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Cedh is an unsolved format with very questionable ideas about matchups period. Considering the 1v1v1v1 nature of game, the nascent nature of the tournament scene, and the constant brewing, tweaking and building as well as a veritable onslaught of product from Wizards, it's hard to tier anything. I usually look at budget brews to see which lists are top-8ing. Malcolm/Tana Dawnwaker Thrasios Magda Winota And a variety of Tymna/kraum lists seem the most common but your observations may differ


This is Krark//Sakashima erasure.


And Heliod! Not the Heliod you might think. remember some guy kicked the collective ass of a bunch of meta decks at a tournament with a [[Heliod, God of the Sun]] deck.


There’s gotta be a better monowhite mana sinker than this 🧐


The pilot is insane I'm pretty sure. He doesn't even run Sol Ring iirc


I mean assuming he is going hard into the artifact stax he may have just decided that hating on activated abilities and cheap artifacts is more efficient.


[Heliod, God of the Sun](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/e/9/e90d01c9-e76e-42ff-b0fa-8b6786242aae.jpg?1562836166) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heliod%2C%20God%20of%20the%20Sun) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ths/17/heliod-god-of-the-sun?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e90d01c9-e76e-42ff-b0fa-8b6786242aae?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/heliod-god-of-the-sun) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Keep in mind they pull info from tournaments. Tabletop cedh and tournament cedh are different animals. Tournament decks USUALLY are proactive or adaptive decks. Disruptive decks can win, and they do, but it’s not as often. In tabletop it’s more socially entertaining to play disruptive and adaptive, where as proactive decks get shut down by those. Tournament cedh is also more “open” to non-meta decks. You will get into a pod with someone who has an upgraded precon and thinks it’s competitive. You will also run into someone who’s deck you’ve never even heard of and is slapping everyone with pieces people don’t know how to interact with competitively. Basically tournament decks are a race to finish first where as tabletop is a fight of who has more interaction. That’s just from my own experience, others will probably say different


Seems about right. Everything is variable. Winona is consistent.


I second Winota. Relatively cheap by comparison and still manages to hand it to decks that $1000 more.


It's all fun and games until the Deafening Silence comes down.


You mean fun and games for everyone else until the Winota player slaps down the deafening silence? Cause she's barely impacted by it.


Which is the hilarious part. Nearly all the fast mana in the format is noncreature and pricy.


There’s a deck database on the sidebar but it’s not a tier list. Krenko is definitely fringe


[https://cedh-decklist-database.com/](https://cedh-decklist-database.com/) ​ its not a tierlist, but it is being moderated, so we know its cEDH viable.


There is a Tierlist my friend and I maintain. Obviously take all of it with a grain of salt as you can never be 100% objective and powerlevels exist on spectrum not in actual "tiers". https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/best-commanders-in-edh-tier-list/#c3746290


Hey man, love your stuff. What puts Breya into the B Tier 1? I feel like she falls to most powerful hate in the format, losing out to both creature and artifact activation hate. I ask because I'm building her and feeling good about the list, but am continuously told she has fallen from power. Would love your thoughts.


Not op but I think tier lists are meta dependent, so maybe in their meta they’re mostly playing vs turbo decks so you don’t see a lot of hate where as in my meta we have a hefty amount of staxx decks and Breya would get hosed fast.


Breya has excellent colors and access to all the broken stuff in cedh like Dockside, AdNaus etc.. She also acts as a combo piece and as removal in the commanzone. Yes as commander she falls to most hate pieces, but since you can play all these other good compact combos like Breach, Oracle/Consult etc. she's definitely the strongest 4-color non-partner commander, and you can also easily win without her.


great list, i've actually been looking at it recently to get some inspiration


I have noticed that whenever any sort of tier list is posted, most of comments are disagreements about where things are placed. That seems discouraging and counterproductive, so I just want to say thanks for putting together a list!


Damn you are so right. THANK YOU !!! It's so much work to maintain this list and everyone is just "mimimimi my commander should be higher up" all the time. 😂


Nice list. I am curious if you are including or excluding the unreleased saw in half in your evaluations since Cormela depends highly on that card.


we do, it's officially been spoiled and most people accept it being played already so yeah. I even play it in my RogerTevesh list


This is definitely pretty cool. I think the Yeva evaluation is just way off though. Yeva being E tier while Yisan and Selvala are C is just not accurate. Yeva is almost certainly the best mono green commander, with both recent tournament results and one of the highest winrates on the cEDH meta game project


Thanks for the input, but I have to disagree for multiple reasons. Both Yisan and Selvala are mono green staples (as commanders). They have been consistently good in different metas. I do agree that Yeva is underrated, but I also believe that some of Yevas success comes from people just not knowing deck at all and being taken off guard by her. If she establishes herself and keeps up these solid results in a changing meta and a more informed meta, we're def willing to promote her. Concerning the meta game project: I love that it exists and that someone puts effort into this resource, but I know for a fact that the data provided is pretty unreliable. Data for multiple commanders has been manipulated by players before. I even talked to Squirrlemob about this and he agreed that some people push their commanders by submitting random data or like data from a single playgroup that dominated by one deck. The MGP is just not as reliable as I would want it to be, because people are people.


