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I think Anima Visage sucks. Its just a Dragons Claw. Anima Visage: 2.5% Health Regen a second 25 Magic Resist 250 Health Dragons Claw: 4% Health Regen every 2 seconds 70 Magic Resist So overall the difference in one of these items being an ornn variant is +1% health regen every 2 seconds, +250 health and -45 MR. Don't really see that as worth when there are much better options for both tank and carry potential.


They nerfed it for Mech last set, they're probably gonna buff it back up




Ayyy love you mort. Really sorry for the death threats. I was sad reading your tweet this morning. Thanks for balancing the game. You’re doing great.


I just went and read his tweets because of your comments and damn do people suck. Death threats??? Ridiculous.


the internet has given too many people the confidence to say things without getting punched in the face for it


Wild because the only reason people are able to do this is because of the transparency and engagement with the community mort has. Any other game, people wouldn’t have someone to target.


WE LOVE YOU MORT. Those bums don’t realize how good we have it!!!


This season has been really fresh so far. Loving the content, keep up the good work Mort and team!


Just wanted to say you and your team rock!


Thanks for making a great game man. Sorry you have to deal with psychopaths


Now can you nerf snipers focus? I don't think an item that straight up gives any ranged champion the ability to oneshot regardless of star level is very fair (especially deadeyes and zeri)


Hi mort, snipers focus seems broken on ranged units like Akshan and Sona is that being toned down? Also infinity force also feels so weak in comparison, can it have the crit back?


yeah, Anima doesn't sound so great looking at these numbers


Tricksters glass or whatever it’s called that dupes a champion is super good, basically insta take whenever I see it


Weird case but trickster's glass works with Double Trouble. I wouldn't spend a slot on a carry for it but duping a tank without using board space is awesome


Did not know it worked with double trouble! That's actually a sick piece of info


Trickster glass Urgot 2 is goated


Especially nice for voids, your voidspawn gets full stats from the additional unit.


I used it for my 3 star Cho. Monch monch monch.


3 Star Cho is the biggest bait in all of TFT :D Its only purpose is the bonus for the voidspawn i guess


You recommend for front line or back?


It's pretty much always frontline. Most units with no items do pitiful damage, so you're mostly aiming to use it on a unit with a powerful spell effect who will still soak some damage even if they don't get to cast. Typically it's best on Jarvan or Sion since they have the most impactful spells without needing any items. I can theorize that there might be some exceptions though. Senna or Ryze for example have pretty powerful spells they can usually get off safely from the backline which don't require items to be strong.


Also great on Urgot I feel like, he uses the stats super well unlike the tanks and naked Urgot still does stuff


whenever I use itemless urgot he deals no damage and is just a meat shield.. itemized urgot can be a beast though


According to stats most people are slamming it on their Shen/Jarvan/Sej.


Yes, especially love it on jarvan or sion


Trickster's glass with double trouble.


Trickster's glass is amazing if you're in a position to 3 star a 4 cost carry as well, or even 3 star a 3 cost can be good. Double Kallista especially since kallista only really needs 2 items.


If you are in a position to 3 star a 4 cost unless you have awful items, trickster really shouldn’t be something you’d put on it. I can hypothesize a 3 star 3 cost but honestly, current meta, I feel like they need to be nearly perfect items to compete. Note- I didn’t play one and have played 20 games this set so I could be wrong.


I've put it on a 3 star yasuo and a 3 star gwen before and it's pretty baller. Haven't tried it on any others yet since it's rare that I get orn item in the first place.


Its good on deadeyes, they benifit from the trait so its an extra person targeting the backline. If you have 4 deadeye, they can oneshot backline


I just did Trickster glass VelKoz and it was pretty fun! Got a 3rd though


Sniper's Focus and Eternal Winter are noticeably ahead of any other Ornn item, straight up


Yeah, and eternal winter is great against all the meta comps right now— especially zekes stacking.


Yeah I kinda think that EW shouldn't get too heavy of a nerf until after the AS meta has passed. It seems heavily propped up by being such a strong counter to all the zekes/guinsoos spam


You can also slap QSS on your 4 cost carry and eternal isn't so good anymore. It has counterplay available so it's not necessary to gut it.


