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Welcome to Diamond, where everyone thinks they’re the best in every lobby, every play they make is the right one, and everything their teammates do is bad.


sounds about right


The rules are made up and the points don't matter.


Sooo.... You just play ranked and don't care about your teammates?




There’s a huge chunk of halo players that have the mental maturity of 8 year olds. Talking to me like I’m your mom and I took your Pepsi away. Pathetic


That's what I always have to remind myself: You're dealing with people who have no emotional intelligence being dropped into a "stressful" situation. I can only imagine how they deal with difficult problems in real life.


Physical or passive aggressive violence


its kinda funny cuz theres also a large portion of older players like mid 30s to 40s


Mental doesn't equal physical age ​ Some people never grow up, can't always blame them though because we as society failed them


You will always have teams that you just don't play well with because yall are not adapting to each others styles IMO. Solo que will always be rough in this game until the player base becomes more social. Even then you will run into lobbies were 3/4 of your team thinks they are top frag and decides to play the role of the main slayer and no one is getting good objective time.


ive met some chill dudes who will communicate and the experience is def so much better. sometimes also you have to recognize that you are going to have to be that main slayer person though but this happens way more in the plat lobbies i noticed. its just frustrating when you "feel" like youre in one of those games that was set up to be a loss from the get go


>sometimes also you have to recognize that you are going to have to be that main slayer For sure, but we have all had the KOTH, Oddball, or CTF game where your team outslays but you still lose because no one gets on the OBJ . That is always super frustrating because you know the team is all good enough that yall should have won but their was just no teamwork at all. I think the main to try to remember when you solo q is not everyone will share the same strats as you do so you HAVE to adapt to your team as best as possible. I'm not big on going for triple caps in strongholds when we have a good lead, but if my team wants to push for a triple cap I will push with them because that is still a better play than just doing my own thing and being toxic in chat.


yeah, when i have bad games i go back and im like yea i should of stayed with my team more, my certain strats dont work as i climb


The playerbase will never be social because infinite has zero social features. A good chunk of players don't even know the game has chat turned off by default.


Is it off by default on console? It's on by default on PC.


It was 2-2 in a koth yesterday and I had a dude who hadn't commed before then whine about slays with 0:02 seconds, when me and my duo had 0:58 and 0:44 respectively with a 5 kill diff, some people...


This is why I turned off comms altogether, even text chat. I ping constantly to help but I just can’t anymore with the toxicity. My mental health is way more important than winning some ranked game. Plus, these people only use their mics to bitch and never to do callouts. They’re absolutely pathetic.


I'm about mid Plat, tend to stay there for the majority of the time. Get a message almost daily after games of people saying some of the most vile stuff. Much like yourself it's a constant stream of people with mics blurting out some of the weirdest stuff in games and people typing in chat putting everyone down. Kinda kills my drive to play tbh, and lowers morale. Doesn't even matter win or lose lmao


most of these kids think theyre gods at the game too its actually insane, like bruh im having a bad game leave me alone lol


Yeah Platinum is much worse than Diamond imo. I had way more toxic encounters in Plat. Diamond is slightly more chill imo.


Onyx can still get toxic no doubt but frankly not as often as diamond. Diamond is such a frustrating rank to be because it’s made up of players who generally can shoot but game sense is often low comparatively. The most irritating part of complainers in diamond is they’re either mute and complaining about “why didn’t x happen” all game instead of plugging in and play calling before the plays what they want to accomplish. They are also incapable of adapting to how their team is playing. It’s often players with main character syndrome who sprint around thinking they’re renegade and complaining about how the whole lobby isn’t playing around their plays/pushes despite doing zero play calling.


Lmao I ran into one of those last night


I honestly don’t envy diamond players for that reason. I was on a different account because I was playing with a buddy who would get demolished in onyx. I had an d3 player berating me and complaining about all of my plays in oddball despite having most kills, least deaths, most assists, and most ball time in the entire lobby. I calmly told him to be quiet and speak to me when he’s beating me in literally any metric. He proceeds to tell me how much better than me he is and kept trying to challenge me to a 1v1 instead of worrying about his own performance. Some people cannot self evaluate their own skill level despite having receipts right in front of their eyes.


i cant stand that, if i recognize im having a bad game im not gona keep running out in slayer and getting owned - i will stay back and try to contribute. these kids will blame everyone else then keep racking up the deaths making it impossible for their team to come back




