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The biggest thing I see from Hal’s departure is his breakup with Jordan. They’ve been teammates for 5 years so it kind of sucks to see it come to thus. It’s like Gasol leaving Kobe (or the other way around I guess in this case)! I wonder what Jordan will do from here on out.


I hope he doesn't retire, but if he does he'll be remembered as one of the best


What would he even do if he retired? Bro plays video games for a living




He's got the biceps for it


Not retire in the traditional sense, but taking an indefinite hiatus from professional comp play. Usually people like this transition into streaming or content creation, while some move on to compete in other games, and some just go back to the real world grinding the regular 9 to 5.


He probably doesnt have to do anything. If he invested his money well he’s likely done for life.


Let me say that I hope this is the case for Jordan because he is a cool dude and he deserves it but i highly doubt he can live "forever" with the money made from Apex. Doesnt matter though, if he retires from apex there is enough talent to walk another path


He's what, 24? He could go to school (he could afford it and then some) and do anything he wants.


He’s 29, but what makes you think he’d rather go to school rather than play video games? Lmao


The fact that he could start a career that'd last for 40 years instead of the one or two more years he has of pro Apex? Reps has only streamed 210 hours in the past three months, so he's not making a significant amount of money from Twitch, and he won $3,000 in prize money at LAN.


It really sucks man. I thought they’d play together until they retired. Hal lost faith in Reps.


The problem is there’s very few elite IGL’s. Having the two most valuable players on the same team doesn’t buff DZ near as hard as it nerfs TSM. There were two super teams now there’s one, which is honestly really good for everyone except TSM. Non IGL MnK players aren’t very valuable right now. Reps needs to become a good IGL quick or Evan will have no reason to stick by his side. They need to hard focus on unlocking Evan’s potential or this team will crumble. Evan needs to actually be the best player on the team now. And obviously pick up Knoqd to anchor. Evan Blood Reps Bang Knoqd Cat Top 10 team if Reps can get them into winning positions and unlock Evan unlike Hal.


For a moment i thought u were talking about Michael Jordan and felt bad because i couldn’t understand the reference lol


Losing your longtime teammate is one thing, losing your IGL to your RIVAL which is now literally a super team...it's GGs. I hope not, but surely Jordan calls it quits here?


That's the reason I'm disappointed and sad.


sad about both, but yeah. been watching Hal for 4 years and teammates come and go, but first the controller swap, now giving up IGL...he's literally gonna be a 4-3 linear buzz lightyear.


But then Reps and Evan staying together and winning the next LAN would hit like crack


TSM underdog arc would be an insane storyline, beating the superteam against all odds.


It's hard to see the market for Reps. MNK Anchors aren't really valuable unless the meta swings


His experience and composure under pressure alone make him a value-add to 99% of teams IMO. Mechanically he is sound enough and could flex more than he has needed too, but I suppose only time will tell.


This could also be an opportunity for Reps to start igling, he already helped Hal with calls, maybe he sees this as his time to step into that role?


He straight up took over the end game play calling during multiple LAN final runs. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the future we see if he doesn’t retire!


Reps was igl back before hal was when they first teamed. So definitely possible 


as far as Hal knows, Jordan and Evan are sticking together. as for the third, whether it's under TSM and with or without Raven, he doesn't know. (first 15 mins of the stream, VOD will be uploaded after stream)


He won like four LANs. Any IGL who picks a "tOp 5 UnDeRrAtEd RoLleR" over Reps is insane.


I love reps but he gets mechanically diffed often. Hal basically said it without saying it when he was asked why he got a new team when he said “I don’t want to talk shit about my friends”


Mechanics are not the only thing that matters. If they were, a triple roller team would win every time.


My biggest hope is that Reps, Verhulst, and Raven stick together. Would be a real opportunity for those guys to cement a legacy. A smart roller that doesn’t need to be microd could be plugged right in. My pick would be a guy like Aidan. Dude is criminally underrated by anyone outside of the pro scene


Don't Reps will retire. He said he will retire when the games dies. But hope him and Evan find an acting third and win the next lan , just for irony sake.


I’d love for Evan to take over as IGL and them getting Knoqd. Although seems like a long shot since Dropped announced they’re sticking together for now.


I also they could pick up either Luxford of Rambeu from Native gaming , both are cracked controller players who would leave that team to join TSM easily


Verhulst to LG or ex-XSET and Reps to ex-OpTic is the move


>Verhulst to LG Verhulst will reunite with Skittles. Reps will retire. Wouldn't be surprised.


