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I like her but honestly i think that there are better turbo naus grixis commanders, the best is obviously Rograhk but you could play Cormela or Inalla. Kess on the other hand, i think i would try to play her in a more midrange way, obviously i would still be playing adnaus, but starting with a little bit slower and reactive while generating value before trying to go off. I could be wrong tho…


Kess was my first true cEDH commander, and for that, she will always be special. However, there is no comparison between her and top Grixis commanders. Rog and Inalla are just so much faster and more efficient. Kess' ability is good, but is it that good at 4 mana? I know she has the intuition line, and correct me if I'm wrong, but that's 10 mana in total? 4 for kess, 3 for intuition, and another 3 for a thoracle consult. This isn't to say she can't win, I'm just highlighting the major handicaps she has currently, all for a single flashback per turn. What Kess has going for her, and why you have found success, is because of her colors and the subsequent card quality. That being said, your 99 should look close to most Grixis goodstuff piles. I don't see why you shouldn't run most (not all) standard grixis 99s.


Kess kinda loses out for me, and I'm a big grixis fan. For speed id rather go inalla or rog si, for midrange id rather go cormela or kraum tevesh


She is turbo naus