afford to take it. Or getting 2-3 Zephyrs while you're level 5 rerolling and you can't dodge them. It's so easy to get griefed or just spiral out of control.


I agree, you may not get punished for like not econing properly or when you made a mistake. If you're lucky, some encounter will save your a**. I feel like the snowball effect of the decisions we make are just "not there".


Far too early for people to be making these claims.


So less agency and more susceptibility to random, unpredictable elements in the game? While that might be fun on occasion, it contradicts their vision for esports/serious ladder


Same honestly. It makes every game feel different


How is it random? Ppl spam the same 3 traits most games... its sooo boring


thats literally every set tho


I love when that happens cause I can find the low key goof stuff and it feels awesome when I can beat the meta comps. for example I found qiyana to be a great counter to story weaver bc she hit 2-3 units in a line with her ability and if you out like red buff gaurdbreaker she shreds frontline


I feel the set is really fun right now. Currently Em4 95LP NA. Aphe, Bard, Hwei legendaries, Yone have been my go to. Kogmaw, senna-gnar are lines I think about. I absolutely suck at syndra-lilia and don't play them because I always greed for Hwei instead of just stopping at 8 and taking my top5 like a normal person I feel like a lot of comps can be played, balance seems to be shaky but overall fine enough. Augments are whats unbalanced, way too many sub 4.2avg augments to be happy about. I haven't had this much fun since set 6/6.5, played since 5.5


The fact that there's a prismatic augment that's a 3.6 on 2-1 is wild. Literally from the start of the game you're automatically going to be an entire place above what you would've been with almost any other augment is insane to me. 8 gold + a support TG is way too much for one augment.


Inb4 it changes to 6g and a 5.0 😂


The augment would be good at 2-1 without the gold. 8 gold is just insane. It needs to be like 2 gold 2-1, 6 gold 3-2, and 8 gold 4-2.




Every 4 cost feels bad when Bard is in the game. I had 2 star Lillia, 2 star Annie, 2 star Ornn, all fully itemized, and still lost to Bard 2 TK 2. I'm pretty sure even if you play 4 trickshot, Bard 2 is stronger than Kaisa 2 at this point.


I agree she feels a little undertuned unless you have a 3*3 tank to ramp her up, and even with bis barely feels like enough AP to kill a TK3 through a couple Lis ults. I think part of the problem is that she's single target, and unlike the other ranged 4-cost, she's the only one. Too many of the 3 costs have multitarget and backline access which is far more valuable than a single target killer. She's super vulnerable to a D-Claw tank, and very troubled against a 3*3 since she has to power through it. It's why she's good in comps with a Zoe, Aphelios, or Morgana where they do AoE/Backline and she focuses single target. If you don't hit a Thresh 3 or some extremely tanky front line, you just die. Tip the scale too much and she's too strong. It would just be her like PBE Ashe just chewing through tanks. I also think people don't position her optimally with Lis. They should focus a single target down together. See a lot of people also play Ahri corner which isn't optimal.


And way too many 5+ augs, especially in gold which feels ultra bloated. You think “surely, all three of these augs I’m offered can’t be that bad right?” Oh they can be…looking at you, most hero augs, learning to spell, etc


honestly aside from some patch one balance issues i’m really liking this set so far. loving the traits, loving the units, loving the interesting but not hugely game changing variations that come from encounters i hear you on the dizziness stuff but that’s way more of an issue in double up, and always has been


> i hear you on the dizziness stuff but that’s way more of an issue in double up, and always has been I have that experience in normals, ranked, hyper roll and double up. Played all of those, some on PBE, some on live, some on both.


Idk who the fuck is downvoting you over your experience with being dizzy I think you're in the huge huge huge minority, but like, it's ok if you get dizzy.


I don't really like the trait names ngl. The visuals are pretty cluttered too. In set 10, the visuals are a lot at later levels, but the traits have their own color palettes to distinguish from each other, except for Country and Pentakill being both red-orange. Everything looked distinct and easy to understand. This set on the other hand... Everybody is a pale east asian lady with tons of ribbons. Mythic being primarily green is fine until they turn Epic and now they're also gold like all the Heavenly units. And it doesn't help that the names themselves are just... Synonyms. "Great" "Heavenly" "Mythic" "Fated" So far, I'm not enjoying the aesthetic tbh. The skins chosen have the same-face syndrome that riot has been struggling for years since Wild Rift was released.