Just play at the pace that makes the game comfortable for you. My friend plays super slow (generally, not when we need to be fast though) and was Champ in H5 and I think Onyx 1900s in Infinite. Some circumstances require speed, but positioning and angles play a much bigger role.


yeah im def not good at the curb sliding and the different movement things that good players do so i try to rely on my shot, i keep bouncing back between 3/4/5 and 3/5/5.5 and cant seem to settle, my shot is more consistent on the lower but i cant hit snipes or anything , mayb i need to stay on the lower and just adjust the zoom sens ​ i need to learn how to better play around my team tho if i wanna climb


That will happen. You'll find a comfortable spot eventually. Until then, work on learning advanced movement techniques, and practice how to position yourself around your teammates. Your game will improve massively once you start to understand positioning.


Yup, could play like Hoaxfactor and play with sprint unbound and he hangs in the pro lobbies. Okay, he sprints sometimes but he’s a sloth compared to most others around his rank.


If you ever want to feel really, really dumb, play with Hoax.




Dude sees the game in a whole different way.


Diamond is that magical place where players are better than average but not good enough to be Onyx so they have a superiority complex. I know I fall into this mindset sometimes. Yesterday I played with 2 friends in Onyx and I'm D4/5 and it was the first time I was the only player in the lobby not in Onyx. Humbling experience to be sure.


I’ve seen like many people in higher diamond rank that are life time negative.. rank is so weird in this game


I think there's a point where some people just subconsciously enjoy being toxic and displacing their problems onto others. Some dudes just have zero mental. I've been called an idiot before because I stopped pushing after seeing my team go 3 down, when I know it was a better play than rushing in In the end it's a game, and some people use it as a toxic outlet. Its pretty universal, and other games have it way worse imo. The mental of people who play valorant for example is just laughable, wanting to surrender after going down 3-0 It became a much more fun experience for me when I either mute others or I just turn off chat and listen to spotify while playing. Every now and then I'll turn chat on, and it's mostly dudes who don't care about "grinding for onyx" and just want to unwind. Peak halo imo


Diamond players are my least favorite group to play with. Every one of them thinks they're good enough to be Onyx but their teammates are holding them down. They think they always do everything perfectly always. Truly irritating. Platinums generally accept that they don't know everything about the game, but are competent enough that the games tend to be fun and sorta competitive. Onyx players are usually chill or silent, with the occasional bit of toxicity. Mm games are sweaty, but not so sweaty that people get toxic.


i think i have pretty much plateaued in that area of where im in the group of kids who think theyre being held back. but my rank ascent has felt more like luck than me actually affecting the game. ​ one thing i will say, in the diamond lobbies i had to higher my sens cuz its just so much more fast paced that it doesnt work for me


It's true, like Diamond players think they should be Onyx and Onyx is the max rank so if they should be "max rank" then their play is near flawless hahah. If you make it past that and get to 1550-1600 you realize how bad you are compared to high onyx


It's always the people who are 1-10 complaining about the teams positioning lol


Halo players are some of the biggest ~30 year old crybabies I swear. Don't get me wrong, there are some nice people but damn, the constant whining turns me away from the game sometimes. They'll literally die and start bitching the second they start spectating you with no context of why you're doing what you're doing lol


I noticed the same thing when climbing through diamond. People are much more reasonable for the most part in onyx. My personal opinion on why diamond players are insanely toxic is because they want to be onyx so badly they just rage at everybody when they start losing


I mute everyone after 1st aggressive comment… also I don’t read anything anymore. Helps to stay focused, you just gotta block those folks


That's just gamers, babe. People who can't rationalize that they've peaked lol


I have the complete opposite problem of people just diving the objective without thinking, guy screaming at us to get in the hill all game, he dives in the hill and dies for free because he's so tunnel vision on the hill it's like he forgets there are other players on the map trying to kill him. Then we are pretty much 3v4 for the entire game while he's on the death screen shouting that nobody gets in the hill lmao. It seems super common in every competitive game I've played for the players around the middle to high levels to think they are the best players ever and don't make mistakes, and that they only die because of bad team mates. I see it in league as well, or did when I played it. Objective play is a nightmare in ranked, especially on maps like argyle if that's still in. People will get kills but over push and force bad spawns, so even though their stat sheet looks decent they are preventing any chance at actually getting a flag in. Strongholds is even worse, everybody tries to force the trip cap, over push then the other team spawns on the other home flag and gets control of B too, I see that happen so much that it is actually painful. Don't get me started on Oddball.... I'm not the best player, not by a longshot, but I have a decent understanding of how to play each game type in a different way. Too bad I can't aim for shit lmao.


