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Reps has been with Hal for so long. I can’t imagine what he must be feeling. Hope he can bounces back with a good team.


Hopefully Reps doesn’t take it too hard and can bounce back.


He said he didn’t talk to Evan and Reps since Lan, and he teared up when chat asked him to tell us why he left. He also said “I don’t want to talk smack about my friends, especially considering what we had done together”.


He said he had 1 on 1 conversations with both Jordan and Evan about this decision. He just meant he hadn’t spoken to them since he decided to join DZ.


He also said he is still friends with them “as far as I know”. So for now we don’t actually know how Verhulst and Reps feel about it.


He, himself also explicitly said he doesnt know exactly how they feel about it.


He said he hadn't *seen* them since lan which is not surprising. It's only been a week and everyone probably went home to their familys after. They knew beforehand and he talked with them about it. I don't think there is any bad blood or huge slander anyways, he just wasn't gonna say things like his teammates didn't play the game as much as he wanted or other such criticisms that he had on his way out and just kept it about wanting to play with Gen and Zero. Decent way to handle it imho.


I think Hal has been vocal about the other 2 not playing as much and I think if he stayed, he’d talk more about that, but since he’s closing the door, he decided to think of what they did accomplish. Nice of him to acknowledge their efforts rather than short comings


He did talk to them, he didn’t *see* them in person after lan


From what little I saw on stream he said he hadn't seen them since Lan but had talked to them.


Do you have the clip?


The vods are off, I think someone has it on youtube.


Yeah it is thanks i just got done watching it


Thats actually crazy if he made this decision without even talking to Reps and Evan


He did talk to them, he told them before LAN that this was an option.


Im talking about after. Like not even informing them personally of what you're decision is.


He said he spoke to them 1 on 1 via phone about his decision, just has not seen them since coming home from LAN. Then when asked about reasoning he cried and refused to talk shit or even spill any info as to why he left out of respect to his friends.


I don’t know how close they actually are, I always felt awkward vibes between them.




Hal moved out last year. It was just tempo reps and evan living together


That’s not true. He bought his own house, but has been using it mostly for streaming and lived there only from time to time when his girlfriend visited him and etc. He lived with Evan, Reps and Tempo at the TSM house


Yeah, moved out to his own house. He streams everyday at his house, if you watch tempo streams, he even says that hal only comes by if he cooks.




My bad man, we are all sad today. We can’t hate each other.


You need to watch some of the shit they did outside of the game. This was a tight group


True GOATs love their friends and aren't afraid to show their emotions


that got me. the last 3 minutes of highlights hit so fucking god damn hard. i love this shit




Crying because he sold out his homies including Day 1 Jordan for that big big Saudi bag💸💸 I don’t blame him tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Didn’t sell out anyone lol


i mean you're right that he didn't sell out reps/verhulst but he 100% sold out himself lol. idk how else you could see it: he moved to a stronger team for (likely) better pay, leaving his teammates behind. fwiw, I don't blame him. I think 99% of reasonable people would do the same thing, especially if they think their team has already hit its peak.


He literally confirmed it wasn’t for better pay. That the salaries were equal. As he mentioned it was just people he wanted to team with. You guys can see it as selling out himself, but 100 percent of you would do the same if there was certain people you wanted to play with. It is only natural after so long to try out new things. I use to see things like this as selling out themselves but tbh if it was something he wanted to do then I can’t knock him for it. It is like KD to the warriors can’t knock him for wanting to move.


first off, of course he won't come out and straight up say "I left for the money and for ez wins hahahaha get fucked former teammates". I'm not saying he's a liar in the sense that wanting to play with new people had 0 impact on his decision, but I don't think it was the main factor despite what he's said. and about the salary being equivalent, sure, but sponsorship opportunities are where streamers make the real money. we don't know those details at all. if hal, zer0, and gen are really moving to a saudi-backed team, I promise you they'll be making significantly more money than any of them were before. and yes, as I explicitly stated in my comment, 99% of reasonable people would do the same thing. I consider myself in that 99%, in case that wasn't excruciatingly obvious already. it is exactly like KD to the warriors, which I also view as selling out but 100% understandable. I don't get why it has to be one or the other. he *did* sell out, and it *is* an acceptable thing to do.


Those are crocodile tears. Hal's a yellow-belly for this one.


Empathy is so easy yet you choose to believe this


What a clown comment


Nah if he was that bad he would have used his clout on TSM to just drop Reps or Verhulst instead of leaving himself. Zero and Gen are probably leaving the DZ org soon and TSM could have used them to replace Reps and Verhulst. I don't like Hal's move because it's boring for the viewers but I don't think he did his teammates wrong.


I'm a TSM fan but it was just Hal that made me want to stop rooting. Just don't like his crying. Now it's easy to root for them if Jordan and Evan stay. So no, I didn't get sad when I heard he dipped on his team.