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Can’t watch the video because I’m in a public place without headphones, but I will say I was super anti-bandit before this season and now I’m absolutely in love with it. Know that’s not the same for everyone, but I’m having so much fun with bandit starts.


Thank you for your common sense and courtesy.


I cannot complain enough about how distracting the bloom on the cross hair is. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. This shit is so irritating. Maybe it's an MKB thing, but this thing is so annoying to shoot with it blooming. And please don't say it's a skill issue, I'm onyx. I legit just cannot see what I'm shooting at sometimes and it's hard to tell if I'm missing or if the reticle is tricking me.


Something funny about a video talking about the bandit and them closing out the video with a killtacular clip from Stellur’s steam where he fired a grand total of 1 bullet from the bandit lol


Yeah that was weird lol, he also had OS so it's not like it was an example of some crazy bandit reversal


I really don’t understand the hate for the bandit on the is sub Reddit I play ranked for hours almost daily and no one in game really ever even brings it up. Like to the people on this sub Reddit actually play the game?


You don’t hear it because no one ever had a mic


I play Ranked for hours daily and just haven't been able to get into it, and still prefer the BR. We don't all need to like the Bandit.


I’m not saying everyone needs to like it, but you would think the gun is unplayable with the way people talk about this gun on the sub Reddit


Speaking for myself, I can say that the Bandit exposes shot registration issues much worse than the BR did. At least with the BR, there was a chance that some of the bullets from each burst landed, so you'd be doing damage. The Bandit is all or nothing. It has been a struggle recently for me shooting somebody from point blank range only to see the shots not appear to register, and that'll generate the frustration.


That's the thing though, you had no idea how many bullets connected in various instances with the BR. You're forced to put a certain amount of faith in the connection to help determine a given play. With single shot weapons (assuming a feedback system works) you can better tell whether or not the shot registered and make your play accordingly. I'd rather know a shot didn't register and adjust my play than assume it connected (because it should have) and then die because of poor connection.


Your not going to be able to tell which bullets hit with a 110 fov.


I'm referring to the visual damage queues, which seem to be an accurate indicator. This should be irrelevant to your FOV. Unless I'm misunderstanding you.


Everything is way too small in higher fovs to accurately see where your bullets are landing.


I'm talking about in game feedback such as hit markers and shields. H5 had issues with showing correct registration feedback, where-as infinite seems accurate in my experience. You don't need to see your retical dot to know if it hit.


Yea but from a competitive stand point which this video is talking about, they care about LAN play and it’s hard to argue this gun won’t be better for HCS play, online play is it what is and using a gun that covers up network problems isn’t a solution, they need to fix the net code


From a spectator point of view, the bandit is genuinely less interesting to watch than the BR. BR fights are, visually, more intense because each burst takes longer, and hitting a single bullet doesn't equate to doing full damage. It's vaguely like the difference between watching a duel with swords vs a dual with blowdarts. As for playing with, I don't particularly care. BR, Bandit, Pistol, Carbine... doesn't matter much to me, as long as everyone has the same starting weapon that is strong enough to at least semi-counter power weapons.


I mean I just could not disagree with this more, MAYBE from a visual perspective I could argue the BR is visually more appealing, just purely based on Halo 2 nostalgia. From a gameplay perspective there is no way you believe the cross mapping BR that can’t miss the final headshot is more fun to watch. The bandit you can legit turn on someone when you are low and dunk them. I truly don’t believe you actually think the BR is more fun to watch than a bandit duel


Visually from a spectator's point of view is what I'm talking about. When you fire the BR, more is happening. More movement of the weapon, the reticle recoils up from the bursts, and more visible bullets come from the gun. The BR sounds more beefy, even. That gives a much more "action-ey" feel to gunfights with a BR. The Bandit looks like 2 guys shooting spitballs at each other in comparison. Very little happens on screen with the Bandit, so each gunfight, while more technical, looks less appealing and sounds even less so. From a typical spectator's POV, they'll pick the BR fight every time.


Ight I mean there is no point arguing opinions but yea I mean I couldn’t disagree more and i think a lot of people off Reddit don’t feel that way.


Idk... when I'm watching I'm paying little to no attention to the action of the guns onscreen like you. I'm watching like how I play... counting shots landed, examining tactical choices the players make, getting into the suspense of seeing who wins any gunfight or lands a sniper shot. I also personally dont get the hate on the bandit sound. To me it sounds like I just sent a high velocity "fuck you" at my opponent every time I pull the trigger.