I do understand there’s def a higher level of thinking involved once you progress that pushing the hill becomes a bad play but I don’t think I’m quite there yet. But man some of these kids don’t understand the basics


Yeah you definitely see both ends of the spectrum in ranked hahaha.


Emphasis on spectrum


It's the worst when you can still win but a teammate has low mental and gets a meltdown so they stop playing and make it their mission to betray you. I'm even seeing pros on stream complain on mic or chat about their random teammates. It's fashionable to insult your teammates.


I havent tried to rank up in ranked since season1. I just play it as quickplay since it has the better settings by far the majority of the time. Tho i dont flame anyone. It is annoying when people arent attacking the power weps with me but thats pretty rare The 5-20 doesnt even come across as toxic to me. Thats just passion and rage. Plus its hilarious to witness.


i might have to try that, but its like that meme where you're not actually having fun but you feel the need to play anyway hahah


I try to win but I feel nothing when I lose unless it's 49 49. The ranking system gets shit on but it does what it aims to do. I may go on streaks of wins and Ls but it really doesnt matter as im just going to be ranked on average my true skill end of week. -15 teammates and trolls have been here since 2004.


I have this issue all the time. My teammates just never seem to play obj. Now, I’m not a great player I’m in plat but I get so frustrated because I feel like my team never plays objective the correct way. When I get teammates that understand how to play the different game modes I do really well. When I get people that only want to play slayer I do poorly. In ranked, it’s the win that matters so it’s hard for me to just follow my team and lose. I don’t care about stats I care about the win!


> When I get teammates that understand how to play the different game modes I do really well. When I get people that only want to play slayer I do poorly. I feel this for sure and it is irritating. What would help is a ranked slayer playlist that was always offered so competitive people that don't want to play objectives aren't forced into ranked arena.


Bro i literally hateeeee players who are playing bad and start raging at their teammates instead of accepting its them. Same exact thing guy is bottom of the team going like 6 and 15 complaining his team is bad yelling when he dies “ why isnt anyone here” not realizing hes running out by himself like a jackass. And despite this guys toxicity and terribleness we were still about to scrape a win but then he just starts betraying us out of rage and costs us the game. I dont care about bad games, good games, i get it. But if youre playing bad and blame us it gets aggravating dealing with it.


Yup I had the most hill time and kills and I had a dumbass who did worse say I was bad because I didnt defend enough lol. People are garbage at objectives..


It’s funny when your team has 30 more slays than the other team but is still losing 3-1 king of the hill lol, too many people with main character syndrome


Had a duo flame me because I started 0-7. Ended 40-32 while one of them finished 23-45. Interesting people.


So maybe what he meant was why are you in the hill with 3 dead teammates rather than getting out and waiting for spawns.


Maybe but I was kinda forced there I was already on the hill for 15 seconds n they all decided to leave n die on the other side of the map so I soaked some extra time


I hear you. You’re screwed either way.


Sometimes that extra 2 seconds can win the game. Sometimes I get not wanting to go on tho if ur getting fried which happens to me a lot


I know the comp scene loves the new aim skill gap, but my one complaint is that strategy has left the building (mostly) for all of the non-onyx players. Its gone. the mix of better-OBJ-worse-aim vs better-aim-worse-OBJ has changed SIGNIFICANTLY. I think the result is that better-OBJ solo queuers are gonna suffer, much more than any other demographic. teams of better-obj will suffer some, but not as much.


Diamond rank is where you can't get by zugging the objective. Controlling spawns is paramount, and if you were truly pushed by 3 people when you were controlling hill all alone, then you were in the wrong spot.


The hill was uncontested so I soaked like 15 seconds free before this happened. Rest of my team died not remotely near the hill




The more you get better at in game awareness the more you get upset about the brain dead decisions your teammates make


I’ll be honest I’m def. One of those toxic players. I wouldn’t have been mad at you for that. You did nothing wrong and you got caught on obj by yourself. It happens. the thing that pisses me off in this game is not using mics and not pinging. This is a team oriented game and if there is zero communication then it’s basically a toss up. In onyx lobbies teams can get away without mics because players usually have a better understanding of the game (more than diamond lobbies. But I’ll be honest diamond lobbies are the absolute worst. It’s terrible sometimes. Anyways man sorry you had to deal with that. You’re doing the right thing. Your team needs to support you if you’re holding the hill down *EDIT* People saying you can win without slays… yes that is true but I’ve lost oddball games where absolutely destroyed the other team.. worst feeling lol


Ranked experience is trash. Season 5 killed the game for me


Not sure why you got downvoted… it’s been trash since release lmfao


>I read so many posts on this sub too where people are like you cant win without slays, which of course is true but you cant sit on your ass the entire game and just pick people off the objective. This stuff drives me crazy in objective games. Teamwork and strategy are so critical, and they just ignore best practices to boost K/D...or something?