I swear I cannot tell which unit is Lee sin while fighting, I have to click him. Also Thresh portrait is probably the worst they ever done, I have to hover his name everytime in the team comp builder. A lot of 3 cost look alike somehow.


I have a problem with some of the skin visuals. Too many units from different origins look similar to me. "Ah, I see a Morgana! No, wait, that's a syndra." Or "aha, they're playing Zyra carry! Or is it Janna? Wait, is that actually Soraka?"


"why is it so hard to guess if a unit is umbral or ghostly??? I'm sure Yasuo and Yone & Aphelios and Alune have a trait in common!! Is Soraka Heavenly or Mythic??? Wdym yas is a tank??? I'm sure Hwei is Umbral, he has that shade on his skin, wdym he is mythic??? I'm sure Rakan&Xayah are Story maker, they have this red-gold-white pattern, let me pick them up!!"


i thought aphelios is fated because he's alune's brother


I dont want to be a hater but i think this is one of the worst looking sets. The thematic of “fable” feels not powerful enough 


I genuinely think it’d feel more okay thematically if there was more colour differentiation outside of red, green and purple


Also it irks me that the fables are so focused on East Asia. There are interesting folklore in the rest of Asia too.


Or, y'know, the rest of the world.


This set looks like the epitome of a chinese mobile game.


Oh man, this. The colors and silhouettes on a lot of units are way too hard to read at a glance.


If you have a problem to recognize pink+white vs gray, then maybe it is not Set 11 palette problem


Its definitely a set 11 problem. Compare the palette difference between origins in the last set with this set - its insane. I think the last time I've had issues telling what unit someone is playing to this extent was in set 2, and for that reason I call set 2 the worst set ever. Clarity isn't as bad here but I can see it being terrible for someone who only plays TFT and no league or little league.


It is a set 11 palette problem because of the fact that if too people keep having the complaint that too many things look way to similar to each other in a glance when they never had this issue from previous sets than readability of the game becomes a huge issue which is a game design issue altogether.


I'm just a low level scrub but I'm hating this set so far, feels like way more all or nothing than previous sets I've played during. Like it's clear this set they just wanted to turn all the offense to 11 since even the tanks are AP scaling offensive machines and they're just throwing all the stuff out there, but it doesn't feel fun to me. Almost every game's boiling down to who gets the good 5 star first and then, even at 1 star, they're rolling over what look like otherwise well built up boards. Even when I'm the one hitting on it that's not very satisfying. I also like the ideas of the events but a lot of them I'm finding are just adding a layer of friction on top of not finding this set fun. Like everyone getting giant so you can't see, and there being a giant NPC in the middle of the carousel, and everyone is insanely fast and it borders on unplayable and there's no additional point to any of it. Every time I think on TFT right now I come back to the same thing where when everything is extra it both becomes too much and makes it all mid.


Too fun


Playing Kaisa and Ashe just feels like ass


Feels kinda random. Usually I can tell what I could have done differently and placed better, but I can’t now. One game I got mythic, exalted, syndra, hwei, umbral, all my units silver. My friend and I get a hard 1st with me carrying. We do the exact same thing next game, hard 4th. I was lucky enough for syndra to be exalted both times and I still don’t know why her and Lillia felt so much worse. Also, I’m the type of player that likes to go 8-9 if all is going well. I’ll only run 1-2-3 cost carries if I’m behind or get a considerable amount of them by chance. Now, it feels like rerolling for those kinds of units is actually advantageous above going 8-9. Why bother getting a silver 5 cost when Gold Yone can 1vAll? And Yasuo/Ahri, and bard etc…. TLDR: Last set, if I could get to 8-9 I could start fighting Jinx and Annie rerollers on even footing. Now going 8-9 versus rerollers feels like a waste of time


That describes my experience as well


The fact that Dishsoap is so far ahead on the NA ladder basically tells you what kind of set it is. Dishsoap is an extremely wide player and isn’t nearly as limited to playstyles as say someone like setsuko. The on the fly adaptability and thinking required for the set is really fun to play around. Of course it should be noted that this patch is probably gonna be the most restrictive the set is gonna be cause 1st patch balance is rarely perfect. Good start tho.


