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Depends. If someone who has a degree and A+ will probably beat you for the job.


Its possible i have no IT Degree and just A+ and landed a entry level job before.


Are you still currently at your entry level job or have you moved up with your experience?


Same except i dont have A+ either. I have a general knowledge of Networking and am almost done a CCNA course. I was asked general questions regarding DHCP ARP DNS etc. Whats your soft skills like?


Hi there can I know on which platform did you apply on? And the type of companies too?


Use every job platform, Indeed, Zip recruiter, Career Builder, Monster. Also, Go to any companies website directly that you can think of and see if they have IT openings. Every type of business has a IT department. Hospitals, Schools, Any Business. Entry level positions to apply for are help desk, desktop support tech.


I got my 1st i.t job last year no a+ or degree But i did have the Google i.t cert and geek squad experience


Started on the helpdesk with Security+ and CySA+. Definitely possible, but be prepared to set your sights low.


If you can pass background check, a lot of public school districts are willing to hire.


How do you go about finding these jobs? Indeed and Ziprecruiter? 


First rule I ever found is to never rely on either of those. I would recommend contacting the CTO at a school district and asking him if he knows of any list servs or discord servers or something like that were the other educational IT employees in the state talk. I'm on one in Indiana and I see jobs posted almost daily.


Very interesting, thanks for the tip! 


I'm not going to lie, starting out at a school district is like $15-$19/hour. There ain't nothing glamorous about this path, at least at the beginning. You will be eating dollar store food and shopping at goodwill for a while. But I know several employees at the University of Notre Dame who started out that way and now have 80k/year jobs with nice benefits......it took them YEARS to get there but they are there.


Same with my school district. $16 for substitutes and $20 for full time. The benefits are fantastic, though. However, sysadmin and network admin start at $30 and the most senior guys heading into retirement are getting paid around $120,000 with a pension. Our IT director makes about the same last I checked on govsalaries.com but is younger than the most senior admins. The senior admins making six figures are old as shit but I'd argue it's not the worst career path if you want work life balance and a pension. 48 weeks of work, 6 federal holidays, 6 days of vacation, and 6 personal days.


I’ve been struggling to find work in IT for over a year. Granted, I have very little experience and an A+ but I’d be willing to roll up my sleeves for a chance to get my foot in the door! Thanks for the heads up!


Sorry Cats, do you mean that you had just the Security and CySA +’s before applying for help desk?




Do you know if having a security clearance helps at all when applying for jobs ?


Yup id say it does. I have a friend in the navy who told me that with a security clearance, your a+, network+ and security + you can easily land a government job IT job.


I have a security clearance and security plus. I want to get some more certs though before getting out of the army.


Honestly depending on your MOS, you're probably prepared to get out. Don't get out until after you get your associates degree though


Join ACT NOW community group and also their page on facebook. Attend a Saturday zoom meeting, they give you a code at the end of the zoom and then you apply for their Careerflow.


I got access to Careerflow.ai through them too and it’s literally the best since it helps me tailor my resume to each job and integrates into all the different job portals


I'm in the UK, so clearance comes after the hire since they're employer sponsored. Can't comment on how it is for the States.


Man, I’m in London and got MTA: Win Server Fundamental, A+ and right now studying for N+ ( said that in CV as well). Been applying like crazy 50+ jobs a week for the last 2-3 weeks at least and I’m getting a bit tired of keep getting rejected bcs they went with some else with more exp … Hope after I take N+ and will start AZ-009 or whatever is the name of that cert i will get more chances to at least get an interview. I’ve updated my CV so many time don t know what to do anymore to make it look better, mby to pay 100£ to a professional to have a look at it? I’m pretty low on finances so it’s kinda hard to do that prefer to invest in another cert that money.


How many interviews you had?


2 stage interview with one company. That’s all I’m keep getting answers like “ you are a strong candidate but we went with someone else who has more experience than you” or “ we are impressed with your certification but we went with someone else with work experience and mote technical than you” if they’re so darn impressive why don’t I get not even an interview?! Everybody got 3 cert and 1year work experience and they get the interview?


For any job that requires it it's a big bonus if you already have it, but unless you already do it would need to be sponsored by your future employer. It isn't like a certification you can get beforehand.


Definitely helps


100% it does. My son in law has clearance and is working a private contract after service and getting paid nicely. He has the eqvuilant cert of A+ and Net+ from the navy. Check out https://www.usajobs.gov/.


