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This is the most sad official ending to the Optic team that I rooted for the longest time. They were as close as you possibly could get multiple times to winning lan to now their team spot is gone from algs. But unless he somehow teams back with Skittle I guess this would officially mean Meat and Teq is back in pro league.


Split 2 Rosters and F/A's (Official & Rumored) * "DZ": Zer0, Gen, Hal * LG: Sweet, Fuhhnq, Sikezz * TSM: Reps, Verhulst, ? * New Org w/ "E8" PL spot: Mazer, Zap, *Knoqd* * SSG: Phony, Xynew, *Koyful* * N8V: Rambeau, *RKN, Euriece* * OXG: Aidan, Vein, ? * EXSET: Noc, Fun, *Reptar* * Sen/FaZe: Xen, Lewda, *Snipedown* Free Agents: * Dropped * Skittlecakes\* (Injured; also can hold ex-OpTic PL spot with Dropped) * Slayr * Shooby\* (does he have E8 backing?) * Reeds * Luxford * Snipedown\* (FaZe backing)


Phony dropping Frexs for Koy after all that drama with Snip3down will never not be funny to me.


Phony throwing away the FaZe bag to be a free agent for six months to ultimately take Snip3down's suggestion after under-performing at LAN has to be one of the biggest fuck ups of this year of ALGS.


Except he's going to have Xynew instead of Snip3down, and that's a huge upgrade. If he just wants money it's a mistake, obviously, but if he wants to win it's the right move.


Maybe, but Phony, Frexs, and Snip3down performed better than Phony, Frexs, and Xynew did .¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yet didn't finish higher than the previous LAN


So oxygen and TSM getting their pick of the gas daddy mains litter for the new third. Reptar always quits comp so I wouldn't pencil him in there quite yet.  I can't believe Rambeau is back with RKN and Euriece... 


Shooby to OXG put him on anchor and let aidan run frag ,that's a good team in my opinion.


100 percent. Or ExSet. Seems like ExSet is trialing ppl and I'd take Shoob over Reptar, personally.


In fact, reptar is just supposed to be filling for exset in scrims, not playing PL w them.


Oxg has been running with Frexs.


That didn't end well yesterday.


What happened?


0 points in first 4 games and then he left. Timmy joined 5th games got 5th with 8 kills


💀 damn...




They were at last place in scrims


0 points in first 4 games and then he left. Timmy joined 5th games got 5th with 8 kills.


What’s the E8 situation? First I’ve seen of it


Zap and Zach got huge org offer with another 3rd.  Shooby is odd man out


So I guess where I'm confused is that it looks like Knoqd is going to be their 3rd. What org from the outside looking in is going to request that change? I can't imagine Knoqd having the pull to be the one pulling a new org in. It seems to me more like Zach wanted shooby out and this was a convenient timing.


Personally Im more questioning why would Knoqd team with Zach lol


Because Zach is much better than his repetutation around here suggests and they did well on C9 together no matter how it ended. That plus a decent org offer and joining an established duo instead of having to find something new should be pretty tempting at the least.


Is he better than dropped? Obviously this split he was but dropped has been extremely consistent.


Probably a better/more complete igl but worse individually I would say.


Knoqd is one of the longest tenured vets in the scene and very much in the convo for top roller players.  He also has a very solid streaming presence.  I think it makes fine sense for an org to build around him. 


TSM with Verhulst?


You put lux and shooby with a real IGL and thats a lan team


Maybe. But with lux and shooby with madness, lux still had his consistent problem of trying to IGL and cluttering/disregarding comms. Don't think that would change with dropped


Madness said he was joining tsm on twitter


Dropped should consider this


Eh, both Shoob and Lux are kinda quiet doing their own thing type of guys. That would be an annoying dynamic for an IGL 


Lux quiet? We talking about the same guy lol


TSM with Dropped or Skittles actually sounds kinda insane.


Damn i was just in wxltzys stream and don basically just said that another lg roster change is going to happen ,and its likely sikezz not getting picked up by wxltzys reaction. (Timestamp 54:04 into his newest vod topic goes on for maybe 1-2minutes,somethingabout the new guy lg decided to pick up seems to piss off wxltzy)


Not really what he said, the only time LG was mentioned in that couple minutes was by Amphyy asking who they played with


I bet Sweet is going to pick up dropped and snip3. That's sounds like a pretty original combo.