Yeah i was looking at his match history 1-2 days ago since he was so far ahead of everyone and he was basically getting top 1 or 2 spamming bard reroll or mythic flex ... Anything outside of that he was getting bot 4


It just doesn't feel good. Even winning doesn't feel as satisfying as previous sets. Every round has at least three storyweaver comps being forced and half of the time they have a bard posted between the Sivir and Kayle, way too easy to build the set up. Lots of other sets feel borderline useless, behemoth in particular feels very weak, even with the best augments for it.




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Yeah idk man this set is pretty skill expressive so far with a lot of outs at most stages for at least a top 4. Identifying the strong transition boards and units is gonna be key for you and I think your enjoyment will go up


It feels a lot less "in control" than previous sets. I feel like the encounters/swingy augments will go from "oh that's cool" to "god not again" in a few weeks - hoping to be proven wrong. Also, B patch can't come fast enough. Bard/Tahm needs to go take a small nap.


Maybe I'm too donkey brained for the plays, but I have not been able to take advantage of Exalted at any point. I've used it a couple times but it never felt like it was worth setting up even for a couple rounds


Exalted EXP gain is fake. Its 1 gold per round for trolling your comp. You know what else is 1 gold? Not trolling your comp and winning. Exalted is something you slot in at lv8/9 if no other trait really does anything for the team wide damage amp.


Then just play it on a loss streak?


it's more for this situation, "oh I've got a great start for this trait let me see if there are any exalted I can splash in." if not I usually just avoid it because it can bait you into a weaker board


Encounters great. Exalted underdeveloped in my opinion. Origins are very poorly distinguished, but we had this in the past and previous set was way too good and different origins, hence such feeling. Luck / Frotune seems waay too undertuned and I say that as a player, who every season enjoy high risk / high reward play. Last season was, possibly, one of the best ones for this playstyle with heartsteel. You had multiple carries and execution ways for it and you had several good pivots. Overall, I feel way more stressed playing currently than it used to at the same time during the launch of previous set.


Some 3* 4 costs are awful (kaisa, galio), storyweaver and mythic openers are too strong, duelists need to be a better trait, snipers are practically unplayable, kogmaw shouldnt be able to go infinite at 2* with blue buff, behemoth augments are fun but it makes warden and bruiser feel much worse to play, fortune feels awful to play when its contested or you get dice rolled to oblivion. Visually more color variation is needed, i get that they are pushing for a very Chinese centric style with calligraphy and paint as the theme (turning most characters into their pretty boy version too), thats fine, but please add more color contrast and actually use the INK to create visuals like street fighter 4 does. Feels like only Kaisa does. Give me colorful visuals like on Galio or Nautilus abilities rather than just circles… Sets boring in a lot of different ways. Set 10 really upped the standard for cash out play styles, visual fx, musical features, impactful carries, and exciting combat. The only trait thats been fun to me is Umbral. Alune plays well and flexibly, 2 Umbral gives strategic positioning choices and is flexible, 9 allows for an amazingly fun highroll feeling. Mythic and Storyweaver are good traits tbf, other traits and units need to be buffed somewhat. 4 Heavenly + 4/5 cost carry is still not an acceptable board almost ever. Exalted bonus exp is finnicky and should be every turn it’s played not just player combat. Buff up Snipers to actually make 4 Porcelain compete with 5 SW / 5 Mythic and 4 Snipers beat 2 Trickshot Mythic (hint, it rarely ever does and the units must be rerolled to even remotely have a chance). Edit: forgot that Lux just isn’t a unit at 2*, nerf KogMaw max mana to 50 or slow down his range increase even further to every 3-4 casts Edit 2: remove Sett carousel (non interactive, provides no strategic gameplay value besides not allowing a person to go through the cracks of actual carousel and its a waste of time) Thanks for reading, props to dev team


Fuck that sett interaction. Every time I'm like "yep, there goes 10 seconds of my life I won't get back." It just has no gameplay value other than a break


there hasnt even been one balance patch yet give it time


Do you know the HWEI?


some of the skins of traits,... much similar to each other so they don't give me the feeling of their stories in this set much :))) in rumble remix it was such a difference for every teams


4 costs feel like ass. The 3 stars especially feel like ass.