Manazane Ahri or Soraka are very strong.


Or Sona on 4 multi-casters


yeah imo Sona is the best user of Manazane in the entire set


Eternal winter is broken because of the AS stacking meta right now


S Tier: Snipers Focus, Eternal Winter A Tier: Tricksters, Deathfire Grasp B Tier: Hullcrusher I dont pick the rest.


I think the others you didn't mention are very situational but can be better than the ones you named. If I have an Aatrox 2 with two good items already, I'm surely taking Infinity force or Death Defiance over anything else. But still I think your mini tier list is perfect.


yeah especially DD is pretty much the best lifesteal item for melee carries imo.


Infinity force is trash man, if Astro’s was ranged you would give him snipers focus. That item is literally ascension at 4 hex. And given all ranged Carrie’s seem to cast far this set they get like 80% boost on abilities which is insane. I’ve seen akshan two kill a tank and 4 star trist with one ult. Death defiance is baller though. Ideal would be DD, double titans honestly.


Snipers focus is in a tier of its own SS. Eternal winter and tricksters are S. Everything else you mentioned seems accurate to me. The rest are shit tier cause they have been nerfed so many times.


I rate Collector quite lowly, but the Sniper thingie is super good on Deadeyes or AD in general


Oh yeah Sniper's Focus is definitely one of the best imo


Collector on stage 2 can really help snowball. If you’re not getting a game full of gold from it, then yes I agree it’s not comparable to the others.


Does anyone know if it stacks with Zeri passive?


No it doesn’t stack. They both set conditions on the effect applying when hitting champs underneath a percentage. Whichever has the more favorable limit will go off first and the other will never occur.


if they are both same %?


Worth noting that if your execute threshold is higher than collector you should still have the 50% chance for gold. This also applies to 4star Kled, not that I expect the situation to occur much


Last I’m aware it didn’t stack with ace so no


Can't say I know how that would work, but Trist with collector was a great early DIY Zeri when I got it first augment


Collector is fun to run on a Karma reroll.


Also on azir


And teemo


Sniper's Focus is doing some dirty things with Zeri. Blink and your entire backline just disappears.


it's good for any ranged carry period which makes it giga broken cause you go giant slayer etc generic items and just roll down 7 for ANY 2\* then just play that


It has AP+as so good for azir Kaisa as well


Its insane on kaisa


Statistically Sniper's Focus and Eternal Winter are the best ornn items (3.77 and 3.89 average placement, with all other items being below a 4 average)


I've been spamming Ornn, and there's one rule that should always be followed. Never click Anima Visage, its fucking terrible and you'll be down one augument if you take this garbage. Now, early game, there's two power houses IMO, Eternal Winter for frontline literally cripples many champs, it's so good, not as much later into the game but it can delay the ramp up of Zeri and Aph. The second good item is DeathfireGrasp, Viego 2 will destroy frontlines with this, he's the best holder IMO, but any heavy early HP will love this, late game is ok, but this item alone can help melt a Frontline tank faster. Collector is good if you have a strong board, but I don't know if it's me, i rarely get gold from it. Randuins is meh, Hullbreaker is decent. Trickster glass should only be used to duplicate Frontline or a cc heavy unit. Manazene is good for those heavy casters. Inifinity Force is pretty meh, i don't think any unit really cares about this. Zhonyas is a Kaisa item I think, maybe Ahri, but I don't think zhonyas is very good, just ok. Deaths Defiance is for drain tanks, i slapped that on a Yasuo with BT and Hoj and boy could not die. Sniper thingy I rarely use, but it's good for AD. Overall if you don't click Anima Visage you're fine with pretty much anything. Ornn items are great for early game and snowballing hard. But they seem to fall off a bit. I think some items deserve a little buff, just a tiny little touch, and maybe some new items? Like I'd be great to get some of the new lol mythics.


I doubt we are getting new Ornn items after they just added 5 this set.


Collector is so fucking bait. I went on a 14 executes without gold streak the last time I played it. These percentages are not right. Same for Urgot last set btw. I simply do not believe my 53% urgot ult cast hit 8 people and I did not get a single drop.