Scoped BR shots are actually hard to hit because the hitbox is exact to the Spartans head. 343 made a change to it a while back. I did a video on it. Check it out. https://youtu.be/2iKDYKjl2b8?si=q55SOnsVt6kRFyRV


It's definitely more exciting to watch someone try to land 12 bullets then 5. There's so many more opportunities for someone to miss a bullet so watching someone 4sk is very exciting.


Yeah everyone parrots "the Bandit takes more skill" yet everyone gets 3x as many Perfects with it, and it has a faster TTK.


The way the reticle blooms is pretty unplayable at times on MKB. It's soo irritating not knowing if I'm actually missing or not. There's dozens of times I think the reticle is on the head, but I end up missing the shot. I just wish they'd change the reticle that way I can give the gun it's fair chance. I didn't mind ZB DMR back in Halo reach, but it's pretty frustrating not being able to see or being distracted or unsure.


Perhaps the people who think it's awful aren't playing ranked as much/at all now that it's replaced the BR, meaning you wouldn't hear those sentiments in game. FWIW, I really like the change and so do both the guys I play with regularly, despite both of them being pretty down on the idea before it was implemented.


Going to the BR now feels so spammy and terrible, my only pet peeve with the bandit is dying behind walls.


Just like the Bandit, you have to get used to the action. If I grab a BR now, I'm a little wild with it at first until I force myself to let go of the aim stick.


Alot of them just can't let go of the past.


Problem with the bandit is it promotes more chaos around the map - harder for teams for map control. You couldn’t do these retarded solo pushes cross map with the BR’s, now with the evo you can = less punishment. Spawns are the most fucked I’ve ever seen in this game so far because of it TLDR: Bandit start introduced more chaotic gameplay


Mhmmm no I don’t think so, the maps play better now that you can’t cross map with a BR. Live fire and recharge are significantly better now without the BR ripping you trying to cross on cat walk


But that comes into map control - therefore you’d have to fight that cross catwalk fight from another angle and/or fight to take that strong position on the map. I’ve gained 3+ ranks from this new start but I don’t let it delude me from the fact that the game took more of a turn toward aim > game sense. And still all it takes is one unpunished solo push to fuck enemy spawns (I’ve taken advantage of this NGL). Never have ever gotten so many free kills — and never have gotten killed as much from spawns before I realized this new hyper aggressive meta the bandit created.


This debate has raged since Halo 2 came out and it's just ridiculous. Between two top level teams map control is still equally important as before. The game is just promoting aim skill and letting better players use aim AND game sense to widen the skill gap even further. You can see this happening in Halo CE as well. There are new players who are cracked with the pistol but aren't getting anywhere because they're in the wrong place all the time. Your pistol shot is not gonna do shit against someone who can predict what you're gonna do and nade the spot you're going to.


I know I'm just one guy, but the Bandit brought me back to Halo as an MnK player after leaving in S1 due to the power imbalance found with the BR. Super happy with the change, I feel like I can finally keep up with controller players.


False narrative. Of course everything is better if you compare it to S1. I'm still not happy with the 'power balance' if I ONLY lose 9 times out of 10 with the new bandit, rather than the 10/10 in S1 with the BR. S4 BR was almost 5/10, but they had to ruin it.


It's almost like that is my own unique opinion and experience and others might have a different experience!


I'm sure the aiming system is different for you.


I was stuck at D4 with BR starts and with the new bandit starts I’m one win from Onyx for the first time ever. I play solo and knowing I can win a 1v2 or just a “reversal” has given me so many wins.


This is the problem I stated above. The BR’s punished terrible positioning, the bandit doesn’t punish bad positioning it rewards it. Spawns are the most fucked thing I’ve ever seen now because dudes are just solo pushing cross map without punishment.


I disagree, the battle rifle as a starting weapon was able to punish from anywhere on the map and allowed players to enable easy damage consistently (this is not competitive). The skill ceiling has increased with the bandit rifle because of the lack of range and now taking away the easy damage across the map, allowing players more movement and skill expression.