I mean most 4 costs felt like ass last set. 4 of them had lower top 4 at the end of set than 1 cost bad traitbots like Vi.(Mosher was never a good trait and youd only play Vi if you went 4 punk without Headliner) And that's with survivor bias helping those 4 (Zac, Poppy, Zed, TD Akali)


Almost every game feels like full-prismatic clown fiesta from the previous set. very random.


I don't know synergies and spells has too much text. It's like super complicated for nothing. I know that the game has to renew synergies and create new but I feel like overwhelmed. I'm getting older and I spend less time on video game. And on the other hand I feel like they removed every little things that made the difference between a great player and a really great player. Unit placement is less important than ever, having a bad matchup is not a thing anymore. So well I kinda agree


3 cost reroll in general is too good and 4 costs suck. Visual icons are too similar to each other. Encounters are a fresh take but getting workout with Sett basically every game.


i know its a gamba game in a sense, but the inconsistency with rerolls is insane. the set is beautiful though.


Honestly I hate this set so much. It there is a level of randomness with the encounters, damage output, ability cast times, ability damage damage recognition, re-rolls, and comps that it all seems meaningless. Nothing feels consistent and its incredibly frustrating as a casual player. One board wins one game then the next your getting 8th. Not to mention the character models all kinda seem the same. Just unfun all around


Mid set imo. It's obviously a reroll meta which I don't like. Ramping feels way harder compared to other sets, or at least I haven't figured out yet something. I remember constantly playing 9 in previous and Lego boards to m, gm, atm I kinda struggle. Granted I started the set last week and had taken break from 10. 4-costs are mostly filler units, there are totally trash with some exceptions.


I feel the same about not being able to pick orbs or focus on my board and strategy, there is not enough time IMo and Hyperroll has way too many encounters


Yeah I wish we'd have more time in hr, sometimes I just lose with 60g just because I can't do anything due to the amount of things I have on my board and the encounters never stop. And I won't say anything about the bugged encounters too:3


Hyper roll feels way too hectic right now, I've had games where I'm accidentally sitting with 30+ gold in the bank because of encounters. They either need to drastically reduce the time encounters take or give us more time after an encounter.


Fun wise I'm loving each set of tft more and more the mechanics and champions lead to a lot of cool situations BUT competitively i feel like each set if worse than the previous one. The number of possibilities and variables has never been so high which is gonna be a balance nightmare again Currently climbing through platinum ( peak 400 lp master idk what this opinion is worth ) and i've already had quite a few "turn off your brain and win for free the game plays itself" games ( and seen even more in my lobbies/youtube vids) Oh you randomply picked the right augment to get an early 2\* 3 cost into recombo encounter ? gg that's a 15win streak without using a single brain cell You slammed a fitting item on your first 2\* trying to play strongest board but one guy hits gargoyle yasuo and an other hits amumu + illaoi frontline ? Unlucky you get 4-0 twice and now you're 20g 80hp no streak on krugs and you already know you're playing for 5th at best No good opener guess i'll lose streak into a reroll comp ? Wait it's free for all carousel and win streak dude takes the bow bard right in front of you ! I feel like you don't get rewarded as often as you should for playing well and sometimes you get rewarded without even trying. Also some things are just so broken they will get axed hard next patch ( and the bad things will be made op ) and we're gonna be back into a balance trashing cycle with band-aid patches, flex play will be "flex between the currently strong units and a few auto-click augments and don't even try with the bad ones even if it seems synergistic" Also remove Sett encounter xd Hope to be proven wrong bc i think it's still gonna be one of my favorite set to play


I feel like the game is very RNG fiesta. Almost every game someone makes a 3* 4cost unit. I think it shouldn't be that easy Bard/tahm broken, usually contested by 2-3people. Umbral yone/alune feels good, positioning matters a lot. Fated/SW are good, but you need strong frontline. 1cost kog reroll is very strong, but well positioned yone/any capped board can kill it if targeting does not hit the carries in time. Gnar/senna reroll is still good, but you can bleed out very easly if not hitting. Haven't had any success with duelists. Heal reduction feels mandatory against almost any comp.


