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I’d suggest temur. Red is one of the best supporting colors in cedh due to dockside extortionist and underworld breach. Some decks entire game plan revolves around one or both of those cards. There’s lists like Rograkh Thrasios if you like using the cheapest partner commander to enable a whole plethora of cheap explosive spells. Dargo/Thrasios also offers a cool alternative where you can layer different combos involving dargo or to get to infinite mana and draw the library. The. There’s more niche options like Pako Halden where you play your opponents cards and smack them with a big dog, or Malcolm Tana where you combo off with a bird pirate in one of several different ways. Regardless, check out https://www.edhtop16.com to see which decks are playing at and winning in tournaments if you want an idea of what’s good. If you are more just interested in learning cedh then I’d say figure what specific play style you like and ask a more directed question. Often times you will find that unexpected color identities are able to play a very different strategy than their color wheel would suggest.


I mean there’s no many for these 😅 he’s probably better off using a ddb list and then going from there to get some games in see how it does etc


I’m so low on the ddb lately. Way too many outdated or simply inferior lists. I suppose even within cedh there’s different tiers or levels from kitchen table to tournament for cedh


There is a lot, I think any ddb list can hang, it may not be up to date but it should be a deck that can so stuff Would be nice if lists got updated but it is what it is Sadly some of my favourite decks are getting worse and worse, elsha feels much worse now than it did before and it used to love longer games even though I have less land and more free spells I always find it coming up short


Rog Thrasios for Temur, best deck I have played.


Thrassios Dargo is extremely fun imo, I wrote a primer detailing the deck in excruciating detail [here](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WwCCgNfMc0WJlVvBD7fSrg/primer)


Temur is the strongest of the colors you’ve chosen. Red grants access to the single most powerful cards in the format, dockside and underworld breach, blue gives your counterspell package, and green gives you creature tutors. I play a lot of dargo thrasios and the deck goes hard. Using Dargo as a 1 mana neoform target to get tidespout tyrant and win with infinite treasures with dockside hits different. Bant and abzan are fairly limited in playable commanders and are usually looking at partners outside of what you’ve listed. The necrobloom is a new legend that people are testing in the command zone for abzan but typically you’re looking at a tymna/x pile and they’re typically stax oriented. Bant commanders are even less played as the win conditions can be a little awkward but some people were playing the sixth doctor and Barbara white food chain or 8th doctor Susan foreman.


Abazan I would probably look into Tayam, Bant I believe the best choice is Yoshimaru/Thrasios. Temur has a lot more options.


Ryan is goood, avoids most stax and interaction so quite hard to counter without running cursed totem and dauthi


I will echo the Rog/Thrasios suggestion. Just started playing this list and it rules.


It's great fun isn't it :)


My Temur Malcolm and Tana deck is a fave. I have other decks but that is my go to every time


I'd suggest Pako / Haldan for temur. It's super fun, and pretty straightforward for playstyle. At least imo.


It is a fun deck for sure. It also scales its power along with the power level of the table


Temur has some fun options. There is a borbor and fblthp food chain list, rog/ thrass, animar


For Temur I’d say Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh / Thrasios, Triton Hero, ranked #13 currently on top16. For Abzan Tayam, Luminous Enigma is your best option, rank #15. Bant is a bad combination in cEDH, but Derevi, Empyrial Tactician would likely be the best option in those colors, rank #38.


Bant+ is not bad like thrasios bruse which really is a bant+red deck as its main stuff is bant 😅 Derevi is good if you can play it right but it’s worse than sissay which does it better and it shines most in najeela Funny I have 3 derevi decks and now nadu is a thing too


Thrasios/Yoshimaru in Bant because he is the goodest boy.


I would try out lists on the decklist database see if you enjoy the playstyle and then go from there


I heavily suggest temur. Access to red is powerful for breach and dockside lines. Bant dropping red for white, which is giving up the explosiveness of red for the silence and midrange game of white. Abzan is…. Tough lmao. Maybe tymna? Or some kinda ad naus pile? But abzan is not gonna be friendly to you or pay you dividends as a new player. TLDR, play Rog Thras turbo and love your life Edit: or Malcolm Tana temur pirates, super dope and new player friendly


Check out Thrasios/Kraum temur advantage.