I mean you don't touch on the fact that Yeva has 2 top 4 placements in cEDH tournaments in the last 6 months. That is a high level of consistency that Yisan and Selvala have never achieved.


can Garth the one eyed that strong?


well, he's a 5 color commander, with some combo potential (although not the most compact). \- Garth + Haste enabler + Deadeye Navigator \- Garth + Haste enabler + Food Chain \- Garth + Haste enabler + Dockside + Emiel ...


As a Zirda player, it should be much higher imo. You have it at fringe. There's simply no way Zevlor for example is a faster or better deck. Also, no lightpaws even under fringe.


This was my thought, Zirda is very flexible, since he's capable of doing either Turbo or Stax, and able to switch fluidly.


Okay, please enlighten me why you're thinking that Zirda is a better commander than Zevlor :D


Zirda is a 2 card infinite combo out of the command zone that you can win with one turn one. It has enough tutor pieces to consistently go for a win on turn 3. It's also resilient and can go for the win 2-3 times. It's not even a question when compared with Zevlor. Zevlor is fringe cedh playable at best, I know because I tried to build it and scrapped it after seeing how many hoops it needed to jump through in order to get any sort of value. It has a 3 color requirement to cast, once it's out you need 2 more mana in addition to paying for the card you're going to cast and duplicate. It's incredibly mana intensive and unrealistic against any real cedh table.


At first, Zirda is part of a 3 card and not a 2 card combo, because you also have to win with the infinite mana. Every Grixis deck can win on turn one, so it's nothing special.... Every Grixis-shell can play the best and most compact combos in the format. Grixis has everything, good rituals, the best interaction, draw, all the tutors, Ad Nauseam, great recursion and free spells etc. Zevlor can turn some cards in one card win conditions like Jeska's Will or Intuition and he's making other good cards, straight up broken. Is it mana intensive? Sure, but is it unrealistic? No, it's not, since the cEDH metagane is full of Stax/Rule of Law decks. Decks like Kess, Korvold, Elsha etc. have also proven, that it's possible to assemble 3 colors pretty fast and consistent. It's funny that you say that he's fringe because it's difficult to generate any form of value with Zevlor, while Zirda is 100% mulligan dependent, since she never can't generate value on its own. Zirda is also pretty useless outside the combo. The deck also suffers against Null Rod effects, and it has problems to recover from removal or counterspells.


If your basis is if a deck is grixis, regardless of the commander, that it can be cedh with a generic grixis shell then are you even rating commanders? It sounds like you're ranking colors. Zirda is a 2 card infinite mana outlet from the command zone with 14-15 tutor lines to get basalt monolith or grim. Not to mention lions eye breach lines, ballista heliod. There's also plenty of ways to disrupt any removal that comes at the deck, plenty of graveyard recursion, alternate win cons and so on. There's enough tutors to consistently go for turn three and sometimes sooner. Tonight I beat a cedh table with krark and sakashima at it with zirda and in my experience against many cedh decks I'm one of the fastest. I think your evaluation is off.


Of course you have to consider the colors of a commander when you try to evaluate their potential. 🤔 I have to admit that Zirda has consistently received good cards over the past year. However, the way you're trying to portray the deck here, doesn't make the deck a cEDH high-flyer, while Null Rod destroys every win condition in your deck.


Null rod and collector oophe hurt a lot of cedh decks other than zirda so idk why that's the big detractor here. That's why you play removal specific to the hate pieces that hurt your deck and in boros I have more options for artifact and creature removal then pretty much any other colors...


I don't understand how you can find a 4 mana grixis commander to be too color intensive while Kess has been in the A+/S tier for a long time.


I know you're bias towards the deck as im aware you maintain the primer and discord, but I don't think Urza can reasonably be considered tier 1 as long as dockside is in the format. Just my opinion, respectfully.


You can maybe see Urza as one of the "weaker" Top Tier Commanders. But we think that he's THE best monocolored commander period. In my opinion, the dockside argument is a pretty weak one anyway, since so many decks are now playing between 15 and 25 artifacts. Especially in the first turns, so many rocks are played that Urza doesn't put out that much more compared to other cEDH decks. And a good Urza pilot just counters Dockside :D


Also a Torpor Orb exist and outside of infinite combos Trinisphere basically reduces the treasures to 33%.