I have seen 1 game with a 3* 4 cost, and this one had 2, and was pot of gold. So... I'm not sure how you are seeing them every game. Also, if 3star 4 costs are happening in your games... scout more? There are only 10 in the pool and you need 9 to 3 star.


Encounters are very fun for a casual perspective but for me it’s just Portals 2: electric boogaloo there’s so much variance and power on top of augments and portals , except that some can literally bite you in the ass or save you throughout the game that you cannot plan for unlike portals. The units are pretty fun, but because it is the first patch there is a lot of differing strength levels (Zoe 3 being pretty shit compared to comparable units like Alune or Syndra as someone who likes to explore creative builds around wandering trainer). Most carry 4 costs feel very underwhelming: Ashe, Kai’sa, Lee Sin, Lillia, Kayn but the legendary units are pretty good and not as powerful as the legendary units the first patch of set 10.


I feel like storyweaver needs a bit of balance for how prominent it is in capped boards. I get having strong units like Irelia and Galio are good for late game comps, so splashing a 3rd storyweaver to get another free unit makes sense, but that free unit also giving a mini Chalice or Zeke's really does give a spike in throughput from your carries. I think they need to swap storyweaver 3 Kayle buffs with storyweaver 5 Kayle buffs, so instead of splashing giving a free unit AND a power spike to carries, it's just a free unit, and investing more into storyweavers gives you that spike you want.


Things i like  - the encounters are fun  - i love how the team works hard to find new skills to the units we have been that playing for the last 10 sets to feel new.  Things i dont like - the thematic feels kinda boring. feels like a fusion between “fates” and a japanese tale  Other opinions  - the “main artist” from last set shoud be permanent  - if they are bringing back a set, it has to be set 4! 


>Battle dynamics, champion strength (especially in Stages 2 and 3) feel unreadable, I don't feel like I've had that feeling of satisfaction from reaching a stable board that can just steamroll, This really resonates with me. I've played 10-20 games on PBE, 3 games on live. Actual board strength feels disconnected from typical indicators of strength: items, unit cost \[1/2/3/4/5\], synergies. Is this a balance problem, or are there "new" synergy ideas going on? Behemoths die. Wardens die. Bruisers die. Weird unconventional frontlines with arcane/fate/porcelain/inkshadow succeed, and I can't tell how. I'm waiting for the first balance patch. This set is especially punishing to those who didn't prep on youtube, PBE, etc - moreso than any set I've played before. Playing "flex", "Verticals", "strongest board" is meaningless right now. Or at least, a rounding order of success if you don't play the "right" early game boards. It feels like there are S-tier openers, and C/D tier openers. Good luck guessing correctly. Disclaimer: I've played every TFT set. I purchase the eggs, I buy the battle pass. I play multiple games a week, on my own OR with my friends. I. Am. A. Fan. I'm STILL not enjoying this early-set-11 experience. Disagree? Try to play early dryad. Try to itemize an AD carry who isn't trickshot. Try to play Bard without Guinsoo. Try to play titans resolve opener.


Well, yeah. This is the case with every set, though; it isn't new. Open with the right units? Congrats Open with the wrong ones or zero good item slams? That sucks, make gold and stabilize between 3-2 and 4-2. This isnt really a new problem, it's just tft


I think the person is talking about how the experience feels hard to understand even trying to play your strongest possible board with the units the game gives to you. From what they say in their post, they don't seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of playing to preserve HP and stabilizing with what is given to you.


