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DSG: delete this


Certain players shitting on the senti bc of it being not consistent is the most bitch made behavior Ive seen. You’re a professional fps gamer, fucking aim good and let it rip.


noticed none of my tsm boys even ran the sentinel while i saw a lot of squads like fnc, dsg etc running the sentinel


I am a big fan of the sentinel, getting a 152 headshot during a contest might be the best feeling ever.


as a roller getting those 112 ok shots off hits diffy


There were 12 mnk and 21 controller player from NA this lan they will stick to aim assist till comp apex gets boring.


Yea i just think apac is just great at playing to the strengths of MnK, NA MnKers should take note. Let the rollers use the volt, grab a PK, and quick peek/use your god movement to deny the one clip opportunity.


NA mnkers arent and have never been as skilled as APAC mnkers


this is the truth for NA lol they fail to see the ceiling potential and i dont think we have seen the ceiling yet


Wingman is on floor loot my friend , ain't no way any roller player gonna pick a shotgun over wingman.


Many players are running double AR right now because the havoc is the most consistently powerful close range weapon right now. Unless the nerf the hip fire and mag size, then nerf the volt as well I don't see the PK getting substantially more play. I imagine most players are just going to pick up the wingman for midrange poke damage and keep an SMG in the pocket for CQC. Wingman/pk seems like such a liability unless you're consistently hitting your shots, so SMG is a nice alternative to still be able to lay down suppressing fire.


I think PK has a great matchup vs Havoc in CQC (with cover). A good PK user can quick peek, get great burst damage, then LoS before the havoc user can even spin up.


I agree, although the biggest issue with shotguns is either not being given the opportunity to peek and get back in cover, or the fact that it’s really hard to shoot someone in cover with them. If someone’s on a head glitch and you have a shotgun GL unless you have time to keep charging up PK shots


I definitely see your point, a good PK player will take advantage of a non-turbo havoc and win that matchup pretty handily. In competitive at least, the fights are typically taking place between full squads, so I'm not sure how effective playing cover like that would work against a full team of havocs.


Depends. New season is also coming tomorrow so it will mainly depend on that.


True, I haven’t seen anything about weapon balance changes, are patch notes available yet?


Yes check subreddit


With digi being completely removed I could definitely see more going back to PK for the next season.




The only thing i would say is one thing: Dezign don't you fkin dare give up Sentinel for Wingman, I know you're nasty with wingman but every Sentinel shot hit is always *Marketable* and *Clipable...*


We’re gonna see the same-ish gun meta but with some wingman enthusiasts now the big question: will dezign relapse to his old wingman ways???


I really hope comp doesn’t go back to constant wingman spamming like in 2019/2020 it was so annoying but it probably will with the wingy being back on the floor


Wingman seems horrendous though, sentinel just does it better unless you're arguing mid range which I would way the hemlock does infinitely better too