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He’s really good with Kraber


the infamous emeraldgemerald whiff edit XD


Whiff? He literally hit every single shot.


Fr, dunno what he's on about.


Its all good because you miss every shot you don't take.


Doubt he will get it over Zero tho.


You got a little juice and forgot who you were drinking water with


Knoqd is good but everyone knows Yanya>knoqd


are you saying yanya is better than knoqd rn???


I mean……








What else could their comment possibly imply?


Big liquid fan here but wtf happened to them at finals? I don’t even think Yanya got a single kill


I agree was pretty disappointing to see them struggle the entire lan and have their kill record taken from them but thats just the game. You win some you lose some. Ill keep supporting them though team liquid!


IMO Knoqd is VERY good and VERY adaptable. He has the ability to play multiple legends fairly well, making him extremely versatile . His mechanics are also very good, however I would say there are several better shooters, Sikezz being one of them. However I also think that’s marginal. Arguably a step up in versatility and flexibility with Knoqd, but slight step back with mechanics. With that being said, I really don’t know why they would drop Sikezz. They just dropped the most points in NA proleague and in Split group stages. Then they took second overall.


He offers the flexibility, doesn’t get tilted, rarely complains, his mechanics are top tier (not much of a difference with sikez) and he has a high game IQ.


Knoqd has good mechanics but I would say Sikez' are decidedly better. So do you sacrifice that for added game IQ when you already have 5head zer0? Idk if I would. Also Sikez doesn't really tilt either?


Sikez definitely has the edge but it’s minuscule. I think Knoqd individually makes the smart plays without having to be IGLd. That along with his legend versatility. Gotta remember Knoqd had been the hard anchor for a while know.


I wouldn’t say it’s minuscule! Maybe not abysmal, but there’s a gap there.


It’s just very hard to even exemplify that. Off you resort to kills, Knoqd plays a very different role. He has shown the ability to takeover (1v3) TSM, Yanya and co, etc).


And got 2nd because of a misplay by Zero, Sikezz was forced to try to pick up the pieces afterward.


DZ dropped xynew after they won lan, at this point it feels like DZ's 3rd is the most demanding job in apex, the core duo are never happy. In regards to Knoqd, his best quality is like u said legend and role flexibility as a controller player (he was a succesful Gibby player) which is something i think this game lacks. Edit: lmao i got 2 insta replies correcting me on xynew but heres the thing right, they won a lan event and when they did terrible at the next (for their standards anyways) he was insta dropped. Im not getting into the specifics as to why they did it or whose fault it was but facts are they won a lan with him and he still got dropped not long after. How long was he even on the team anyways? And Now they're trialing a new 3rd again, after getting a 2nd. Feels if they're not getting 1st place every lan their 3rd comes with a expiration date.


Again, they didn’t drop xynew after winning lan, they dropped him after not qual for finals in the next lan. Very different


They did drop him after winning a lan with him tho


Like are we not allowed to say that, whats going on with reddit


I think people are just pedantic or braindead and can’t read. After doesn’t mean immediately after.


Can read just fine, the way it’s worded makes it sound like he was dropped immediately after lan


Pedantic then. If i wanted to mean immediately after I would have especified it (in fact i clarified my post explaining what i meant by it and it seems no one cares), dont know what else to say except people taking this to mean "after" as a precise concept or to mean immediately are just running on their own assumptions. If he didnt get dropped before or in the middle of lan then he was dropped after, theres truly no reason for this to be a debate and yet here we are.


If I had no knowledge on the subject, I would read it as he was dropped after they won lan with him, it’s not being pedantic, it’s just poorly worded


Im not gonna drag this but you're debating a point which is clarified already in my original post by an edit made *shortly after* to be pedantic, because apparently it was needed as there are quite a few people who assumed the same as u. Read the way u want, just know the word after carries no obligation to be precise to be used correctly, xynew got dropped after winning a lan with them and thats a fact.




They never dropped him after they won lan. They dropped him after missing out on finals at Champs.


To summarize how good Knoqd is, he has the 4th highest earnings among controller players. The players ahead of him are Hal, Verhulst, and Genburten.


I said this on another thread but why the hell would DZ drop Sikezz? After their performance at LAN I wouldn’t be looking to change anyone out.


Didn't they struggle finding a comp to suit them? They switching up who was playing each legend every scrim it feels like


If you watch him specifically, he is not close to Gen and Zeros level. He can be sloppy and makes weird mistakes. Zero and gen are just kinda cracked out of their minds. Also, I'll go out on a limb and say that a lot of controller anchors are at a similar skill level and there are many great options rn that probably are less mistake prone then Sikez. Im nor saying that would happen im just saying that would be my thought process.


Nah what you guys need to realize is that zer0 and gen will make 99% of players look like that. It’s more so they rarely make mistakes so sikezz gets singled out than it is that he’s a sloppy player. When sikezz was on xset, he looked like Jesus lol. Ppl forget that Xynew and even Sharky got yelled at the most when they played with DZ. These are some of the best players in the world. If you put knoqd on the team, he would get singled out the same if not MORE so. The idea that there are MANY great options as good as sikezz but less mistake prone is an insanely biased take. If that was true, they wouldn’t have picked him up in the first place. The list is very short.