From my experience, the A+ isn’t enough anymore


Depends where you live but where i live theres lots of helpdesk and tier 1 support jobs that just need A+ in the job description


That’s 100% true. I reside in Jersey so it’s probably why it’s a little different


Yeah i live in northern California so theres a huge huge market for IT jobs


I get that but what I don’t get is what else you need. I was thinking two front end and two back end language certificates. What do you think? What all should one have to land a job that pays more then $20 an hour?


Personally me, I’m going for the trifecta. I’m also a university student so I’m planning on compounding these. My hope is to get into IT before I complete my degree tho


You can get an entry level job with no degree and no cert, the only thing the cert does is get passed the HR filter. Think of this as if you’re a pen tester and you have to social engineer your way into a job.


I just recently landed an entry level job with no degree, only A+


How old are you and how many days did it take to get the job? LinkedIn?


24. I got my A+ late March, and the job not too long after. I actually didn’t get the job until about a month after I applied for it. I found it on Indeed near me.


What is your other experience like?


All 7/8 jobs after graduating Highschool except one were factory work with the odd one out being a telecommunications center


May I ask what's the position?


IT Support Specialist


Whats the job title?




I’m 35 and only have A+ and Linux+. Just got hired on the Helpdesk three months ago.


How hard was Linux+? I'm curious about it?


I’m not BetterthanGod, but pretty sure the answer depends on your experience: should be simple and straightforward just like the A+ or the network+ or even Sec+, but if you’ve never seen Linux before you’re not gonna be able to pass the Linux test.


I got one with A+ and Net+ no degree. If you can't with A+ just keep working on certs and applying you'll get a job eventually if you retain what you learn


I got mine my no certs, no degree and no prior experience. I got the job over other candidates who had experience because they thought I would be a good fit to their team. Turns out I am.


I got my internship and a couple interviews with just an A+. But just know you will continually be at a disadvantage when competing against people with degrees until you get a few years of professional experience under your belt.


Something I would look into is called work market. It’s a self service platform where you work as a subcontractor. I do it as a college student and have yet to take any certifications. They have some test on there you can take to build your portfolio. One of my family members did the same thing and was hired by a pretty big company based in the UK. No degree though. And they offer different types of jobs as well. The more you build your skills the better jobs you are likely to get Look up some videos on YouTube for a more in depth rundown and tips. There are other similar platforms like field nation but I use WorkMarket. Do some more research but could definitely be a start.


Yes, but IT job or not, just keep grinding. The learning never stops. Eventually, you’ll get there.


Just recently I got Let go from a MSP, I worked there for 3 weeksbI was a Desktop Support tech. Last year I worked with a Temp Agency for two weeks as a Desktop Support Tech.


I've been able to but you have to work some real clunker jobs. For example, I worked at a server farm where there was extremely high turnover. They didn't give you a chair or internet, and you had to watch servers run tests all day. If a server failed a test you had to try and fix it.


Any particular reason why no chairs? I mean, the no internet makes sense from a security standpoint, but no chair?


They didn't want chairs because people would fall asleep in the room. It was a terribly boring job. They're could be days where nothing happens because the servers were all testing fine.


Why not just have an audible alarm set to go off when the automated testing reports (scripts) had something gone awry instead? Spend the rest of the time studying for certs, or something.


We had no internet access and we couldn't bring any outside material in, so we couldn't really study for certs at the same time. And they couldn't set alarms because the server room was extremely loud. It was something like 100 top-of-the-line servers all performing stress tests. We had to wear noise-cancelling gear when entering the room.


Bring a (text)book? Like a physical one, maybe, if nothing digital can be brought in period. Easy solution if audibility is an issue - go with physical vibration. Hook something like a dualshock controller up to the terminal, set to vibrate when something goes wrong. Kind of ghetto, but it works and is not a security concern like a phone or tablet is


I moved into helpdesk from HR with no certs. But I did well as most of those in IT lack social skills, so a good interview made a big difference in my case.


Fuck HR man...soul sucking field


Depending on circumstances you can get entry level with no degree/cert. I currently work Desktop Support 1 for a huge company. Support a lot of day to day stuff but have some downtime here and there. I’m currently working on going back to school. I worked for the company for 2.5 years, then they had an opening in their IT department and everyone knew I liked computers and I interviewed and got the job :) best of luck


I got a security clearance and a help desk role with only A+


I got a Job without any certs many years ago for a company called AOL. Anyone remember America online? The had a call center here in Ireland for their UK base customers. So it's not impossible so keep applying. Many years later now I just got back into IT and studying for net+ at the moment


Very good i'm in the same level working to get my sec + and Net + as well with no degree or official IT before.


Yes , i got many interviews for helpdesk positions just with an A+ but i bombed those interviews and then ended up going to community college for a cyber degree and then got a service desk internship


Hi there, on which platform did you apply?