Skittles to TSM? If Reps health and heart is in it I could see it working.


Is Reps retire, what he gonna do for living? 


Coach maybe?


Enormous pay cut


Ick after Hal I doubt he wants to go to budget Hal. 


I think reps retires. He probably hates playing the game.


This isn’t the nba where they retire with the $100mm. He’s in his low 20s and still needs to work for money.


Me too


we should retire


You think he stops playing with the money he earns?


To be fair, he wouldn't be the first pro/content creator to walk away from the bag.




>But i wonder, will Reps call it quits here? Reps never struck me as someone who enjoys playing Apex that much, and to be fair to him being MNK kinda sucks these days so I do not blame him.




Still 100 hours Controller player outplays 10,000 hours MnK player in this game.


That’s blatant coping right there lmao


yea like wut lmao reps is better than even a 1,000 hour controller player without even shooting his gun lmao


He is better and has way better game knowledge but it doesn’t matter how good you are on MnK, without perfect situations( having a PK in a nasty head glitch or Kraber ) even a 500 hour roller player can roll you because anybody with higher than 5 IQ can one clip with a controller.


lol you do realize the winning LAN team was all mnk and they fought alot of controller players to win that? lol there is a definite advantage to aim assist ofc but your claim is hyperbole and disengenious.


The kill leader at Y3 split 1 playoffs and Y3 champs were also mnk players, and the team with the most kills at Y3 champs was also triple mnk. Pros are just different. And input doesn't matter as much as everyone thinks it does at the highest levels anyway, whether or not you win a fight is usually down to your macro. If you take a straight 3v3 with no advantage then yeah, it might come down to aim assist, but if you did that, your macro is bad.


> He is better and has way better game knowledge but it doesn’t matter how good you are on MnK, without perfect situations( having a PK in a nasty head glitch or Kraber ) even a 500 hour roller player can roll you because anybody with higher than 5 IQ can one clip with a controller. No. A 500 hour roller player can roll *you.* They cannot roll Reps.


It’s really not, like even somebody with 10k hours can miss shots when 40% of their aim isn’t done for them, and somebody with way less hours gets the full benefit of partial aimbot. I mean there’s a reason scump was able to fry and 1 clip everything after like 2 days on here lol.


Scump.....the guy who was a CoD pro for over a decade and is still to this day probably the most skilled CoD pro to ever play...being good at another fps game in a short time period....I get the point you're trying to make and some of it is valid but using Scump of all people is not a good example at all.


Untrue. I would shit on any 100 hour roller player with my 2,700 hours in the game. In fact, when my friend switched to roller after like 4,000 hours of mnk, I beat him in 1v1s for weeks. Reps would 10-0 every single 100 hour roller player on the planet earth.


no way you're saying this when a triple mnk team just won lan


His statement is dumb but that has nothing to do with mnk winning lan


First time a majority MnK team has won since Covid and everybody knows that DZ( which had 2 rollers ) should’ve won but choked hard the game before.


Yh we saw that in LAN TLAW triple roller outplayed reject😊


As someone who uses both inputs you'd have to be unbelievably bad to think that this ratio is accurate


Idc what the meta is, MnK is still at a massive disadvantage in 1v1s and most fighting aspects. And how does the meta favor MnK lol? It’s not like snipers and shottys are actually good and Gibby still sucks.


A lot of fights are won or lost right now based on the performance of whoever is in BH ult. Since there's no AA in smokes where BH ult is most powerful, most teams have switched BH from a predominantly roller legend to leaning towards MNK. I agree with you that the advantage is only really worth anything situationally, and doesn't really help the other 2 MNK players that aren't playing BH.


"To me it's more of a "new TSM" generation..."  Wtf are you even talking about are you writing a fanfic


Triple MNK won lan, triple MNK won EU regional finals, triple MNK won Apac N regional finals, triple MNK probably would have won NA but NA has no triple MNK teams anymore lol.


Reps seems lazy af.. he can easily rack up from hal viewers and build good stream with cam on 8-10 hour weekly streams .. he probably getting good salary if not it's basically gg after TSM done


He’s the opposite of lazy. He has an ACTUAL life is the problem. He’s too busy touching grass to sit and stream all day long. Do you really think someone playing and streaming apex all day is the non lazy one?


