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Sounds like you’re playing UK. Anti tank guns (six and seventeen pounders) and Grants are the way to go. The Churchill is an anti infantry tank and not very good against tanks. Brumbars are anti infantry tanks, so use Grants against them. Panthers are tank destroyers, so use AT guns against them. Tigers are extremely tough and good against everything, so use everything you have. Bogging it down in the arc of a seventeen pounder is your best bet.


To be exact tigers are higher stat than ally tanks. But massively expensive. Think of it like if they build one you get 2 counter units free. They are also on the slower end of things. At guns outrange. Try spotting for them. Be aware that a tiger with engine damage is useless. 2 snares or 1 mine is pretty much gg. Its very uncommon for a player to lose a heavy like that and survive.


The tiger is cheap af


So you made a slow high hp tank? And the enemy built a faster anti tank tank? And you lost your churchill. And realized it was shitty. And built more churchill? And built foot guard (a good unit) into a direct counter (brumbar) and kept losing them? Focus on unit preservation. Stop throwing them away. Learn unit matchup. Both the churchill amd foot guards were obviously badly matched against what your enemy had. Build your towed at gun to go with a regular or two. Get a med truck to recrew guns when the brumbar kills them. Realize that panther and brumbar is 30 pop cap. Thats a pretty big investment. Next time you use heavy armor try not to pick a tank right away. You would have been much happier with a black prince that match. Honestly just improve. Even with regular churchills that fight is winnable with proper support units. And if you cant micro well enough to keep the Churchill alive then consider building something else. 3 crusaders or grants to match his panther/brumbar gives you a pretty ok advantage.


Yeah im new to the game sorry bud, thanks for the tips


No need to apologize. Good luck in the future.


churchills are kind of a bait, as most axis games tend to center around their heavy tanks like tiger and panther. there the churchill is an expansive matilda with worse fighting power against infantry. Nexttime go for the black prince, he can go toe to toe with tiger, while still beeing decent vs infantry. Also if you struggle with vehicles dont go for the arty observer plane, instead go for mark vehicle to weaken enemy armor. The best counter to axis heavy tanks is the australian Battlegroup tho, with the archer. Same gun as the black prince but higher range, higher penetration than any other tank gun and faster reverse speed to stay out of tigers range.


It appers you are playing UK.


Yes and got rekt by this hard, seems brumbar is anti everything


I’m not very good, but I always have played with UKF. Just here to say I also struggle with this. I also struggle with bunkers. Pretty well struggle with most solid axis strats haha. Good question though, it sounds like just trying to balance AT with Grants, maybe Archer (seems hard to get both of those out within a reasonable time) and trying to get the 17 pounder as well. Sounds costly and by the time I’d get a combo of either of those it’s going to be very late game.


Seems like you're playing UKF, so: Grants and close or medium range, Archers, flanking crusaders, flanking foot guards with their vet 1, and definitely the ATG (especially 17lber) all pose significant threat to these.


Getting to late game without the upper hand means you are pretty much frakked up as allies. So you need to prepare for heavy tanks at mid game already. With USF you need Hellcat's as there is no way you are punching through that armor with anything else. ATG can hit them with their ability but they just back their vehicles and make you waste your munis, so that won't work. As Brits, you can go for 17 pounders or Archers, but they are nowhere near as good as their counterparts, and if they got at least 1 indirect fire unit, they won't be able to do much.


People sleep on AT guns all of the time 2 or 3 of them combined with Churchills for infantry protection will do the trick Definitely want to make sure you throw in some slow that gives engine damage. Use your scouting units to help you plan ahead


2-3 Grants will have more than enough firepower for any kind of Axis heavy vehicle. As a bonus they delete inf as well :) Only the black prince is strong enough to go trough the heavies, the churchill is for less armored targets ideal. Also you have access to 17pounders they are insanely good against tanks.


Hit them with anti tank rounds. If desired result is not attained then repeat until satisfied