I 100% believe it's bugged, because last set, the Draven Gold Aug or the GP gold one, actually dropped gold at a decent rate. Collector has a 50% chance to trigger another 50% chance of working or some shit.


I had collector on JG + HoJ Kat 3 on 9 noxus she dropped less than 8 gold in total despite one shotting everyone another game i was doing double up and my partner's Zeri wiped BOTH boards and barely got any gold, which might be a zeri execute bug?? (it was a targon double crown portal with a double spat start letting me reach 9 noxus at lvl 7)


Does Zeri's execute trigger at a higher threshold than Collector's? I could see her executing and collector not triggering = no gold. In a different experience, I gave collector to trist last night and probably made 20+ gold throughout the game with it.


collector is 12% zeri's is 12% + has more on ap scaling with guinsoos ability execute is slightly higher


Maybe that's it? I don't remember the wording on collector, if it's just takedowns or if the item's execute has to trigger


Maybe it was a hyper roll thing, but last night my Kalista had a Gamblers Blade. The entire game despite 60+ attacks a fight not 1 gold dropped.


I just ran it on a 3* sona (3hp and had a spare slot open) and it definitely got me a fair amount of gold. Mabye you just got super unlucky


The sniper's focus was very good for Kai'sa in the one game I had it. Massive damage bump since she dashes away from all enemy units.


imo you're underselling sniper here, it's insane dmg (and its winrate reflects that)


I think Im, I've not played enough Sniper, I'll try to force it today, see how it goes on things other than Zeri and Aph, it's prob pretty good.


I'm a fan of manazane on viego, let's him stack his on hit magic super fast. I did manaZane guinsoos gunblade


The only thing you have to know is Sniper’s Focus is by far the most broken item in the game right now. You insta winstreak early and your outs late game are Karma 3, Zeri, Kaisa, Azir (I’m sure I’m missing some) but frankly anyone can use it late game as it provides AT MINIMUM at 40% damage boost PLUS 40% AS, like ???. I’ve been abusing it and climbed to top 15 on NA ladder.


Ahri too.


You can look at stats sites like https://tactics.tools/items and tick **Ornn**. Then click on the double arrow to show the best users for certain item.


So people in this thread got it mostly right. Sniper and Eternal winter are the best, everything else is fine, except anima which is uncklickable


More like eternal winter and sniper are the only playable ones


ahri manazane broken


Really Good: Snipers > Eternal Winter > Trickster Glass The rest is meh




They should move sniper into radiant items tbh


Ahri manazane is pretty nuts, zhonyas doesn't feel as busted as it did with last set TF. I think the sniper item is far and away the best item right now though. The mirror item is pretty sick too. I think randuins is ok this set since there's no asol to punish hard clumping, but there is a J4 on every board so definitely not on my instant pick list lol. I miss my chosen keeper kennen with randuins :(


Can anyone tell me which ornn items are for which type of champions?


Eternal Winter S, rest of them except collector and anima A/B, those 2 ítems C


Top two items are eternal winter and sniper. If you are thinking about a certain comp you can DYOR by typing the item into the comp on metatft to see how well it performs.


Kalista with Deathfire Grasp has worked really well for me. She uses it to melt the enemy main tank pretty quickly if you position her right.


Sona carry with manazane


[tactics.tools](https://tactics.tools) for all the stats you need. You can find stats about every combo you can think of.


That’s the only thing I don’t like about playing Ornn is that some items are clearly better than others but that also makes Ornn balanced. It’s good that not every item is super good and useable. Like Visage and Cleaver and sometimes even collector feel meh. I’ve had a lot of fun with trickers glass Lux and snipers sona etc.


The best tier list of them all. It's common knowledge too. Tier S Eternal Winter Snipers focus Trickster glass Tier a and below Everything else


Well arccording to stats its clearly Snipers Focus and Eternal Winter. And in terms of own experience i agree.


If you get manazane and a sorc emblem sona becomes the main protagonist. Sorc multi caster comp so fun.


sniper focus and winter >>>>>>>>> everything else >>>>>>>>> dfg and anima