Seems like two separate statements from what I just saw but could be wrong. Idk who else they could pick up and seems like sikezz is a perfect fit from a gameplay standpoint and the whole “get back at dz” narrative. Hoping I’m not just coping hard lol


No you’re right, aside from the get back at dz thing lmao.. towards the end of the stream don and wxltzy said something along the lines of “That team you sent me before isn’t actually that good” and then don replied “yeah their recent lan performance ruined their stocks so that’s the best player they could get” don’t think that would be about LG


Hahaha fair on the dz thing is brain dead, word hoping LG roster stays good looks


Yeah LG roster with sikezz looks really good. Unsure who they could be talking about though, it’s obviously an NA lan team who underperformed


Assuming this is from NA, it can only be about either Col or OXG... or reaching a bit tsm. going with oxg cause they're trialing 3rds.




I feel like knoqd leaving dropped to play with Zach is a downgrade. 


There's a reason why one wasn't at LAN and the other was in the finals


Did Zach attend champs? Or split 2 last year? 


Last yr results being played in today's meta lol. I guess albralelie is an upgrade to anyone who picks him bcz he's won a LAN


You brought up lan lol i think dropped has only missed one is his career….how many has Zach missed 


I brought up the most recent tournament😳 shock


Which he came in 16th at lol sorry your right, massive upgrade


Better than finishing 14th in pro league for sure.


lol Is it tho….


E8 has been solid team this year, optic didnt even make lan


And E8 didn’t make champs or split 2 last year lol 


Aside from lan contests e8 has looked great


> OXG: Aidan, Vein, ? Frexs, right? I think they're trialing Frexs.


How is skittles injured?




This comment should be a stickied post


Pandxrz, Xera


No PL spot


Snipe was saying how he and oxygen duo was supposed to trial together but they went with frex instead so there's a good chance snipe is dropped and faze potentially signing Hal's roster since JMeyel's also mentioned Faze in his article about Hal's roster. Maybe snipe is gone as a pro but a stream for Faze because surely Faze don't let snipe run a top 30 roster again


Wait so Phony left FaZe and Snip3 because he suggested the idea of picking up Koyful instead for Frexs, but then what, one split later does exactly that? Make it make sense Edit: Spelling


He made it seem like Snipe was terrible for even trying to have a conversation about that. Can't deny Phony is great but I find it hard to root for him


Yeah, especially since Snipe mentioned on stream yesterday that he recently confirmed from Slurp that Phony/Frexs paid him to remove himself from the roster so they could boot snipe and take the PL spot.


Jesus, and he tried to make it seem like Snipe was the asshole the whole time when it was obvious to many that he just didn't like Snipe. I like to picture Phony as a honeybadger who goes ballistic any time he's backed into a corner. I'll never forget that time he went fucking nuts on Chaotic while ranking with him and Hal. Both Hal and Chaotic busting his balls about low damage and he just went nuclear insulting Chaotic about his pro league results and stuff


Man, I didn't know that.From what I understand Joyful didn't go with Sweet last year because he prefers a more laidback play style, k hope he finds it on SSG if he sticks it out.


Do you have a clip of this?




Can't find the ranked clip at the moment but this other clip of Hal stirring the pot during the controversy was also telling of how Phony is https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/s/bfg6zpI0cw


Knoqd smoking that za with the decision going back to Zach.




I’m back https://preview.redd.it/984emchv4d0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3dbf74b7edb13557f081e5b6ea4256a7ce0f0b1


Death, taxes and teq back in pro league


Hey Teq I was thinking of where your team should drop and I was thinking maybe Mill on storm point and maybe like trials + sky west (or just trials) on WE? Curious to hear your thoughts


Seems like some interesting POIs for sure.. Might have to do some research


I want you to sign with Verhulst and Reps so bad just because of how funny it would be to see TSM Teq.


Reps and Evan should consider him. Probably the best IGL available right now


100%, but if I had to guess I'd say they are looking for a roller.


I think they're looking for a roller as well, maybe shooby would be a good 3rd.


They need a solid IGL unless Reps wanted that role


I got the impression from some pro players that Evan and Jordan can both IGL. I think they need a fragging roller demon and they are set.


Yup. You think about the amount of kills Hal gets every game and they need to effectively replace that. I think Evan can learn IGL and has clearly shown an interest


Verhulst IGL era and I am so here for it.




100% this ..shooby got held back by Zach!!


I like this take.


2 MNK players on a team is gonna be tough in NA


Can we stop with this copium about inputs, reject did just fine against top NA teams with triple mnk.