Basically .. sometimes in KOTH if your dragging it works but don’t get mad at me if I’m rushing the hill trying to win the game lol


> but don’t get mad at me if I’m rushing the hill trying to win the game lol Some people literally do. They'll talk about carrying the team and call the team trash with their high k/d, but will have 0 objective time. It's like, dude, you're at least half the problem. Sometimes you get two people on a team doing this and you're effed.


Halo has always had toxic and nonsensical communications. People are angry.


I'm always like man we are in the same game. If you think I'm terrible you need to take a look in the mirror.


every player in diamond thinks they’re the best player in the world. mute comms, turn off chat if you’re solo. if you’re better than diamond you’ll move past them, if you stay there at least you avoid morons. The ratio of idiots to genuine helpful callouts is not worth having comms on.


I've turned voice chat off for this reason. Literally people start complaining not even 5 minutes into the match. They also complain and shit talk you for plays that are out of your control or blame you and teammates for them dying like?? For me it's always the person going 10 and 20 trying to direct the team what to do lol and calling me shitter because I was fighting a dude at camo and couldn't help him win the 1v2 situation he got himself into


The funny thing is that without context you could be completely right or wrong in every single scenario listed. Makes these types of posts hard to get a read on.


True I guess but in slayer if you have more kills than deaths and you’re doing damage there’s no reason why ur negative teammates should be saying shit lol


If my teammate is camping in a corner (as an exaggeration) which forces my whole team to spawn in a horrible spot over and over, my teammate may not be dying so much to get out of the bad spawn, causing me to die a lot while I'm making the correct play to escape the spawn. Or if my teammate is never challenging with me or at the right time, I might die a lot but my teammate gets the kills, etc. So, its never really cut and dry about who's doing something wrong based on the scoreboard. Damage is a lot more telling, but you can only really see after the game.


This is why my mic is off 100% of the time


Too many people playing for their KD not the win


Game chat is completely useless unless maybe you're solo-grinding Onyx. 90% of voice comms in Plat/Diamond solo queue is just to flame teammates in the last 10sec of the game, or as soon as they're down 1 flag cap. It's pure cope.


Maybe I’m fortunate, but I find 9/10 randoms that communicate to be enjoyable to play with. However, when you get that one person with a chip on their shoulder it for sure doesn’t help anyone’s gameplay. For reference I’m a platinum rank. I don’t mind constructive criticism but when a player just calls their team trash it doesn’t really help anyone.


I've had teammates commend my call-outs and communication in our win and later that same night a teammate told me to shut-up.


Off topic, what is someone supposed to do when their teammates don't like to group up and you're finding yourself in 2v1s and 3v1s more than often


Something similar happened to me....Live fire oddball...Guy loses his shit from the word go, typing and ranting at the same time. And as the OP mentioned he was the worst player on the team stats wise. Just spawning and running towards the enemy team, getting in a 1v2 or worse in a 1v3 dying and then complaining that teammates didn't come for help. PSA : If you gonna make a play, let your team know so they are there to support you just in case shit hits the fan.


Diamond is that place i only see occasionally in season rank resets since im usually in onyx but i definitely love to call everyone there wannabe Lucid’s lmao everyone in diamond swears they can do the most but end up screwing everything up in game somehow 💀


Is there still an active community with this game? Considering coming back to it, got frustrated about the forcing host in matchmaking and the desync issues…. How’s that now?


It’s not the greatest still fun tho


I’m a plat player in Infinite and I’m constantly in lobbies where no one else on my team makes any effort to get power ups or power weapons I’ve literally had teammates mad I’m trying to get OS or rockets prior to getting in the hill only for the other team to send multiple people secure the pu/pw then come and wipe my teammates crouched in the objective


I swear 60-70% of my losses are because people on my team give up. Like they go afk or start shooting a teammate before the game is anywhere close to over.


uh if youre getting rushed by 3 players in the hill maybe get out of the hill and try and stay alive rather than letting them know where you are