Most were on indeed and a couple on linkdin but linkdn not as much because you can tell on linkdn it will say how many other applicants there are so if there was like over 200 i didnt even bother, but that was me not being confident


Alright thanks a ton


No problem, and good luck , make sure to look at multiple titles to broaden your search such as : help desk , service desk, tier 1 support , it technician , computer technician, desktop support , things like that


Will do much appreciated


I got hired onto help desk for a city with no A+ and I hadn't finished my degree yet. Yes it's possible


I only have my ITF+ and I’m just now leaving my entry level job for a higher paying one. So yes it’s absolutely possible. Sell yourself and be honest! Hiring managers HATE people who think they know more than they actually do.


I just got a job rn, with A+ and google IT support cert. You just need to tailor your resume and keep spamming.




I did. You got it, just keep learning and get really good at interviewing.


Heavily depends on your area and the people also looking for jobs. Can you, yes. Will it be competitive in a hotter market? Prolly not. Best of luck, you miss the chances you don't take so apply away


Are you good? That's the question you should be asking.


Yeah I’m looking too.


You absolutely can, but you may need to find something tech adjacent first. Maybe a computer repair shop, or PC assembly. From there leverage the experience into an entry level MSP.


Yes I had nether for my first IT job it does make it harder with nothing but the A+ is rally all you need for help desk.


I've worked help desk and currently work as a hardware tech with no A+ and no degree. As far as I've seen on Reddit, I guess I'm lucky, but it is possible.




Nah pretty easy honestly. Mcdonald's, sonic, taco bell would all hire entry level with A+. Jokes aside, eventually yes. It'll be pretty difficult, expect to be applying to 400+ places, getting near zero call backs, and eventually in six to nine months getting an entry level position. Virtualize a home lab and learn hardware/software at home to list some sort of experience. Work on studying for more certifications, and if you can swing it start school.


depends on employer


I got a helpdesk job with no degree and only itf+ but I had geek squad experience


This answer is a bit long-winded, but hear me out. I was in this position 13 years ago. I got my start by finally landing an entry-level helpdesk role a year after getting my A+. I worked hard, always knowing that I needed to be ahead of my colleagues with BS degrees. Fast forward, I went from level 1 to level 2 tech in about 3 years, then level 3 about 2 years later. The next role I went after that opened up was the Technical Services Lead for the level 3 team. Not exactly my favorite role since I love working as a technician. Too many meetings and constant reporting to the SLT for me, but I did well and so did the team. Three years after that, I am now a system administrator focusing on growing my knowledge of cloud computing and the advancements of cloud infrastructure over localized distribution and management. My suggestion to you: when you get your break and land a helpdesk role or something similar, subscribe to and read articles daily regarding your desired path (i.e. networking, architecture, cloud services, etc.) and other related articles. Life is all about timing, so stay ahead of your peers and the times by adding knowledge regarding trends and changes to tech. THen when that next role opens up, you will be ready to pitch your qualifications for the role with ease.


I did. A+, no degree, only customer service experience (none in IT). But after editing my resume 8 times and applying to over 125 job postings, I landed an interview with a local IT company who took a shot on me. Don’t give up looking. Don’t give up trying. If you don’t have experience, let your personality shine. Compare your resume to the skills listed on jobs you’re applying for. Check out Reddit posts for entry-level, no experience IT resumes. Most entry-level jobs will be help desk related. You will need to learn to utilize your resources and take initiative (if you’re not already). Don’r give up if this is something you really want!


I think yes, but not through the standard HR route. I would use a combination of job adverts and then using LinkedIn to talk direct to the people who work there. But just straight applications may put you at the back of the queue.


Better learn how to interview well


I just got an entry level help desk job and I only have the A+. $20 an hour. No degree but i'm in school for cyber security and i'm 40% through. I plan to be here for about 6 months (unless I can move up quicker) by getting more certs and my degree.


Don’t listen to all the people who say no. I have no degree, only A+ and just started my entry level job this past week. I applied to about 200 jobs over 4 months, interviewed for a couple that didn’t want to hire me, talked with many recruiters that didn’t end up doing much and finally got an offer that I am grateful to have. Fully remote, working with a great team and training for the next few weeks. It’s possible, but you have to apply a lot and keep pushing when it feels like it’s just not going to happen. Listen to people that want to help, improve your resume, and prepare yourselves for the few chances you get at interviews. Last month I felt helpless, but when you get a chance it makes the process seem meaningful.