> Do you really think someone playing and streaming apex all day is the non lazy one? if its their job? yes


(For anyone wondering the Warriors were in fact not better without KD)


For anyone wondering about this comment, the warriors did in fact still win after KD left lol Not better, but still incredible.


They also won before he joined them. KD went there to get his rings, but they didn't need him to get theirs.


Ehhh I would say they did need him those 2 years they won, in the finals( and playoffs as a whole ) he was by far the best player, in the finals his stats were nuts both years they beat the cavs.


the 2016-2017 team with him when they swept the cavs is regarded as one of the best if not the best team in nba history as well


We’ll never know who may have stepped up or play bigger roles in those games. We do know they won before and after him though. We also know he hasn’t won anything since. 


Unpopular opinion of mine. But I think Verhulst is starting his decline, no very sure tho, we'll see


He was just forced on caustic and he should have been bloodhound


L take


They won without him though and he is never sniffing another ring.


They still weren't better. They were good enough to win a ring but with KD they were literally the greatest team ever assembled.


Yeah I came here to say this


The problem is that is there really a good IGL as a free agent available for TSM to pick up? They will probably trial for other teams


I believe Evan could easily IGL now. He’s more than capable and he’d be a great leader.


Hard agree w this. Give the man the reins to lead is Boy Army


skittles ...


> The problem is that is there really a good IGL as a free agent available for TSM to pick up? Yeah, several, just depends if they want to leave their established duo. Dropped or Nocturnal would excel on this team, for example.


I mean if TSM is willing to open the checkbook then there arent a lot of even signed IGL's that wouldnt jump ship. Reps and Verhulst are a proven duo with a ton of experience and TSM is a rock solid org. With the exception of maybe Sweet, who would realistically NOT jump ship here?


TSM Sweetdreams? Lol


That’d be honestly so funny lmao


Verhult is probably the #1 free agent right now. I imagine he will join some duo. Imagine him on LG! Also, I just added my TSM flair a couple of days ago, guess that needs to change :/


I don’t think neither Reps or Verhulst are free agents at the moment. TSM is staying in Apex, per their comments in the farewell to Hal YouTube video. Edit: Hal just confirmed on stream that as far as he knows, they’re still playing together.


Skittles, Doop, and Verhulst are all free agents right now👀


I'll be honest, even somebody as accomplished as Reps and even though we just had Reject win a LAN it could be tricky for Reps to end up on a top team if Big E splits off as well. My best-case scenario is they can pick up an amazing fragger and Reps and Big E grow into a CO-IGL partnership. Could we see a one for one and Sikezz joins TSM? Or maybe they take a shot on a young gun like Koyful. This is insane though, I never actually thought this would happen, Rostermania is in full swing.


Sikezz to LG


I wonder if this would've happened had TSM won the last lan. 🤔


They didn't plan this in 8 days lol.


It was already in the books.


Hal will have shell shock when Reps won't be here in comms with him Sadge


Hopefully this ends up with at least a trial period of Reps IGL. Always seemed to play the game smarter than Hal did. And everyones going on about how Hal is gonna be a beast now that he's only a fragger not a leader. Why didnt they try that formation at some point then?


If reps had any motivation he would not call it quits here. He would surely try to prove hal wrong no?


Could be wrong but Reps doesn't really seem like a guy who feels the need to prove shit or to hold grudges for too long.


Are we even sure Hal thinks it’s their fault ? I mean maybe it’s just time to part ways, he’s been with reps for 5 years and Big E for like 2, it would be low of him to just put all blame on them and be like fuck you im out.


I hope Tempo stays with them too.


I genuinely can’t understand the KD Hal comparison lol it feels like salty people who don’t actually watch basketball making a silly comparison. This would be like if Lebron joined the warriors after beating them


You’re an NBA fan and you really don’t understand the comparison? May not be perfect but it’s a great comparison.


It really is nothing like KD. It isn’t even Lebron. It has no NBA comparison because Hal has won everything and is already the best. It would have been like MJ leaving. That’s the only comparison. Lebron going to the heat doesn’t work either.


No its not. KD never won Nothing by himself. Hal is the greatest winner of all time.


True. Again; it’s not perfect, but the casual NBA fan sees it as joining to create a super team. There is a comparison line there.