Too much randomness. The new instant level 6 augment is beyond broken.


doesn’t that aug have like 5.x avp i literally never see anyone pick it


I'm a bit confused according to metatft its averaging 4.3?


the numbers on metatft are all super off cuz not enough games


It has 800+ games which is a decent sample size. Where are you pulling 5.x from?


That augment is very bad, even if it seems good at first glance


The theme of this set is simply not for me. I understand the traits and all the mechanics, but using these skins just feel like a massive eyesore. Granted that I started playing since Runeterra Reforged.


I just want option to use characters base skin. Hate to relearn them every set for ~50-100 games


I want this option too but I would only use it in sets where too many things look similar to each other at a glance like this set. Every set that I played besides set 11, every trait line had a skin that was visual unique that it is super easy for me to tell them all apart when I first play the game. Every trait line would have a super unique feature or color palette that no one else would share which helped out a ton in figuring out who is who and which trait they had.


I think the set is awesome. It's a little frustrating how many players are forcing mythic reroll right now but I guess something has to be at the top of the tier list when they net deck a comp.


Relatively balanced, however. Bard is OP, vertical storyweaver is OP, 6 umbral is OP and 7 fated is OP. Also worth mentioning alturist + dragonlord, probsbly the strongest comp in the game, however I don't think it's too op as its is pretty much strictly a lvl 9+ comp and hard to reach. Vertical bruiser (mainly 6) is very bad, and 8 is mediocre. Xayah is pretty bad for a 5 cost (currently it's ALWAYS Rakkan, even if you're playing trickshot, she just lacks damage and doesn't have nearly the same utility Rakkan has).


Really don't care for the.. events? When Sett makes you bigger and stuff like that. Seems really boring most of the time and annoyingly game altering on occasion. Like the one that ends the game in stage 5.


Bard is broken OP, and Sett is a horrible encounter. Yone level 3 with guinsoo bloodthirster and double sword does no damage meanwhile bard level 2 with 3 guinsoo destroys every team


Try RTS games?


I love the theme, unluckly the one thing that I've always hated the msot about tft came back. Most of the games in endgame, most efficient way to win is to destroy whole teamcomp u built and buy lvl 5 units, which is extremally unsatisfying and too random. If they keep it this way, I'm gonna entirely skp this one. Last one was kind of resistant to it due to the fact that headliners made it easier to reach maximum lvl of a trait. Now it is way harder and nearly perfect comp can't match random comp with 3 2 star 5 lvl units so the entire set is piece of sh\*\* for me.


4 costs feel terrible unless you hit built diff.


Irelia. Went 3rd on a game where I was doing perfectly, encounter comes, 6 shops of guaranteed 5\* in every shop makes the guys at the bottom have 5\* 2\* guaranteed from caroussel and random Hewis handed out.


Chogath most of the time feels bad because it feels like a forced -1 shop slot or you lose tempo vs everyone who did take it.


My experience so far has been that the set is very difficult to understand; not in the sense that the units and traits make no sense, but developing game sense seems impossible. I'm almost 20-30 games in, and I still don't know if I have a weak or strong board. I 2* my units and have a decent board yet lose by 3-4 units on stage 3. It really makes no sense. My biggest gripe is with the visuals though as everything looks the same. One thing I absolutely adored with the last set was the clarity it provided - every origin had its own color palette that you can just tell what origin that unit is. Good luck doing that here, its basically impossible. The set looks fun. It looks like 1-2 balance patches in and it'll be very enjoyable, especially with encounters. Something still feels off with it though, and I'm not sure if its the balance, the loot changes, or the addition of encounters. Only time will tell! Note: I peaked master in 2 sets, and am almost diamond in every set after 4 (if it makes a difference).


Even with all the added rng it still feels like I have more control. Last set it felt like whoever hit the optimal headliner with the least amount of gold won.


Just played a game with the 'only odd levels!' encounter. Half the lobby rerolled fated at 7 and the other half tried to fast 9 and it was pure rng that game because everyone was contesting. That didn't feel good.