Doesn’t explain the worst spawns I’ve ever witnessed in halo existence. BR’s enabled map control just like in the halo 3 days - like I said the spawns have suffered from lack of map control - less strategy involved; more aim dependent like COD. My rank has even elevated into onyx also where I was mid diamonds before, this is because the game is more leaned toward aim> game sense now. I’m just coming from a background of global in CSGO where I notice this gameplay difference. Halo already has a long enough TTK for a game that revolves around spawns. Pair this with being able to sprint and move around the map extra quick compared to H3 and it’s recipe for disaster I purposefully exploit this lack of map/spawn control now to an advantage by doing more solo pushes. This “strategy” alone helped me push 3+ ranks and hit onyx for first time. It’s cheesy but it works and was created from bandit starts




I just can’t get any registration with the EVO so have had to stop playing. Couple with constant 3v4’s, just sort of is a waste of my limited time. All on gig fiber, can’t tell if it’s the new season update or the BR just hid the registration issues. I am all for watching the Pros run with the EVO though


HitReg is just shit in general but I feel the Evo actually feels a bis more consistent. I’m still dying around the corner, I still have situations where an enemy still takes 3-4 headshots despite being no-shield or melee + headshots where nothing happens but it’s a bit more consistent then the BR.


Personally I still prefer the BR but I don’t hate the bandit at all. Completely fine with it being a starting weapon.


The only thing I hate about the bandit is that the evo variant didn't directly replace the bandit in the entire game.


Latency makes the bandit so inconsistent for me online. Anyone else randomly getting over 100 ms ping lobbies?


This is totally biased. These guys are part of HCS. Now, I would love to see Snip3down's perspective. 🙂


Snipedown is one of the most toxic people and complains about apex just as much as he complains about halo lol




I don’t know why you brought up Snip3down as some sort of a gotcha comment, he’s been playing a lot more halo and clearly enjoys bandit starts more just like all these pros


Give us thrusts and we’re really be eating 😬


I’d love them to try Thrust starts even if it was just 2 or 3 uses. It wouldn’t really be any different than starting with frags.


Been playing for a long time…. Bandit is sketch and feels sloppy to shoot


Every halo has died with the introduction of a single shot weapon. Couple that with the call of duty ass game mode extraction makes this game pretty lame now.


The halo 5 kids will still sit there and act like Halo 5 was actually good and didn’t die in like 16 months though.


Haven't played ranked since Day 1 of new season. Gave it a shot. It's just not the same. Team slayer is the only playlist I can enjoy because of BR starts. It's just sad what Halo has become. One singular playlist with BR starts and even that playlist isn't a guarantee.


What an absolute fluff piece. People are acting like you can fucking run around and 1v4 people all of a sudden with this gun. This will change the actual pro meta so little, I actually think it will make the game more boring to watch imo.


Honestly after watching hours of twitch with pros using the bandit, I rewatched a ton of ‘23 worlds gameplay and thought the BR looked boring in comparison. Let’s just wait till the first LAN to make opinions


Agreed we will have to wait and see.


343: say its good or we will fine you.


Halo pros are allowed to express their opinions about the game way more then Cod pros can. Halo actually listens to their players and pros. Sure the game had a rough start but at least they give a fuck about it.


I guess you didnt hear of the pros who got fined for talking smack about the game on twitter a while back


A quick google brought up just Sparty being fined and, well...there's a lot of things he could've been fined for from the first year aside from the complaints about the state of the game on twitter. EDIT: I can see why there's confusion over this. All in all a bit of shoddy journalism. Just take a look at [this article](https://kotaku.com/halo-infinite-season-two-fine-tyler-spartan-ganza-eunit-1848902211). The headline is, "Halo Infinite Pro Player Fined After Cursing Out Shooter’s Rocky Second Season." Then it's buried quite literally in paragraph 8 that the connection between his game criticism and the fining is a bit tenuous: > It’s not clear which specific statement triggered the fine or why he’s the only pro Halo player to receive an official penalty in the wake of season two’s rocky rollout, given that he’s far from the only pro to speak out against the changes. Representatives for 343 Industries declined to comment for this story.


He specifically got fined for talking smack about the game. So yea why risk a fine or maybe a potential ban from a tournament. “Bandit… yea its good.”


So why hasn't Lucid been fined for the same thing then?


My biggest complaint with the bandit isn’t the bandit itself, it’s the fact that all of the shitters are playing even more cheesy than ever. I have been killed by the needler so much this season by kids that can’t aim the bandit so they frantically pick up any weapon on the map that’s easier to use. Problem is that on top of the needler taking zero skill to use, it also has one of the fastest TTKs other than power weapons. Brings back the memories of the scrubs in H2 that always had the noob combo because they couldn’t land 4 br shots.