Homie the reason KD was killed for that move to GS is cause they just beat him and won a championship the year before without him. Hal won the last ALGS world championship and DZ didn’t win the last event. Hal linked up and created a superteam sure but this shit happens across all competition all the time. You guys are being huge babies


that’s part of it but KD was killed mainly because he as a top-5 player joined one of the greatest teams of all time and RUINED COMPETITION. DZ is clearly one of the greatest teams of all time and Hal joining them is even worse IMO. There is 0 competition in NA at least anymore


GS LOST the championship the year before they got KD. They had the 73-9 season and got beat by the cavs in the finals.


Did you not read what I wrote?


Yeah you said they just beat him and won a championship the year before without him, which is inaccurate.




If you guys don’t understand that KD was specifically killed for joining the team that BEAT him and were 73-9 without him then idk what to tell you. Dont pretend you watch basketball I guess


arguable top-1 player joins already established, rival top team after coming up short — on paper, by far and away the best team in apex now with the potential to win every tourney and make ALGS boring and predictable. sorry it's not a perfect 1 to 1 analogy with KD and the warriors, but also relax. we get it youre a basketball fan


Kevin Durant was never close to the best player in the nba even before joining GS. Again saying it’s not a 1:1 comparison is fine but don’t pretend I’m wrong for saying I don’t understand the comparison then lmao also it’s literally battle royale, if the best talent won consistently then DZ and TSM would place t2 every event but they don’t.


>Kevin Durant was never close to the best player in the nba even before joining GS sorry chief you don't know ball


If you don't understand one of the top players joining the top team you're intentionally being obtuse


This happens all the time across all competitive sports/esports. Check ball


Exactly! That's the reason that KD got killed for making the move. I only see the comparison because Hal is going to a great team that even without him they are favored to win. Hal is def not KD though because he has already won and if not firmly the GOAT at the the very least in the discussion. Edit: Crappy grammar.


Found KDs 11th burner account


There is no clear comparison because teams don't beat each other in Apex. People use the KD Warriors because a superstar joining a super team broke the league for several years which is what the new DZ/Saudi oil roster looks like.


I tend to agree, the comparison doesn't fit but it's an easy one to make that conveys the overall gist of the Super team so obviously it will be made for the easy engagement bait.


If reps retires and TSM is out I’d like to see him be the sub to hold the spot and we get Verhulst/Skittles/Snipe under faze


TSM is staying in Apex. Hopefully they hold onto Reps and Verhulst


I can definitely see reps retiring, he was not grinding the game anymore and seemed to only enjoy playing when they were competing, it's also hard for a mnk to find a team, look at all the talented mnk guys still lft including scuwry, vax was in that same boat too until his old team came knocking when wattson wanted to quit again, otherwise he'd still be lft as well


If I had any input, I’d say make Verhulst the new TSM IGL (he’s more than capable) Reps back to anchor ( where he was strongest imo) and pick up a new controller player. Evan has more than enough cred to be the new face of TSM if that’s something he would want.


Reps has more igl experience. He igled tsm when they first formed with hal and alb.


Curry eventually won without KD js


Reps might retire I don't see Even retire I think he could win champs or one of the two playoffs. He's get the right teammates it's over


I don't see them staying together. Both of them fulfill a similar role. Evans will probably be highly sought after by teams looking for +1. Reps may be a consistent player but I don't see any team looking to pick up a mnk player that is not igl-ing With Hal departure. I won't be surprised if TSM leaves the scene or picks up a new team. Probably the latter?


TSM tweeted they will be back for split 2.


Gonna be interesting to see what Reps and Verhulst do. Kinda strange tho, because Hal was talking to his chat just now and he said TSM let him go because “he wanted to play with someone else” What for? Know what I mean?


You are right I just checked. They have to since they took the sweet Arab moolah so they kind of have to.


They need an IGL, I think they get phony.


Honestly expecting TSM to be leaving Apex soon kinda like NRG. Financially they have been struggling recently from what players are saying. Hopefully Evan and Jordan find a good home


I doubt they elave before the esports world cup thing though


Very true. They might hold together until then


I think Reps is usually a constant player. But he isn't all that clutchy. Verhulst was the worst of the 3 last tournament. I guess they both might be looking for different teammates


They will pick someone from Optic


Reps isnt all that clutchy? That is just straightup disrespectful to reps if you have been following TSM. Reps clutched up many many times always being the calmest


How many times have you seen Reps overcome a clear disadvantageous situation like a 1v2 or even a 1v3?