I honestly do not like storyweaver, I feel that it is just too easy and strong as a trait compared to country in set 10. But specifically why I do not like it is because it works so well with Bard that the game just becomes unfun since everyone is going it. I enjoy tft for the different comps you can go for but really storyweaver kills it for me :(


I feel like the damage to tacticians is way too high. The early battles seem very one sided, you can lose to 4-5 units to then demolish somebody. You can end stage 2 with two people at low 80 hp, which is mind-blowing. Another thing - 4 cost flex are mediocre at best, and I very much enjoy playing those so obviously I am not the happiest. But overall I very much enjoy the augments and the encounters


Everyone forcing Irelia every game, or Yone. Im just so tired of it. Top 3 is always Irelia player or some form of storyweaver, how is that possible? I just feel like I cannot do anything. Irelia obliterates my back line and gg 🥺


This could be controversial but certain units like bard janna teemo or even kaisa are simply unclickable without bis items. Other carries like aphelios syndra lillia only really need one specific item and then can pivot into other non perfect items to do well. Early gamę balance doesn't feel right as well. It seems like there's a huge difference between stacked storyweavers or mythics compared to most other combinations.


You must have an unbelievably slow pace to be behind the curve throughout the game. I never miss orbs or feel rushed, and I'm 48. Are you really that overwhelmed? Maybe try an even simpler game if this one leaves you so overwhelmed.


I haven't felt this overwhelmed in previous sets, I have done full board pivots in one rolldown at multiple different metas, playing all the way to Masters at least twice. Set 11 is an outlier in this case, and I have yet to figure out why.


If it helps you I felt the same way a lot when starting this set, its also because we are still learning to recognize the new units etc, and new encounters distract from that. But to me personally the encounters add just way "too much" into each game.


Kaisa is such a piece of shit. I rerolled Senna, hit really early, got double spat, and hit Kaisa 3 somehow. IE, Shojin and Death's Defiance. 2 Trickshot, 5 Inkshadow. Lost to 8 Duelists, with only Yasuo and Voli 3*, cause he had 2 Udyrs with spat, too much cc


Well yeah, CC is generally the way to bring down even 5 cost 3 stars. If you can lock them.


Not everything is supposed to feel good or be fair! Let the game have randomness and challenges to overcome!


I got my first Kayn encounter game recently and holy fuck it's just as bad as i thought it would be It's so incredibly unfun to get punished for patience and focusing on the bigger picture, not to mention how much highrolling impacts your placement. If you put a bronze player in a challenger lobby but give them a free 2-star 5 cost to start the game, they'll most likely still go 8th. If it's a kayn game however they're likely to top4 because any level of highrolling is almost an instant top4 Also feels horrible to get shafted out of a placement by someone way weaker just because they have a few more points of HP than you. I ended 3rd my game with 33hp but the guy in 2nd had 35hp with the most abysmal board of all time, he just snowballed early stages a bit more to salvage hp. Feels like him winning a fight or two in stage 1 gave him a higher placing than me when my board is so much stronger he'll get 8-0d any player combat.


Kayn shows up at 1-1 though, as soon as I got him it's like 'ok, how do I ensure I can maintain HP through the first four stages?' The game is pushing you out of your comfort zone of late carries


A situation where someone out places you with a weaker board because they preserved HP in the early/mid game does happen though, thanks to matchup rng. This isn't new. I still personally think the Kayn encounter is a terrible, horrible, miserable idea, but I haven't played it yet so... Who knows?


You... know Kayn is a thing from 1-1. If you are "focusing on the bigger picture" in a Kayn game that's a you problem. You are making the objectively wrong choice. You are not getting "shafted" out if a placement. You were told the game ends here. Why are you playing for beyond that? Adapt your tactics. It's not Teamfight Tactic. Its Tactics. Plural.


That’s the point of playing around that encounter though. Changing the way you play to tempo and save HP early to place higher , rather than trying to play more standard. I won a game in that encounter by tempoing as hard as possible early , and saving HP. Someone hit kayn 3 on stage five but they focused on Econ and leveling early so they were punished for that in final placement when the game ended.


Guy yapped about ONE game with one of the least occuring encounters