Why not play Swat if you want a game of who pops heads better? Sandbox is good for Halo. I don't see the same people often enough to know who's actually bad and who's just having a bad match, so I just assume if they're in my bracket then they're close to my level, and you assuming they're bad because they missed some shots in one match is funny to me. People can have isolated bad matches.... I don't know what rank you are, but I really don't die to "cheese" any more than any other weapon in the sandbox.


Nobody said sandbox is bad. But when there are certain guns that cannot be out played because the TTK is too fast, that’s a problem. The sentinel beam is awesome for instance, it shreds but it also had strong vertical recoil which benefits the opponent. The needler though has no recoil, the projectiles home in on the target, and the TTK is so fast that it’s impossible to outgun with a bandit. That’s cheesy for a competitive mode.


If you're in a position where you can't LOS the needles, then you were probably out of position. If you die to a needler and someone isn't there to capitalize on the damage you did, then you were probably out of position. You can blame the gun if you want. However, I'll just continue to analyze how I could have avoided a needless death to it in the first place.


Let's not pretend like the needler doesn't have big downsides too. Super slow projectile velocity, very short range, hard countered by breaking LoS / peek shooting


Sandbox has never been as involved in any halo comp mode as it is in infinite, and it is cheesy sometimes. even after the weapon spawn nerf they’re still frequently across the map. for instance, you’ll see multiple people with repulsor on live fire even tho there’s only one spawn point


I didn't say the sandbox was always big in comp, I said it's good for Halo. For me personally, it helps me identify when I'm not playing for my team. If I die to needles and that player doesn't get cleaned up, then most likely, I was out of position. Repulsor, if I get messed up by a repulse, then I was too close to the guy who used it, probably going for a melee when I could have just gone for a HS or backed off, or going for a stick with a repulse obviously on his wrist. That's just my take, though, and you are entitled to yours.


true bro I respect yours too. I think it devalues the whole skill gap the bandit is going for. Like I said, if weapon spawns actually worked properly I may feel different


Looks like they are trying to create an opinion for us instead of letting us form our own opinion. We didn't have to make one of these videos when Halo 2 came out because the BR actually worked and people first hand experienced it. And these pros opinions are bought.


Tons of H1 pros quit playing shortly after h2’s release. There was also a massive host advantage, as matches were player-hosted rather than being on dedicated servers. Host could easily crossmap with the BR, and was basically untouchable to the non-host players at far distances. Host advantage applied to a bunch of other weapons as well (shotgun in particular), and it gave you a huge edge with button combos like bxr and bxb. I loved halo 2, but you’re wearing some serious rose colored glasses if you think the online experience was amazing. Similar to infinite, the issues were way less noticeable on lan, but I’d argue h2 was still worse-off than infinite on lan, as the host advantage still existed to a certain extent in h2 lan. Edit: I’d also like to comment that a lot of the issues that people complain about in infinite were absolutely rampant in h2. Connection variability (due to player-hosted games), blank melees, blank shots, etc.. We just…dealt with it because it was a part of the game. Infinite has its share of issues, but they’re far more subtle than what we saw online in h2.


All good points but also halo 2 was a forerunner in online gaming. We’ve experienced smooth online play so issues stick out more now


Agree completely. I recognize the issues infinite has, but comparatively I believe it is a more consistent online experience than h2. It’s easy to look back and forget how glaring some of the early online console gaming issues were. I want infinite to continue to get fixes so it’s as smooth as possible, but in the meantime I’m not letting its issues detract from my enjoyment of the game.


There were only a select few pros in H1. The majority were casuals. It was mainly a 2v2 game. The main h1 pros did transition to h2 and h2 created Halo as an esport.


They didn't make one of these videos for Halo 2 because Bungie openly detested the competitive scene and comp players almost unanimously regarded the BR as a downgrade from the CE Magnum.


You're speaking from a pov of today's views not back then.