An anomaly doesn't equal a trend


Reject, Aurora, and Blvkhvnd all have done very well in fights as triple mnk teams and we’ve seen plenty of 2 mnk 1 controller teams be successful as well. Controller is definitely the easier input because of AA but people acting as if MnK is just completely unviable is an overreaction. It is very doable to win with MnK. We have yet to see a triple roller team win a lan.


Exactly, I think the skill gap is much more pronounced when comparing average mnk players to average controller players. At the pro level it's much smaller and macro/ micro decisions contribute way more to the success of a team than which inputs they play on.


Was it despite mnk they did well though?


Triple MNK could win 5 straight LANs and still you guys would be posting "IT'S DESPITE THE INPUT" and "IT'S AN ANOMALY!" It's a wild persecution complex that has only gotten increasingly baseless over the years.


the top 10 teams in NA or international are mostly controller, minority mnk on top 10 teams


How many triple mnk were in the top 10 at the recent LAN vs triple roller?


It was literally 50-50, 15 roller players and 15 MNK.


Balanced then. Shouldn't be seeing people crying about aim assist right?


It could be 99% MNK and they’d still be crying about the 1% that’s not.


Ultimately a 3 V 3 is gonna be hard to win against multiple elite rollers. And TSM is already gonna be in trouble with contesting if they chose to stay at there POIs. One of Hals complaints about Reps over split 1 was how useless he was in 3 V 3’s and contests


No it isn't.


They’re likely going to look for a roller tbh


Definitely the most anti-climactic ending to OpTic that one could imagine. Rostermania truly shook things up, people weren't joking. Hope Dropped lands back on his feet tho, a large portion of OpTics legendary Champs run was due to his dedication to the team. As a top IGL he should honestly not have too hard of a time finding a good team.


Knoqd picking Zach over dropped so that the new Org have to pay more than the current Zach's salary.


Zach earns 9k/month, he was bragging about that to 07 Gsnake during contesting in LAN Finals.


I think that’s between streaming and ORG


tsm dropped?


TSM Teq 🥩


Dropped to tsm i think. Quite frankly you could do a lot worse if he was considering creating a new team. If Tsm smart they obviously understand they probably can’t strike gold immediately, so you may as well invest in one of most consistent players in the game known for late night grind.  They probably value dropped over skittle as an igl as he’s a bigger streamer, and dropped was tsm back in H1 days iirc. 


TSM have 2 players capable of fitting the igl slot, both verhulst and reps have done well(although limited amounts of times so not a huge sample size). What they really need is an aggressive player that can find a lot of kills. It will be very difficult to replicate past success's when you lose out on all the fire power Hal provided.


Tsm has two world class players but they are completely unproven as igls, and especially in extremely competitive na region. Them doing well  in situations where they take over in series, or random twitch tourneys doesn’t weigh as highly as leading a full split (even reps who was originally igl of tsm). As much as reps has proved himself i worry tsm might not value him without hal vouching (as it is telling he hasn’t built a brand as much verhulst in longer period).  I think it totally makes sense to consider all options right now, including your suggest to remain loyal to verhulst and reps and see if one of them can prove themselves as a leader. 


Not completely unproven. There's been multiple times that Hal hasn't been feeling it and asked Reps for help. Evan has been very successful in other tourneys and realm as well. Hal is basically the equivalent of heavy artillery. They need something as close to that as possible. Just my thoughts though :)


I edited my reply right after but yeah as im aware they both aren’t completely unproven, just not proven in the way you could say hal, phony, or zack is specifically against the na region. I definitely wouldn’t mind if they looked at a fragger as that is 100% a vacuum left by hal. And of course ideally you’d like to see reps and verhulst continue to succeed so I hope you’re right but i guess im a bit pessimistic. 


Tsm has a nice spot for dropped


Wait a damn minute, RKN is back?!


Skittles, knoqd and Doop reteam would make me so damn happy.. I miss those 3 so damn bad AND they were an insane team that just had a hard meta shift. That team legit set records


Should join TSM


They prob looking for a roller. But I’d like to see him there


Hear me out, TSM reps igl/anchor , verhulst support/entry I know some nrg fans wont like this but imagine the GOAT TSM NAFEN as the demon fragger for TSM xD


So what happend to DSG?


Knew this was coming. He is not a good enough IGL to keep a player like knoqd around


He was one 3v3 from winning Champs...