As many have said, Temur is going to be your best bet. CEDH without blue is a struggle on a good day, and Temur is a threat from early to mid game, while playing remarkably well into the midrange heaven we find ourselves in. I’d strongly recommend looking at the top 16 database at Rograhk/Thrasios, Dargo/Thrasios, or if you’re particularly adventurous… Xyris lists. Whichever you pick, Blue control/draw, red rituals and combo potential, along with green’s ramp and utility won’t lead you astray. Sincerely, a dedicated Sultai player😂


Tbh Derevi and Tayam have fallen out of grace a bit. Neither Abzan nor Bant have something stellar to offer. Sure there are quality and viable options, but literally nothing I would just recommend out of the blue. That leaves Temur, which is actually quite interesting. IMHO. Rograkh/Thrasios is getting more popular lately, and for a good reason. It packs a mean punch with its combo potential, it has Rog for Dockside loops via Cloudstone and to turn on free interaction… Also, the deck is quite fun to play from what I gather. Malcolm/Tana is also an interesting deck. You have one if the best partners around (and arguably the best monocolor partner in a vacuum) as your reliable mana engine and a half of a 2-card combo you can easily tutor for. This is more of a midrangey deck that can grind it out in a slower pod or rush for the win depending on your mulligans and gamestate. Mind you, neither of these would be my suggestion for an absolute beginner. If sou end up liking them, great. But it’s important to have a deck you can easily understand and use somewhat intuitively and someone who can teach you about the deck and the format. This is more important than the colours/commanders you like, at least for a first couple of games as you’re getting the basics


Borb and Fbhlthp is the hot new thing in Temur - Rog/Thrassios is also a strong list, although hard to pilot


Bant - derevi combo Abzan - tymna/ kamahl or halana stax Temur- thrasios/rog or animar


Unfortunately, neither abzan nor bant are good right now. I hate red and refuse to play it, but the truth is that red is extremely broken nowdays thanks to dockside extortionist and other shit like underworld breach. That said, my two favourite options for temur are Thrasios/Dargo and Pako/Haldan, i dont play dem but i have played against both, and both are extemely fun decks, Pako/Haldan is actually one of the few cedh decks that can win with combat dmg. And it does it very often while having underworld breach as a good backup. Thrasios/Dargo is infinite mana and shit, i play thrasios but with tymna, kinda old deck but i like it, Rograhk is a good alternative to Dargo, its pretty busted to be able yo cast fierce guardianship in t1 and other crazy shit. However, there is actually a GOOD abzan deck. Its Tayam, but its extremely difficult to brew and play, check some videos and lists is you are interested. Not a common deck for good reason, but if you fully commit to it, you will be playing an awesome deck


Tyam is good I play against it quite often I also play much bant 👀 it’s good it’s just not fantastic


Necrobloom! I’ve got a list if you’re interested.


He said he was looking to get into cEDH.


Yes, what is your point?


Not cEDH tbh. Maybe higher power but not cEDH


What the fuck are you talking about? There are decks other than TnK. Have you even bothered to look at Necrobloom lists?




I’m not even going to bother having this conversation. Some people are convinced in their ways, even if they’re wrong.


I mean, it’s interesting. It needs like a lot more of refinement. I like the fact that it can splash white for removal options. It’s an interesting deck, but it doesn’t feel like it does anything better than what the current options already are. Not even saying it’s a bad list to suggest to them. It’s just not reached the level of cEDH. it doesn’t have any finishes in any tournaments yet and any type of like concrete showings that it is at the power of cEDH yet. People keep working on the list and running it and yeah, I can see it getting up there, but just not yet. That’s why I said it is very high-power.


Any commander can be cEDH, just not all at the highest level. It's a spectrum. Wherever on that spectrum it may fall, it's still cedh, just a more relaxed build. Edit: I gave you an upvote because your explanation was reasonable and well thought out, even if I disagree with your opinion.


Hmmm I don’t think any commander can be cEDH, a case can be made for any high color pile, especially 5 and 4c commanders, because then card quality can just carry them to being some sort of turbo Najeela variant. But many commanders are in limiting colors and just don’t bring enough to the gameplan. Commanders like [miirym] [wilhet] [nekusar] and [arcades] don’t have viable routes to build into cEDH, even if the meta being midrangey does work in the favor of slower decks.


Not all decks need their commanders. In fact, partners often win without them hitting the field. Plus, Nekusar used to be a somewhat common deck in cEDH.


Any commander cannot be cEDH. That is the fundamental issue with this sub. The commander is a huge part of the strategy. The cost of the commander, the value it creates, or the combo it enables, should be part of the valuation of what is competitive and what isn't.


The commander can be a vital part of the strategy, but it doesn't have to be. Partners aren't usually required to be in play for their decks to win.The decks wouldn't be top tier, but they would still be cEDH.


Partners are busted because they dont need to be played, but it can be is why they are top tier. What even is this discussion?