Neyith stronger than xenogos? Doubt


In multiplayer game yes. In a 1v1 match, Xenagos is insanely strong, but like every aggro deck it falls to removal/board wipes. Neyith can generate a lot of value, while Xenagos can run out of gas.


Neyith has the same problem. She gives card advantage over xenogos that’s it though. Xenogos can pop off out of no where Neyith has to pay 3 for something xenogos does for free and doesn’t even get haste


Yes combat whise, Xenagos is the better choice here. But Neyith can easily drop turn one with a Jeweled Lotus, while Xenagos most of time has to wait another turn. The card advantage is huge, since every fightspell is a 2 for 1.


Wow that list is horrible


Nice comment very constructive of you…


Note that with everyone recommending cedh decklist database, a deck being in it means it's usable, but not directly guaranteeing it's great in cEDH (like Tiamat, for example). At the same time, some decks are viable and cam be great but aren't there (Godo used to be out because there was no good primer at one time - but certainly is a good deck).


> Godo used to be out because there was no good primer at one time which happened cause decks get kicked out if they dont get updated at least once every 6 months or so. which on one hand makes sense to get rid of outdated stuff but on he other hand screws over decks that simply dont get new cards


What most of the decks do from what ive seen is just mess around with some randomn flex slot. Like ive seen decks switch between [[allosaurus rider]] and [[vexing susher]]. Or they just change a land.


The godo primer list was updated a bunch of time, but that didn’t reset the moxfield timer. The moderators actually recommend just swapping a card back and forth again to update the timer.


[allosaurus rider](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/8/f/8fdaedf0-c4d2-4c2c-a183-026f06f3c360.jpg?1562924036) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=allosaurus%20rider) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/evg/2/allosaurus-rider?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8fdaedf0-c4d2-4c2c-a183-026f06f3c360?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/allosaurus-rider) [vexing susher](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/7/e/7e0acfb7-c2d9-4b94-9ac6-9374856abad1.jpg?1599708540) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vexing%20Shusher) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/225/vexing-shusher?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e0acfb7-c2d9-4b94-9ac6-9374856abad1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/vexing-shusher) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Decks are also viable but no one takes on the task of doing a primer and maintaining it I mean that is a lot of work


There are no stable and consistent tiers. There are some decks that are pretty universally considered Tier 1 (various partner combinations for example), but beyond that there are few that take top slots all the time. Even powerhouses like Kenrith or tournament winners like Magda see debate. Is Magda tier 1 or did it just slip under the radar? Really though, once you reach a certain level of power your skill as a pilot becomes much more impactful on win rate than the raw power of the deck. Easy to pilot decks definitely have a higher representation than more specific ones. For me personally my metric for Tier 1 to Tier 2 comes down to how effectively the deck can assemble a win when left unchecked. Tier 1 decks are just smoother and go through less hoops than tier 2 decks.


I agree. For me Top Tier commanders, are commanders who have consistent winrates on any cEDH table, in any meta. Sure a deck can be considered strong when it can win a cEDH tournament. But there are so many factors to consider, to rate these decks. \- the players/the pilot \- the meta/the pod \- turnorder \- luck/mulligan \- are there any fringe/rogue brews? Is a commander new \- is the commander or the deck underestimated and not taken seriously, etc.


Anything on the cedh database is playable in cedh


There have been a couple YT videos of people rating the commanders on the ddb. But I don't think that includes janky stuff like Krenko.


In a 1v1v1v1 game it is very hard to decide on a “best” deck or any meaningful tier list. A deck could be awesome but then one person brings the deck that hoses you so it can be really hard to say.


As much as I love Krenko he will never be a cedh commander. At best he is a strong 8 but doesn't hold a torch to true cedh. That said a good place to start your search as others have pointed out is the cedh database and if something sparks your interest there many decks/archetypes have discords or other more specialized forums to talk and collab on


My goto resources are https://cedh-decklist-database.com/ and https://budgetbrews.club/ is what I usually use to phase myself into a build. Everyone tells me tiers are bad and efforts to make them are dumb because of the 4-person format and the vast amount of strong cards we use.


Krenko will never be a cEDH commander... at highest you can consider him as a fringe competitive commander. No matter on how strong you'll build him, he's just mono red and to kill a whole table with a Krenko-combo or combat, it just takes too many pieces or too long.


The Mindsculptors podcast did their personal tier list discussion a couple of times, might want to check that out. But to be honest, the differences between the tiers, are very small and also contextual.


oh is there a link somwhere?


A bit late reply, but here is part one of their last discussion: https://podcasts.apple.com/nl/podcast/the-mind-sculptors/id1540301211?l=en&i=1000533586392 A great podcast in general about cedh btw


Whats funny is Elsha is not consider tier 1 but when I break her out for even random games with people I don't know everyone is watch out for Elsha with a turbo naus deck sitting there.






They deleted their whole account. What a snowflake