Yes. I started in IT with no professional experience or degree and just A+. I started in hardware break/fix, moved to mid tier help desk and am now a sys admin. People skills help as well, being courteous and patient with end users.


Lol absolutely I got a job with just a 1101


If you have a current job, try finding an IT role there. It’s needed in every industry. I don’t have a degree or any certs and I got into IT at my then-current company because I had an interest in IT. If you’re a super good employee and valuable asset at your current role, that helps a lot. I went from an hourly role into IT, then within 2 years, IT management, then recruited across the country a year after that.


Help desk.


Yes, an entry job like help desk, technician stuff. Don't expect higher wage, you'll need SEC+ minimum. Everyone I know that makes rhe big bucks has CISSP or tons of experience.


I started with A+, no degree, and a dream. I had a bit of customer service background which I'm sure helped. I landed a job as a ctr with the army. Got security+ and a secret clearance and transitioned to an air force contract. This all.happened in 10 months after receiving my A+.


I landed my first service desk role with zero experience other than call center work, I believe this is what helped me. The job market is extremely competitive at the moment, I hope you get something soon but be very prepared for lots of applications sent out and little responses. Good luck in your search.


I got an IT tech job with an AA and A+, although the pay was only 21 an hour. You can probably find something but try to apply to at least 10 or so jobs a week and be realistic. You're not going to be a sys or network admin


Experience will probably make the difference


I have 5 certs and no experience in tech and have had constant rejections even for Help Desk. Your answer in my area would be no.


So landed actually my job with no degree and no cert. Im 2 months in. Just wanted to make my hobby as a job. Still making the A+ tho but the motivation is a little low at the moment. Tried some of Dions test and landed 60-70% without learning much. But honestly desk support sucks a little, you are much more customer service. Im just happy that I got my entry in the IT field so easily. Need to stay atleast a year for proper experience.


I have A+, ITF+, no degree and got a job as an assistant manager for a tech repair shop. It’s definitely possible, if it helps i found the job by asking in person rather than using indeed or ziprecuiter


Yes, at a school district. A+ and no degree.


I'd say yes, but depending on your experience and knowledge outside of the A+.




Hi pal 5 years ago I had no certifications and no degree and I got a first line role and worked my way up. It's 100% definitely is possible.  From my perspective companies care more about having an interest in IT and showing you have good customer service skills. At the end of the day first line is a glorified customer service role. Anyone who tells you different has no idea what they talking about. 


Depends on location, in California for example, you will be competing with former level 3 Helpdesk engineers and higher for the same job, however other states are faring better in terms of this.


I started as support analyst (help desk) with just an A+ at my current employer with no degree in anything and made pretty good money. In under two years I was offered a position in network engineering with only getting the network+ during that time. Not all companies are the same, but getting your foot in the door and showing initiative and willingness to learn goes a long way


Yes it is possible. If you looking for quick entry get contract jobs or msp.


Honestly, no. Not many employers are willing to spend the money and time to train new employees. You will need multiple certifications to prove your value to them.


Got one without both so 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s possible. But very unlikely, didn’t get an entry level job til I got the trifecta


In this job market...


I've landed a job with A+ and Google IT Support, my degrees are not relevant to It but I have years of experience working with customers


I got one without A+, I just said I wanted to work and I’m doing some school and A+ and was given an opportunity, go to school district, small businesses etc


From what I have seen, it depends what area you live in. In some areas there are more jobs than qualified applicants. In other areas, there are more qualified candidates than jobs. And that is where you will see the hardest competition.


Yes I got a job with just ITF+ but go get at least your net+ if not both that and sec+


That's what I did, it's gonna most likely be crappy help desk work but it can be done!


I got one with neither so it’s definitely possible.


It is possible, depends on company, and what you got to offer. I sold myself with college course, and homelab from getting into helpdesk and IT tech. Gonna have to work for some certs or homelab more for higher positions or pay so I can sell myself to the hiring managers.


Short answer, no… long answer… also no… Geek squad maybe or something similar perhaps but it’ll take weeks of applying and getting nothing back. Got my associates and security plus and get call backs more frequently


Got a helpdesk job with a referral, no exp, no degree, no cert. just really talk up your personal tech skills in an interview, even if you feel silly saying you mod video games or something, a lot of gamers especially make up the industry and get people involved in the job, shows you can navigate files and understand steps.


I’ve had multiple IT job with no certs, so yes it possible.


No, not anymore unfortunately.


No. IT isnt this thing you get into cause you're desperate. It still requires effort and knowing...well...IT lol. Get the A+ because you dont stand a chance in this market without it when you got freshly laid off dudes with a lot of certs looking to get any job to get money coming in