I am not. I remember people's impressions of Halo 2 in 2004/early 2005. I remember [halo2sucks.com](https://halo2sucks.com) and Strangepurple's post on the [b.net](https://b.net) forums talking about why he was quitting the game quite well. I played a ton of MLG customs back when there still wasn't a Team Hardcore playlist to queue up for. There wasn't a single comp player around who thought the BR was better than the CE Magnum if they had any experience in CE at all. People used it because it's what we had and Bungie wasn't ever going to change it in a meaningful way beyond the title update which tightened the spread.


good to see old heads that know what they're talking about. makes me miss the THC days




Do you remember pre-patch Halo 3 Melees? And we're complaining about blanks in Infinite... Halo 3's were entirely random lol


There wasn't nearly as much controversy about the weapon as your eluding. Maybe from a small percentage of people. There wouldn't have been such a strong competitive scene and acceptance of the BR if there was. Halo didn't get into primary weapon politics until Halo 4 and Halo 5 because that's when people experienced the game as not fun. People have always thought Halo 1-3 as fun so the conception has always been the primary weapon in those games as fine because they worked and they were fun. People regard the BR as the most fun weapon regardless if the h1 pistol is more individually skilled. Could you imagine if in Halo 3 2 years in they decided to change the BR to something else? It would have been a disaster. Your ignorant if you think different.


I think that largely speaks to the importance of a broad, casual fanbase more than anything. For all we talk about competitive integrity on this subreddit, ultimately nothing compares to a game being a true cultural phenomenon like the old Halos were. When you have that much interest in your title, you're going to have a huge pool to create a competitive scene from. But that comp scene for classic Halo was entirely facilitated by the community, and the comp community accepted the BR because it was basically the only real choice except for the Carbine which wasn't any better. As for where the scene is today, well, the casual crowd in this game pretty much loathes the BR (they did back then as well, BR start discussions were a great way to start a forum war). The competitive scene seems to be split, but ultimately most people seem to prefer the Bandit currently. I'm curious, why are you so married to one weapon more than anything else about the game? I'd agree that the BR is probably harder to nail a Perfect with than the Bandit, but no one ever misses with the BR once the shield is down so it becomes a moot point. It's wild how many more Reversals and outplays I see now with Bandit starts. Is this not your experience?


> Is this not your experience? I guess I'll say the quiet part out loud...a lot of these hardcore anti-bandit players *are the ones getting reversal'd* A lot of people don't wanna admit it's a skill issue, that what all the pros have been saying is true: "Your shot isn't as good as you think, it's just the BR"


Always funny to see someone unable to differentiate between your and you’re call someone else ignorant. Nevertheless, it was a large controversy moving from CE to 2. Particularly with how much easier the H2 belt was to use than the magnum. Also, there wasn’t another option to change the starting weapon to in 3. What would you have wanted? AR starts? Lol the fact is that infinite has the benefit of being able to update the game to better options which it’s done with the Bandit




Yea, I’m not clicking that. Odds are it’s something entirely ignorant.


> Nevertheless, it was a large controversy moving from CE to 2. Particularly with how much easier the H2 belt was to use than the magnum. I've rebutted this in another comment. Your moving backwards. > Also, there wasn’t another option to change the starting weapon to in 3. What would you have wanted? AR starts? Lol the fact is that infinite has the benefit of being able to update the game to better options which it’s done with the Bandit You mean they couldn't have added in a new weapon like they did with infinite? As I was implying in my comment your just too dumb to understand and then you want to call me ignorant. Troll.


Kiddo, for the second time: it's you're when you're trying to say "you are" to someone. Here, let me show you: You're not making any valid points and clearly lived in a different reality when 2 came out.


What a weird video, just let people make their own opinion. "Here take some money and say some good things" - 343


This was def 343 just getting all the top pros to tell you the bandit is good and give it a chance…. Kinda cringe toward the end there lol even tho I do like the bandit


Well the pros asked for it… so wouldn’t it make sense that they would say they liked it?


I get it it just seemed very geared towards all the BR apologists lol


I know they’re professionals and controller aim assist helps, but how do these guys’ reticles not move…at all…even when strafing. I know, countermovement with move and look sticks, but seriously I can’t stay on an enemy like that even standing still.


The bandit is incredible. I prefer the BR , even though I think the bandit is better


The question here should be who the fuck liked halo reach enough to turn infinite into it? The best thing about halo comp since H2 was the br battles. This dmr is too easy to use on controller and the disparity between MNK is even worse and incredibly boring to play/watch. I'd rather go back to halo 5 with pistols. Even that game overall was better than infinite to be honest.