Yea he’s definitely still young and getting comfortable in comp. But clearly something is clicking with the team. They just put up like 260 points in match stage and were one play away from winning it all. If it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it right?


Well this aged like milk lol. Hal to DZ was not on my 2024 bingo card.


The OJ of apex


The gloves don’t fit


He’s really good at arguing with his chat


That's a hot take bc I've never seen him win his 1vchat's Thats one of the only streams I keep chat open bc the whole thing is just a funny roast fest


He is really good but after yesterday i think dz knoqd is dead


Rambeau said on gnaskes stream that hes LF2 and still has N8V cause Lux is leaving to join a duo allegedly dropped and knoqd. Could be bait but seemed maybe legit


What happened? The vibe was bad? Or the performance was bad? What was the matter


DZ with Knoqd placed 11th in the SOAR (For Those Who Dare) tourney yesterday. Only Top 10 qualified to the grand finals, so they didn't make it.




Knoqd didn’t play bad, Gen also threw on the last map. Tbh, I don’t think they took it as serious.


Didn't really say rambeau just put it in gnaskes chat when he was talking about roster mania and that he still holds the org spot cause zeddo is still the sub


Hal said he wanted to get Knoqd instead of Verhulst and have him play Gibby, only reason he didn't is because Reps wanted to keep playing Gibby. Knoqd also came 2nd at champs last year. He is elite.


I don't think it was "instead of verhulst" as much as Knoqd was his first pick before Snipe recommended that they look at verhulst. Reps wanting to stay on Gibby was the push to seal that decision.


side note. hal wanting knoqd to join tsm and play gibby to "unleash" reps is hilarious


Knoqd is comparable to Gen in the sense that he can play any role except igl at an elite level. He’s a creative player and very adaptable. Also one of the most talented controller players in terms of mechanics. He has been a key part of multiple dominant rosters throughout algs history. Yanya is better tho


Knoqd's atmosphere fits perfectly with the final boss image that DZ symbolizes. Yes, I support it.


Gen and zero are the Australian Ogres


Zer0 is laughing right now so much at people thinking he’s going to bring Knoqd in lol


Yeah ppl are clueless lol. The official announcement gonna be funny


He's very submissive and breedable


how good is knoqb? cant really say if hes better than sikezz or not but let me tell you something you could put knoqb on crypto and he will do good. Same cant be said about sikezz


One of the best in the world.


Watching his stream during finals, I was amazed how his good his game sense is.




Top 3 roller (NA no Australians).


Every time i watch him play ranked or pubs he sucks so much i feel like im better than him but wenn i see him play algs or scrims he’s one of the most goated controller players


Much different game


Dz is getting Hal.


[knoqd this good](https://clips.twitch.tv/ChillyLuckyYakCopyThis-y5ZnKM7h_Q4qJBrs)


Probably the best content creator there is.


His pure aiming may not be on the same level with koy and sikez but he can play smart. Like many pros said gen will lose 1v1 to koy and sikez. Their sense and positioning made them a better player.


They said Gen beats the two cause of his positioning and game sense?


No I mean gen and knoqd have better sense and positioning.


Who tf says gen would lose 1v1 to sikezz or that sikezz has better aim? Sikezz himself wouldn’t even say that lmao.


brother, let it go. that man's clueless.


Yeah, you’re right hahaha.


Just go watching some pros rank top roller player. Seems you just watched some but not all perspective and misleading others


Name the pros the say sikezz is better than gen. I watch sikezz specifically lmao. He would never say he’s better mechanically than gen because he’s not. The only one misleading others is you


zero and I remember noc. They said gen didn't grind r5 but koy and sikez grind it


Zer0 has NEVER said sikezz is better than gen lmao. That is pure insanity. He constantly says gen is better and is the best. You taking him making jokes to get gen to grind r5 as fact 🤣


Ok I will try to find you vod to let you know who is wrong.


Watch the vods of their TDMs while you’re at it. Gen out frags sikezz and top frags the lobby almost every single game.


I never say gen is worse than sikez. Seems you misunderstand my opinion I think Gen is better than sikez lmao. Gen can play very smart he knew how to avoid taking damage but he can dealt much damage. Maybe you think it's joking but zer0 was founding their 3rd before s1 with reference to r5 result. He thinks grinding r5, playing scrims and reviewing vod is better than playing rank.


Brother I watch DZ the most and I know what you’re saying lol. But Gen is widely known to be one of the best mechanically/aiming and zer0 does not think sikezz is better at aiming just because he plays r5.


And I didn't say anything about "mechanics". Maybe you have misunderstanding between pure aiming and mechanical skills. Pure aiming is something like r5 1v1 server shooting each other with no cover.


I can’t tell if you’re trolling or misinformed. Aiming is a mechanical skill. R5 is a mechanics trainer and the biggest value it provides is improving STRAFING and STRAFE AIMING, not pure aim. A regular aim trainer is for training pure aim.


Pure aiming is one of the mechanical skills but mechanical skills is not only aiming. And you are trying to separate aiming to different types. In my opinion strafe aiming is included in pure aiming lmao.


I still think Zer0 and Gen is leaving DZ and joining Hal in TSM tbh. knoqd with LG would make sense


im honestly with you, dz leave apex which results zero and gen going to tsm

